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Let’s help each others !

Samoht le Magnifique
Jensev La Sadique
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201Let’s help each others ! - Page 9 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Jeu 3 Avr 2008 - 19:50


Hook man

faithnorton a écrit:wow! it's been a long time since I my last visit here! I see a lot of new personn and that's great! Hi everybody!
can I have a hug too? lol


Hi Faith =)

202Let’s help each others ! - Page 9 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Ven 4 Avr 2008 - 0:10


Hook man

Hi everybody, I've find two new articles if you're interested.

the first is Jared Padalecki Teases 'Supernatural' Surprises
the date Wednesday, February 27, 2008
The Winchester brothers have faced all sorts of demons and ghouls on Supernatural, but nothing has tested their relationship quite like the trials they've experienced in season 3. Since coming back from the dead at the end of last year, Sam (Jared Padalecki) has been acting like a cold-blooded killer, dispatching evildoers without his usual sense of guilt or remorse. In a recent interview with Cult Times Magazine, Jared Padalecki talked about how much fun it is to play evil, and also teased a rift between the Winchesters that we may see before the end of the season.

One of the things Supernatural creator Eric Kripke wanted to explore this year was the dark side of Sam. "This season it's certainly delving a lot more into Sam's past and Sam's troubles and story," Padalecki pointed out. "It's sort of asking, 'Is he completely normal, is he not? Is he human, is he not? Is he evil, is he good?' So it's definitely got darker and in my opinion more exciting, because I'm really into that and going there."

Playing evil is something that the actor has a little bit of experience with, but he's never been able to let loose with Sam the way he has this year. "I love it," Padalecki admitted. "I had a chance in the second season where I was doing a show called 'Born Under a Bad Sign' where Sam is possessed by a demon, and that was a lot of fun to make. This isn't as intense obviously, but it's fun to flip it around and play the bad guy, so I'm excited about it."

One shocker that Supernatural fans may want to prepare for is a secret about Sam's origins. Is he really the nice Winchester boy that we always thought he was? Or a Winchester at all? Padalecki says, "Sam's almost been scared himself that he's not all human, and we find out this season what Sam's relationship was like with his dad beyond what we know, and if his dad really was his dad and if Dean really was his brother."

As for the rest of the season, it sounds like fans can look forward to a rift developing between Sam and Dean (Jensen Ackles), possibly due to Sam's dark ways. "Two and a half years we've been building up to Sam's return to the dark side," Padalecki teases, "and asking questions about what's going to happen if he does, and what's going to happen if Dean gets in trouble. Also, what's going to happen if they turn against each other, if these brothers who have been fighting for each other for so long actually start fighting each other? It's something that I can't wait to happen so I think the fans are going to be really excited to watch it."
the direct link

I've find an interview from Eric Kripke with a few spoilers for season 4, I've only put the link cause I don't know if you want  to know spoilers from seasons 4 after the translation they're is maybe a thread for spoilers season 4 the direct link is

203Let’s help each others ! - Page 9 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Ven 4 Avr 2008 - 12:58


Hook man

Hi lana.

Doing good?

I'll do some of the translations later.

I'll also work on the video though it's a bit complicated because sometimes I don't understand a hell of what they're saying, people in the crowd are making too much noises (I won't even mention some of the girls being hysterical ^^)

Have a great day, catch you later.

204Let’s help each others ! - Page 9 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Ven 4 Avr 2008 - 13:35



Hi girls! Thank you Annwyn for making the translation, if you need some help don't hesitate, I'm not sure I'll understand better but I'll do my best! lol

205Let’s help each others ! - Page 9 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Ven 4 Avr 2008 - 14:41


Hook man

Hi girls, how are you? thanks for the translations, I'm going to eat. Come back later. Let’s help each others ! - Page 9 Coucouga

206Let’s help each others ! - Page 9 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Sam 5 Avr 2008 - 15:02


Hook man

Hello girls,

doing good?

Here is the translation, I'm a bit late, I've been keeping very busy lately.

I made the first article only for now, I don't think I'll have much time to do the rest until tomorrow so Faith if you wanna have a try, go on =)

If you don't, I'll prolly have time to do it tomorrow evening.

Anyway, enjoy :

Jared Padalecki taquine : "les coups de théâtre de Supernatural"
Source :, le 27 février 2008

Les frères Winchester ont combattu toutes sortes de démons et de fantômes dans Supernatural, mais rien n'a aussi bien mis à l'épreuve leur relation que les embûches rencontrées dans la saison 3.

