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A propos de Jensen Ackles ...

dean le tombeur
Lexa Winchester
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Miss padalecki
Supernatural Girl
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126A propos de Jensen Ackles ... - Page 6 Empty Re: A propos de Jensen Ackles ... Mer 29 Aoû 2007 - 0:15


Sam's girfriend

Oui j'ai lu ça aussi, mais pour l'origine...Question

127A propos de Jensen Ackles ... - Page 6 Empty Re: A propos de Jensen Ackles ... Mer 29 Aoû 2007 - 17:40



a&ucune idée pour l'origine, en tout cas, j'aime beaucoup son prénom ca sonne bien !

128A propos de Jensen Ackles ... - Page 6 Empty Re: A propos de Jensen Ackles ... Jeu 30 Aoû 2007 - 17:34


Bloody Mary

ps : jensen est beau ah non il est mm parfaitement beau^^

129A propos de Jensen Ackles ... - Page 6 Empty Re: A propos de Jensen Ackles ... Ven 31 Aoû 2007 - 1:20


Hook man

Jensen ... Que dire sur lui? Pas seulement qu'il est beau, parce que bien que ce soit vrai (faudrait être folle pour dire le contraire) mais je trouve qu'il a un charme incroyable, une classe innée et puis un talent extra. Il ne se prend pas la tête, on le voit dans ses interview, il est drôle (honnêtement on ne doit pas s'ennuyer avec les deux énergumènes réunis!) et puis il est timide ... et je craque pour les hommes timides!

130A propos de Jensen Ackles ... - Page 6 Empty Re: A propos de Jensen Ackles ... Dim 2 Sep 2007 - 13:30



très jolie message

131A propos de Jensen Ackles ... - Page 6 Empty Re: A propos de Jensen Ackles ... Lun 3 Sep 2007 - 17:37


Bloody Mary


132A propos de Jensen Ackles ... - Page 6 Empty Re: A propos de Jensen Ackles ... Mer 5 Sep 2007 - 8:58

dean le tombeur

John Winchester

sympa ton rêve !!!

133A propos de Jensen Ackles ... - Page 6 Empty Re: A propos de Jensen Ackles ... Ven 21 Sep 2007 - 19:10


Bloody Mary


134A propos de Jensen Ackles ... - Page 6 Empty Re: A propos de Jensen Ackles ... Ven 21 Sep 2007 - 19:13


Bloody Mary

oui moi aussi !! c'est trop chou! j'aimerais bien voir jensen et jared à l'action, en train de faire des sâles coup! A propos de Jensen Ackles ... - Page 6 53-hihih

135A propos de Jensen Ackles ... - Page 6 Empty Re: A propos de Jensen Ackles ... Ven 21 Sep 2007 - 20:13



j'aime bien cette acteur (même si j'ai ma grande préférence pour Jared bien sur!^^) il est trés mimi (j'adore ces mimiques ^^) et c'est un exelent acteur!

136A propos de Jensen Ackles ... - Page 6 Empty Re: A propos de Jensen Ackles ... Ven 21 Sep 2007 - 22:02



Il y a beaucoup à dire sur Jensen! J'y passerai certainement la nuit!lol!
C'est un acteur plein de charme et de charisme qui prend position de l'endroit où il se trouve où qu'il soit, il est vite remarqué et remarquable! Hormis le fait qu'il soit bien plus que séduisant et sexy, il a énormément de talent!A propos de Jensen Ackles ... - Page 6 587329 Bref, un acteur qui a de l'avenir!

137A propos de Jensen Ackles ... - Page 6 Empty Re: A propos de Jensen Ackles ... Sam 22 Sep 2007 - 16:04



Deanvica tu as l'âme d'une artiste!

Sinon moi je crois que j'aime Jensen tout simplement!Je prends le tout!!!!!!!Tout ce qui va et tout ce qui ne va pas(mais je pense que ce n'est pas flagrant pour la deuxième partie!)!

138A propos de Jensen Ackles ... - Page 6 Empty Re: A propos de Jensen Ackles ... Sam 22 Sep 2007 - 16:15



oui dans mon ame et mon coeur je me sens une artiste . J'adore ecrire sur la serie , sur nos boys . j'adore creer come lebook de jensen que je lui ai offert en mai dernier , celui d ejared . J'adore faire des cahiers de vie pour le s autres .
J'ai d'autres projets pour 2007 2008. Creer un book que sur la france avecdes phtos de toutes les villes de frances petit texte, recettes de cuisines de region pour jensen .
Peut etre un book avec toutes les photos studios d'asylum que j'offrirais a jensen (pas sur ) .

