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3x13, Ghostfacers

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13x13, Ghostfacers Empty 3x13, Ghostfacers Lun 3 Mar 2008 - 20:16


Admin Traductrice

Producteur éxecutif : Eric Kripke, Mc G, Robert Singer, Kim Manners;
Producteur : Peter Johnson, Cyrus Yavneh, Phil Sgriccia;
Dirigé : Phil Sgriccia;
Scénariste : Ben Edlund.
Début tournage : March 13, 2008 (in Vancouver, Canada).

Cast :
Travis Wester : Harry Spangler (Déjà vu dans "Hell House").
A.J Buckley : Ed Zeddmore (Déjà vu dans "Hell House").
Dustin Milligan : Corbett
Brittany Ishibashi : Maggie Zeddmore

Résumé : une bande de chasseurs de fantôme amateurs, les Ghostfacers, décide d'aller enquêter sur une maison hantée. Ils y rencontrent les deux frères Winchester qui ont entendu parlé de cet endroit par leur père. Il semble que la maison soit bien hanté, et lorsque l'un des membres de la fine équipe des Ghostfacers disparaît, le petit groupe se scinde en deux, avec un Winchester à la tête de chacun. Puis c'est au tour de Sam de disparaître, enlevé par un fantôme qui ne veut pas être seul et qui s'en prend violemment au jeune chasseur.

Sources :
Spoiler TV

Dernière édition par Gibi le Jeu 3 Avr 2008 - 20:04, édité 3 fois

23x13, Ghostfacers Empty Re: 3x13, Ghostfacers Lun 3 Mar 2008 - 20:18



merçi Beaucoup Gibi! Very Happy

33x13, Ghostfacers Empty Re: 3x13, Ghostfacers Lun 3 Mar 2008 - 20:35


Sam's girfriend

Merci Gibi!

43x13, Ghostfacers Empty Re: 3x13, Ghostfacers Lun 3 Mar 2008 - 23:00



Ah, enfin des infos, merci Gibi! Very Happy

53x13, Ghostfacers Empty Re: 3x13, Ghostfacers Lun 3 Mar 2008 - 23:33


Chasseurs de monstres

Cool les 1ers infos Wink

63x13, Ghostfacers Empty Re: 3x13, Ghostfacers Lun 3 Mar 2008 - 23:38



Merci ! ça fait du bien d'avoir des news. Un épisode basé sur une émission de télé-réalité sur le surnaturel, ça peut être drôle.

73x13, Ghostfacers Empty Re: 3x13, Ghostfacers Mar 4 Mar 2008 - 11:31


Admin Traductrice

ATTENTION, aucune confirmation pour ce spoiler :

D'après le forum Special Hell (info reprise sur le forum de Sam et Dean vont enquêter sur une maison hantée car John n'aurait pas fini le boulot et que Dean ne veut pas mourir sans que cela soit fait.

Dernière édition par Gibi le Mar 4 Mar 2008 - 13:48, édité 1 fois

83x13, Ghostfacers Empty Re: 3x13, Ghostfacers Mar 4 Mar 2008 - 12:05



Wow! merci Gibi, ca promet d'être intense, comme d'habitude

93x13, Ghostfacers Empty Re: 3x13, Ghostfacers Mer 5 Mar 2008 - 14:26

Supernatural Girl

Supernatural Girl

Intéressant tout ça Very Happy
C'est cool d'avoir des infos sur le prochain épisode ^^

103x13, Ghostfacers Empty Re: 3x13, Ghostfacers Mer 5 Mar 2008 - 20:02


Chasseurs de monstres

cool la nouvelle news, ça promet oui Smile

113x13, Ghostfacers Empty Re: 3x13, Ghostfacers Mer 5 Mar 2008 - 22:27



franchement ca promet !


