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2x05 Simon Said

Mrs Ackles
dean le tombeur
Evil Sushi
11 participants

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12x05 Simon Said Empty 2x05 Simon Said Jeu 24 Aoû 2006 - 19:03



Voici le 5ème épisode de la saison d'après Spoilerfix

Episode 2.05: Simon Said

Arrow Dean cheerfully gives the Impala to Andy.
Arrow Sam's visions lead them to Andy, another 'chosen one'. Dean falls victim to Andy's powers, allowing Sam, who can't be affected, to hear his brother's buried fears. Realizing that, Sam asks his brother to let them go ahead while they rescue Tracy, the victim of Andy's previously unknown twin. Webber's abilities, with control far superior to both Sam and Andy, could spell doom for Dean.
Arrow The brothers meet Andy Gillette, a modern-day hippie near Sam's age with the ability to control minds. His sudden change from rather small influences, such as convincing people to 'loan' him their cars, attracts attention.


22x05 Simon Said Empty Re: 2x05 Simon Said Ven 25 Aoû 2006 - 21:42



Merci Cris pour ces infos.

Sam and Dean are having a conversation regarding the Demon and his “plans” for Sam. Dean shrugs off his brother’s attempt to discuss it, and Sam persists. Sam says that maybe this is part of the plan and that maybe WE are all a bunch of psychic freaks and he continues that they are all supposed to be something, although he doesn’t follow through and rather the sentence dies off because Dean interrupts him.

Dean fills in the blank where Sam left it and questions if Sam really believes that he is meant to be a killer. He argues that Sam is no such thing, but Sam points out that the last time he checked, he did kill a lot of things.

Dean validates it saying that they are asking for it, and it’s not the same. Sam’s attention is elsewhere, however, as something outside has caught his eye. He merely says ‘got him’.

On the Street

A man in his early twenties, Andy Gillette, exits a townhouse style apartment and steps onto the curb. His appearance is disheveled and he’s wearing sweats, slippers, and an open kimono.

A gorgeous women, clearly older than Andy and scantly clad, is hanging out of the first floor apartment window, waving at Andy. We get the gist of what went down, and Andy simply gives her the peace sign and shuffles down the block.

On his way from the building a business man with a cup of coffee crosses Andy’s path, and we see as Andy addresses him, the man halts and gives his coffee to Andy without so much of a thought, doing it almost gladly.

The Impala

Dean and Sam have been watching the whole turn of events with Andy and the coffee dude, and Dean gives Sam a look that clearly declares this is not what they were expecting.

On the Street (later?)

A man, Dr. Jennings, emerges from a building, the assumption is that it’s his office. Andy walks right up to the man and they chat it up as if old friends before heading off in separate ways.

The Impala

Dean and Sam are obviously stalking this dude Andy because they are watching this whole exchange between the doctor and Andy. Sam says that’s the man from his vision, pointing out Dr. Jenning’s and Dean tells him to keep on him. He’ll take Andy.

Sam jumps out the Impala and takes to trailing the doctor.

EXT. Another Street….

Andy’s strolling down the street without a care in the world, Dean is inconspicuously at his heels. A nice looking chic passes Andy’s way as she exits her apartment building. Andy gives the chic a second glance, then taps her on the shoulder asking an unheard question.

The girl nods cheerily, then takes Andy’s hand leading him back into the apartment building.

Dean shakes his head, but he’s somewhere between down right awe and ick.

EXT. City Street (From Vision)

Dr. Jennings is on a walk of sorts. Sam’s trailing the man for the across street. Jennings turns a quick corner, and Sam moves to follow.

A loud screech is heard as traffic beeps and swerves as Sam’s working to keep up with the doctor. And a big blue bus honks loudly…….

EXT. Another Street….

Andy finally exits the chic’s apartment. Dean’s at the curb, leaning against his car, semi-reading a paper while he keeps watch. He keeps “reading” until Andy is directly in front of him then he decides to look up.

Andy compliments Dean’s ride and tells Dean the ’67 was the best year for the Impala if you were to ask him. Dean tells Andy how he just rebuilt her, but you just can’t let a car like that go.

Agreeing with a ‘damn straight, Andy then proceeds to ask Dean if he can have it.