Depuis qu'il est revenu des morts à la fin de la dernière saison, Sam (Jared Padalecki) s'est comporté comme un tueur de sang-froid, disposant des méchants sans faire preuve de ses habituels remords ou de sa culpabilité chronique. Dans une interview récente pour "Cult Times Magazine", Jared Padalecki a avoué combien il est amusant de jouer un rôle malfaisant et a aussi fait des allusions à un conflit entre les Winchesters, conflit que nous verrons peut être avant la fin de la saison.

Le côté obscur de Sam est une des choses que le créateur de Supernatural, Eric Kripke, a voulu mettre en avant cette année. "Cette saison s'attarde plus sur le passé de Sam, ses problèmes et son évolution, Padalecki souligne, "cela nous interpelle : "est-il complètement normal ou pas? Il est humain n'est-ce pas? Est-il bon ou mauvais?" C'est définitivement plus sombre et d'après moi plus grisant, parce que j'aime vraiment ce genre de rôle".

Les rôles démoniaques ne lui sont pas inconnus, mais auparavant, il n'a jamais pu l'expérimenter avec Sam contrairement à cette année "J'adore cela", admet Padalecki, "j'en ai eu l'occasion durant la deuxième saison dans l'épisode "Born under a bad sign" durant lequel Sam est possédé par un démon, et c'était très drôle à jouer". Ce ne sera bien entendu pas aussi extrême, mais c'est amusant de retourner sa veste et de jouer le méchant alors cela me rend fébrile."

Un choc auquel les fans de Supernatural peuvent se préparer est un secret sur les origines de Sam. Est-il vraiment le gentil Winchester que nous croyons? Est-il un Winchester tout court? Padalecki révèle : "Sam s'est presque convaincu lui-même qu'il n'est pas humain, et nous en apprenons plus cette saison sur sa relation avec son père, si son père est vraiment son père et si Dean est vraiment son frère".

Quant au reste de la saison, il semble que les fans peuvent s'attendre à voir une altercation se développer entre Sam et Dean (Jensen Ackles), probablement causée par la face obscure de Sam. "Depuis deux ans nous préparons le retour de Sam du côté sombre , Paladecki attise, et nous nous interrogeons sur ce qu’il va se passer si cela se produit et sur ce qu’il adviendra si Dean pose problème. Mais également qu’arrivera-t-il s’ils se retournent l’un contre l’autre ? Si ces deux frères qui se battent côte à côte depuis si longtemps commencent à se battre l’un contre l’autre ? C’est une chose qui’il me tarde de voir et je pense que les fans seront electrisés en le voyant. »

207Let’s help each others ! - Page 9 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Sam 5 Avr 2008 - 15:33


Hook man

Well it seems Gibi already translated an article about Kirpke interview. Sorry lana I was slow on this one. Next time ^^

208Let’s help each others ! - Page 9 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Sam 5 Avr 2008 - 16:21


Hook man

Annwyn a écrit:Hello girls,

doing good?

Here is the translation, I'm a bit late, I've been keeping very busy lately.

I made the first article only for now, I don't think I'll have much time to do the rest until tomorrow so Faith if you wanna have a try, go on =)

If you don't, I'll prolly have time to do it tomorrow evening.

Anyway, enjoy :

Jared Padalecki taquine : "les coups de théâtre de Supernatural"
Source :, le 27 février 2008

Les frères Winchester ont combattu toutes sortes de démons et de fantômes dans Supernatural, mais rien n'a aussi bien mis à l'épreuve leur relation que les embûches rencontrées dans la saison 3.

Depuis qu'il est revenu des morts à la fin de la dernière saison, Sam (Jared Padalecki) s'est comporté comme un tueur de sang-froid, disposant des méchants sans faire preuve de ses habituels remords ou de sa culpabilité chronique. Dans une interview récente pour "Cult Times Magazine", Jared Padalecki a avoué combien il est amusant de jouer un rôle malfaisant et a aussi fait des allusions à un conflit entre les Winchesters, conflit que nous verrons peut être avant la fin de la saison.

