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Let’s help each others !

Samoht le Magnifique
Jensev La Sadique
princess lyly
16 participants

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1Let’s help each others ! Empty Let’s help each others ! Jeu 22 Nov 2007 - 7:37


Modératrice En route avec Métallicar

There are a lot of people who would like to speak, write and read in English.
Unfortunately, those people don’t know this language or maybe just for a little bit.
This topic was created for those people who would like to learn.

You would like to learn words, or lines maybe?
Well, there are a lot of people in this forum, I am sure, who could help you out !
So, drop your timidity away and come ask your question !

Beaucoup de personne aimerais pouvoir, parler, écrire et lire en anglais.
Malheureusement, ces personnes n’y connaissent rien ou peu à la langue.
Ce topic à été crée pour ceux et celles qui aimerais apprendre.

Vous aimeriez connaître quelques mots, des phrases peut-être?
Et bien beaucoup de gens sur ce forum pourrais vous aidez j’en suis sûre!
Alors, jeté au loin votre timidités et poser vos questions !

2Let’s help each others ! Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Sam 12 Jan 2008 - 10:38


Bloody Mary

I can help people learning english if they want...
I think it is a smart idea to help people who need thanks to supernatural...

3Let’s help each others ! Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Sam 12 Jan 2008 - 12:26


Le démon

I can help people who have problems with english if it's necessary!!!You just can ask me!

4Let’s help each others ! Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Sam 12 Jan 2008 - 14:41

princess lyly

princess lyly

very good idea helping each others great !!!

5Let’s help each others ! Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Sam 12 Jan 2008 - 14:48

princess lyly

princess lyly

ok I go first I bought the companion book season one and there's something I dont understand very vwell :

It's in 22 reasons not to go on a road trip with my brother :
10 : " you go the slightest bit stir-crazy and he no longer trust you with a loaded gun "
I don't understand the first part of the sentence the expression
"the slightest bit stir-crazy

thanks !!!

6Let’s help each others ! Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Mer 16 Jan 2008 - 16:46



I'm not quite sure so I'm going to check it out and try to tell you as soon as I can, promise!

7Let’s help each others ! Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Mer 16 Jan 2008 - 17:12

princess lyly

princess lyly

thank you faithnorton !!!

8Let’s help each others ! Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Sam 26 Jan 2008 - 20:17



Let’s help each others ! 525652

9Let’s help each others ! Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Dim 27 Jan 2008 - 21:40


Le démon

Yeah me too i could help others too, cause i like helping people and well to tell you the truth even if i'm french I've always love talking english, Even more than my own language!!
And i did not learnt to speak english in school!!Hell no! I leant with books and of course,music and tv shows!!

10Let’s help each others ! Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Dim 27 Jan 2008 - 21:53

princess lyly

princess lyly

so nobody for my question ? no explanation ? Sad
so I'm going to search on the web to find the explanation

11Let’s help each others ! Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Dim 27 Jan 2008 - 23:05

Jensev La Sadique

Jensev La Sadique
Le démon

it's a very good idea

thank you ... for me ! lol !

12Let’s help each others ! Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Lun 28 Jan 2008 - 11:44


Le démon

princess lyly a écrit:ok I go first I bought the companion book season one and there's something I dont understand very vwell :

It's in 22 reasons not to go on a road trip with my brother :
10 : " you go the slightest bit stir-crazy and he no longer trust you with a loaded gun "
I don't understand the first part of the sentence the expression
"the slightest bit stir-crazy

thanks !!!

C'est un peu comme si tu disait tu pète un peu les plombs et il ne te fais plus confiance quand tu a un fusil chargé.


13Let’s help each others ! Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Lun 28 Jan 2008 - 12:01

princess lyly

princess lyly

thanks !!!
I've been on the web to find the translation and that's what you told me ackleslady Smile thanks a lot !!

14Let’s help each others ! Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Lun 28 Jan 2008 - 12:07


Le démon

You're welcome!!

Most of the exprtion like that we don't find the translation on the web cause mostly they translate word to word

15Let’s help each others ! Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Lun 28 Jan 2008 - 12:09

princess lyly

princess lyly

yes and generaly because they don't translate slang english and in supernatural it's often the slang words that I dont understand

16Let’s help each others ! Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Lun 28 Jan 2008 - 12:15


Le démon

yeah but you know what with a little pratice, slang is the easiest thing to get. Because that's the way they talk pretty much 90 per cent of the time

17Let’s help each others ! Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Lun 28 Jan 2008 - 12:34

princess lyly

princess lyly

yes for me it's just a question of time because I'm learning those words I'm more confortable with classic english but with a little concentration I'm sure that I'm going to understand .

18Let’s help each others ! Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Lun 28 Jan 2008 - 12:40


Le démon

yeah and then again there is american english

19Let’s help each others ! Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Mar 26 Fév 2008 - 20:13



i don't understand very much this language , but i thinks bibbitt have a good idea for learning this language for the supernatural fan's -(je suis certaine d'avoir fais des fautes xD mais sa m'amuse...)

20Let’s help each others ! Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Mar 26 Fév 2008 - 22:24


Modératrice En route avec Métallicar

jared-padaleki a écrit:i don't understand very much this language , but i thinks bibbitt have a good idea for learning this language for the supernatural fan's -(je suis certaine d'avoir fais des fautes xD mais sa m'amuse...)

Wow I am suprise that you said that you don't really understand this language, because you are pretty good at it! I speak english since I was 5 years old, so yes I have no problem with it!

21Let’s help each others ! Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Mar 26 Fév 2008 - 22:40



i learn this language to school 3 years ago, but i not much understand very good this language when Jared and Jensen speak quickly in a serie ! Sad ( jespere que t'auras reussi a comprendre un truc ^^ )

22Let’s help each others ! Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Mer 27 Fév 2008 - 3:41


Modératrice En route avec Métallicar

I totally understand what you mean. Of course it's not easy to hear what Jensen, Jared, the american and canadian people try to said. When you speak english, everything must go fast, even if you try to calm yourself up. It's the same thing with the french language. Our language are so different! You don't have to forget.. There's a LOT of expression in a sentence.

Little advice for you:
When you have to read something in english, take your time. If you have to open your dictionnary book at every word, do it. There a lot of similar word in english. So don't rush and everything will be okay!

23Let’s help each others ! Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Mer 27 Fév 2008 - 8:28

Samoht le Magnifique

Samoht le Magnifique

Maybe you should try to watch some TV shows in english with english subtitles! This is what I do and it helps me a lot! Even if you don't catch a word, it's OK! You still understand because of the others words of the sentence!

And by this way, you will learn a lot of expressions and new words!

24Let’s help each others ! Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Mer 27 Fév 2008 - 9:58


Modératrice En route avec Métallicar

Samoht is right. Watching TV program is actually the better way to learn new words, sentence, expression...

25Let’s help each others ! Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Jeu 28 Fév 2008 - 10:34


Le démon

Yeah he's right this is what I did and I can tell you that it works!!! It's better than learn it at school

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