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Differentes interviews sur Jensen

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1Differentes interviews sur Jensen Empty Differentes interviews sur Jensen Mer 22 Aoû 2007 - 15:44



Jason Manns: Interview

Written by Candice

Tuesday, 14 August 2007

Editor's Note: This interview was done before the Asylum 1 convention in England. Due to all the changes to the site/magazine, it was delayed for months. We're sorry! Links to Jason's music and IMDB site are underneath - please check them out, you won't regret it. He's an awesome person and a wonderfully talented guy.

Thank you so much to Jason for this interview!

NO: You say on your site that you are 'still trying to figure out what you want to do when you grow up' and are trying a variety of possible careers. At this moment in time, what would you label yourself as, if anything?

JM: Hmmm…. Good question. An artist. I still haven’t figured out what to say when people ask. I suppose it kind of depends on the situation, for the purposes of this convention I’m a musician! I will, however, always be trying to do a million things. Writing, signing, acting, producing, and anything else I can get into.

NO: You are performing a live set at Asylum. How did you get involved with the convention? How does it feel to know you're about to perform in front of 600+ people in a foreign country?

JM: I heard about the convention through my buddy. I think ya’ll know him. His name is Jensen. He told me about the trip and we just started talking about how fun it would be to go at the same time and play a show. I was originally thinking about just playing a show in London around the same time, but he mentioned something to Wayne, and apparently Wayne had already received some info about me from some attendees, and there ya have it! I am very excited about playing across the pond for sure! Seeing the kind of bands that come over here from England I know they have a good taste in music, and I’m hoping I can satisfy!

NO: You have two film roles coming up this year ('Cake' and 'Death Walks the Streets'). Could you tell us a little about these and the characters you portray?

JM: These characters are very different. In ‘Cake’ I play Brett, who is the best man/best friend to the groom. He’s a laid-back cool guy… I suppose not terribly unlike me, if you just take the coolest parts and exaggerate them a bit. (j/k) and Junior is a mob guy. Son of a big mob boss, has had everything handed to him, and still has a lot of aggression, and quite a few screws loose. I’m really looking forward to playing him!

NO: Do you have any other CDs, tours or movies/TV appearances coming up?

JM: At the moment, my gigs and auditions, and occasional out of town trips are keeping me pretty busy, but I’m hoping to do a solo-acoustic live album either late this year or early next, I’m also playing at a big fourth of july festival on the CBS lot in studio city. There are some other things in the works, but not close enough to announce yet!

NO: And since this is a Supernatural/Smallville convention, we have to ask: Do you watch either of the shows and, if you do, what is it you like about them?

JM: I have to admit, recently I’ve had a crazy schedule- sporadic and busy and, I’ve been falling a bit behind. I really prefer to watch seasons on DVD after the commercials have been removed. I am a big fan of the shows though! I’ve been a fan of Smallville for years, and had the opportunity to go visit Jensen on set when he was on the show. It was definitely a very cool experience so see all the sets and watch the process go on. (although I now realize that for the shows I love to watch, it may be better not to watch the process. Lol. Kinda like pulling the curtain back from the “great and powerful Oz”) I love Supernatural as well, I’ve always loved urban myths and campfire tales. I think Jared and Jensen do a great job, the writing is great, and it just seems like they’ve got a really strong team working there.

NO: I personally was wondering if you were going to be selling your CDs at the convention and if there's any chance of autographs?

JM: I will definitely be selling CDs and signing autographs (although my name on a paper or CD isn’t that cool yet. Wink I will be bringing CDs with me, but there being 600+ people there, it may be a good idea for interested parties to buy them from If they are ordered this week they should definitely be there before the convention, because I’ll probably only bring a couple hundred at the most! Hopefully I won’t run out… then again, I suppose that may not be a terrible thing!

External Links:

Jason Manns Official Site
Jason @ Myspace
CD Baby

l'interview a été faite en mai avant la convention


2Differentes interviews sur Jensen Empty Re: Differentes interviews sur Jensen Mer 22 Aoû 2007 - 17:31



Merci Deanvica.

Jensen a parlé de la convention en UK à Jason et l'a invité à y participer. C'était sympa de sa part !!

