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3x14, Long-Distance Call

| Wendigo |
21 participants

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13x14, Long-Distance Call Empty 3x14, Long-Distance Call Lun 10 Mar 2008 - 21:32


Modératrice En route avec Métallicar

La quatorzième épisodes de la troisième saisons, qui n'a pas encore de titre en date d'aujourd'hui m'a tout simplement surprise lorsque j'ai regarder les original air dates des épisodes à venir. En faite aucun résumé n'est encore disponible sur le site de Wikipedia, par contre j'ai pu y lire deux courtes phrases qui s'auras en surprendre quelques un. "Ruby suduces Sam" (Ruby séduit Sam) et "Dean marries Bela" (Dean marie Bela).

23x14, Long-Distance Call Empty Re: 3x14, Long-Distance Call Lun 10 Mar 2008 - 21:48



Oh là. Effectivement ca surprend.
Qu'est ce qui nous font l'équipe de Kripke...

Merci pour l'info

33x14, Long-Distance Call Empty Re: 3x14, Long-Distance Call Lun 10 Mar 2008 - 21:51




43x14, Long-Distance Call Empty Re: 3x14, Long-Distance Call Mar 11 Mar 2008 - 17:21


Chasseurs de monstres

Whaou ça pour être surprenant ça l'est, mais ça peut être sympa vu que les perso de Bella et Ruby ont été un peu écarté je trouve en fin de 1er parti de saison (enfin surtout Bella car durant les 3 derniers épisodes 9 à 12 Rubby fais un come back)

53x14, Long-Distance Call Empty Re: 3x14, Long-Distance Call Mar 11 Mar 2008 - 21:40



Houlà! Shocked ! ça surprend c'est sur!

Merçi pour l'info!

63x14, Long-Distance Call Empty Re: 3x14, Long-Distance Call Jeu 13 Mar 2008 - 13:35



plus que surprenant Shocked

73x14, Long-Distance Call Empty Re: 3x14, Long-Distance Call Jeu 13 Mar 2008 - 13:36



ca fait peur mm

83x14, Long-Distance Call Empty Re: 3x14, Long-Distance Call Jeu 13 Mar 2008 - 17:26



Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked

93x14, Long-Distance Call Empty Re: 3x14, Long-Distance Call Jeu 13 Mar 2008 - 17:32



J'ai une hypothèse : un démon, le jour de la saint Valentin fait des couple mais ça tourne souvent en meurtre et il s'en prend à nos Winchester.

J'avoue c'est plutôt loufoque.

103x14, Long-Distance Call Empty Re: 3x14, Long-Distance Call Jeu 13 Mar 2008 - 17:33



ouais !!!

c'est bien d'avoir une théorie !

113x14, Long-Distance Call Empty Re: 3x14, Long-Distance Call Jeu 13 Mar 2008 - 18:33


Chasseurs de monstres

Et bin moi j'adore comme théorie je trouve qu'un épisode comme celui là serrait parfait avant le season final car il y aurait pas mal d'humour made in SPN comme on l'aime.

123x14, Long-Distance Call Empty Re: 3x14, Long-Distance Call Jeu 13 Mar 2008 - 18:38



Mais c'est du déjà vu peut-être !

133x14, Long-Distance Call Empty Re: 3x14, Long-Distance Call Jeu 13 Mar 2008 - 22:47



je te rejoindrais Ar Gwrac'h Kerez pour ta théorie, si ce n'est pas celle-ci, une dans le mm style

143x14, Long-Distance Call Empty Re: 3x14, Long-Distance Call Ven 14 Mar 2008 - 17:39


Chasseurs de monstres

Oui mais c'est vrai que j'adore cette théorie comme je l'ai dis plus haut mais je pense tout de même que ces infos sont fausse.
Car deux épisodes de suite (14 et 15) avec couples et mariages je trouve ça trop étrange, donc je pense vraiment que c'est de l'intox.

