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Voeux Jensen

princess lyly
dean le tombeur
oO Julie Oo
21 participants

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51Voeux Jensen - Page 3 Empty Re: Voeux Jensen Sam 1 Mar 2008 - 12:35



annif Voeux Jensen - Page 3 Happy-bi annif

52Voeux Jensen - Page 3 Empty Re: Voeux Jensen Sam 1 Mar 2008 - 12:58


Hook man

Voeux Jensen - Page 3 Happy-bi Voeux Jensen - Page 3 Invision annif annif Voeux Jensen - Page 3 Happy-bi

53Voeux Jensen - Page 3 Empty Re: Voeux Jensen Sam 1 Mar 2008 - 14:45



annif annif Voeux Jensen - Page 3 Happy-bi

54Voeux Jensen - Page 3 Empty Re: Voeux Jensen Sam 1 Mar 2008 - 15:54



Voeux Jensen - Page 3 Invision

Tout plein de bonheur!!!!!


55Voeux Jensen - Page 3 Empty Re: Voeux Jensen Sam 1 Mar 2008 - 16:39



Bon anniversaire Jensen! une longue carrière dans le cinéma, le bonheur et l'amour en prime!

Voeux Jensen - Page 3 78679610

56Voeux Jensen - Page 3 Empty Re: Voeux Jensen Sam 1 Mar 2008 - 16:41



jador ce que tu as fai CRIstal 20

57Voeux Jensen - Page 3 Empty Re: Voeux Jensen Sam 1 Mar 2008 - 16:48



C'est superbe Cristal20

58Voeux Jensen - Page 3 Empty Re: Voeux Jensen Sam 1 Mar 2008 - 22:27



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59Voeux Jensen - Page 3 Empty Re: Voeux Jensen Sam 1 Mar 2008 - 23:26



Merci MissJensen et Fan25! Pour notre Jensen, tien n'est trop beau surtout aujourd'hui!

60Voeux Jensen - Page 3 Empty Re: Voeux Jensen Dim 2 Mar 2008 - 13:26



Un an de plus est tjs sexy
waouh je l'aime tro tro

Voeux Jensen - Page 3 Coeur

61Voeux Jensen - Page 3 Empty Re: Voeux Jensen Lun 3 Mar 2008 - 18:10



De la part d'Isa

Voeux Jensen - Page 3 30flirtyjensencx3uq3

Voeux Jensen - Page 3 Glitterfy174632138d35ku6

62Voeux Jensen - Page 3 Empty Re: Voeux Jensen Lun 3 Mar 2008 - 19:13



J'adore ce que tu as fais Fan 25

63Voeux Jensen - Page 3 Empty Re: Voeux Jensen Lun 3 Mar 2008 - 20:07



Ca vient de Deanvica, c'est pas moi qui les ai fait

64Voeux Jensen - Page 3 Empty Re: Voeux Jensen Mar 4 Mar 2008 - 17:31



Dear Jensen:

You're 30 today. Congratulations on your landmark birthday, even if it is only a number. I heard you aren't much of a celebration guy, but you've got to celebrate this one, big-time, with family and friends, for them if not for you. I'm sure you understand that.

I wish you great health above all things, Jensen. It's something you never miss until you lose it, and then you wish every day you could get it back. After that, I wish you peace, which is tough to find in your business. I'm sure the recent writers' strike gave you many sleepless moments and worries. Now that it's over, there's this new strike threat looming, SAG. I hope that's dispensed with more quickly than the WGA. My mother used to tell me that life is leaping over one hurdle after another, some high, some less so. May all your hurdles be low to the ground!

Finally, Jensen, I wish you love, the kind that lasts a lifetime. It's precious, rare and in Hollyweird, damn near mythological. You've been fortunate to see it in your parents' marriage. I hope you find that special person who makes you happy, who will hold tightly to your hand and leap those hurdles together with you, and who won't leave even if they grow very daunting sometimes.

I think you are an amazing young man, Jensen, and I wish you all good things, on your birthday and every day.

Love, Robin

post d'une fan

65Voeux Jensen - Page 3 Empty Re: Voeux Jensen Mar 4 Mar 2008 - 17:31



Happy 30th Birthday, Jensen Ackles!