Dean smiles and tosses over the keys. <side note---something is seriously wrong here>

EXT. street (From Vision)

The big blue bus from early makes a reprise, almost colliding with Dr. Jennings. The man looks like he’s lost---or forgotten something, and walks away. Sam exhales in relief that he’s okay but then blaring music pierces his ears and he turns to see the Impala cruising down the street with Andy behind the wheel---all the while chatting on his cell phone.

Sam’s reaction is meant to resemble WTF and who could blame him.

Impala—Orchard Street

It’s stakeout time. The Impala is in an alley, safely hidden from view, but with a perfect view of a van across the street. Dean’s finishing off his meal of a soggy chicken sandwich of a regrettable variety. He crumples up the wrapper and chews on while he starts a convo with Sam.

He comments that someday he’d like to eat something not from a mini mart. Sam doesn’t give a response, merely shifts through the stack of papers he has in his hands, his research.

After a bit, Sam brings up the issue of motive and how he doesn’t see why Andy would want to kill the Dr. Dean says it might not be Andy, but Sam shuts him down saying that the doctor was mind—controlled in front of a bus, and Andy just happens to have that ability.

Dean’s upset now, and it seems almost unexplainable. He tells Sam that he’s not right about this. That he can’t be right about this. Sam asks what that’s supposed to mean, and Dean continues on saying Andy has got to be innocent and that’s all there is to it.

Before Sam can reply, there’s a sharp knock on the window and both boys startle to see Andy peering in on them.

Andy asks if they honestly thought he didn’t see them watching him and Sam starts in with a tale about how he and Dean are lawyers and are in fact relatives of Andy’s.

Andy’s voice changes to a steady firmness, the change is notable, as he commands the boys to tell the truth.

Sam says he is, and Dean blurts out that they hunt demons. Andy gives a stunned “what?” and Sam is in full blown shock, but before anything can be done, Dean keeps going. He tells Andy the hunt ghosts and demons and things your worst nightmares wouldn’t touch. He also admits Sam’s his brother.

Sam tells him to shut up, and Dean says he’s trying, but then keeps going. He says that Sam’s a psychic kind of like Andy, and that Sam thinks Andy’s a murderer and is afraid he’ll become one too.

Despite himself, Sam resigns to listen to Dean’s ramble without interruption. Dean admits that Andy and Sam are part of something terrible and that he hopes Sam’s wrong ‘cause he’s getting scared that Sam could be right.

Andy’s got more than he bargained for and he backs away from the car, telling the boys to leave him alone.

Dean nods sympathetically, and tells Andy absolutely. Anything to prevent more truth in his mind. Sam gets out of the car.

EXT. Alley

Andy’s confused by Sam, as he’s never been defied, but is more terrified at the moment seeing as the younger Winchester is stalking slowly over to him. He tells Sam to leave him alone, Sam keeps walking, and then Andy instructs him again to get in the car and drive as far away as possible.

Realization hits Sam, and he informs Andy that it looks like his trick doesn’t work on him. Andy plays dumb and Sam elaborates revealing that he knows Andy can make people do things and tell them what to think. Andy tells him that he’s crazy, and Sam persists, going as far to say that it all must’ve started a year ago, after Andy turned 22.

Andy’s stunned, and asks how Sam knows all of this. Sam replies that the same thing happened to him, tells him about his mother, then tells Andy that they’re connected in some way.

Andy backs away, and tells Sam that he really needs to just leave him alone. As he’s turning to leave though, Sam’s next statement halts him when Sam asks why Andy wanted Dr. Jennings in front of that bus.

We get a “what?” from Andy and Sam winces a little as a flare of a headache fires up. He shakes it off and asks why Andy killed him.

Before an answer is given ,Sam sways as a migraine lays hold—it’s a vision.

VISION---Ext. Gas station

A women in her forties , career type, gets out of her SUV, starts to fill her tank. Her cell phone rings and she answers it. We hear her say hello then that she can do that, before she hangs up.

She suffers a bit of dizziness like Jennings, then leans into her car and pops the dash lighter. The woman pulls the nozzle from the tank and starts dousing herself in gasoline.

EXT. Alley.

Sam and Andy are in the alley together waiting for Dean. Andy is amazed at what he’s hearing. He says it’s impossible for Sam to have visions of people dying. Sam points out that a lot of people would say the same thing about Andy’s ability, and the other man agrees.

He comments that death visions must suck, Sam doesn’t disagree, and Andy continues saying that when he first found out about his “gift” it was like winning the lottery. Sam interrupts him pointing out that the dude still lives in a van, and that if he could get whatever he wanted, why settle.

