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Your trips abroad !

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1Your trips abroad ! Empty Your trips abroad ! Lun 8 Mar 2010 - 13:43



I'm not sure if I can open a new subject but I think it could be useful to lots of people ! I want to share our trips abroad, in english country or somewhere else, so that we can talk about our experiences, what we must see or eat or buy when you have the occasion to go there ...
I start =D I went several times in England, once in Great Yarmouth/Norwich, once in Brighton et three times in London. I also visited Oxford and Cambridge. I went to Brussels (Bruxelles) last year but there is not much to say about it except about the food ^^ Finally I went to Germany thanks to an exchange programm : in Wangen, next to the "Bodensee" (Lac de Constance). This fall during the holidays, I went in Lüneburg to practice my german and I visited Hambürg. Well, that's it !

So, don't hesitate to ask questions about my trips and to share yours !

I have one question =D In August, I'm going to San Fransisco ( Your trips abroad ! 231520 Your trips abroad ! 231520 ) and I wondered if anyone went there. What shouldn't I miss in SF ?!!

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