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3x07, Fresh Blood

dean le tombeur
| Wendigo |
25 participants

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13x07, Fresh Blood Empty 3x07, Fresh Blood Mar 11 Sep 2007 - 10:58



L'épisode 3.07 est intitulé "New Blood" ("Sang neuf").

Voici l'un des personnages de cet épisode qui tournera autour de la thématique des vampires :

DIXON : ( 30 's) a vampire who habitually picks up young women in bars and "turns" them into vampires by having them drink blood (he tells them its a new drug). Despite his outward cruelty and vampire super-strength, Dixon is actually a vulnerable, grief-stricken man who can't face eternity alone and is desperately trying to reconstruct a vampire family...GUEST STAR.

Traduction : Dixon : Une trentaine d'années. C'est un vampire qui a l'habitude d'enlever des jeunes femmes dans les bars et qui les transforme en vampires en leur faisant boire du sang (il leur dit qu'il s'agit d'une nouvelle drogue). Malgré sa cruauté extériorisée et sa grande force, Dixon est en fait un homme vulnérable, anéanti par le chagrin, qui ne peut faire face à l'éternité seul et qui essaie déséspérément de reconstruire une famille de vampires.

23x07, Fresh Blood Empty Re: 3x07, Fresh Blood Mar 11 Sep 2007 - 14:29



Encore une histoire de vampires, un autre contexte aussi !!!!!

merci dal

33x07, Fresh Blood Empty Re: 3x07, Fresh Blood Mar 11 Sep 2007 - 18:55



J'ai trop hâte de voir la nouvelle saison^^

43x07, Fresh Blood Empty Re: 3x07, Fresh Blood Mar 11 Sep 2007 - 21:43



Cool, encore des vampires ! Ils aiment bien en mettre dans toutes les saisons ! lol !

Il me fait un peu penser à Dean ce Dixon... Il a peur d'être seul, et essaye de se reconstruire une famille... Comme Dean avec Sam et son père.

Merci Dal en tout cas !

53x07, Fresh Blood Empty Re: 3x07, Fresh Blood Mar 11 Sep 2007 - 21:48



De rien, les filles !!

C'est vrai Faith, Dean et Dixon semble avoir beaucoup de points de communs dans leur manière d'appréhender l'existence. Sauf que Dixon vit l'angoisse de vivre éternellement seul, alors que Dean subit le stress de ne plus vivre pour très longtemps.

63x07, Fresh Blood Empty Re: 3x07, Fresh Blood Mar 11 Sep 2007 - 22:32


Hook man

Merci beaucoup, encore un épisode qui promet d'être superbe!
Décidement cette saison se présente sous de beaux hospices!

73x07, Fresh Blood Empty Re: 3x07, Fresh Blood Mar 11 Sep 2007 - 23:15


Chasseurs de monstres

oui il s'annonce extra, c'est bien de revoir encore des vampires (décidement il sont abonné à chaque saison). et c'est vrai que le lien entre dean et dixon est troublant

83x07, Fresh Blood Empty Re: 3x07, Fresh Blood Mar 11 Sep 2007 - 23:48



En effet, ils ont beaucoup de points communs!
Cet épisode a l'air bien aussi! Vivement le 4 Octobre!cheers

93x07, Fresh Blood Empty Re: 3x07, Fresh Blood Mer 12 Sep 2007 - 0:05

| Wendigo |

| Wendigo |

merci !!!!

une histoire de vampire on pense à du déjà vu, mais non on dirait !!!! Dean Dixon mais que nous prépare-t-il encore ?

103x07, Fresh Blood Empty Re: 3x07, Fresh Blood Mer 12 Sep 2007 - 9:44


Admin Traductrice

Les garçons enquêtent sur des disparitions de jeunes femmes dans un club. Ils penchent pour un vampire. Au cours de leur investigation, ils retrouvent Gordon. Il se fait enlever par Dixon (le vampire), qui mélange leur sang. Lorsque Dean et Sam arrivent au repére de Dixon, Dean explique que cette fois ils vont devoir tuer Gordon, et au grand étonnement de Dean, Sam est d'accord. Mais lorsqu'ils arrivent, Gordon a disparu, tous les vampires sont morts sauf Dixon qui demande alors à Dean de mettre fin à sa vie car il ne supporte plus d'être seul.

Résumé fait à partie d'un morceau du script disponible sur

113x07, Fresh Blood Empty Re: 3x07, Fresh Blood Mer 12 Sep 2007 - 14:35



merci Gibi !!!

Retour de Gordon j'espère qu'ils l'auront cette fois-ci !