123x13, Ghostfacers Empty Re: 3x13, Ghostfacers Jeu 6 Mar 2008 - 11:38


Admin Traductrice

Ajout d'un résumé dans le 1° post. Résumé tiré de la partie du scénario disponible que le forum de Donc pas la peine de le mettre ici ! Merci de faire attention Wink

133x13, Ghostfacers Empty Re: 3x13, Ghostfacers Jeu 6 Mar 2008 - 12:14


Chasseurs de monstres

Cool le résumé, j'adore l'idée des 2 bandes avec comme leader pour chacun un Winchester, et c'est Sam qui se fait encore enlevé décidément ça devient une spécialité pour notre sammy Smile

143x13, Ghostfacers Empty Re: 3x13, Ghostfacers Ven 7 Mar 2008 - 17:17



Episode 3.13


Random Scene:

Ed laughs and says that he lost his flashlight, and then Harry's battery failed. They ended up getting trapped in the pitch dark, and he admits that it kind of freaked them out. Harry comments that they realized it would be a lot better in those situations if there were more people around. Ed chimes in saying that spells 'team'.

Int. Ghostfacer Headquarters (HQ)—Modest Apartment—Night

Headquarters is a nice above the garage apartment, but the space is full of ghosthunting essentials. There's a camera and equipment area as well as an editing section. Spruce backs into the room, his camera on Ed and Harry as they enter and greet their team. The team returns the greeting and we see Maggie laying down documents and clippings.

Int. Confessional Interview—Else—When

Maggie addresses the camera and the caption "Maggie Spengler: Research Team Co-leader, Adopted" is beneath the screen. She tells the camera that she tries to keep the team honest and impartial—leans more to the scientific side of things. She feels she's more of a Scully, and if you were to put Ed and her brother Harry together you might get a Mulder. She comments that they would be less hot, but that those two guys pretty much believe just about anything.

Random Scene:

There's more camera shots around the HQ as the Facers prepare for a meeting. Corbett makes coffee and watches Harry, almost thoughtfully. We hear his voice over as he tells us that he say Harry putting up flyers at the outlet mall in Skogen.

Int. Confessional Interview—Else When

Corbett's talking to the camera and says that he read a flyer and thought to himself where do ghosts come from. He shrugs and states that now he's here-- helping Harry and the guys out.

Int. Ghostfacer HQ—Modest Apartment—Night

Spruce's Camera is on Maggie, Ed and Corbett as they sit down, joking around. Harry steps up to a white board and starts marking on it. Spruce rotates the camera and gives his own close up. The caption beneath his face saying: Kenny Spruce: Camera, Licensed Shamanologist (That's a job??? Lol) 1/16 Cherokee.

Spruce gives his own little intro saying he's bring the viewer the real story. Harry interrupts and tells the whole crew to cut it out so they can get back to business. Spruce turns the camera back to the group—caption reads Ghostfacer HQ: 7:15 PM Research Debriefing. Harry starts writing on the board that's covered with photos of a haunted house and writes Morton House.

Ghostfacers are very excited and Ed tells them that yeah, this is one of the big ones.

Random Scene: Confessional

Ed says that he likes Corbett. The dude does a good job and shows up early. But he's gay for Harry so that could just cause trouble for the team…

Black Screen—Phase II Infiltration

Ext. Morton House—Night

Spruce's Camera gives us a night vision view of the house from a distance. The Caption tells us that its 9:59 PM, March 31st. His camera pulls back and we see the chain link fence between them and the house complete with razor wire and No Trespassing sign.

Harry and the rest of the Facers are using the brush as cover as they lie in wait. All sporting their radio headsets. He quietly tells the camera that as it turns out a lot of people have broken into the Morton house over the years, he guesses the local authorities got fed up with that. Ed chimes in that it looks like the cops have fenced the place off really good. Harry agrees saying that they could even have the place under constant surveillance.

Maggie stops the men and asks them sort of rhetorically about the permit they were supposed to get. Ed turns to Harry and says that's a good idea for next time. (*facepalm*) Harry nods in return and Maggie just frowns.

Spruce yells that he hears a car and the Facers go down in the brush. Spruce lines the camera up to the road, it's the Impala driving up slowly, checking out the Morton house. Then the engine guns and it's gone. Spruce brings the camera back to the Facers as they get up from their hiding places. Harry's not seen, but Ed lets everyone know that its not the cops—just hicks.