J'ai pensé qu'on pourrait creer un calendrier pour ce forom avec es photos que de jensen et jared pour 2008 . Je lance l'idee mais je vous laisserais faire . Par contre je peux vous envoyer pleins de photos .

Merci sammy en tout cas. jensen est si beau l'inspiration est tres facile . il a tout pour lui la beauté ,le charisme, une presence incroyable, une sensualité, un grand talent . qu'est ceque je peux dire d'autre! Il a quelque chose en plus que les autres n'ont pas . Sur certaines photos il arrive a nous montrer quelque chose de tres sexxy , de sensuel avecson regard , s abouche , ses positions . Rien qu'en regardant de telles photos il nous permet d erever a ce qui est inaccessible , il nous permet d evoir qu'il est un homme dans toute sa splendeur , un vrai fantasme .

se sera tout pour cette fois les filles . kiss.

139A propos de Jensen Ackles ... - Page 6 Empty Re: A propos de Jensen Ackles ... Sam 22 Sep 2007 - 16:22



Tu sais que tu pourrais faire envie à n'importe qui en parlant de lui comme ça même si on ne le connaissait pas du tout!

140A propos de Jensen Ackles ... - Page 6 Empty Re: A propos de Jensen Ackles ... Sam 22 Sep 2007 - 17:18




141A propos de Jensen Ackles ... - Page 6 Empty anectode of jensen Mer 24 Oct 2007 - 18:20



The lady who wrote this is Doris Egan , she worked for DA, now she is a writer for House M.D.


"I now have a shirt that reads, "When the Inuit go fishing, they don't look for fish." (Because it's two -- two -- two shows in one!)

I'm on the first set of rewrites for my House script, in the stage where smoke is puffing out your ears symbolizing either deep inner thought or (more likely) my forlorn yet passionate desire to somehow keep this thing below the sort of page count that makes War and Peace look like a haiku. As a temporary escape, I've decided to tell you my Jensen Ackles anecdote.

When I worked on Dark Angel I created a character, one of Max's missing siblings, who as a child was the mythmaker of the group. He kept them from losing faith in themselves by telling stories in the darkness of the dormitory, stories with heroes and spirits and demons, and now that Max is all grown up and the group is scattered and in hiding, she finds that people are being murdered according to the mythological details of those childhood stories. Her beloved storyteller has grown into a serial killer.

This was a tough role to cast. You needed someone you could believe was a genetically engineered human; who could, when necessary, radiate both intelligence and menace; who could be scary one minute, and who could give you a lump in the throat the next from his sheer vulnerability when he admits to Max that he's broken and begs her to kill him.

I sat in casting as actor after actor came in. It was one of those evenings when you listen to the words of the script and wonder how they can sound this horrifyingly bad -- dear god, am I truly that wretched a writer? Then Mr. Ackles walked in. The first scene involved his character sitting handcuffed as he tries to convince Max to let him go. It was tonally challenging, because although he's cuffed, you have to have the impression he's extremely dangerous -- that in fact just listening to him is dangerous because he'll screw with you psychologically. "Mind if I sit on the floor?" he asked calmly, in the voice of one who's worked it all out ahead of time. He put his arms behind his back, did that scene, and wow. Young Hannibal Lecter, hello! Then he did the death scene, made my eyes tear up, walked calmly out, and we looked at each other. This was exactly the character I'd envisioned. It was clear to me that if anybody else got this role, I would have to commit ritual suicide.

Fortunately everyone else wanted him -- except one highly placed producer. Now, although Hollywood as an entity has issues with women, my personal experience on writing staffs has been almost uniformly positive. This producer happened to be an extremely rare exception -- and it's not that he was in any way meanspirited; he was a perfectly nice guy, kind and gentle, but sometimes your head snapped back just listening to him. He was upset by the fact that the people in casting that night had been mostly women; that we all liked Jensen Ackles; and that he was a good-looking actor. Because, clearly, that must be what was influencing us. "Something very disturbing was going on in that room," he insisted.

Leaving his opinion of our emotionality aside, I asked what his issues were with Ackles -- hadn't that been a terrific reading? He admitted the reading was fine, but -- "He doesn't have muscles." "What?" "He doesn't have muscles, he doesn't look like a soldier. If he was genetically designed to be a soldier, wouldn't they make him strong?" My head spun for a moment. I said, "Our heroine is Jessica Alba." And yes, she'd worked out pretty hard for this role, but she was still a slender-looking, gorgeous young woman, who was usually shorter and much lighter than the men we regularly showed her throwing around with such abandon. I said, "Clearly whatever genetic manipulation was going on involves strength that's not determined by the sheer volume of the muscle." I'd reached this conclusion the moment I saw the pilot, and thought it was unarguable, given what we'd been portraying on screen for the past season. But he had a reply to that: "She's a girl," he said -- clearly bewildered that I would even bring this up.

