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Matt Cohen - Young John Winchester

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1Matt Cohen - Young John Winchester Empty Matt Cohen - Young John Winchester Mer 17 Déc 2008 - 15:15



Pour mieux connaître Matt Cohen alias Young John Winchester
Il a répondu a un petit questionnaire

Source : Miss & Friends
Lien : Click Here

Sign: Libra
My house is: Small and quant. The best part about it is there is not a single piece of matching furniture, so that makes it very unique.

The first thing I do every morning is: Brush my teeth and then head to the gym. I know it sounds cheesy but that’s my life for ya'.

My cell phone brand is: Nextel, which never seems to work.

About my pets: I have a dog back home in Florida (red nose pit-bull) his name is Rome, and he looks just like me. I also have a cat here in LA,
her name is SHOOGNIZZLE! (Needless to say she is a gangsta!)

I exercise: too much!!!

Lately I've been surprised by: My roommate’s dedication to training for this marathon he is running in January (26miles)

The cereals in my cupboard are: Raisin Bran

Heaven on earth is: Being with my family!

For dinner, I like to make: Peanut Butter and Jelly AKA PB Jammers
I’ll eat sushi, but not… cardboard, I will try just about anything when it comes to food.

My coolest article of clothing: A sport coat that my dad gave me that he used to wear when he was a kid.

My most prized possession: I would have to say it would be a watch that my dad gave me for my 21st b-day. It just means a lot to me because I felt like it was a gift from my best friend in the world and that’s my dad.

My TV screen is: 27inches!

When friends come over, we: play cards.

My favorite TV channel is: The N, not because i am on it or anything!

My first financial splurge: still yet to come…

Wackiest fan encounter: sometimes girls can say the craziest things – I’ll leave it at that.

TV show I never miss: "Mythbusters" I know – you must be shocked!

Before I die, I want to: make my dad proud.

The best perk of being a celebrity is: I wouldn't know i am not quite a celebrity yet.

Celebrity whom I'd ask for an autograph: Edward Norton, Mark Wahlberg

Dream car: Chevy Truck raised up obnoxiously.

When I fly I have to have: my iPod!

People would be surprised that I: paint and that I am a sucker for chick flicks.

Book I’m reading: I'm focused on reading scripts.

Magazines I subscribe to: no subscriptions, but i pick up just about all the fitness mags out there.

Favorite cartoon: would have to be “Roger Rabbit” because i have a huge crush on Jessica rabbit!

I was so excited when: “Boondock Saints” came out on DVD

My iPod play list: is full of hard rock and dirty south hip-hop!

I can’t start my day: without going to the gym.

If I had to spend $10 at your favorite fast food joint: I’d order 10 double cheeseburgers from McDonald’s!

2Matt Cohen - Young John Winchester Empty Re: Matt Cohen - Young John Winchester Mer 17 Déc 2008 - 15:20



Une petite interview datant du 24 novembre, sur
Source : TvGuide
Lien : Click Here

On The N's South of Nowhere (Fridays at 8:30 pm/ET), Aiden seems like
the dream boyfriend — loyal and giving, a gent who treats the women he
dates with respect. Alas, he gets little in return. He's got Madison,
who dumped him like a hot potato for the new kid last season, and who
now sabotages his relationships to win him back; Kyla, the pretty new
girl in town who conveniently forgot she had a boyfriend; and Spencer
and Ashley, who left him to... be with each other. caught
up with Aiden's equally sweet portrayer, Matt Cohen, to find out what
could possibly be next for him in this dramatic but convoluted teen
drama. There is some really insane stuff going on right
now on South of Nowhere.Matt Cohen: It is craziness. I can tell you
from here on out that it gets a little wil

3Matt Cohen - Young John Winchester Empty Re: Matt Cohen - Young John Winchester Mer 17 Déc 2008 - 22:45



je regarde South of Nowhere parfois, c'est pas mal...c'est basé sur la tolérance et la différence entre lesjeune j'aime bien.

4Matt Cohen - Young John Winchester Empty Re: Matt Cohen - Young John Winchester Dim 13 Mar 2011 - 17:41



Matt Cohen rejoint Random Acts dans l'une de nos plus importante missions: Hope To Haiti
Du 20 au 26 Juin, Matt sera avec Misha, Lisa et les bénévoles de Random Acts sélectionnés à Jacmel pour aider à la construction d'un nouvel orphelinat et d'une ferme aquatique auto-suffisante.
Pour plus d'indo :

Je mettrai la traduction sur notre LJ plus tard Wink

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