Après je peux me tromper Wink

153x14, Long-Distance Call Empty Re: 3x14, Long-Distance Call Ven 14 Mar 2008 - 18:29

| Wendigo |

| Wendigo |

C'est choquant et surprenant ces infos

163x14, Long-Distance Call Empty Re: 3x14, Long-Distance Call Ven 14 Mar 2008 - 20:37


Hook man

3x14, Long-Distance Call Jinterro 3x14, Long-Distance Call Jinterro3x14, Long-Distance Call Jinterro3x14, Long-Distance Call Jinterro

173x14, Long-Distance Call Empty Re: 3x14, Long-Distance Call Sam 15 Mar 2008 - 1:39


Modératrice En route avec Métallicar

ou la la encore un épisode qui va tourner a la dérision qui donne un sacré succés a cette s3. j'ai trop hate !

imaginer dean & bela 3x14, Long-Distance Call Mdr trop dur pr l'instant

183x14, Long-Distance Call Empty Re: 3x14, Long-Distance Call Sam 15 Mar 2008 - 1:47


Sam's girfriend

Shocked si l'hypotèse est bonne, je sens que ça va être génial!!! j'espère qu'on en saura bientôt plus

193x14, Long-Distance Call Empty Re: 3x14, Long-Distance Call Sam 15 Mar 2008 - 22:49



Episode 3.14

Long Distance Caller

Random Scene—

Stewie hits a few buttons and a printer starts to churn out some paper. He tells Sam that he can’t say where the number comes from but he can tell Sam where it’s going. Sam asks what he means and Stewie shows him the printout, explaining that ten different houses in the past two weeks all got calls from this particular number. Sam and Dean exchange a puzzled look.

Ext./Int Greenfield House—Day

Sam’s by the front door confirming the address with Stewie’s list. He knocks, and when the door opens revealing Mark Greenfield, a forty something, and his five year old son Simon.

Mr. Greenfield greets Sam and Sam tells him that he’s with the phone company. Mark says that he didn’t call the phone company and Sam covers by saying that the company is calling him because they have received several complaints over the past few days . Mark asks what kind of complaints and Sam says that its been mostly odd calls—some dropped, some static, some maybe even strange voices on the end of the line.

Mark says that they never had anything like that and Sam states that’s good he just thought he’d check. As he says goodbye, however, Sam takes notice of a fifteen year old girl named Leila standing in the hallway just staring at him. She quickly looks away, and as the door closes Sam takes a beat wondering what the hell that was about.

Ext. Greenfield House—Day

Sam walks to the rental car and is about to get in. Leila approaches and says there’s no way Sam’s a repairman. Sam turns and smiles, saying that he sure is. Leila asks since when does a phone repairman drive a rental car or wear that many flannel shirts. Sam’s busted but states that he thinks they both are keeping secrets.

Leila pauses and then asks why Sam asked her dad about strange voices on the phone. Sam questions if Leila has heard something and she gets defensive. Sam apologizes for his mistake and says he’s sorry to bother her. But as he’s getting in the car, he pauses and tells Leila that if she had heard something he would’ve told her that he’s been right where she was wondering about hearing things, seeing things, he couldn’t explain. Sam says that he would’ve helped her out with all of it.

He starts getting in to the car and Leila tells him to wait. And Leila reveals that maybe she’s been talking on the phone with her mom. Sam tells her that’s not exactly strange and Leila says that its only been a few times, started like a week ago. Leila states that she thought she was going crazy or something.

Sam closes the car door, ready to talk to her, and tells Leila that she’s got to trust him when he says that she’s not crazy. Leila’s grateful to accept that.

203x14, Long-Distance Call Empty Re: 3x14, Long-Distance Call Sam 15 Mar 2008 - 22:50



Random Scene:

It’s John’s voices Dean’s hearing telling him that the demon that holds his deal is here.

Int. Leila’s Room—Night

Leila is Im-ing with a friend. She types her goodbye and suddenly another IM pops up. The username is a bunch of random symbols she’s never seen before. The stranger asks if Leila’s there and Leila realizes its her mom. Her mom says that she asked Leila a question the other night. Leila fidgets uncomfortable and tells her mom that she’s getting scared of her.

Her mom tells her not to be scared ‘cause she’s her mom and Leila says that she doesn’t know what her mom wants. Her mom says she just wants to see Leila. Leila’s really uncomfortable and types back that she did go see her mom—at the cemetery.

Her mom sends the message back that Leila knows what she means, but Leila clearly doesn’t and she’s growing more scared by the second. She tells her mom that she doesn’t think they should talk for the next few days. There’s a long pause before Leila gets too anxious and sends a where are you message. Her mom asks why Leila would try to hurt her like this.

Leila’s feeling guilty and says that she’s not, but she can’t go see her mom cause she doesn’t even know where her mom is. Suddenly, the computer screen just goes black. Leila calls for her mom, and slowly an image appears onscreen. The image onscreen sharpen and its Leila. Sitting at her desk like her web cam is on, but she can’t take her eyes off the screen when a spectral figure enters behind her, and seems to place a hand on her shoulder. We can’t see the figures face, but from Leila’s reaction we know its from her mom.

