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3x16 - NO REST FOR THE WICKED [No Quarter]

princess lyly
Samoht le Magnifique
betty la démone
Jensev La Sadique
survi speedy gimli
dean le tombeur
Supernatural Girl
| Wendigo |
49 participants

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voilà le titre a été mis



merci didi

le titre nous donne franchement l'eau à la bouche !

faut dire que nous allons voir les derniers instants de Dean aussi



l'angoisse pour nos deux héros !


Admin Traductrice

Le titre est à double sens :

"No rest for the wicked" peut se traduire par "Pas de répit pour les méchants", mais aussi par "pas de répit pour les braves" ! Reste à savoir dans quel sens il faut le prendre !



merci bien Gibi !!!

je pense qu'après l'épisode nous pourrons le savoir Laughing


Modératrice En route avec Métallicar

Gibi a écrit:Le titre est à double sens :

"No rest for the wicked" peut se traduire par "Pas de répit pour les méchants", mais aussi par "pas de répit pour les braves" ! Reste à savoir dans quel sens il faut le prendre !

je pense qu'on le saura réllement le jour du season finale Smile mtn on peut envisager que c'est les 2 !



la 2 oui bien sur !


Hook man

Je pense que la bonne traduction est "pas de répit pour les braves" parce que c'est une expression. Wicked veut dire "méchant, mauvais" dans tous ses sens sauf :
1. a wicked thing : un truc super (comme "hell" d'ailleurs :p)
2. dans l'expression "there's no rest for the wicked".


Modératrice En route avec Métallicar

merci pour cette éclaircissement SmileSmileSmileSmile ca ne peut que d'vaantage nous stresser sur le fait d'un cliff possible sur cette épisode vu le titre SmileSmileSmile


Modératrice En route avec Métallicar

voilà une première mini info sur le season finale SmileSmile

aparemment son titre d'origine était " no quarter " tout le monde peu comprendre " pas de quartier " ( ce qui me terrifie ca promet d'etre aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa )

il y aura des camps et accrochez vous il y a une petite info sur ces fameux clan Smile on a le nom du premier clan ( du bien je dirais ) et soit nous n'avons pas tout les noms ( plausible je pense ) soit je pense que notre sam ne va pas se battre aux cotés de dean en ce début de season finale !

car le clan de zoey a déjà bobby et......Dean ! mais ou est sam?!

" " " has kept the old(?) title 'No quarter' but it still is "No rest for the wicked".
In Zoey"s sides, we see Dean and Bobby. " " "


Modératrice En route avec Métallicar

hé voilà ma folie me reprend mais imaginez un peu..on a vu ce que donnerais les frères chacun sans l'autre, sam serait anéanti ( sauf s'il pense que dean n'est pas son brother )mais se battrait avec une force inégalable et dean lui serait anéantit et tenté de tout arréter. si les frère se ligue l'un contre l'autre alors que la grande bataille arrive ca va etre terrible. bon pt qu'il vont ver presque la fin de l'épisode pouvoir se réunir mais quand mm sam est a atout pour quiconque l'a dasn son camps et si dean n'a pas son frère avec lui déjà il sait qu'ils sont foutu je pense.

se laisser tomber a ce moment kripke veut vraiment qu'on ne tienne pas le coup ou alors que notre coeur résiste a ce finale pour voir la s4 ! SmileSmileSmileSmileSmile


Modératrice En route avec Métallicar

j'ai hate d'avoir plus d'infos Smile


Hook man

Didi*Ackles a écrit:j'ai hate d'avoir plus d'infos Smile

Et puis j'ai hâte de voir l'épisode carrément...
Et puis tant qu'on y est, j'en ai marre je veux être le 24 avril :X


Modératrice En route avec Métallicar

pareil !



Episode 3.16 Sides

No Quarter

Random Scene

Dean asks Sam if Lilith’s taken off shore leave or something. Sam says its possible and Dean tells his brother to let him in something ‘cause seriously what do demons do for fun.