Andy shrugs and tells Sam he has everything he needs. Sam’s warming up the guy, sees him as just a naïve kid caught in the cross fires. The roar of the Impala thwarts any further discussion and Dean’s out of the car urgent with news.

He has the victims name—Holly Best, she’s 41 and single. Sam asks Andy who she is, and he says he never heard of her. Dean says that he called Ash, and that Ash turned up something. Holly Best gave birth when she was 18. In 1983—the same day Andy was born.

Sam asks if Andy was adopted, and Andy says he doesn’t think so, but he’s never known his mom because she died in a fire when he was a baby. Dean offers that maybe she died in a fire tonight.

Dean informs them that Ash tried to get into the birth records, but they are sealed and only available hard copy. They are stored at the country office and are hard to get in to. Andy laughs and tells the boys “screw that”.

County Record Office---that night

Sam, Dean and Andy are surrounded by files on every side as they sit at a long table shifting through them all, behind them an elderly security guard looks a bit disoriented. He comments that he shouldn’t of let them in, and Andy doesn’t even look up as he instructs the man to go get some coffee and that it’ll be okay. The guard leaves without a word.

Local Airport—night

The Impala pulls up and parks behind a warehouse. All three get out of the car, and Sam tells Dean he’s got to hang back. Dean nods and heads to the trunk, declaring no problem seeing as his head’s been screwed with enough for the day. Dean opens the trunk and starts compiling the duffle bag.

Andy turns to Sam and tells him he wants to come. Sam tells him its too dangerous, but Andy argues that its Tracy out there and he’s coming.

Webber’s car:

Close up on Tracy, she’s unbuttoning her shirt with trembling hands. Webber tells her to go slower and she complies, she’s about halfway down now.

Webber creepily tells Tracy to listen real carefully. He tells her that after he’s done, he wants her to climb a fence that is right outside the car, the razor wire at the top glimmers wickedly in the runway lights.

Webber tells her not to worry about cutting herself, it won’t matter and once she’s up there to wait until a plane comes up. He warns her that she may be scared, but that’s when she has to remind herself that everything is going to be okay.

Out of no where, the car window smashes and a flashlight beam shines in Webber’s startled eyes. Sam commands Webber to get out of the car. Webber tries to use his mind trick and tell Sam that he doesn’t want to make him get out of the car, but Sam slams the butt of his gun down into the man’s mouth leaving the man gasping and gibbering incoherently.

Andy runs over to the passenger side, helps Tracy out of the car. She falls into his arms and he hugs her grateful that she’s okay. Tracy asks what happened, and says she couldn’t control herself.

Back to Sam who is busy pinning Webber to the ground. Webber is struggling against him, and Sam beats him into submission—literally. He punches Webber then proceeds to lift up the man’s head, blood and spittle dribble from the man’s mouth and Sam places a good bit of duct tape over it, before dropping his head back to the pavement.

Andy barrels over, completely livid. He kicks Webber, with a threat to kill him as he continues to kick him. Sam intervenes, pulling Andy back. Andy starts fighting Sam, and during there scuffle Webber lifts his head and narrows his eyes.

As Sam and Andy continue to fight, a hand reaches down and picks up a scrap 2 X 4, lifting it out of a frame. We see that is it Tracy right before she brings the board at a crashing speed to the back of Sam’s skull.

Sam goes down hard and gun skitters away from his grasp. Tracy is about to hit him again, when Andy grabs her and commands her to stop. She goes completely still and drops the plank. But her eyes tell us she’s horrified at what Andy just did. Andy releases his grip and Tracy falls to her knees sobbing.

Webber gets to his feet, ripping the duct tape off. Andy asks him how he was able to do that with his mind. Webber replies that its practice, “bro”. And that if Andy would’ve practiced he would’ve found out he didn’t have to speak. He could do it with his mind, and sometimes the headache is worth it.

Andy’s pissed, and he proceeds to call Webber a twisted son-of-a-bitch. But Webber stops his advance—threatening to make Tracy off herself.

Andy tries to reason with Webber, his brother, with affection. Webber tells him not to be mad at him, because he didn’t mean for it to turn out this way, and well Tracy was going to take Andy from him.

Andy tells him that he’s insane, and Webber continues on. Webber says that Tracy’s garbage and that they all are because he and Andy can control them. He tells Andy he loves him but its time for him to get off his ass.