3Differentes interviews sur Jensen Empty Re: Differentes interviews sur Jensen Jeu 23 Aoû 2007 - 15:47



je savais pas du tout . tout est venu de jensen au depart . C'est vraiment super de sa part . Mais ils sont tres copains depuis un moment . Jason profite de la popularité de jensen c'est chouette . si jensen peut aider des amis il le fait .

je trouve que le forom est tres calme ce sjours ci . J'ai reçu ds cartes postales de val je suis tres contente .
J'ai des photos a vous envoyer . qi veut s'en occuper ?

Tu rentres bientot d'espagne dalia ?


4Differentes interviews sur Jensen Empty Re: Differentes interviews sur Jensen Jeu 23 Aoû 2007 - 19:01



merci beaucoup pour cette interview

5Differentes interviews sur Jensen Empty Interview Jensen 05.03.2008 de Who Ven 7 Mar 2008 - 9:07



Differentes interviews sur Jensen Logo-main-who_1_1

Jensen Ackles

Mar 05 02:08pm

Supernatural finishing up Season 3 on Monday March 10 with the
possibility that Jensen Ackles's Dean Winchester might be gone for
good, here's a chat with the 30-year old Texan to keep us going till
Season 4. (PS: No spoilers here!)
by Olivia Bishop

Working in Canada is not that bad
The funny thing is I could really be anywhere because I spend so much time
on set. I'll work 14 hours and I'll come home and go right to bed, wake
up, go to the gym, get in the car and head back to work. But when I do
get moments of rest and relaxation, it's nice to be in Vancouver, a
city that is beautiful and has great restaurants and good people.

Those crazy fans
I don't get most of my fan mail. I have someone who handles that, because
after a few years on the soap opera, it was just so much and some of it
was kind of scary. I'd get letters from people in state penitentiaries
and people sending me underwear and spells. People send me spells! I've
actually had quite a great response here in Sydney, just a lot of
people saying, "I really like your show," and pats on the back and
that's really nice. You never know quite how to respond to a real
fanatical fan coming up to you.

Jensen's TV time
I really enjoy those nature channels, the travel channels, stuff like
that. It's a nice way to see different parts of the world. I like
watching Shark Week! I don't get to follow a lot of prime time
television, simply because I don't have the schedule that allows me to
be home every Thursday night at eight o'clock. That's the sacrifice you
make when you're actually making those shows!

How to be a good parent
I think a big crisis in the world today, especially in the United States,
it's just a lack of parenting. A lot of parents just don't give the
attention that children need to really have a sense of worth and a
strong base to build their life on and it shows. You see these mums
that are going out partying with their daughters and that's a horrible
message to send. I hope the next generation of parents can learn from
this and understand it's not the greatest way to do things.

Good ol' Uncle Jens
I try to get back [to Texas] as much as possible. You know I got a nephew
there, so its fun for me to get back and see him (Logan, 2 and a half).
I throw him around and probably teach him to do things his mum doesn't
want him to do. You know, instead of reading the books I like to throw
the books and try to toss them into the basket. It's fun to go back

The curse of the long distance relationship
I have a girlfriend. She's based in LA but she comes back and forth to
Canada. I talk to her every day and it's definitely a priority. It
takes a little bit more effort than most people have to deal with, but
it's worth it.First splurge
I bought a
truck. This would have been 1999 when I got on the soap opera and the
first thing I did was buy a big Chevy truck. I'd always wanted it.

Dernière édition par Fan25 le Sam 8 Mar 2008 - 9:29, édité 2 fois

6Differentes interviews sur Jensen Empty Re: Differentes interviews sur Jensen Ven 7 Mar 2008 - 13:23



merci quelqu'un peut traduire?

7Differentes interviews sur Jensen Empty Re: Differentes interviews sur Jensen Ven 7 Mar 2008 - 13:24



Je vais m'en occuper. Je vais essayer de faire de mon mieux

8Differentes interviews sur Jensen Empty Re: Differentes interviews sur Jensen Ven 7 Mar 2008 - 13:25



ok! merci beaucoup tu est génial!!!

9Differentes interviews sur Jensen Empty Re: Differentes interviews sur Jensen Ven 7 Mar 2008 - 14:11



Y a pô de quoi.