Le côté obscur de Sam est une des choses que le créateur de Supernatural, Eric Kripke, a voulu mettre en avant cette année. "Cette saison s'attarde plus sur le passé de Sam, ses problèmes et son évolution, Padalecki souligne, "cela nous interpelle : "est-il complètement normal ou pas? Il est humain n'est-ce pas? Est-il bon ou mauvais?" C'est définitivement plus sombre et d'après moi plus grisant, parce que j'aime vraiment ce genre de rôle".

Les rôles démoniaques ne lui sont pas inconnus, mais auparavant, il n'a jamais pu l'expérimenter avec Sam contrairement à cette année "J'adore cela", admet Padalecki, "j'en ai eu l'occasion durant la deuxième saison dans l'épisode "Born under a bad sign" durant lequel Sam est possédé par un démon, et c'était très drôle à jouer". Ce ne sera bien entendu pas aussi extrême, mais c'est amusant de retourner sa veste et de jouer le méchant alors cela me rend fébrile."

Un choc auquel les fans de Supernatural peuvent se préparer est un secret sur les origines de Sam. Est-il vraiment le gentil Winchester que nous croyons? Est-il un Winchester tout court? Padalecki révèle : "Sam s'est presque convaincu lui-même qu'il n'est pas humain, et nous en apprenons plus cette saison sur sa relation avec son père, si son père est vraiment son père et si Dean est vraiment son frère".

Quant au reste de la saison, il semble que les fans peuvent s'attendre à voir une altercation se développer entre Sam et Dean (Jensen Ackles), probablement causée par la face obscure de Sam. "Depuis deux ans nous préparons le retour de Sam du côté sombre , Paladecki attise, et nous nous interrogeons sur ce qu’il va se passer si cela se produit et sur ce qu’il adviendra si Dean pose problème. Mais également qu’arrivera-t-il s’ils se retournent l’un contre l’autre ? Si ces deux frères qui se battent côte à côte depuis si longtemps commencent à se battre l’un contre l’autre ? C’est une chose qui’il me tarde de voir et je pense que les fans seront electrisés en le voyant. »

Hi girls I hope you're good, I'm going to watch TV.Let’s help each others ! - Page 9 Coucouga

Thanks Annwyn for your translation.

209Let’s help each others ! - Page 9 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Dim 6 Avr 2008 - 15:25


Hook man

lana86 a écrit:

Hi girls I hope you're good, I'm going to watch TV.Let’s help each others ! - Page 9 Coucouga

Thanks Annwyn for your translation.

It's thanks to you, you always manage to find interesting interviews etc, couldn't do it without you.

See you later =)

210Let’s help each others ! - Page 9 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Dim 6 Avr 2008 - 15:51


Hook man

Annwyn a écrit:
lana86 a écrit:

Hi girls I hope you're good, I'm going to watch TV.Let’s help each others ! - Page 9 Coucouga

Thanks Annwyn for your translation.

It's thanks to you, you always manage to find interesting interviews etc, couldn't do it without you.

See you later =)
you're welcome, you make me Smile , It's more easy to find articles. I love to search.
I've find 2 articles from the convention from LA the first is from Kripke from the site SFI Universe

Supernatural LA Con: Eric Kripke aka Mr. Stop Sign

by Cynthia on April 1st, 2008
Let’s help each others ! - Page 9 Kripke-thumb Supernatural creator, Eric Kripke took the stage on Saturday night at the Los Angeles Supernatural Convention. It was a rare appearance for the man known as Joss Whedon’s love child, and yet the room was pretty empty. (Most people waiting for Sunday and the arrival of “the boys.”) To the man’s credit, he not only stayed to answer all of the questions the fans had for him, but then he signed autographs for free for everyone in the room and he looked thrilled to do it.

