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News Jensen

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126News Jensen - Page 6 Empty Re: News Jensen Mar 12 Fév 2008 - 21:53


Modératrice En route avec Métallicar

deanvica a écrit:The Jensen Ackles Report
Approximately three hours ago, I was five metres away from a real, live Jensen Ackles.

And yes, he really, really is that stunningly gorgeous in person.

Local fen may breathe a sigh of relief - he's not a full guest on the show.

I saw Jensen in the background before he was called onstage, and he was laughing at Paul's swear-filled histrionics at all the fuck-ups, which I took to be a good sign. He did the first bit of filming - I think he had to go somewhere - and, hilariously, quite a few people in the audience had no idea he was going to be on - Paul said "and we're about to bring on a special guest, Jensen Ackles from Supernatural", and the audible gasps cracked me up. There were more Jensen fans there accidentally than just us, it seems.

Jensen comes into it about halfway through as the 'phone a friend' for Claire Hooper; a kind of a bonus round thing. Jensen was asked a series of questions (nicked from the intertubes; I knew the answers myself) and had to pick the actual answers given by particularly stupid people in real-life game show quizzes ("How long was the Six Day War?" "Fourteen days." etc). He did a bit of chatting about Supernatural, talked for a second about Tom Welling (?!), and answered the questions (very well, three from four correct).

Guys, he was wonderful. I don't know how much of his appearance will air - I dare say most of it, because he was in the studio for maybe 20 minutes tops, and that includes several fuck-ups by everyone - but he was SO GOOD. He was charming, and very relaxed, and very, very funny. (One of the fuck-ups was actually Jensen's, but it was deliberate - the bit he was filming goes in the middle of the episode, which obviously hadn't even been filmed yet, and Jensen asked rather cheekily who was winning the game. To which there was no answer. Smartass. Very Happy) Paul flirted outrageously, but Jensen gave as good as he got and seemed very amused. Mikey was actually worse - using Jensen's insane handsomeness to both flirt with Jensen and mock Paul ("it's like... a perfect rose, next to a turd."), and Jensen did the whole ducking his head but smiling thing which is so cute. Paul also brought up a fansite he'd found - 'A Shrine to Jensen Ackles' Ass'? - and he scratched his head and smirked a bit at that, which I thought was a supremely Dean gesture in that moment. Then he asked Paul how long he'd been running the site. Very Happy Very Happy He was definitely amused, as opposed to embarrassed. *g*

Again, I don't know what will make it to air, but he seemed slightly more relaxed during the obviously not-filming bits, and joked around with Paul some. By the way, either Paul was wearing serious lifts in his shoes, or Jensen is much shorter than I thought, because Jensen was only maybe two inches taller. I LOL'd. Also, he was wearing a blue/black shirt, buttoned but untucked, darker blue jeans (holy jesus that man's legs deserve worship, I'm not kidding), boots and a hint of stubble. He really did look ridiculously good.

After his apperance, he recorded a couple of joint promos for SPN and GNW with Paul (VERY funny, he got to shove Paul out of the way and nearly knocked him right over, and he ended one of them with a takes-no-shit Dean stare right into the camera and GUUH), and one should air tomorrow and the other Monday night, so keep a look-out.

People, I know some of you are worried, so believe me when I say: this is not even remotely an awkward thing for him. During the promo filming Paul very deliberately ogled his arse, and Jensen winked at him (which is when I exploded. I'm posting from the grave, you guys). He was, honestly, fantastic. My embarrassment squick was pinged slightly by Frank Woodley, but I don't think his comment - which I don't even remember right now, except that it was a bit lame - will make the cut. Jensen was great, Paul was friendly and nice and only a smidge grabby, and it was all a truly glorious evening. ::twirl::

And for those of you not reading under the cut: Jensen filmed two promos for SPN and GNW (they're airing back-to-back) - one will air tomorrow night and the other Monday night, so keep an eye out, because they're very, very worth it.


The rest of my news can go under another post, I think. *g*

Oh, PS: Third row from the front, middle seat, goth chick, pink hair? Me. I was sitting with many other fen, but I'll let them out themselves if they want. :-)

PPS: Jensen totally looked at me, you guys. \o/

PPPS: Paul told me to stop touching my hair. :🤦:

qlq un pourrait faire la traduction ?Embarassed

127News Jensen - Page 6 Empty Re: News Jensen Mar 12 Fév 2008 - 21:54


Modératrice En route avec Métallicar

franchment la bas mm s'il est tj super, il est à tomber SmileSmileSmile:)et toujours le sourire mmmmmmmm:)Smile

128News Jensen - Page 6 Empty Re: News Jensen Mar 12 Fév 2008 - 22:19


Le démon

ca n'a rien a voir avec ce sujet !!

129News Jensen - Page 6 Empty Re: News Jensen Mar 12 Fév 2008 - 23:22



Les photos sont à tomber! ce mec a dû être créér pour mettre les femmes dans un etat pas possible!