Spruce hurriedly puts Harry in the camera screen and we discover that Harry, complete with night googles on is bolt cutting a flap into the chain link fence. He pulls the newly made flap up and tells everyone to Go, go, go.

Spruce runs forward, pushing through the flap as he follows the Facers. Harry leads the crew as Maggie follows with the light kit and Ed and Corbett carry a heavy trunk.

Int. Morton House—Night

Corbett has his camera up and running. Spruce tells his via the headset that he’s looking good and Corbett says he copies that.

153x13, Ghostfacers Empty Re: 3x13, Ghostfacers Ven 7 Mar 2008 - 17:18



Random Scene:

Something clatters in the house, up ahead. Harry freezes and screams for Corbett.

Int. Morton House—Elsewhere—Night

Spruce is filming Harry and Maggie as they explore another room. Ed narrates that its 11:50, ten minutes to go zero hour. He states that he’s doing an EMF sweep of the premises and Spruce is recording the EVP.

The camera quivers with static and hisses creepily. Spruce gives a Keanu ‘whoa’ as the image warps again. Maggie asks what the problem is and Spruce turns the camera to himself, looking down the barrel. Spruce says he doesn’t know but its weird.

Int. Morton House—Corridor—Night

Corbett’s filming as he goes down a hall.

Int. Morton House—Elsewhere—Night

Spruce’s camera is filming his feet as he plays with. A ghostly image comes across the static and Spruce says that something’s messing with it. He turns the camera in his hands, focusing on Ed and Maggie. The two look frantic as a white glow of light moves down the corridor towards them. Maggie tries to get Spruce’s attention, but he’s focused on the camera and the lens is on the floor again.

Spruce comments that it could be the headset frequency and Ed desperately tries to get his attention. Ed grabs the camera and points it at the light which is now a full on apparition—a man in a suit, pleading. The ghost is apologizing, pleading but spasms as four bullet holes rip into him. With a loud scream the ghost disappears.

Random Scene—

Sam says that its rare but sometimes you can shock an echo out of loop and manage to talk to the part of the ghost that’s still human. He watches Dean out the corner of his eye and continues saying that it helps if you have a connection with the deceased. Dean’s yelling into the blind face of the ghost, Uncle Drunky, as he calls it and tells the ghost the bar’s closed.

An eerie train whistle and white light washes over the drunk spirit and he raises his arms and lets out a scream. Suddenly his spirit figure is hit by the invisible freight train, knocking him into the wall and then he’s gone, leaving Dean in the wake.

Int. Morton House—Corridor—Night

The caption at the bottom of the screen reads 12:15 A.M. Facers and the Winchesters move along the house, searching. Harry is devastated by the loss of a fellow Facer. He asks Ed where their partner could be and says he’s gonna lose it if they can’t find Corbett. Ed replies that they’ll find him. They will.

Maggie’s filming Sam and Dean as they chat together. Dean tells his brother that none of the records show any of the stuff that’s been happening. No one’s ever been shot in the house, and there’s no chance in hell that a train ran over someone here. Maggie asks from behind the camera if the Echoes took Corbett.

Dean turns to the camera and says no, yes…and then says that he doesn’t know what’s going on and that they are trying to figure it out. Maggie’s a bit tense after Dean’s little frustrated tirade and she turns the camera to Sam. Sam states that a Death Echo works like a ghost bound to a place they died or their remains.

Harry points out that the people didn’t live here ‘cause they checked, so why are the ghosts there. Sam and Dean exchange a glance—they don’t have a clue.

Continuous Scene:

Maggie’s camera is still on Dean as they move further down the hall. Dean turns back and asks her if watching the nightmare from behind a camera makes her feel better. Maggie quietly replies that yeah, she thinks so. A doorway is illuminated behind Dean in the camera light.