Andy asks if Webbers really that stupid, because if you want to meet up with your long lost twin you call him up and go for a drink, not start killing people.

Webber replies that he wanted to tell Andy, so many times, but HE wouldn’t let him, because HE said that Webber had to teach Andy things about life, and about them…

Andy asks who’s the HE Webber’s referring too, and excitedly Webber declares HE to be the Man with Yellow Eyes. He tells Andy that when he started to discover his power he kind of freaked and didn’t know what to do but then the man showed up and said that he was special. He also told him about Andy.

With the new found knowledge, Andy inquires why Webber thought it necessary to kill their mother and Dr. Jennings. Webber tells him that they got in the way by splitting them up and ruined their lives. He couldn’t let them get away with that.

Andy throws a sideways glance at Sam’s gun in the dirt.

Further out---rooftop

Dean crawls up, sniper rifle in tow and gets into sighting position. Webber’s in his cross-hairs and seems an easy target. Dean’s finger reaches for the trigger, but the gun sight reveals that Webber is looking right at it, a smile on his face.

Dean wavers for a moment, then spins the rifle, and shoves it in his mouth, his finger reaching for the trigger.

Webber laughs, staring straight at Dean as he’s about to make him pull the trigger.

32x05 Simon Said Empty Re: 2x05 Simon Said Jeu 7 Sep 2006 - 16:17


Admin Traductrice

Résumé du texte anglais ci-dessus. Je suis toujours entrain de le traduire mais il est assez long... donc si quelqu'un veut me donner un coup de main....

Suite à une vision de Sam, les frères Winchester tentent de stopper un certain Andy Gilette. Alors qu’ils le surveillent, ils s’aperçoivent qu’il a la capacité de contrôler les esprits. Lors de leur filature, ils sont repérés par Andy qui leur demande pourquoi il le suive. Dean lui répond, incapable de se retenir, qu’ils sont frères et qu’ils tuent des démons. Que Sam pensent qu’Andy est un assassin et qu’il a peur d’en devenir un aussi, et que lui aussi à peur. Andy ordonne alors à Dean de partir, mais Sam sort de la voiture pour retenir Andy. Le jeune homme s’aperçoit que son pouvoir n’a pas d’effet sur Sam et que celui-ci en sait beaucoup sur lui. Lorsqu’il lui demande qui il est, Sam a une nouvelle vision du meurtre d’une jeune femme.

Après recherche, Sam et Dean apprennent qu’Andy a perdu sa mère dans un incendie lorsqu’il était enfant et qu’il a un frère jumeau, Webber. C’est lui qui commet les crimes. Lorsqu'ils les retrouevent, Webber demande à Andy de le suivre car quelqu’un veut lui apprendre à se servir de son pouvoir. Quand on lui demande qui est cette personne, il répond l’homme aux yeux jaunes.

(manque un passage) Dean met en joue Webber mais tout un coup retourne l’arme contre-lui, sous le contrôle de Webber.

42x05 Simon Said Empty Re: 2x05 Simon Said Sam 9 Sep 2006 - 20:57



Merci Gibi ^^.

Je crois que dans cette saison on va avoir plus de personnes comme sam que de Légende !!!

52x05 Simon Said Empty Re: 2x05 Simon Said Sam 9 Sep 2006 - 21:07


Admin Traductrice

J'espére surtout qu'on aura des réponses sur le Démon.... en tout cas j'aime bien les épisodes centrés sur Sam (il semble que la série reste équilibré sur ce point, du moins en lisant les résumés, aucun des 2 frères semblent prendre l'avantage).

62x05 Simon Said Empty Re: 2x05 Simon Said Dim 10 Sep 2006 - 14:15



Je pense que cette saison va être plus centré e sur les deux frères et notament les pouvoirs de Sam. On aura comme dans la saison 1 que quelques épisodes (notament à la fin) sur le démon et j'espère que cela ne trainera pas en longueur.

72x05 Simon Said Empty Re: 2x05 Simon Said Jeu 21 Sep 2006 - 14:17


Admin Traductrice

Jared Padalecki a été vu avec un bras dans le plâtre. Il a expliqué qu'il s'était cassé le poignet lors d'une cascade, et les producteurs vont devoir intégrer cette donne dans la série. Il en résulte que Sam aura un méchant face à face avec un démon.

Source : Spoiler Fix.