Ext. Suburban Street—Morning

The location is New Harmony, Indiana. And the neighbor hood fits the town name. It’s like a rerun of Ozzie and Harriet complete with pie a la mode. Grandpa McCormick pulls some mail from the uber-cute arts and crafts mailbox and heads up the drive. His next door neighbor, Mr. Werpin greets Grandpa as he heads to his Volvo, briefcase in hand.

Grandpa greets his neighbor and Mr. Weprin asks how Grandpa’s granddaughter is doing. Grandpa replies that she’s caught that bug going around and is home sick. Mr. Werpin says that’s too bad and tells Grandpa to give the little girl a hug from him. Grandpa says it’s a sure thing and tells Mr. Weprin to take it easy, shaking the man’s hand.

Grandpa heads for the house, leaving Mr. Weprin. Mr. Weprin realizes that Grandpa has left a small waded piece of paper in his hand. Mr. Weprin sets down his briefcase and unwraps the paper. A hasty scrawl marks the page reading—HELP US.

Mr. Weprin looks up at Grandpa, but Grandpa is already closing the front door. Mr. Weprin has a serious what the hell moment.

Int. McCormick House—Front Hall—Continuous

Grandpa locks the door and bolts it, then chains it. His calm, easygoing demeanor melts away revealing the underlying tension and fear. He turns into the hallway, stepping over the face-down corpse of a 60-ish woman laying in a sticky puddle of old blood. Flies buzz, but Grandpa doesn’t really notice and he keeps walking toward the kitchen.

Int. McCormick House—Kitchen—Continuous

Grandpa joins Bonnie and Jimmy McCormick, mid-30s. Jimmy is peering out from behind closed drapes while Bonnie puts the finishing touches on a birthday cake, oddly piling on the frosting. If it weren’t for the straining terror radiating through the kitchen, the two would be a classic couple.

Grandpa asks where his granddaughter is, and Bonne says that she’s upstairs playing with Freckles. Bonnie says it like she’s scared and Jimmy just shakes his head. It’s like “Playing with freckles” is a horror of itself.

Grandpa steps up to the couple, speaking in an urgent whisper. He tells them that if they just sit there, they are dead. Jimmy shushes the man saying that she’ll hear them. Grandpa argues that they have to do something, because its her or them. Bonnie chimes in saying that its her baby girl.

Grandpa tells Bonnie that it isn’t her baby anymore ‘cause there’s something inside her, something else. Jimmy hisses for the old man to shut his pie hole cause she’s coming.

There’s a pitter-patter of feet on the stairs and sure enough Zoey, 10, enters the kitchen. She’s wearing a frilly party dress, except the front of it is slicked with blood. Zoey asks what they are talking about and Grandpa replies its just how much they love her.

Bonnie asks Zoey what happened to her dress and Zoey replies that Freckles was mean to her. The adults exchange horrified looks but force smiles cause they don’t want to anger Zoey. Bonnie says that’s nice, and Zoey asks if her Dad will push her on the swing.

Jimmy says sure, he will, but asks if his daughter wants to change first cause we don’t want the neighbors seeing all that blood. Zoey brightens at the suggestion telling her daddy how smart he is and that she loves him. Zoey gives Jimmy a tight hug, bloodying his clothes. Jimmy lightly, cautiously, returns the embrace saying the he loves her too.

He pauses for a second then asks if maybe after awhile maybe Zoey could let them go. Zoey pulls away and looks at Jimmy, giving him the calmest, even stare that could totally make a person cringe. She asks why, and Jimmy says he doesn’t know.

Everyone tenses and Zoey says she thought all of them wanted to be there, don’t they all love her? Jimmy’s about to piss his pants when he says that sure he does. Bonnie chimes in saying that they all love Zoey.

Zoey levels a gaze back at Jimmy but now her eyes are ivory white. So, yeah, this Zoey is totally Lilith. Zoey tells Jimmy not to mean to her, like Freckles is, or that mean old babysitter. Jimmy apologizes and Zoey’s eyes rolls back to normal. She immediately returns to a bubbly little girl.

Zoey tells her dad that its okay, and its time to go play.