Int. Morton House—Freeman’s Den—Night

The Facers and our Winchester boys move their flashlights around in the Den. Camera lands on Harry who’s narrating a short montage of the group search—his ‘clues’ are arranged on the workbench. He mentions that sometimes in the supernatural field one can end up working with other paranormalist. While he points out there is no written etiquette for such a time—in his experience he thinks everyone brings something to the table. (dork, dork, dork lol)

The rest of the group is still looking around at the taxidermy hanging on the walls. There’s also a bunch of anti-commie propaganda and boxes of C-rations. Sam studies the clues and mutters to himself about just what Freeman Daggett was about.

Harry’s getting impatient and asks how this is going to help them find Corbett and tells Sam they should be tearing up the floorboards looking for him. Sam absently tells Harry to go ahead as he studies a book entitled “U.S. Army Nuclear Fallout Survival Guide.’

Maggie’s camera is on Dean as he searches another wall full of boxed rations. Maggie asks if they really are all C-Rations and Dean tells her that yeah, they are army—issue four squares like lifetime supply. Maggie seems quite depressed that’s all Freeman ate, but Dean points out the dude lived alone, worked alone.

He comments that Freeman could’ve dusted from time to time, but catches a clear trail in the dust made by a flow of air. Dean takes the boxes away and finds an air vent. When he reaches in, he pulls out big tobacco tin. He brings it over to the workbench and opens it. Inside, Dean finds a yellowed papers and a hardcover book.

Dean reads the title ‘Home Taxidermy—for Fun and Profit’ and then digs back into the tin, pulling out four morgue issue toe tags. Both he and Sam share a disgusted opinion of the discovery.

Inserted Scene—camera stuff shot later on with Ed’s voiceover.

He explains the four toe tags, along with body transfer documents from the same hospital Freeman used to work at as a janitor. Harry’s voice is hears saying the entries stated a robbery related shooting, a train death, playground incident and monoxide poisoning.

Int. Morton House—Taxidermy Shop—night

Spruce’s camera is on Sam and Dean. Sam states that Freeman was a morgue robber and Dean agrees, saying that he was also a body stuffer which means that the Echoes remains have to be around the house somewhere. Sam returns that they don’t know for sure if he’s the ghost they are dealing with though and Dean turns away, clearly troubled, and tells Sam to hang on.

163x13, Ghostfacers Empty Re: 3x13, Ghostfacers Ven 7 Mar 2008 - 17:19



Int. Morton House—Night

Maggie is filming a winding walkway through Freeman’s junk and calling out for Corbett. There’s tons more animal heads and furniture in this section of the house. Maggie’s camera starts to roll with static and she whips around ---running smack into Dean.

Maggie yells out and Dean raises his hands to calm her. He tells her to stay close, and Maggie tells him okay. Her camera plays static again and Ed and Harry run up, faces concerned. Dean tells them that she’s okay and Harry checks his EMF. While he’s doing so, a rumble shakes the house. Harry brilliantly declares that something’s coming (how’s that for Captain Obvious).

Spruce walks up with his camera, and behind him we can see Sam at the workbench. Then Spruce moves, blocking our view of Sam—never a good thing if you ask me…

Int. Morton House—Freeman’s Den—Night

Dean and the Facers are frantically calling out for their missing. Spruce’s camera sweeps the area, finding Ed and Maggie in an embrace. Ed says that he’s scared and Maggie tenderly tells him its going to be okay. She kisses his neck and they totally start the end of the world making out session. Spruce swings the camera over to Harry who’s mouth is hanging open in shock.

He declares that he can’t believe it’s his best friend with his best sister. Ed tries to calm Harry but Harry demands to know if Ed is banging his sister. Ed doesn’t have time to answer before Harry rushes him, slamming him against the wall. Dean breaks it up, telling them to cut the Sweet Valley High crap because they are down two people.

Random Scene:

Spruce says he’s coming with Dean. Dean calls him and idiot and says that Spruce is gonna get himself killed---but after a long pause, gives up and basically says screw it. Dean turns and runs off.