Avec la fin de la saison 3 de Supernatural le lundi 10 mars avec la possibilité que Jensen Ackles, Dean Winchester pourrait être parti pour de bon, voici une causerie avec le Texan trentenaire pour nous maintenir jusqu'à la saison 4.
(PS : Aucun spoiler ici !) par Olivia Évêque

Travailler au Canada n'est pas mauvais.
La chose drôle est je pourrait vraiment être n'importe où parce que je passe tellement de temps sur le set. Je travaillerai 14 heures et je reviendrai à la maison et aller au lit, se réveiller, aller à la salle de gymnastique, monter dans la voiture et la tête de nouveau au travail. Mais quand j'ai des moments de repos et de la relaxation, il fait beau d'être à Vancouver, une ville qui est belle et a de grands restaurants et des gens sympas.

Ces fans fous
Je n'obtiens pas la majeure partie de mon courrier de fans. J'ai quelqu'un qui s’en occupe, parce qu'après quelques années sur le Soap Opera, c’était trop et une partie d’elle était du genre effrayant. Je recevais des lettres des personnes dans des prisons d'état et des gens m'envoyer des sous-vêtements et des formules magiques. Les gens m'envoyaient des formules magiques! J'ai réellement eu une grande réponse ici à Sydney, beaucoup de personnes disaient, « j’aime vraiment votre show, »
et les tapotements sur le dos et ça c’est vraiment gentil. Vous ne savez jamais tout à fait répondre à un vrai fan fanatique montant à toi.

Le temps de la TV de Jensen
J'apprécie vraiment ces chaînes de nature, les chaînes de voyage, les chosescomme cela. C'est une manière gentille de voir différentes régions du monde. J'aime observer « Shark Week »! Je ne suis pas beaucoup les primes times, simplement parce que je n'ai pas le programme qui me permet d'être à la maison chaque jeudi soir à huit heures. C'est le sacrifice que vous faites quand vous faites réellement ces séries!

Comment être un bon parent
Je pense qu’une grande crise dans le monde aujourd'hui, particulièrement aux Etats-Unis, il est juste un manque pour élever les enfants. Beaucoup de parents juste ne donnent pas d'attention que les enfants ont besoin, doivent avoir vraiment un sens des valeurs et une base forte pour établir leur vie dessus et le montre. Vous voyez ces mamans qui partent faire la fête avec leurs filles et c’est un message horrible à envoyer.
J'espère que la prochaine génération des parents apprendront ceci et comprendront
que ce n'est pas la plus grande manière de faire des choses.

Bon essai d'oncle Jens
J’essaie de revenir au Texas autant que possible. Vous savez que j’ai un neveu, C’est drôle pour moi, de revenir et de le voir (Logan, 2 ans 1/2). Je le lance autour et lui enseigne probablement des choses que sa maman ne veut pas qu'il fasse. Vous savez, au lieu de lire les livres j'aime jeter les livres et l'essai pour les jeter en l'air dans le panier. C'est amusement de retourner à la maison.

La malédiction de la relation de longue distance
J’ai une petite amie. Elle est basée à LA mais elle revient au Canada. Je lui parle tous les jours et c'est certainement une priorité. Il prend un peu plus d'effort que la plupart des personnes doivent traiter, mais il le vaut la peine.
La première folie est j'ai acheté un camion. C'était en 1999 où j'ai obtenu le Soap Opera et la première chose que j’ai acheté c’est un grand camion Chevy. Je l'ai toujours voulu.

10Differentes interviews sur Jensen Empty Re: Differentes interviews sur Jensen Dim 9 Mar 2008 - 19:57


Modératrice En route avec Métallicar

voilà un homme qui est sincére et qui appelle sa chérie chaque jour en priorité Smile

11Differentes interviews sur Jensen Empty Re: Differentes interviews sur Jensen Dim 9 Mar 2008 - 19:57


Modératrice En route avec Métallicar

mille merci pour la traduc SmileSmile

12Differentes interviews sur Jensen Empty Re: Differentes interviews sur Jensen Dim 9 Mar 2008 - 20:02


Modératrice En route avec Métallicar

quel homme SmileSmile tonton attentioné et tonton gateau SmileSmile

et un futur papa d'enfer SmileSmile

il est en or Smile

13Differentes interviews sur Jensen Empty Re: Differentes interviews sur Jensen Dim 9 Mar 2008 - 20:33



Oh oui, il est génial



Jensen gave an interview to 'Soap Opera Digest' on July 20, 1999.
It's really interesting to read.