Throughout his talk, two things were fairly obvious.
1. He loves the fans but we make him crazy. Funny, Jensen made a similar remark about golf!
“I want to make you guys happy,” he proclaimed. “But you’re never happy. It’s so quixotic!”
2. He spends way too much of his day dealing with the bureaucracy of TV production and not enough on the creative end where he’d like to be.
Over and over, he expressed his frustration at having to cut scenes due to budget, lose actors due to other commitments and generally produce a product that is a compromise in so many ways. The Gordon storyline was a great example.
At one point in the season, the boys found out that Gordon had a roadhouse connection who ratted out Sam. This Let’s help each others ! - Page 9 Gordon-thumb sent Gordon on a rampage and to his eventual death. Kripke explained that the mysterious roadhouse connection was a character we never met, a surly hunter who had a small run-in with Dean which was blown out of proportion. These scenes, however, never made it to air. Next, Kripke wanted to draw out the storyline of Gordon and the other hunters gunning for Sam, but the Lifetime Network had something to say about that. Sterling K. Brown, who played Gordon, was under contract to Army Wives, so Lifetime made a deal. You can have him for two episodes and no more. It was that ruling that made Kripke decide to send the volatile vampire hunter out in a blaze of glory.
Much to Kripke’s delight and chagrin (there’s that paradox again!), the Supernatural fans asked plenty of detailed meta-style questions about the mythology behind the series. There was much talk of Lilith, whom he assured us was a mix of all of the Lilith mythology, biblical and otherwise. “Destroyer of children and temptress of men,” but since she’s going to stay as a 10-year old girl for the rest of the season, Kripke figures it will mostly be the destroyer of children part and not so much the temptress of men! He did say she was going to do all sorts of “creepy shit” and the cliffhanger at the end of the season would leave us all wanting to have to his head.
Speaking of which, when asked if he’d cut back on the gore level he gleefully replied, no! It’s his favorite part and he mentioned the legend of Doc Benton which is full of hearts and goo and . . . well, he looked positively orgasmic at the thought. Yikes.

When talk turned to the women of Supernatural, Kripke did admit to making two mistakes with Bella. “She made the boys look foolish a few too many times and she wasn’t part of the mythology.” To correct at least one of these errors, he assured the crowd that Bella would get her comeuppance at the hands of the boys very soon.
As for Ruby he said, “if you don’t like her, tough.” Apparently, she’s not going anywhere.
Soon the conversation turned to thoughts of the fourth season. Kripke’s reply was concise. “All singing. All dancing. All nude!” The audience cheered with delight, of course. We’re nothing if not predictable.
Let’s help each others ! - Page 9 Dean-bella-thumb Kripke also confirmed that he’s still planning to pull the plug after season five so the show can go out on a proper finale. “Season six would be the boys go to Hawaii and meet Vincent Price and then Dean would get on a motorcycle and literally jump a shark.”
The crowd was not pleased with the answer but he backed it up by saying that Jensen and Jared were also good with ending at five. [EDITED: See Comment from “Cindy” below].
My favorite, oh so Kripke moment, came when a fan asked him about when he decided to become a screenwriter. He said that at age 9 he went to see ET and spend the whole time watching the audience watch the movie and he was so fascinated by the effect a film could have on people he told his mother he wanted to make movies when he grew up. Prior to that, his goals were a tad less ambitious. Says Kripke, “I wanted to be a fish, a stop sign and then a filmmaker.” Though the fan suggested his mother must be proud, I think she would have preferred he be a stop sign — saving lives and all that, you know.
I’ll wrap this up with a final thought from Kripke that I wish came with an audio file, because seeing it flat on the page here just doesn’t do it justice. He was asked about why Dean keeps dying on the show and his answer was giving in that way he has of being both flip and sincere at the same time.
“In a show about brothers who will die for each other. . . sometimes they do!”

211Let’s help each others ! - Page 9 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Dim 6 Avr 2008 - 15:58


Hook man


Alright I'll take care of it. Part of it has been translated by Gibi in some post (in news) but not everything.

Well I'll do a bit of my personal work then I'll start with this translation. It should be done by tomorrow.

Have a great afternoon =)

212Let’s help each others ! - Page 9 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Dim 6 Avr 2008 - 16:07


Hook man

Annwyn a écrit:Hi,

Alright I'll take care of it. Part of it has been translated by Gibi in some post (in news) but not everything.

Well I'll do a bit of my personal work then I'll start with this translation. It should be done by tomorrow.

Have a great afternoon =)

Hi again
thanks, I've another interview, it's date from 5 april. Have a great afternoon too.
Supernatural LA Con: Jensen and Jared

by Cynthia on April 5th, 2008

For the past week, I’ve been trying to write my report on the last day of the recent Supernatural Convention in Los Angeles and I’ve had no luck. It’s not that nothing happened on the last day, no, quite the opposite. The trouble is, there was so much going on I don’t know where to begin!
Sunday was the day Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles made their combined con appearance. A breakfast meeting, photo ops, autograph sessions, single Q & A’s and then one with the both of them. That’s more J2 than any one fan can handle!