A CW Source favorite is reaching a milestone. Jensen Ackles, who plays the inimitable Dean Winchester on Supernatural, is turning the big 3-0 on Saturday, March 1. Happy birthday, Jensen!
We know that birthdays that end in 0 can seem a little intimidating -- and we're sure prank-loving whippersnapper Jared Padalecki will have fun rubbing in Jensen's supposedly aged status. But take heart, Jensen: The old-timers here at CW Source Central say that 30 was their favorite birthday so far, and we'll love you no matter how old you get.
In fact, we're going to count the ways we love Jensen, and we want you, the CW Source faithful, to help! We're putting together a list of the top 30 reasons Jensen rocks. We'll start it off with our reasons, and we want you to add your own. Then we'll pick the top reasons and put together a video for the site.
So check out the beginnings of our list, and then add your own reason in the comments! Plus, feel free to wish our boy a happy 30th birthday!
30 reasons Jensen rocks

1. The Acting
Sure, Jensen has plenty of surface charms to recommend him (and trust us, we'll get to those...) but what really makes him exceptional is his blazing talent. We'd watch him in anything (and yes, we've seen Devour). He can convey more with a change of expression, a dimming of the eyes, a shift in the tone of his voice, than other actors his age can get across with pages and pages of script. We have no idea why Jensen isn't a major movie star -- he's got more talent than half the guys his age on the big screen today.

2. The Funny
Again, we love that Jensen is so much more than just a pretty face -- and he's more than willing to make that face look ridiculous to make a scene laugh-out-loud funny. Just think of him stuffing his cheeks with caramels in Tall Tales, or letting a piece of meat dangle from his mouth in Hollywood Babylon. And then there's all his dryly funny line readings, fabulous double takes, and countless Deanisms that make watching Supernatural such a side-splitting experience -- even when sides are literally being split with axes and knives.

3. The Realness
We love watching Jensen at conventions or giving interviews. Why? Because he's such a nice, regular guy who seems shocked by all the attention. He's unfailingly polite, more than willing to make fun of himself, and seems like he'd be a fun guy to hang out with. If only all of our favorite stars were this down-to-earth!
4. The Chemistry
Jensen Ackles plays well with others. Sure, he does a mean soliloquy, but he really shines when he's interacting with other actors. What makes Supernatural so fabulous is the relationships -- the show wouldn't be the same without the palpable bond between Sam and Dean. The brotherly chemistry he shares with Jared Padalecki is the stuff of legend, but you see it with just about everyone he shares the screen with, from Jefferey Dean Morgan to Fredric Lehne to Samantha Ferris to random extras. Heck, we here at CW Source Central joke that the man oozes enough chemistry that even the furniture acts better when he's in the room.
5. The Hominah-Hominah-Hominah
Dear god, but this man is gorgeous. It's obvious any time you look at him. He can rock a blue mohawk, make layers look good, and single-handedly revive the career of Asia just by rockin' out to one of their songs. And every once in a while, we'll see a shot of him that emphasizes his stunning looks so much that we nearly pass out from the pretty. Yowza.
There's the start of our list -- what would you add? Give us your contribution to our top 30 list, and leave your birthday wishes for Jensen in the comments!

Posted by Sarah on February 29, 2008 11:34 AM | Permalink

66Voeux Jensen - Page 3 Empty Re: Voeux Jensen Mer 5 Mar 2008 - 11:48



Yeah, yeah, another Jensen bday post but i would like to share a little of my emotions here when i met him the past year.

