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Let’s help each others !

Samoht le Magnifique
Jensev La Sadique
princess lyly
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251Let’s help each others ! - Page 11 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Sam 10 Mai 2008 - 23:52


Hook man

Annwyn a écrit:Hi!

I loved the episode it was very good. Though I'm not surprised about Lilith, it had to be her.
And it was good to see Bela again, I like her character very much.

Did you like it?

Have a great day lana =)

Hi, Annwyn, I love this episod too, it was fantastic. I prefer Ruby as Bela. But with this episod I've change my mind about Bela, I didn't understand this character before. I'll watch tv now. Talk to you later. Have a great evening. Let’s help each others ! - Page 11 Coucouga

252Let’s help each others ! - Page 11 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Mar 13 Mai 2008 - 12:40


Hook man

Hi girls,
How are you? I'm good. I'm on break at work now. I can't wait for season finale. Only more three days. I'm sure I'll cry Sad . Talk with you later I hope. Have a good day. Let’s help each others ! - Page 11 Coucouga

253Let’s help each others ! - Page 11 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Mar 13 Mai 2008 - 21:11


Hook man

lana86 a écrit:Hi girls,
How are you? I'm good. I'm on break at work now. I can't wait for season finale. Only more three days. I'm sure I'll cry Sad . Talk with you later I hope. Have a good day. Let’s help each others ! - Page 11 Coucouga

Hi lana.

Enjoying your break? =)

I feel stupid, I was sure there was 2 episodes more for season final, not just one. But now, I've been "on a planet far far away" lately (my brain is about to fry with so many things to do =)). By the way, I'm sure I'll cry too ^^

See you soon and take care =)

254Let’s help each others ! - Page 11 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Ven 16 Mai 2008 - 23:54


Hook man

Awww everyone's dead in here? ;_;

255Let’s help each others ! - Page 11 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Sam 17 Mai 2008 - 0:50


Hook man

Annwyn a écrit:Awww everyone's dead in here? ;_;
Hi Annwyn, I'm here. How are you?

256Let’s help each others ! - Page 11 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Sam 17 Mai 2008 - 13:07


Hook man

Hi lana,

I'm fine and you. I guess we're the only survivors of the english topic.

Did you watch the season finale yet?

I did and, well I'll just say "Wow" and ";_;"

It's going to be three long months until season 4...

257Let’s help each others ! - Page 11 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Sam 17 Mai 2008 - 20:29


Hook man

Annwyn a écrit:Hi lana,

I'm fine and you. I guess we're the only survivors of the english topic.

Did you watch the season finale yet?

I did and, well I'll just say "Wow" and ";_;"

It's going to be three long months until season 4...

Hi Annwyn,
I'm good. Lol, I find the same the only survivors.
Yes, I've watched, affraid Let’s help each others ! - Page 11 Whinging . I can't wait. Dean nooooooooo. I've change my mind about Bela, I hope she'll come next season If you love her, I've put a petition in the thread about her and another petition about Led Zeppelin Songs. I'll make a petition about Jim Beaver, He deserve to be more than a guest actor in Supernatural, but I don't how I must do it, but I want. In about 3 seasons he plays in only 13 episods, he's like a father for Sam and Dean if you can help me. I don't know to who send the petition Kripke maybe and the CW and the text for the petition. Me I can make advice. I know a lot of poeple who love him but nobody have done a petition. I'll come back later. I'll eat now. Let’s help each others ! - Page 11 Coucouga

258Let’s help each others ! - Page 11 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Sam 17 Mai 2008 - 20:58


Hook man

Hey! =)

I know Dean will be alright somehow, I mean he HAS to, or it wouldn't be Supernatural anymore...
I love Jim Beaver as well, I was sad to see John gone, I think it's very nice to have him as a fatherly figure for the boys. Though I have hope for him, we saw him more and more by the end.
Hey about the petition! I'm currently translating Didi's Kripke petition she'll send to E. Kirpke, I should be done in a few days (it's 6 pages long O.O), maybe we can join your petition to hers, if she agrees. i'm sure she will, Didi is a very sweet girl.

Well "Bon Apétit" lana, see you soon. I'm glad you're still around, it's thanks to you and nath that I became first hooked to this forum and I love this topic, I don't wanna see our english speaking topic die! =)

Take care =)

259Let’s help each others ! - Page 11 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Sam 17 Mai 2008 - 21:25


Hook man

Annwyn a écrit:Hey! =)

I know Dean will be alright somehow, I mean he HAS to, or it wouldn't be Supernatural anymore...
I love Jim Beaver as well, I was sad to see John gone, I think it's very nice to have him as a fatherly figure for the boys. Though I have hope for him, we saw him more and more by the end.
Hey about the petition! I'm currently translating Didi's Kripke petition she'll send to E. Kirpke, I should be done in a few days (it's 6 pages long O.O), maybe we can join your petition to hers, if she agrees. i'm sure she will, Didi is a very sweet girl.