Quotes:"...I think of The Wallflowers lyric that says, 'I ain't changed, but I know I ain't the same,'" reflects Ackles. "That's how I feel."

By Stephanie Sloane


You Can Go Home Again:
"The last time I came home, my mom said, 'All of your sister's friends seem to come and spend the night a lot when you're here.'"

The Crying Game:
"I'm not Deidre [Hall, Marlena] yet. I can't turn on the tears. She's amazing. Ali [Sweeney, Sami] can do it now, too. She's been in the dumps [on-screen] for the past six months and she's gotten to where she can just hit it."

Ackles has three sport-utility vehicles: a '74 Ford Bronco, a Chevy Tahoe and a Nissan Pathfinder. "I'm gonna send the Pathfinder back [to Texas]. My sister wants it and she's turning 16."

Must See TV:
"I love FRIENDS. It that's on, I'll definately sit down and watch the whole thing."

During his first year in DAYS OF OUR LIVES, Jensen Ackles (Eric) landed on the cover of TV Guide, nabbed the Soap Opera Digest award for Hottest Newcomer and garnered an Emmy nomination.

Then he landed in storyline Siberia.

"My storyline was kind of at a standstill," acknowledges the actor, who basically held a camera in the Titan photo lab and bounced from scenes with Taylor to Billie to Nicole. Making things worse were the roles he had to turn down because he was contracted to DAYS. But Ackles isn't bitter about having to pass up a recurring role on DAWSON'S CREEK and a plum part in the film Never Been Kissed. "This is a great job." he shrugs. "I'm sure doing [those projects] would have been fun, but I've learned a lot about the business. I'm just growing up. I'm out of high school and this is the time I'm learning things, anyway."

And getting a storyline, finally, too, as he plays the aftermath of Nicole's rejection of Eric. "It's exhausting, but so much fun," says Ackles over breakfast at New York City's tony Palace Hotel. "I can't wait to go in tomorrow and do the same thing. I might be pooped by the end of the week, but look at what I'm doing!"

Not bad for a Texas native who gave himself six months to make it in Los Angeles. "Most people don't even find an agent that fast," reflects the actor. "I honestly thought I'd be back in Texas. I figured I'd have fun, try it out, go back to school and figure it all out then. I didn't really have a plan."

In a year, when his DAYS contract is up, will Ackles be planning life sans soap? "If I have a great storyline, I'll probably want to stay for another year or so," he says. "If I didn't stay and I didn't have anything lined up, it would be like rolling the dice. Do I want to take that kind of a chance? I think I'm young enough where I could, and my age range is in demand right now, but still, it's a big chance."

Spoken like the down-to-earth, sweet Southern boy he is. Unlike some other Hollywood actors, Ackles doesn't have an overblown ego, and he certainly hasn't succumbed to the celebrity lifestyle. "I live with two roomates, buddies of mine, who grew up in Texas as well, so it's kind of like a big Southern fest in the household," Ackles grins. "The front door is always swinging open, guys coming in, hanging out."

Ackles occasionally goes clubbing ("Just having to go in my closet and pick something out is a strain for me!"), but prefers Blockbuster movies, Nintendo and spending time withhis girlfriend, Lisa Rideg. The two were friends when their relationship blossomed into a romance in January, 1998. "She's really cool about everything," brags the actor. "She knows where I'm at and has no worries."

Sounds like the perfect woman for a Tinseltown up-and-comer who has somehow managed to keep his feet planted firmly on the ground, doing some growing up without growing too big for his britches. "I think of The Wallflowers lyric that says, 'I ain't changed, but I know I ain't the same,'" reflects Ackles. "That's how I feel."

Ackles got a second Emmy nod this year, but he knew going in that it was going to be hard to beat Jonathan Jackson (ex-Lucky, GENERAL HOSPITAL). "He had such a good storyline and had such good chemistry with Rebecca [Herbst, Elizabeth]," Ackles says. "They really write well for them, and they're talented. It's hard to beat that. It's hard to beat a day-in, day-out great storyline and great writing, especially when [with me] they're just forming a couple with Nicole and just molding a character. Lucky was there forever. He was very established, knew his character very well and the writers know his character very well." Not that he didn't have impressive tapes to submit. "Last year when I was nominated, I only had six months of stuff," he recalls. "I didn't have a storyline. This year I has a lot more individual work."

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