123x07, Fresh Blood Empty Re: 3x07, Fresh Blood Mer 12 Sep 2007 - 14:41



Voilà le morceau de script :

Episode 3.7 Sides

New Blood

Random Scene:

Dean and Sam approach the door of a nightclub. Dean asks Sam if they are looking for curly blondes like the Lucy girl from before. Sam confirms Dean’s statement and tells his brother that two more people went missing in the last couple of days and were last seen headed for the club. He adds that he thinks this particular vampire has a type. Dean points out it also has a hunting ground.

Int. Spider Nightclub—Continuous

The club is buzzing with a lot of hard-partying rocker kind of people. Sam and Dean are scanning the crowd. Sam spots a few curly blondes in the crowd and the boys split up to work their way around the bar.

A curly blond woman sits in deep converstation with a man with a noticeable scar on his cheek. He’s our vamp going by the name Dixon and he moves and speaks with a gentility as he leans forward and whispers in the blonde’s ear. She giggles and leans closer as Dixon pulls out a small drop bottle from his jacket.

We get a close up of the bottle and see that’s its filled with a thick red liquid. The blonde looks excited as Dixon pulls out the dropper and lets a good bit of the liquid drop into her drink before raising his own glass and offering a cheers. (That’s like saying yes, I’ll take one roofie to go, thanks! god.)

The blonde is still giggling while she clinks her glass and moves to drink from her poisoned glass. Lucky for her Dean is there and the glass crashes to the ground as he swipes it out of the blonde’s hand, right before he decks Dixon a good one.

Dean tells the blonde to run and the girl listens but Dixon takes that moment to slam Dean against the bar. Sam sees the action taking place and heads straight toward Dixon. The vamp takes off, barely avoiding Sam and heads quickly to the back door. Sam and Dean rush after him and nearly slam right into Gordon, holding a gun with Kubrick by his side.

(Quick refresher—Kubrick is from an earlier episode this season who’s a former friend of Gordon’s and has his own theories about the demon kids thing….so yeah, and last time we checked in with Gordon he was picking up the soap therefore…cue the freaky zomg music peeps)

The Winchester backpedal fast as Gordon greets them with a long time no see. Gordon raises the gun and points it at Sam.

Random Scene:

Dean’s yelling on the phone that there are TWO of them. Bela gives an oh, but Dean’s seething and tells her that he swears to god that if they get out of this alive, the first thing he’s going to do is kill her. Right before he hands up.

Int. Loft Building—Dixon’s Nest—Night

It’s not a very cozy space unless lots of shadows, concrete walls and exposed pipes is your idea of a wonderful living space, but hey the antique furniture is always a nice additive touch.

Gordon’s there slumped against a metal bed frame, his wrists and ankles tied to the bars and his body is bruised and bloody. His eyes flutter open and he scans the room to see a heavy steel door and barred windows (another very homey touch if you ask me) and in the corner two curly blonde women help up by their shackled hands that are attached to long chains running down from the ceiling. The women are barely half conscious and are shivering.

Dixon enters the room with a large cup of blood and goes toward the women, gently placing the cup to the first woman’s mouth. She gulps it down hungrily and blood runs down her chin. ***sweet*** Dixon tenderly tells her that he’s sorry he had to chain her up, but she’ll understand in time.

The first woman makes a sound of protest as Dixon removes the cup and moves toward the second woman. However, he looks up to see Gordon watching him in abject horror. Dixon so intelligently states the obvious that Gordon’s awake and the hunter can’t but express his distaste for the ‘fangs’.

Dixon helps the second woman drain the rest of the cup and pats her cheek. He tells Gordon to watch his mouth because they are his family and Gordon asks if Dixon always keeps his family in shackles. Dixon is scarily calm as he approaches Gordon and explains that they are just getting to know each other seeing as they just recently joined him.

Gordon says that what Dixon really means is that he grabbed some poor girls just to make them into monsters. Dixon throws Gordon a cold look no one wants to get from a fang and tells him that he did what he had to do, seeing as they are a dying breed but Gordon already knows that.

Gordon tries to cover his surprise that Dixon knows who he is but Dixon continues taunting saying that Gordon Walker is one of the greatest living vampire hunters. Gordon takes the comment with a snarky reply in agreement to the vamp’s statement. Dixon goes on to tell Gordon that he’s a big part of why his people are nearly extinct. Hunters slaughtered his entire family—murdered his wife.

The vamp glances at a cluttered table where a civil war era photo of a woman with curly blonde hair sits. Dixon says that he cant even express how satisfying this is, to catch a hunter responsible for so many deaths. And that he can’t wait to make Gordon lunch for his new girlfriends.