Well "Bon Apétit" lana, see you soon. I'm glad you're still around, it's thanks to you and nath that I became first hooked to this forum and I love this topic, I don't wanna see our english speaking topic die! =)

Take care =)
For the moment I haven't beginn the petition it take maybe about 2 months for having a lot of signatures. I agree with you She's a very sweet girl. "Bon Apetit to you" Annwyn, I've finish now, I'm coming in about 15 minutes, maybe ttyl. I'm glad you're still around too. I love this topic. Me too I don't wanna see our english speaking topic die.

260Let’s help each others ! - Page 11 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Dim 18 Mai 2008 - 22:30


Hook man

Hi Annwyn, how are you? me I'm good, I'm going to watch a movie now. I'll give you my adress e-mail if you want by pm. Have a good evening. I come back after the movie.

261Let’s help each others ! - Page 11 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Jeu 22 Mai 2008 - 20:59


Hook man

Hi lana,

I'm so tired, I'm just passing by to send you a hug.

Hope you're doing well, and see you soon on MSN =)

Right now, all I want is my bed! =)

262Let’s help each others ! - Page 11 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Ven 23 Mai 2008 - 0:41


Hook man

Annwyn a écrit:Hi lana,

I'm so tired, I'm just passing by to send you a hug.

Hope you're doing well, and see you soon on MSN =)

Right now, all I want is my bed! =)

Hi again Annwyn,

I'm so tired too, Laughing. I need to sleep. I'm good. See you soon on msn and on the forum.

Let’s help each others ! - Page 11 Coucouga

263Let’s help each others ! - Page 11 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Jeu 5 Juin 2008 - 0:03


Hook man

Hi lana,

well Hi again actually =)

I'm just passing by before going to sleep. I send you those cuteness fanarts tomorrow.

Take care -hugs- =)

264Let’s help each others ! - Page 11 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Jeu 5 Juin 2008 - 0:18


Hook man

Annwyn a écrit:Hi lana,

well Hi again actually =)

I'm just passing by before going to sleep. I send you those cuteness fanarts tomorrow.

Take care -hugs- =)

Hi again Annwyn =)
I'll go to sleep very soon. I'm waiting for those fanarts tomorrow, thanks.
Take care you too. Hugs

265Let’s help each others ! - Page 11 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Jeu 5 Juin 2008 - 0:25


Hook man

Have the sweetest dreams ! =)

Off I go! =)

266Let’s help each others ! - Page 11 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Sam 7 Juin 2008 - 17:22


Hook man

Annwyn a écrit:Have the sweetest dreams ! =)

Off I go! =)

Hi Annwyn, How are you? me I'm good. I hope to talk with you soon.
Have a good day.

267Let’s help each others ! - Page 11 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Sam 7 Juin 2008 - 17:28


Hook man

I've find an old interview from Jared and Jensen from Mee Vee the

January 24, 2007

MeeVee Exclusive! Interview with Supernatural's Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles

Let’s help each others ! - Page 11 Jaredjensen
The CW's Supernatural certainly has one of the toughest time slots in
television. Still, it still manages to hold onto a devoted hardcore
following. If you don’t believe us, just check out the more than 20,000
blogs devoted to stars Jared Padalecki (Sam Winchester) and Jensen
Ackles (Dean Winchester), and the hundreds of videos available on
YouTube. This year the series has delved deeper into its mythology,
introducing a whole new world of hunters and exploring the Winchester
brothers’ destiny. MeeVee's own Supernatural being Steve Czarnecki sat
down with the two busy stars of the show inbetween tapings, during
their recent California TCA press tour to capture this exclusive

Let’s help each others ! - Page 11 Supernatural409x268_1 Is there a big difference between this second season and the show's first?
Jared Padalecki: We
both feel it’s a better series [now] than Season One. There’s a lot to
be proud of in Season One, but we wanted Season Two to be better. We
learned from a lot of mistakes in Season One, so we’re taking more
chances and trying to step up the game a little bit. We kill ourselves
to give it maturity and sophistication. In Season One, we were just
worried about not making it a horror movie every week. This year we’re
focused on the characters and giving them depth, complexity, and
intricate storylines.

How is the series progressing toward those goals?
Jensen Ackles: I
think it’s going really well. At the beginning, I was concerned about
where it was going to go. It seems to be all going, though, according
to plan, like a giant road map -- which helps us as actors to be
consistent from week to week. I’m thrilled with the way things are
going, and I know it’s just getting better.

Jared: I’m also very happy with
how the season is progressing. I think in the first season, there’s a
learning curve for everybody -- the actors are finding the characters,
the writers are trying to figure out what works, who’s doing what with
dialogue and story. Recently, we’ve been working harder and pushing the
envelope. You can really feel now that it’s a well-oiled machine.