Sigh. But the angels smiled for a moment, Jensen Ackles got the role, and though my script was rewritten it did still retain a certain amount of what I'd been going for. The direction was tight, the acting full-throttle, and the episode was so well-received that the series was sold for a second year on the idea of "more like this!"

I, however, had moved on to Smallville the following year. There, we discussed casting for one of the early guest roles. "Jensen Ackles!" I said. The executive producers went away, returned, and I was told with compassion, "I'm sorry, Doris. He's just been booked for the year." "Really? Where?" "Dark Angel." Yes. The producer who'd been so opposed to him? After seeing his work in that episode, he hired Jensen as a regular. And apparently he also made him bulk up -- because boys need muscle. I said, "But we killed him!" "He's back as a clone."

Damn you, science fiction, and your wicked genre ways! Someday, Jensen Ackles, I muttered. Time passed and I found myself on the second season of Tru Calling. We had a character, a medical student, whom we first meet as a sort of golden boy -- a nice guy, funny, the sort who tries to do the right thing. Brilliant, but with some self-esteem issues that have kept him from his full potential. Tru and he become friends, and as time passes, they start to become more deeply involved. Then, partway through the season, he dies; and Tru, who's had enough of death, resolves to stay awake until someone somewhere asks for help and her day rewinds -- thereby allowing her to save Jensen as well. (Yes, shockingly, he ended up with the name Jensen. I think it was my sheer repetition doing subconscious work.) I'm going to quote here from an earlier post:


But Jensen's soul is already committed -- it can't return, but his body, memories, and the habits of his personality continue after the time he "died." The idea was that over the course of the arc we would gradually see anomalies of character develop -- unsettling moments, as the imprint of Jensen's personality disintegrates, at the same time it becomes fascinated with death, in an almost wistful way. This would be pretty damned creepy, coming as it does alongside Tru's growing physical intimacy with him. Jane Espenson wrote a beautifully disturbing scene that I'm sorry you'll never get a chance to see -- on one level, it's just Tru and Jensen talking on the sofa during a movie, and on another level, oooooh.

As the arc plays out, we hear the jarring comments he'll occasionally make, the way the things that used to mean something to him -- like his need for his father's respect -- are just no longer vulnerabilities. We see scenes that suggest a growing involvement with violence, in an unsettling but ambiguous way, so Tru can't be sure it's there or not. Till one morning Tru wakes in bed with Jensen and goes about her day, which rewinds over the murder of Jensen's father. Just before the rewind she learns that not only did Jensen do it, he's been behind a string of recent killings (born of his fascination with learning about the thing he's apparently been barred from -- i.e., death). She rewinds -- and wakes up in bed next to him, knowing now that he's a monster.

And that she created him. This was once a young man who won her with his generosity and understanding, his good humor and sweetness. He's still bright, he's still clever, there's no evidence against him. And he'll be creating a lot more victims, starting on this rewind day with his father -- unless she takes the responsibility for putting an end to him. So she finally turns to the person with experience in ending people's lives: Jack.


Now, obviously this was going to be the kind of role where you can't count on a pretty face to pull you through. (And sometimes there's pressure to go with a pretty face, even when the necessary screen power is not behind it. This doesn't make sense, because it means the audience will never spark to that role the way they should, but sometimes executives think the fact they can promote the show using a particular actor's name makes up for that. The unfortunate truth that you can get people to watch once, just long enough to drive them away permanently if the goods aren't there, doesn't always sway the decisionmakers.) We needed someone who could say long words as though they know what those words mean -- and I'm not being sarcastic here; that's harder than you think. But someone who could also be funny. And sweet. And boy-next-door. Oh, and also turn on a dime and scare the beejeezus out of you.

"Jensen Ackles!" I said, pretty much every time the subject of casting came up. But the process ground on a bit slower than we anticipated, and one day I was informed -- again, with compassion -- "We're too late; he's booked elsewhere." I asked where. "Smallville," they said. Smallville? Those bastards, how dare they listen to me? Who told them to respect my opinion? This was clearly my fate -- to make so much noise about Jensen Ackles at any show I'm on that they'll grab him first chance they get, which will inevitably be when I'm at my next show trying to get him. One of the writers, hearing this news, turned to me and asked, "Are you solely responsible for this guy's career?"

The answer to that would be no. Clearly he doesn't need my help, but you have to admit that the aura of Ackles doom I bring to each production is amusing, at least. At the time I said to myself, sour-grapes fashion, "Well, I hope that Smallville role is as interesting and layered as this one will be," and went on with life.