There was an electric buzz around the con starting as early as eight in the morning as fans who couldn’t afford the VIP breakfast tickets lined up for their photo ops. There were glimpses of Jared as he was taken from here to there. A quick blur that was Sandy McCoy rushing toward the green room. No Jensen spottings. . . but it’s still early.

Once the breakfast club was unleashed, the lines grew to twice the length and as if the fans weren’t giddy enough, the con staff kept yelling, “everyone who is doing Jensen line up against the left wall. If you’re doing both Jensen and Jared, line up against the right.” Come on, how can you not giggle about that?

Minutes later you could see them, the zombie-like fangirls rounding the corner on the way back from having their photo ops. Yes, that’s the power of the boys, they leave even the most boisterous fan utterly speechless. Some went from one line straight into another and more stories ran through the crowd. A hug, a squeeze, a. . . hey. . is that really an appropriate place to put your hand? Laughter, jokes, and plenty of nerves which the boys both calmed with their slow Southern charm.
And finally it was time for them to take the stage, to a packed house of mostly women.

Let’s have a warm welcome for Jared Padalecki.

He’s smiling and relaxed as he takes the stage and faces off against a million camera flashes and the thunderous cheers. People have already lined up at the mics to ask questions,so he dives right in. Jared revels in this stuff, I think. It’s what sustains him when it’s 3:30 am in Vancouver, minus 10 and raining. He turns serious to discuss how hard it was to play the scenes where Dean dies in “Mystery Spot.” A moment later he’s teasing a fan about being from a rival Texas University. You can hear the passion in his voice as he talks about getting the synchronized speaking down just right (again from “Mystery Spot”) and the admiration he has for his co-star as he talks about Jensen’s performance in “All Hell Breaks Loose.”

Ribbing Jensen comes easily off his tongue as a fan asks about how he’d play a body swap episode and soon Jensen has a chance to fight back as he cuts Jared off with a mock-disgusted “enough already.” The boys swap places (not bodies) and the current shifts a little. Jensen’s a tad more reserved than Jared, but it’s the kind of subtly that makes you want to lean forward in your chair and listen more closely. He doesn’t have to work at being funny or charming, he pulls people in without any effort at all. He talks about music and how being surrounded by the likes of Steve Carlson keeps him humble. He talks about being afraid of clowns and gutters and dolls with no eyes and really playing the piano in Dark Angel. He’s answering plenty of questions but I’m not sure anyone is listening to the actual words, just the sound of his voice. The craziest thing he’s ever done? This, of course.

Then Jared returns to the stage and there’s this odd little moment where the two of them lean in close to each other and talk, laugh, all out of mic range. Then, it’s as if they remember where they are — realize there’s a room full of fans hanging on their every word — Jensen leans back and says they were talking in code and you know that this is something they do every day on the set. Like real brothers, finishing each other’s sentences. It feels kind of ‘intimate’ and the tone shifts again, but just for a second.

Soon Jared is rubbing his chest and doing a mock striptease, Jensen does his imitation of “Sam” (hands in pockets, shoulders to ears, emo face) and Jared pouts over amount of attention his TV brother is getting. Jensen continues to answer questions mostly straight and serious, while Jared’s all over the map. His “favorite demon killing weapon” answer leaves even Jensen confused. His favorite scene in “Born Under a Bad Sign?” The exorcism in Bobby’s house because he got to be, “tied up and couldn’t move, got water splashed on me, played evil, got the black eyes. . . “ The fans approve. And when Jensen is asked, what’s the hardest thing about playing Dean Winchester he deadpans, “his affection for his brother.” Jared laughs and that’s always entertaining.

The truth is, says Jensen, he and Jared have gotten so close over the years that they can use each other now to get to those tough emotional spots in the story. He no longer has to substitute a loved one in his mind to work up the tears over Sam’s death. He only has to think of Jared and it’s there.

Time is called and the boys leave the stage. They head down to sign autographs for an hour plus and never once does their enthusiasm for the task wane. They sign and chat, they compare gifts, shouting across the small room to each other. They converse with fans as best they can with so many in line, but most of all they smile and make eye contact and that makes every person feel special.

You could say these two have been well trained in how to work a crowd but honestly, I think it’s more a product of their parents than their managers. When these two Texas boys smile at a fan and say, ‘thanks for coming,’ they really mean it. And you can bet that the drawings and scrapbook pages they were handed will go up in their trailers as reminders of why they do what they do when it’s the 15th hour of a shooting day that began at four in the morning.