82x05 Simon Said Empty Re: 2x05 Simon Said Jeu 21 Sep 2006 - 16:55



Ouh lalala!!! Ben je veux bien voir cà ^^. Cela prouve qu'ils font leur propre cascade.

92x05 Simon Said Empty Re: 2x05 Simon Said Jeu 28 Sep 2006 - 0:38



J'ai mis des photos et on voit nettement son plâtre

102x05 Simon Said Empty Re: 2x05 Simon Said Jeu 28 Sep 2006 - 19:39


Admin Traductrice

Webber serait joué par Elias Toufexis

Andy par Gabriel Tigerman, il est crédité au nom de Andrew Gallagher (je pense qu'ils ont changés le nom du personnage).

Et Tracy par Chiara Zanni

Source : IMDb

112x05 Simon Said Empty Re: 2x05 Simon Said Jeu 28 Sep 2006 - 23:14



Merci Gibi

122x05 Simon Said Empty Re: 2x05 Simon Said Sam 21 Oct 2006 - 12:39


Admin Traductrice

Trailer et extrait en ligne : ici.

Maintenant je veux voir l'épisode.... Vivement le week-end prochain !!!!

132x05 Simon Said Empty Re: 2x05 Simon Said Lun 23 Oct 2006 - 11:47



Comme nous tous ici Very Happy

142x05 Simon Said Empty Re: 2x05 Simon Said Ven 27 Oct 2006 - 11:55


Admin Traductrice

Un épisode centré sur Sam, son pouvoir et un autre enfant comme lui… On a une histoire qui se suit bien, et surtout on nous donne enfin quelques pistes, même si on ne sait toujours pas ce que veut le Démon, mais bon, on apprend un peu plus de chose que dans "Nigthmare".

Sam semble n’avoir que des prémonitions en rapport avec les autres enfants comme lui (sauf si on fait exception de l’épisode "Home", et encore, d’une certaine façon, la prémonition est reliée à ce qui c’est passé et donc au Démon). Tous les autres enfants ont des pouvoirs, et semblent bien vivre avec, donc pourquoi les prémonitions de Sam sont-elles si douloureuses ? Mais c’est agréable de revoir Dean s’inquiéter pour Sam… et dans cet épisode on en a des moments entre les deux frères. Laughing

Dans cet épisode, le Démon n’a pas tué la mère biologique d’Andy, mais sa mère adoptive (il a quelque chose contre les femmes ? Suspect ). Donc les mères représentent une certaine menace pour le démon (du moins c’est comme ça que je le vois), peut-être car elles aiment leurs enfants et qu’elles sont ce qui peut les empêcher de basculer dans le camps de mal scratch ? Ce qui expliquerait que Dean soit un obstacle, car il est ce qui peut empêcher Sam de sombrer (cf. "Im my time of Dying", le Démon dit que Dean n’est pas un problème… mais il ment !)
Andy semble avoir eu une vie normal, malgré tout, et le fait que son frère tue tous les amis de son frère –soit disant pour qu’ils soient ensemble, à noter que leur mère biologique s’immole, c’est le sort qui lui était réservé si elle avait élevé ses fils- ce qui déstabilise Andy. Et son frère lui dit que l’Homme aux yeux jaunes peut lui apprendre à se servir de son pouvoir, donc le Démon est rentré en contact avec certains des enfants, d’où la question : pourquoi 2x05 Simon Said A0181?

Comme le fait remarquer Sam, peut-être que le but du Démon est de pousser les enfants à bout en assassinant tous les personnes qui peuvent être un repère pour eux.

Dernière chose, Dean ne semble pas vouloir confier ce qu’il sait, et surtout le fait que Sam ait de pouvoir, à Ellen. Il ne lui fait pas confiance 2x05 Simon Said A0141?

152x05 Simon Said Empty Re: 2x05 Simon Said Dim 29 Oct 2006 - 14:02



Il charge...

162x05 Simon Said Empty Re: 2x05 Simon Said Sam 4 Nov 2006 - 1:18

Evil Sushi

Evil Sushi
Hook man

je suis en train de regarder ... c'est moi ou ils ont changé l'actrice qui joue Joe ?

172x05 Simon Said Empty Re: 2x05 Simon Said Lun 6 Nov 2006 - 0:22


Admin Traductrice

J'ai re-regardé l'épisode avec les sous-titre anglais... il avait deux ou trois truc qui m'avaient échappée.