Dixon steps closer, grinning as his vampire teeth descend. Gordon never takes his eyes off the vampire, his gaze cold as he states that Dixon’s girlfriends are more like fang whores. The vamp pauses and is taken off guard by Gordon’s intensity.

Gordon asks if Dixon is gonna deny it all and states that he can’t because he doesn’t have the reason god gave an animal. He also calls Dixon a mindless bloodsucker (I guess if you’re gonna piss off some Supernatural creature, you might as well do it while you’re tied up to a friggen bed and its walking toward you leaving you little or no chance of escape….)

Dixon is frighteningly quiet in his reply that he’s more like Gordon than the hunter even realizes. Gordon laughs and states that Dixon isn’t like him at all because there is nothing human about him—absolutely nothing. He points out that Dixon murders and spreads his filthy disease on pure base instinct. Gordon also so nicely tells the vamp that he is as much humanity as a sewer rat.

Dixon remains eerily calm as he apologizes for Gordon’s low opinion of his people. Gordon tells him that he has no idea. And Dixon studies him for a minute until one of the women whimpers in hunger. He looks to her and tells her that theirs been a change of plans and he’s going out to get her lunch. He’s got a better idea of Gordon.

With that stated, Dixon grips one of Gordon’s bound arms and bites open a vein in Gordon’s wrist, but doesn’t drink—instead the vamp opens one of his own veins and fuses the two bites together mixing the blood amid Gordon’s panicked cries of horror as he struggles for his life.

Int. Motel Room—Night

Dean and Sam are grim and quiet as they tend to their weapons. Sam states that the vamp is still out there and Dean reminds him first things first and that means Gordon. Dean goes on to say that when Gordon comes out of the woodwork, he’s not leaving them much of a choice they are gonna have to kill him.

Big brother is surprised that Sam readily agrees to the statement and is baffled that Sam agreed just like that.

Int. Dixon’s Nest—Night

Sam and Dean enter—and stop right away. The place is a bloodbath and the two female vamps are on the floor beheaded. Dixon is kneeling beside them, his back to the door as the hunters approach and we realize that the vamp is weeping.

Dean raises his knife only for Dixon’s grief stricken voice to tell him to go ahead and do it. Sam and Dean share a look, like wth, as Dixon repeats his request for them to kill him.

Sam asks what happened here, and Dixon turns to face the boys, hatred on his face as he spits the name Gordon Walker. The brothers share a glance and its an oh crap on a stick moment. Dean keeps his knife honed on Dixon as the emotionally pained vampire goes on to admit he should’ve never taken a hunter to his loft. He just wanted some kind of vindication, revenge. It was stupid to expose his family to this threat.

Dean openly laughs at Dixon’s admission stating that he doesn’t even want to understand the vamp’s reasoning. Dixon defends that he was desperate, and asks if Dean’s ever felt desperate.

The older brother tenses at the question and Dixon continues saying that he lost everything he ever loved—he lost her, and she was everything and now he’s alone. For all time alone and he cant do it. He can’t go on forever facing that.

Dean’s very uncomfortable by where this is all going and he understands way more than he wants to at this point. Dixon keeps talking stating that he wasn’t thinking—he just didn’t care anymore…he asks if Dean knows what that’s like when you just cant bring yourself to give a damn

Oh yeah, big bro knows mister lemme tell ya….Dixon also says that its as if he’s dead already—so go ahead and kill him.

Dean cant look away because damn, that vampire can give a speech and Sam looks up from the corpses in shock. He tells Dean that the heads were cut off they were ripped off, by bare hands.

Dean looks over to the bodies in disbelief and then both boys stare toward Dixon. Sam asks the vampire what exactly he did to Gordon but Dixon just looks away.

Il semble que Gordon va devenir un vampire dans cet épisode et Sam dévoile peu à peu son côté sombre à Dean qui est étonné par la nouvelle attitude de son frère.

133x07, Fresh Blood Empty Re: 3x07, Fresh Blood Mer 12 Sep 2007 - 14:44

dean le tombeur

John Winchester

merci bien

143x07, Fresh Blood Empty Re: 3x07, Fresh Blood Mer 12 Sep 2007 - 15:56



Gordon un vampire ? Bien fait pour sa g****e mais par contre c'est lui qui a dû tuer tous les vampires. N'empêche pauvre Dixon ça doit être horrible de se sentir seul pour l'éternité.

J'en connais un qui va prendre un malin plaisir à tuer Gordon (depuis le temps que je rêve de la voir crever celui là)

153x07, Fresh Blood Empty Re: 3x07, Fresh Blood Mer 12 Sep 2007 - 16:01



c'est sur qu'il en rêve depuis un bon bout de temps et j'espère que ce sera à la fin de cet épisode !