Leila spins around and to confront her mom but nothing’s there. She turns off the computer and pushes her chair from the desk, crying. Over her shoulder, the computer screens turns itself back on and the IM box appears again. Onscreen, the message ‘come to me’ is typed again and again and again.

Int. Leila’s Room—Day

Sam is sitting across from Leila and asks what she thinks her mom meant by ‘come to me’. Leila says that she thought it meant go to the cemetery. Sam asks if she did go and Leila tells him that nothing happened. Sam questions as to what Leila things her mom wants when suddenly the computer turns on.

Leila asks whats going and Sam tells her to look straight ahead. The IM appears as Leila’s mom asks if she’s there. Sam tells Leila to keep her eyes forward and don’t look at him, smile and unplug the webcam slowly. Leila does as she’s told and Sam tells her to back away. Leila scoots back and Sam takes her place at the computer, typing a reply.

Sam sends Leila’s mom a hi, mom. And Leila asks what he’s doing. Sam tells her not to worry. Leila’s mom says that she thought her daughter was coming and Sam thinks for a second and replies that he wants to, but he doesn’t know how. They both wait and her mom replies that the Leila needs to take the pills in her father’s bathroom.

Sam asks how many pills and the mom says all of htem. Sam and Leila look at the screen in disbelief. Leila is stunned and states the her mom wants her to kill herself and asks why. Sam’s mind is churning a mile a minute and it suddenly clicks. He say that maybe its not Leila’s mom.

He thinks for a second then types that if he dies, will his eyes turn to stone, like hers. There’s a long pause and the stranger finally figures out he’s not talking to Leila. Sam starts to type back that the stranger isn’t Leila’s mom, but the computer shuts down.

Sam freezes, smiling when he realizes he’s got this bastard.

213x14, Long-Distance Call Empty Re: 3x14, Long-Distance Call Sam 15 Mar 2008 - 22:51



Int. Impala/Ext. Stubbs House—Day

Dean pulls up in front of a suburban house and checks a slip of paper with an address on it. It’s the right place and he pulls a rosary out of his pocket, unscrews a jug of water dropping the rosary in it as he arms up.

Int. Leila’s Room

Sam tells Leila that what she was talking to wasn’t her mother and he doesn’t think its going to bother her again, but tells her not to answer the phone and don’t use the computer until he says its alright. Sam gets up and Leila asks if he’s leaving. Sam hesitates cause he feels bad but he’s got to go.

Int. Simon’s Room—Same Time

Simon is playing with his toy truck on the floor. The phone rings softly and Simon looks confused but finally finds it. His toy telephone is ringing. He picks it up and smiles greeting his mommy and asks where she is.

Ext. Greenfield House—Moments Later

Simon walks down the middle of the street up the block from his house, a smile on his face. A delivery truck rounds the corner heading straight for him. Simon keeps walking as the truck grows closer. Simon stops, his trance broken from fear, but gets so scared he cant move. The truck’s horn blasts and the its gonna be too late until Sam rushes in to save Simon out of harm’s way. They’re shaken up, but okay.

Int. Stubbs House—Dusk

The house is dark and empty. Dean picks the front door and lets himself in, carrying the holy water, spray paint and a bag of salt. He walks to the doorway of the living room and spots a rug in the corner. He moves the chair on top of it and pulls the rug back, shaking the spray paint can and begins to paint a devil’s trap.

Int. Sam’s Car—Dusk

Sam’s driving, calling Dean on his cell. Sam tells Dean that it’s a Crocotte ‘cause he asked if his eyes turned to stone and the thing freaked out. Dean asks if Sam is sure and Sam tells him that they are mimics that only get people to kill themselves. Dean says that makes sense, and Sam tells him that Dean can’t listen to what it says ‘cause its not Dad.

223x14, Long-Distance Call Empty Re: 3x14, Long-Distance Call Sam 15 Mar 2008 - 23:30



Merci Deanvica!

233x14, Long-Distance Call Empty Re: 3x14, Long-Distance Call Dim 16 Mar 2008 - 3:43



de rien ma puce . Good night que vos reves soient remplies du plus bel ange qui soit notre Jensen ange de beauté et de lumiére sur notre planete terrestre et sur les voies lactees et célestres .


243x14, Long-Distance Call Empty Re: 3x14, Long-Distance Call Dim 16 Mar 2008 - 10:39



Très beau Isa.

Et merci pour le spoiler

253x14, Long-Distance Call Empty Re: 3x14, Long-Distance Call Dim 16 Mar 2008 - 10:45



Il a l'air trop bien cette épisode. J'ai trop hate, mazette, je ne peux pas attendre

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