Donc toutes les mères ne sont pas visées, car celle du "evil twin" (j'ai pas retenu son prénom) n'a pas été tué, alors que celle de son frère, oui (ils ont été adopté par deux familles différentes), mais vu qu'il tue sa mère biologique, dans un sens, ça revient un peu au même. Donc la question est de savoir pourquoi certaines mères meurent et pas d'autres, surtout que cela complique le jeu, car les 2 frères ne vont pas pouvoir pister les autres enfants comme ça scratch

Le Démon est apparu en rêve au "evil twin", et donc nous laisse à penser que le Démon pourrait aussi apparaître à Sam.

Et le "evil twin", dit aussi souffrir de migraine, donc Sam n'est pas le seul Very Happy

Evil Sushi a écrit:je suis en train de regarder ... c'est moi ou ils ont changé l'actrice qui joue Joe ?
Ca m'a pas marqué, ni la 1° fois, ni ce soir... faut dire qu'on la voit pas beaucoup et que je ne suis vraiment pas physionomiste. Mais je vois pas pourquoi ils l'auraient changé, l'actrice fait parti de cast de la saison 2 Suspect

182x05 Simon Said Empty Re: 2x05 Simon Said Lun 6 Nov 2006 - 13:28



non non c'est toujours la meme actrice !!! mais j'espère que la saison sera bien centré sur Sam et ses puvoirs ainsi que Dean!!

192x05 Simon Said Empty Re: 2x05 Simon Said Lun 27 Nov 2006 - 14:38

dean le tombeur

John Winchester

C'est dans cet épisode qu'andy a le pouvoir de contrôler l'esprit, et Dean va s'y coller. Et Sam va connaitre les peurs de Dean.

Oulalal!!! Ca va donner là!!!

202x05 Simon Said Empty Re: 2x05 Simon Said Sam 2 Déc 2006 - 20:32



OUai d'ailleurs quand Sam apprend ce que Dean ressent, c dans une scène vraiment drole, excellent.

Jensen chante aussi dans cet épisode, chui restée scotchée devant l'écran mdr

J'ai les vidéos des 2 scènes, je vais les poster dès que j'ai le temps Wink

212x05 Simon Said Empty Re: 2x05 Simon Said Ven 19 Jan 2007 - 3:51

Mrs Ackles

Bloody Mary

Une nouvelle fois j'ai adoré!!! J'étais morte de rire quand Andy s'en va avec la Mettalicar! Ma théorie commence à prendre forme, le démon voudrait ses enfants pour s'en servir, amener le mal parmi nous... C'est pas très très bien!
Quant à Joe, elle m'insupporte toujours! Evil or Very Mad

222x05 Simon Said Empty 5 Jeu 22 Fév 2007 - 17:04



J eviens de revoir l'episode et quelque chose m'a interpellé. quand dean et sam sont dans la voiture toutes les deux et qu'ils se parlent . je vous remets le dialogue:

t'es pas un meurtrier sam. t'as pas ça dans la peau.
non?la dernière fois que j'ai vérifié , j'ai tué des tonnes de trucs.
ces trucs le demandaient. il y a une difference

Je me rapelle plus a quoi dean fait référence. C'est quand sam a la fin de la saison tue les choses de meg? Sinon c'est quoi que sam atué ?

merci deanvica.

232x05 Simon Said Empty Re: 2x05 Simon Said Mar 20 Mar 2007 - 18:32


Admin designer

Excellent épisode (encore un) ou on s'apperçoit qu'il y a pleins d'enfants comme Sam et qu'ils peuvent être bons ou mauvais. J'ai bien aimé le gentil jumeau qui profitait gentiment de tout, le coup de l'impala, c'etait trop drole !

242x05 Simon Said Empty Re: 2x05 Simon Said Mar 20 Mar 2007 - 23:30

dean le tombeur

John Winchester

la saison 2 est surprenante tu verras !!! et celui-ci excellent par son originalité : deux jumeaux séparé dont un gentil et l'autre méchant. On apprend des choses intéressantes sur la façon d'agir du démon aussi par l'intermédiaire du méchant;

252x05 Simon Said Empty Re: 2x05 Simon Said Mer 21 Mar 2007 - 15:24



Marli : j'ai bien aimé ce passage, et Dean tout content lui laisse sans problèem et la tête de Jared quand il voit l'impala sans Dean hahahaha!!!

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