Quel pourriture ce Gordon même vampire il tue les siens !

163x07, Fresh Blood Empty Re: 3x07, Fresh Blood Mer 12 Sep 2007 - 16:04



Quan don est pourri, c'est jusqu'à la moelle.

173x07, Fresh Blood Empty Re: 3x07, Fresh Blood Mer 12 Sep 2007 - 16:04



vi jusqu'à la moelle !!!!!!

183x07, Fresh Blood Empty Re: 3x07, Fresh Blood Jeu 13 Sep 2007 - 0:27



Super, déjà que humain, il était pas fréquentable, alors vampire, qu'est ce que ça va être... Bah déjà, il a massacré les deux filles !

Vivement qu'il meurt ! Et c'est clair qu'il y a de grandess chance pour que se soit Sam qui le zigouille ! (Et c'est pas moi qui irait pleurer sur son sort, lol ! Il est pourri jusqu'à la moelle, ça, je suis tout à fait d'accord !)

193x07, Fresh Blood Empty Re: 3x07, Fresh Blood Jeu 13 Sep 2007 - 1:00


Chasseurs de monstres

moi ce qui me surprend dans cette épisode c'est que une fois ENCORE on voit un Sam assoiffé de meurtre car il accepte dessuite de tuer gordon où avant il refusé (alors qu'on connait tous ce qu' a fait Gordon).

Je trouve quand 7 épisodes le "bad Sam" revient énormément, qu'est ce que cela cache ???

203x07, Fresh Blood Empty Re: 3x07, Fresh Blood Jeu 13 Sep 2007 - 1:03



Les frères n'auront aucun remord à tuer Gordon vu qu'il est devenu un vampire!
Quand à Dean, puisqu'il est à mème de comprendre ce que peut ressentir Dixon, je doute qu'il le tue!

213x07, Fresh Blood Empty Re: 3x07, Fresh Blood Jeu 13 Sep 2007 - 13:48



J'pense que c'est à partir de cet épisode que Dean va vraiment commencer à se poser des questions sur son frère.
Il va être apparement très cool celui-là ! (enfin c'est la 7ème fois que j'dis ça pour la saison 3.. lol)

223x07, Fresh Blood Empty Re: 3x07, Fresh Blood Jeu 13 Sep 2007 - 16:18




Sam and Dean go to a nightclub where Dean asks Sam if they are looking for curly blondes. Sam says about two missing the last days.
'Spider' nightclub: Hard rockers having fun. Dixon whispers in a blonde's ear. She tries to drink something but Dean stops her and they try to pursue Dixon.
Gordon appears and asks them if they missed him and points his gun at Sam.
In other scene, we see Dean says about two of 'them' to Bela who are probably are in a fight with them.
We see a loft where is Dixon's lair. Gordon is tied up and besides there are two blondes. Dixon approaches them with a cup of blood. He offers to the one and he talks with Gordon who asks him about his 'family'. Dixon says about the new breed he created, his murdered wife. Gordon says about those 'fang whores' Dixon calls girlfriends. Dixon bites a vein of Gordon's wrist and opens his own vein and they mingle their blood! Gordon protests.
When Sam and Dean went there, everything is like a bloodbath. They see Dixon weeping. He tels them only the name of Gordon. He also tells them about the family he had lost and he's all alone.
"I can't face the eternity' he says and Dean feels uncomfortable with his words about desperation when you lose someone.
Sam looks shocked about the corpses and one has ripped off its head. They asked him what happened to Gordon.

233x07, Fresh Blood Empty Re: 3x07, Fresh Blood Jeu 13 Sep 2007 - 21:44

| Wendigo |

| Wendigo |

Miss502 a écrit:J'pense que c'est à partir de cet épisode que Dean va vraiment commencer à se poser des questions sur son frère.
Il va être apparement très cool celui-là ! (enfin c'est la 7ème fois que j'dis ça pour la saison 3.. lol)

mais à force de le dire, tu vas trouver le bon épisode Laughing LOL

Mais comme tu dis Dean va s'en rendre compte, en espèrant aussi que Dean reprenne du poil de la bête !!!

243x07, Fresh Blood Empty Re: 3x07, Fresh Blood Jeu 13 Sep 2007 - 22:58



Il parait que Deanb aura encore envie de tuer Bela! décidément, elle ne doit pas être facile, celle-là!

253x07, Fresh Blood Empty Re: 3x07, Fresh Blood Ven 14 Sep 2007 - 9:12

dean le tombeur

John Winchester

Normal elle leur barre leur chemin à vouloir récupérer des objets pour les vendre ou bien d'autres choses. Elle ne leur facilite pas l atâche !

Contenu sponsorisé

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