Random Scene:

Bobby tells the boys that Lilith’s probably got demons stashed all over town so they can’t let any of ‘em sound the alarm. If she finds out they are there, they will all be dead before they can even get started. There’s a pause while everyone takes the info in, the Dean claps his hands together and says that on that cheery note they should really hit the shindig now.

Dean climbs into the Impala and shuts the door. Sam follows right behind him.

Int. McCormick House—Dining Room/Living Area—Night

The table is covered with all kinds of dessert and candy. Grandpa and Jimmy are sitting at the table, totally in hell but fixing plastic smiles on their faces. Bonnie places the obscenely icing drowned cake in front of Zoey. Its got ten lit candles.

Bonnie tells Zoey happy birthday and everyone echoes it. Zoey’s totally into it, blowing out the candles. Bonnie takes the cake, begins cutting it. Jimmy gives a weary smile as he says yeah, they get cake, again.

Zoey gets her grandpa’s attention and asks if she can ask him something. Grandpa says anything and Zoey inquires as to why Grandpa went to Mr. Weprin for help.

Everybody tenses, and Bonnie stops slicing. Grandpa is totally thrown and stammers out that he didn’t know. Zoey’s not visibly angry, instead she’s eerily calm as she declares that Grandpa doesn’t love her. Grandpa argues that he does, but Zoey says no, he doesn’t and calls him a mean old man.

Grandpa’s desperate now, and he shoots a wild look to Bonnie telling her to do something and help him. Zoey says she doesn’t like Grandpa anymore and makes a casual twist of her hand. Grandpa’s head jerks to the side and we hear the crack of his neck breaking.

Bonnie’s hand covers her mouth, barely hiding a howling scream. Zoey reminds them not to scream cause screaming makes her mad. Bonnie and Jimmy both nod, and struggle to manage a weak smile avoiding looking at the fresh corpse of Grandpa. Bonnie returns to slicing the cake and Zoey asks if she can have ice cream with her piece.

Random Scene:

Dean sense someone behind him and pivots, grabbing Jimmy who’s totally scared out of his wits. Sam and Ruby watch as Dean cups the man’s mouth. He shushes Jimmy and says that they are here to help, and so he’s gonna let Jimmy go so they can have a nice quiet talk. Jimmy nods and Dean releases him. They all whisper.

Sam asks where Zoey is and Jimmy is utterly broken as he tells them that it isn’t her daughter anymore. Sam repeats the question and Jimmy replies that Zoey is in her room. Dean tells Jimmy to get his ass to the basement and salt the door behind him. Jimmy argues saying that he’s not going without his wife and when he continues to argue Dean cracks the guy in the chin. Jimmy slumps down, out cold.

Dean rolls his eyes at Sam as if to say what a damn day and drags Jimmy toward the hallway leading to the basement. Sam and Ruby continue to the stairway.


Modératrice En route avec Métallicar

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa un bout de script !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! merci un million de fois isa
bon on sait déjà que s'ils se font repérer par lilith ils sont cuit et que dean roule ses yeux en regardant sam pour dire quelle foutu journée SmileSmile j'ai hate


Modératrice En route avec Métallicar

apparemment sammy est tj avec son brothers dans cette partie SmileSmile

dean le tombeur

John Winchester

comme c'est intense

merci deanvica



bon ben alors que va-t-il réellement se passer ????



moi je pense que jusqu'au bout ils seront ensemble il peut pas en etre autrement ou vraiment dans les dernieres minutes .
De rien des que j'ai quelque chose d enouveau je vous le met .




ok merci deanvica !!!

j'ai bien peur qu'il soit séparer à la fin par contre


Chasseurs de monstres

oui je le vois bien comme ça aussi ensemble durant tout l'épisode mais un final ou ils serront séparé de manière spéctaculaire histoire de finir comme pour les 2 premières saison sur un bon vieux cliff comme on les aimes Smile



et oui un de plus !



Du genre, Sam accepte de virer vers le mal pour empêcher son frère d'aller en enfer! 3x16 - NO REST FOR THE WICKED [No Quarter] - Page 3 723175

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