In ASYLUM, i was very unexperienced concerning the Con photo ops and the whole thing there.
I had met other actors in the past and i had promised myself that i would speak to Jensen no matter what.
The first time i saw him was in the autograph line. I had the luck to be the last one in the queue.
I was holding the photos and the bag with the presents and postcards from the members of the comm and i felt my palms sweating. Jensen looked so beautiful from this small distance and kept smiling at the fans. I was determined to talk when i saw him close. My heart was beating now like a jungle drum but i made it. I shook his hand which was so soft and i was impressed by the huge watch he was wearing. While he was signing, i told him blah blah where i was from, the presents blah blah and he was so surprised and glad to see how many fans he has.
While he was signing a dedication for the comm, i put my fingers on his hand and showed him how it was spelled, lol
He thanked me for what i gave him and being there and i was so cheering inside. I left the room all flushed and had that huge grin on my face.
When he went onstage for the panel later, he said a big thanks to all the fans who went there from all over the world and i was moved so much.
I was more calmed in the photo op. There, i saw him standing and guys, he is tall and lean. PRETTIER in close than the TV screen.
When my turn came, he asked me 'how you're doing?' and i asked him the same. I don't know if he remembered me but i felt so happy being so close to him.
Since it was my first experience, i didn't 'jump' him like several fans did in their photo. I kinda felt that Jensen likes 'distance'. He's not like Jared and i respected that to him.

In CHICAGO CON i was more experienced. The same heartbeat was there and i was so glad to see him and standing by him and smelling the same 'soap' scent next to him. I had put my hand at the same spot i had done the first time.
In the autograph line, i didn't speak to him as much as Asylum. The time was hectic but the funny part was that he took my Jared photo to sign but i stopped him, smiling.

Overall, i wish everyone to meet him and see his sweetness and how beautiful he is.
After Chicago, i heard many negative things about some fans who went there. Maybe they expected Jensen to grab them and be talkative to them.
Please, don't forget that even celebrities are humans and have their own problems and moments.
I won't analyse about because that is my small tribute to a man whom i'm proud to meet and i hope for that in the future.


de mon amie jaz qui a rencontré jensen deux fois at asylum et chicago

67Voeux Jensen - Page 3 Empty Re: Voeux Jensen Mer 5 Mar 2008 - 12:28



Quelle chance !

68Voeux Jensen - Page 3 Empty Re: Voeux Jensen Mer 5 Mar 2008 - 13:26



jensen a passé son anniversaire au texas en famille .

69Voeux Jensen - Page 3 Empty Re: Voeux Jensen Mer 5 Mar 2008 - 13:31



si j'avais su j'aurais envoyé ma carte d'anniv' au Texas. Je suis quiche.

70Voeux Jensen - Page 3 Empty Re: Voeux Jensen Lun 10 Mar 2008 - 18:13



Je viens de voir que Jensen avait eu 30 ans le 1er mars. C'est moi où il fait plus jeune ? Laughing Je trouve que pour 30 ans il fait moins.

71Voeux Jensen - Page 3 Empty Re: Voeux Jensen Lun 10 Mar 2008 - 19:34



Je trouvre aussi qu 'il fait moin

72Voeux Jensen - Page 3 Empty Re: Voeux Jensen Mar 25 Mar 2008 - 4:41


Hook man

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Voeux Jensen - Page 3 Carsmile

J'ai découvert le post qu'après avoir poster ma vidéo que j'ai faites toutes particulièrement pour l'anniversaire de Jensen.
Je voulais savoir si il avait moyen de déplace le post que j'ai fais dans mes créas le 1er Mars et de le remettre ici, sinon je la remettrais, ici parce que je pense qu'elle a plus sa place là que dans mes créas, je suis novice sur les forums et j'ai pas l'habitude des differents postes et toujours le temps d'aller explorer.
Voici se que j'ai écrit en envoyant ma vidéo à dailymotion et youtube :
Ballons Ballons Voeux Jensen - Page 3 Invision
En l'honneur de l'Anniversaire de Jensen Ackles cette vidéo
retrassant quelques un des rôles les plus marquant Ben puis Alec, Jason
puis Dean, le plus beau et le plus attachant reste surement celui de
Ben quoi que celui de Dean est assurement Super et cet amitié entre
Jeansen et Jared est le plus beau des cadeaux qui rend se rôle
particulièrement Fabuleux. Mais de toutes façon Jensen fait de tous ses
rôles un personnage attachant et pour certains chargés d'émotions.
C'est pour quoi la première musique n'est autre que Bangles " Eternel
Flame " car t'elle une flamme il brille dans nos coeurs et dans nos
Happy Birthday M Jensen Ackles. Voeux Jensen - Page 3 Happy-bi annif annif Ballons Ballons

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