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interview du japon

oO Julie Oo
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1interview du japon Empty interview du japon Sam 28 Juil 2007 - 16:00



Jensen' interview in Roadshow
Remember that interview in Japanese mag, with Jensen' buying Jinbei to Jared? Yeah. That one.

Now we've got the whole translated interview.
Hollywood's rising star Jensen Ackles, who plays the hot demon hunter Dean Winchester in an American TV series "Supernatural," visited Japan to promote the DVD releases of Season 2.
As the exact opposite of his younger brother Sam Winchester (Jared Padalecki), who is a more reluctant and cool-headed type, Dean is a rambunctious guy devoted to hunt evil forces while burning up the road on his beloved Impala - enjoying classic rock and flirting with girls at full blast on the way.
But the true face of Jensen is a completely different story. He is a gentle, down-to-earth guy being so nice and friendly that all the Japanese staff just couldn't stop praising him!

Roadshow: Do you think there is some similarity in individual characteristics between you and Dean? And are there any opposites?
Jensen: Dean is this bit wild, loose cannon type of guy who acts first and thinks later about the consequences. He's quick in action with the girls as well, and that's the difference between him and I (laughs). I think I’m more reserved, and I tend to analyze things in my head before actually acting on it. What we share is the love for American classic things. Like Dean, I feel nostalgic about good old things - I love antique sports cars, classic rock…and the deep affection Dean has for his family is something we have in common, too.
R: In "Dark Angel," "Dawson's Creek" and "Smallville," I think the characters you played were a more sweet-and-soft-charms kind of guys compared to Dean, who is more wild and rambunctious in some ways. Were you looking for something different, something for an image makeover?
J: Until Dean, I think I was just "playing the part," not really exploring and pursuing the character. But with Dean, I had a chance to venture in really developing and building up the character. That's the big difference. I found out that not only your acting skills but your character itself grows along with the role, when you work with it for a long time.
R: Could you let us know about the highlights from Season 1 to Season 2?
J: In Season 2, some of the questions and mysteries you had in Season 1 are going to be revealed. There are shows that draw out the mystery ongoing for many seasons, but Supernatural does it differently. Dean and Sam have their own reasons to go hunting demons, but in Season 2 that reason switches between them. I think the transition process of their attitude towards hunting is an interesting phase to watch.
R: At the ending of Season 1, you have this big scene where Dean has a tough time lingering between life and death. It’s the high point of the drama…(how was it like shooting that scene?)
J: Yeah, it was pretty heavy stuff. I really had to get immersed in the role to make it look real, so I was pretty drained after that, not only emotionally but physically too.
R: You and Jared seem to get along really well, just like the on-screen relationship Sam and Dean shares.
J: Working such long hours together, we have really bonded and we really feel proud about it. We have similar interests and hobbies, and we have many other things in common. I think our friendship have contributed to the success of the show, along with having fantastic co-stars and a wonderful crew, creating a cozy and friendly harmony on set.
R: Which episode was most impressive?
J: The one where we had to get into a room with 60,000 bees was rough. I got stung by a bee while shooting! And the episode where I played a double role of Dean and fake Dean (Shape shifter) was really fun to act.
R: We heard Jared got hurt while shooting?
J: Jared was doing his own stunts in a combat scene where he fights two men in Season 2. Some action with the stunt guy went wrong and Jared broke his wrist. So the script was re-written to make Sam have a broken wrist for about six episodes until Jared healed up enough. It was an unfortunate accident but the story went on without any hint of contrivance, thanks to our amazing creative team.
R: Is this your first visit to Japan?
J: Yeah. I went to Asakusa, Harajuku and Kamakura. I bought two Jinbeis at Harajuku - one is for Jared! I got a 4XL size for him as he's so tall. I hope it kinda fits (laughs).
R: You look a bit worried there (laughs), but we’re glad you are enjoying your stay.
J: It's really nice that you can walk around safely even at night here in Japan, and I love the food too (laughs). I enjoyed plenty of good Sushi and I also had a fair amount of Japanese Sake (laughs).

Editor's note: Jensen was such a nice, friendly guy - while photo shooting, he casually lied down on the bed suggesting "You'd like to take a shot here?" (Interview / photo shoot was done at Park Hyatt Hotel, Tokyo, on 16th April). And when he spotted the camera the photographer was using, he got engrossed in a "I have that camera too! I really love photography" kind of chat with him! Not like his bad-boy character Dean, Jensen is a real gentleman with a really warm heart!

interview retranscrite d'un mag japonais .


2interview du japon Empty Re: interview du japon Sam 28 Juil 2007 - 17:34

oO Julie Oo

oO Julie Oo
Jensen's Girlfriend


3interview du japon Empty Re: interview du japon Lun 30 Juil 2007 - 22:46



merci beaucoup !!!!

4interview du japon Empty Re: interview du japon Mar 31 Juil 2007 - 1:24


Chasseurs de monstres

merci Smile

5interview du japon Empty Re: interview du japon Mar 31 Juil 2007 - 12:26



Merci bcp Isa.

6interview du japon Empty Re: interview du japon Mar 31 Juil 2007 - 14:34



thanks Isa

7interview du japon Empty Re: interview du japon Mar 31 Juil 2007 - 22:51



sympa isa !!!

et en francais ca donne quoi ???

8interview du japon Empty Re: interview du japon Lun 6 Aoû 2007 - 12:22



merci beaucoup

9interview du japon Empty Re: interview du japon Jeu 29 Nov 2007 - 9:14


Modératrice En route avec Métallicar

Deux petits vidéo de Jensen lors de son séjour au Japon.

La première est celle de Jensen à une émission de télévision, qui consiste à promouvoir la série en compagnie de celui qui double la voix de Sam (Jared Padalecki).

La deuxième est celle de Jensen qui remercie les japonais d'écouter l'émission. La saison 1 à été un très grand succès au Japon. Il termine en leurs disant qu'il espère qu'ils aimeront la deuxième saison, car ils ont eu beaucoup de plaisir à la tourner.

10interview du japon Empty Re: interview du japon Ven 30 Nov 2007 - 1:36



Merci pour les vidéos, Jensen est toujours aussi craquant!

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