213Let’s help each others ! - Page 9 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Lun 7 Avr 2008 - 12:38


Hook man

Hi Girls,
How are you? I'm good. I'm on break, I work today. Come back later. Hope you have a good day. Let’s help each others ! - Page 9 Coucouga

214Let’s help each others ! - Page 9 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Mar 8 Avr 2008 - 13:39


Hook man

lana86 a écrit:Hi Girls,
How are you? I'm good. I'm on break, I work today. Come back later. Hope you have a good day. Let’s help each others ! - Page 9 Coucouga

Hi lana!
I just finished the article's translation, I'll post it in news then. It took as bit longer than I thought, I was busy yesterday.
Enjoyed your break?


Edit : I posted it in Convention/Rencontres - Conventions 29-30 mars LA or someone would have eaten me ^_~

215Let’s help each others ! - Page 9 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Mer 9 Avr 2008 - 7:57


Hook man

Annwyn a écrit:
lana86 a écrit:Hi Girls,
How are you? I'm good. I'm on break, I work today. Come back later. Hope you have a good day. Let’s help each others ! - Page 9 Coucouga

Hi lana!
I just finished the article's translation, I'll post it in news then. It took as bit longer than I thought, I was busy yesterday.
Enjoyed your break?


Edit : I posted it in Convention/Rencontres - Conventions 29-30 mars LA or someone would have eaten me ^_~
Hi Annwyn, How are you? I'm good. I'm going to work. Come back later. Thanks for your translation, I love when it's about their Friendships. Have a good day. Hugs.

216Let’s help each others ! - Page 9 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Mer 9 Avr 2008 - 12:51


Hook man

They do look adorable in their interviews and I also love how they interact with each other, I just can picture it ^^

Jensen looks like a bit more "Samish" and Jared a bit more "Deanish" though.

Sandra looks very sweet too. I cant stand the actress playing Ruby, they should have taken Sandra instead, she would have been a great ^^

217Let’s help each others ! - Page 9 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Mer 9 Avr 2008 - 18:26



Hey girls! Sorry I've been away for a while. I was busy with "real life" stuff. lol
How are you doing?

218Let’s help each others ! - Page 9 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Mer 9 Avr 2008 - 18:57


Hook man

nathalie a écrit:Hey girls! Sorry I've been away for a while. I was busy with "real life" stuff. lol
How are you doing?

Hi nath!

Nice to hear about you I was wondering where you disapperead =)

I'm doing good, what about you?

219Let’s help each others ! - Page 9 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Mer 9 Avr 2008 - 20:04


Hook man

nathalie a écrit:Hey girls! Sorry I've been away for a while. I was busy with "real life" stuff. lol
How are you doing?

Hi Nathalie, I'm good. I'm watching smallville now:) . And you how are you doing?

220Let’s help each others ! - Page 9 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Jeu 10 Avr 2008 - 12:38


Hook man

hi girls, I'm on break now. How are you? Me, I'm good. Have a good day. Come back later. Let’s help each others ! - Page 9 Coucouga

221Let’s help each others ! - Page 9 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Jeu 10 Avr 2008 - 12:52


Hook man

Hello both of you!

I'm doing good as well, for once the sun is shinning in Paris, that's about time! ^^

I should get back to work as well so see you two later and have a great day =)

222Let’s help each others ! - Page 9 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Jeu 10 Avr 2008 - 23:46


Hook man

Hi, somebody's here? Let’s help each others ! - Page 9 Coucouga

223Let’s help each others ! - Page 9 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Jeu 10 Avr 2008 - 23:51


Hook man

Hey lana, how are you? =)

Well I was there but I need to work a bit on my project before going sleepy.

Hugs to you, vivi, see you tomorrow =)

224Let’s help each others ! - Page 9 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Jeu 10 Avr 2008 - 23:54


Hook man

Annwyn a écrit:Hey lana, how are you? =)
Hi Annwyn, I'm very good and you?

225Let’s help each others ! - Page 9 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Jeu 10 Avr 2008 - 23:55


Hook man

lana86 a écrit:
Annwyn a écrit:Hey lana, how are you? =)
Hi Annwyn, I'm very good and you?

I'm fine, just being lazy a bit before my last bunch of work. Being lazy feels good! =)

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