Every fan of the show wants to know how the car always gets fixed up each episode?
Jensen: It’s Supernatural! (laughter)

Are you finding that there’s a crossover of Supernatural fans who were avid X-Files watchers?
Jensen: Oh yeah, I’ve definitely run into fans who were big watchers of X-Files who are now fans of Supernatural. I think it’s really the duo journey…like David [Duchovny] and Gillian [Anderson], but Jared is much better looking than Jillian. (laughter)

How much of the show’s success is the relationship of the brothers versus the supernatural?
Ninety-nine percent is the relationship between us guys, and the other
one percent is what the writers cook up, like vampires and bugs.

Let’s help each others ! - Page 11 Supernatural With that kind of pressure, how’s the chemistry between you guys, off camera and on?
It’s pretty effortless. We’re pretty similar and have similar
interests, same hobbies. We’re both very laid-back guys. We take our
work very seriously, and we like to work on our characters and like to
have a good time. We keep the mood on the set fun. We just click. We
have a fantastic time, we have a fantastic crew in Vancouver, and it’s
all been very organic.

Jensen: I think it’s also just
the common love we share for the show. We really look out for each
other when we’re working with guest directors, and I think we just
truly want this to be a great program. It’s very neat to have that
relationship with a costar, very rare.

You told us earlier that you worked until 3:30 a.m. this morning. What do you eventually do in your rare off time in Vancouver?
Jared: We
don’t have a lot of down time. That’s not a pity party or anything, we
just work a lot. My dogs are up there, so I spend time with my dogs.
Sometimes my girlfriend comes up or I’ll come down [to visit her], and
work on the script. Even between episodes, you go from finishing an
episode on Wednesday and say, “Whew, another one down! I feel good
about our work – let’s go have a Coors Light or something.” Then on
Thursday, I get handed another 60-page script I have to get used to. So
it’s really a lot of work for nine months out of the year. Sometimes
the week is a blur, and I realize I forgot to call my mom -- I mean,
she might be dead or something. No, there’s not a lot of down time.

Jensen: It is a full, full-time job.

Fans of Battlestar Galactica
will be happy to hear that Tricia Helfer is making an appearance on an
upcoming show. Any other cool guest stars we should watch for?

Jared: Besides Tricia, as we gear
up for the season finale we’re told they’ll be bringing back various
characters who have already made an appearance on the show.

What about Amber Benson? She seemed to be an instant fan favorite.
We would love to have Amber back, but there are no plans as of yet. We
love the character and would love to see her again. But Emmanuelle
Vaugier is coming to do an episode -- Episode 17, I think -- where she
has lots of hot sex with Jared.

That bedroom reference is a perfect segue
to our last question. You work on a show with all kinds of scary stuff
-- do you ever have any weird or scary dreams?

Nah, I don’t. I mean, when you break these stories down, they becomes
sort of businesslike. That thing that goes bump in the night is just a
story problem for us, so I don’t think it affects us in that way.

Jared: I don’t think for me
either, but as far as the show goes, I love nothing more than hearing
somebody say, “Man, it really scared me -- I had to turn away.” Our
guest actress Tricia Helfer was talking about a few episodes, and she
was like, “Literally I jumped, like, my husband threw food on the
floor. I screamed and it scared me.” And it’s so funny to me, because
we’re sitting there staring at a piece of tape on the floor or
something and running away, and we see it all happen, and we know. I
watch the show sometimes and I’m like, “I remember there was a boom
[microphone] guy right between my legs.” But I love hearing about
scaring people or giving them nightmares, or that they can’t watch it.

It'll be nice from you to translate this interview it's about season 1 and 2, I've look if this interview is in the forum but I didn't find it, maybe I'm wrong, it's better to look it before. Have a good day.

268Let’s help each others ! - Page 11 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Mar 9 Déc 2008 - 18:18



I'm sorry, but I have a little question, one word I don't understant, and I don't know if it's an english word or french word, I don't know if it's the good topic.
What is the definition of "wincest".
Thank in advance, and sorry for my no intelligence Smile

269Let’s help each others ! - Page 11 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Sam 13 Déc 2008 - 20:51



wincest is the word used when there is a love story between Sam and Dean... it is a contraction of Winchester and Incest

270Let’s help each others ! - Page 11 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Dim 14 Déc 2008 - 10:15



okay, thank you very much, I understand.

271Let’s help each others ! - Page 11 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Mer 17 Déc 2008 - 15:38



yes it's à word used by the fan making love fanfiction between the boys, really funny even if's HOT!

272Let’s help each others ! - Page 11 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Mer 17 Déc 2008 - 15:46



okie thank you so much

273Let’s help each others ! - Page 11 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Dim 6 Déc 2009 - 0:10


Hook man

Hmmm...Hi guys! I was wondering recently if I could post one of my fanfiction I write a couple of weeks ago... I think it can help with those who have difficulty in English. Of course, I'm not perfect either 'cause French's my first language but maybe? If there's any words people don't understand, I'll be happy to help them^^

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