Int. Morton House—basement—Night

Spruce is filming Dean as they move through Freeman’s basement. Spruce asks what Dean meant back there when he was arguing with Sam. He says that he’s just curious since they were arguing about why they were here. Dean says that their Dad used to talk about this place like it was Everest. John tried it one night, to see if he could make it through.

Spruce says he still doesn’t get it. Dean explains that he’s not going into the details, but he wont be around much longer, so he just wanted to be able to try this one out before—you know its Morton House—it’s a big one.

Spruce says he knows, and Dean asks where the hell his brother could be. There are rusted vents on the basement wall with a tall bolted rack of steel shelves underneath. Dean starts hauling away at the shelves and tells Spruce to lose the camera or he’s gonna destroy it.

Spruce says it’s a habit, and apologizes. He puts the camera down and Dean tells him to help him. Spruce puts his shoulder into it and ‘helps’ Dean rip the shelf down. It falls with a loud clang and a big cloud of dust—past it though is a rusted metal door.

Int. Unknown Space---Night

Sam’s struggling in vain as a record skips on with that It’s My Party song---the record screeches to a halt and a grey presence appears in the room. An eerie whisper says that it’s a lonesome, hard living to be a person—until he thought of the party.

The presence moves past Sam again and again, each time it does more blood trickles from his ears, eyes, and nose. The eerie voice says that Sam doesn’t know any of his stories yet---he has lots of stories. The gray shape overtakes Sam coupled by creepy whispers.

Int. Unknown Space—Night

Corbett’s camera is past Sam and to the door. We hear the loud bangs from outside and the door gives way. Light pours in from Spruces camera. Freeman Daggett’s ghost is hovering over a bloodied and weak Sam. Dean steps in and fires the shotgun at the ghost—it disappears.

The record starts playing the song again and Dean rushes to his brother. Sam tells him to go help Corbett. Spruce’s camera circles around the dark space lit only by camera light, revealing a birthday party.

A table is set up with old plates and a fossilized cake. It reads happy b-day Freeman and around the table, stiffly mounted and posed are the four mummified corpses from the sixties.

The newest guest is Corbett’s bloodied corpse.

Int. Morton house—Basecamp—Night

Maggie’s camera is on Harry and Ed. The two are scared shitless and glancing around the dark room. Ed says he’s not sure how this one’s going to turn out and Harry agrees, then tells Ed that it might be okay, you know if Ed wanted his sister—he guesses. Maggie punches Harry in the arm for that one.

Maggie retorts that Ed can have her brother you know, if he wants---she guesses. She punches Harry again and he swats back, sibling conflict in full force. Ed interrupts them and reminds that they are supposed to be looking for a bomb shelter. Harry looks at the EMF and tells Ed that its at subpeak readings.

A rumble begins and the Facers brace for the impact of whatever the hell is coming their way. A ghost rolls into the room and the Facers panic in horror---it’s Corbett, totally ghosted out and terrifying with blood dripping from his mouth, nose and ears. He’s now a death echo. (this I fear, does not bode well for our Sammy Winchester if you recall….)

Corbett staggers forward, eyes empty as he pleads for help. The Facers back away.

Ext. Ghostfacer Van—Confessional Interview –Sunset

Corbett is rolling up various cords at the back of the van and is talking to the camera shyly. He tells Spruce that he really has to get back to work, and Spruce tells him to work and talk. Corbett looks into the camera and means it when he admits he has no clue what to say. Spruce tells him from behind the camera to just say what’s on his mind. This is a confessional segment so that’s all Corbett has to do—confess. He asks Corbett what he thinks about the trip to the house and what he thinks is gonna happen that night.

Corbett takes a deep breath and says that he thinks tonight, and he really means it, all their dreams are gonna come true. He laughs at himself and says he sounds stupid. Spruce takes a thoughtful second and agrees. Corbett laughs, he can so take a joke at his expense.

Random Scene: Tribute

Ed says that war changes men, and one woman. There is emotion in his voice. Harry says that he knows Corbett is out there. Ed states that Corbett is now officially been granted non-internship Ghostfacer position because he’s more than earned it. Plus, its cool to have a ghost on the team.