As it turned out, we were fortunate at Tru. Eric Christian Olsen took on the role, and it was clear from the very first look at his reel that we were in safe hands. (In fact, when I first saw his work I had that sense of awe I always feel in the presence of good acting, because it is so very much something I cannot do. Really, I have no idea what button actors push to suddenly convey, "This is real," but I know it when I see it, the way Robert Graves says you know a true poem when you hear one. Recently I was talking with a medical consultant and mentioned that I'd just come out of a read-through of a script. "It's always cool to hear the script at a read-through," I said. "Why?" he asked. I was surprised at the question. "Because they do that magic actor thing," I said. Why else?) In any case, I'm sorry you never got to see the character's turnaround, because I have no doubt he would have been compelling.

And as it turns out, since the show was cancelled mid-season, maybe Smallville was the better bet after all.

And now I'm at House, and surrounded by such talent that it would be the height of ungraciousness to do more than note that Mr. Ackles has a show of his own this coming season. And while it's not mine, I'm forced to admit that that might not stop it from being, well... good. "

Posted on 2005.08.18 at 17:37

142A propos de Jensen Ackles ... - Page 6 Empty Re: A propos de Jensen Ackles ... Jeu 25 Oct 2007 - 14:08

dean le tombeur

John Winchester


mais que vient faire dr house ?

143A propos de Jensen Ackles ... - Page 6 Empty Re: A propos de Jensen Ackles ... Ven 26 Oct 2007 - 22:20



quelqu'un peut traduire

144A propos de Jensen Ackles ... - Page 6 Empty Re: A propos de Jensen Ackles ... Ven 26 Oct 2007 - 22:35



Je ne comprend pas grand chose mais il s'agit d'une femme (certainement) qui aurait proposé Jensen pour le rôle de Ben dans Dark Angel et tout le monde était d'accord sauf un producteur. Bref, ça parle de Tru Calling! Je ne sais plus si Jensen a joué dans cette série (honte à moi!Sad ) Je ne suis pas certaine!

145A propos de Jensen Ackles ... - Page 6 Empty Re: A propos de Jensen Ackles ... Sam 27 Oct 2007 - 13:25



J'essairai de vous traduire ça vite(mais j'en ai commencé d'autres donc je ne sais pas si cela sera pour maintenant)!

Et je n'ai jamais vu Jensen dans 'Tru Calling' moi...

Ca y'est j'ai cherché et en fait on lui a proposé le rôle du petit ami d'Eliza(Tru) mais il a refusé donc ils ont appelé le petit ami Jensen en hommage...

146A propos de Jensen Ackles ... - Page 6 Empty Re: A propos de Jensen Ackles ... Sam 27 Oct 2007 - 17:18



Ah, merci, Missammy, je comprend mieux!

147A propos de Jensen Ackles ... - Page 6 Empty Re: A propos de Jensen Ackles ... Mar 30 Oct 2007 - 22:33


Le démon

merci mysammy...t'es une bête, toi !!!!tu veux pas me donner des cours d'anglais?

148A propos de Jensen Ackles ... - Page 6 Empty Re: A propos de Jensen Ackles ... Mar 30 Oct 2007 - 22:43


Le démon

c'est sure...franchement respect Isa....rien que de lire ce que tu écris de lui, j'ai son image qui apparait devant moi...

Pour le calendrier, c'est vraiment un chouette idée..on pourrai peut être même y rajouter des photos des membres du forum en fin de page, comme conclusion en y notant un petit quelque chose pour lui....

149A propos de Jensen Ackles ... - Page 6 Empty Re: A propos de Jensen Ackles ... Mar 30 Oct 2007 - 22:51


Le démon

de mon côté, je trouve que toutes les petites perfections qu'on trouvent dans chaque homme sont toutes en lui.....un regard vert qui nous apporte tendresse et douceur, un nez fin tacheté de taches de rousseurs qui nous laisse rêver sur son côté enfant, une bouche pulpeuse et sensuelle qui nous laisse fantasmer sur ce qu'on ferait de lui s'il était dans la même pièce que nous....
sans oublier ce corps magnifique, un torse bien dessiné (sans poil en plus...le rêve!!!!), des abdos en béton mais tout en laissant apparaitre des poignées d'amour musclées qui là aussi nous emmenent dans des rêves sans limite....

A propos de Jensen Ackles ... - Page 6 1892_212


150A propos de Jensen Ackles ... - Page 6 Empty Re: A propos de Jensen Ackles ... Mar 30 Oct 2007 - 23:56



Je n'avais pas pensé à ça ...c'est à voir pourquoi pas!

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