Harry says that Corbett taught them about dedication, heart, and how even gay love can pierce the veil of death to save the day. He thanks Corbett and Ed wishes Corbett a go well into the starry night.

Caption reads In Memory of Corbett—King of the Impossible. Camera pulls back and its revealed that the show is being played on the editing monitor of the Ghostfacer’s HQ. Spruce’s camera widens to include the other Ghostfacers watching. Sam and Dean are among the crowd as the pilot ends. Dean trades looks with Sam and says that he half thinks that was kind of awesome. Maggie says that half-awesome is like full on good.

Dean slides a duffel forward, reaching into the bag and we barely hear a low rumble. Sam comments on how its weird how they can honor Corbett’s memory while grossly exploiting the manner of his death. Dean says that it’s a real tightrope.

Spruce turns the camera onto the brothers. Sam and Dean can tell that this all didn’t go over too well with the crowd. Sam back pedals as he and Dean make their way to the door. Sam states that in their experience the world outside will only offer them one thing when they show them this. Dean reveals it’ll be an entry level job at Industrial Light and Magic, either that or a punch in the face.

Sam says he’d take the job. The Facers disagree and Ed declares that he thinks its time and that the world is ready to believe it. Maggie agrees and Harry points out that they should have more faith in humanity cause it can so surprise you.

Dean and Sam leave and Dean mutters under his breath that he totally gets the ‘surprise’ part.

Soon after, the Facers clean up, excited with the promise of their pilot. Ed says they should get a bigger office. Spruce’s camera finds Harry as he finds a duffel bag. There’s a loud whine. Harry says that he thinks the boys forgot their bag, and asks what is that whine.

Harry unzips the bag and lifts up a strange black box, a red light on its side. The whine grows increasingly louder. Harry’s puzzled and Maggie grabs the EMF, telling the group that the meter is peaking off the scale.

The camera flickers and there’s an odd familiar ghost roll that comes into the room. The editing monitors Ed’s sitting at go to black and he stammers that they are having technical difficulties.

There’s a deep rumble and a big flicker of static before the screen cuts to black-the ghostfacers screams the only thing we hear.

173x13, Ghostfacers Empty Re: 3x13, Ghostfacers Ven 7 Mar 2008 - 18:31


Chasseurs de monstres

Merci deanvica, bon je n'ai absolument rien compris car je suis lamentable en anglais, mais merci.

Quelqu'un pourrais faire un petit résumé, please Embarassed

183x13, Ghostfacers Empty Re: 3x13, Ghostfacers Ven 7 Mar 2008 - 18:33



et alors il faut que tu te mettes a l'anglais serieusement . Dans la vie de nos jours ca te fera un peu pour ton boulot , ton cv,et l'etranger .


193x13, Ghostfacers Empty Re: 3x13, Ghostfacers Ven 7 Mar 2008 - 19:00



Merci Isa, c'est cool, j'ai hate de le voir

203x13, Ghostfacers Empty Re: 3x13, Ghostfacers Ven 7 Mar 2008 - 19:00


Chasseurs de monstres

Ouais je sais Embarassed

213x13, Ghostfacers Empty Re: 3x13, Ghostfacers Sam 8 Mar 2008 - 20:49



merci à toutes pour ces news !

l'idée est sympa de séparer les deux frères

223x13, Ghostfacers Empty Re: 3x13, Ghostfacers Sam 8 Mar 2008 - 20:50



moi je trouve pas que c'est sympa mais dangeureux !

233x13, Ghostfacers Empty Re: 3x13, Ghostfacers Sam 8 Mar 2008 - 20:50



finalement t'as raison je n'ai pas lu le résumé en entier !

pauvre sam

243x13, Ghostfacers Empty Re: 3x13, Ghostfacers Sam 8 Mar 2008 - 20:51



c'est clair pauvre sam

253x13, Ghostfacers Empty Re: 3x13, Ghostfacers Sam 8 Mar 2008 - 20:51



mais dean est là pour le sauver !!!!

plus sérieusement, je sens qu'il va faire mal encore celui-là

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