130News Jensen - Page 6 Empty Re: News Jensen Mer 13 Fév 2008 - 0:41


Le démon

c'est a se le demander en effet

131News Jensen - Page 6 Empty Re: News Jensen Mer 13 Fév 2008 - 0:58


Modératrice En route avec Métallicar

je me demande dans quel état on va etre lors des photoshoot SmileSmile

132News Jensen - Page 6 Empty Re: News Jensen Mer 13 Fév 2008 - 2:17



Ah, m'en parles pas! Very Happy

133News Jensen - Page 6 Empty Re: News Jensen Mer 13 Fév 2008 - 12:35



Okay guys, here is a full account of what happened last Saturday night (9th February, 200 Turned out to be the best early birthday present EVER!

We all know that Jensen was going to appear on Good News Week, thanks to the wonderfully amazing benjoman! I actually got the initial heads up on myspace from Jodie (smallville79- big thanks and hugs to you too!) so I raced over here to find out more.

But it was after business hours Friday night so I couldn’t get through on the phone to get tickets to the taping! Aargh! Sent email, but no reply! Wasn’t even sure where or when it was going to be taped, at first thought Channel 10 studios at Pyrmont. Then my third angel TVfreak1010 posted the ABC web address and we all found out that it was going to be filmed at ABC studios in Ultimo.

Last step was to ring ABC and luckily the recorded voice gave the time of taping 5.30! By now it was Saturday afternoon 3.30! Rushed around like a crazy woman getting ready and ended up catching a taxi into the city to make sure I wouldn’t be late!

When I got to the ABC there was a long line and I didn’t know what to do, I didn’t have a ticket, but I just hopped in line so that I at least looked like I should be there! Overheard some people talking about how they sometimes tape more than one episode and once you’re in there you can’t get out ( I don’t know if that’s true iheartkk would know), so I decided to give the show a miss and when the line started moving, I hopped out and stood to the side a little, feeling a bit conspicuous and a little ill (big stomping elephants were playing soccer in my stomach, they’d already squished the butterflies from earlier on)!

Then a big silver car with tinted windows pulled up. I just knew that Jensen was inside, (my stomach was in knots waiting for the car door to open!) Finally they got out, a blonde woman I assume was his publicist or something similar, and two pretty young girls, I think one was Danneel, the other probably a friend to keep her company while Jensen does all the interviews etc. The chauffeur looked like he could have been a bodyguard as well.

Jensen looked amazing!! I couldn’t believe he was so close! he had sunglasses on and looked great in a dark silky shirt and pants. The group walked straight into the building without stopping for anyone. Strangely the people waiting in line didn’t seem all that interested! But I stepped forward and called out “Jensen, Jensen, can I get a photo” The publicist turned and looked at me and said ‘later’ and they disappeared inside.

I was completely hyperventilating, my heart was pounding. I know it sounds silly, but I was so excited! The people around me looked at me like I was crazy or something (half of them didn’t even know who he was!) but I didn’t care. Luckily I had my mobile and proceeded to sms as many forum friends as possible! (before I left home I had already messaged all the forum friends in my phone that I was coming down here, as well as leaving a quick note in the GNW thread, in the hope that someone else would make it down to Ultimo as well) Unfortunately, and completely understandably due to the extreme short notice no-one was able to join me.

Anyway I waited and waited, the rest of the people went in and I stayed outside. It seemed to take a long time just to get the audience inside the studio. As iheartkk said they were waiting in the foyer for ages. I felt a little exposed, just waiting outside the front doors, but luckily the driveway curves into the building in a semi-circle, so I wasn’t standing on the street!

I’m not sure how long I waited out there. Standing the whole time, going over and over what I was going to say to Jensen, quietly freaking out! Plus my phone ran out of charge so I couldn’t call anyone or even find out the time! (I don’t wear a watch, I just use my phone!) It actually cut out in the middle of a conversation with Clowns, who was enjoying a party on the northern beaches, a real pity because I really could have used her calming influence had she been able to make it!

More waiting (One of the guys from the ABC came out and asked me if I wanted to wait inside, they have couches in the foyer. But I didn’t want to risk missing Jensen when he came out!) It must have been about 2 hours when the big silver car returned (don’t ask me what make I know nothing about cars, I only know the Chevy! But it was a beautiful car, you know four wheels, four doors, boot etc!!) first at the far side of the driveway, near the road, then it pulled up right near the doors when the driver must of got word they were coming out! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

By now I was definitely freaking but I was determined to be cool!lol! as if! Well I at least I wanted to be able to speak half intelligently. I had a quick word to the chauffeur/bodyguard, asking him if he had been driving Jensen around all the time he’d been here. He said yes and when I asked him what he was like he said he was friendly and that he didn’t mind a chat. I asked if he thought he would chat with me and he laughed a little. If he was indeed the bodyguard as well, I think my little chat would have set his mind at ease that I wasn’t a lunatic (well maybe!).

Then the entourage came out, and I could see Jensen walking towards the main doors, he didn’t have his sunnies on by then and was looking uber hot! (the main doors are like a circle with inside security controlled doors as well as outside ones, so that if you were in the middle it would be like being in a tube!) The inside doors opened but it took a long time for the outside ones to open so that they were stuck for a little while in between not sure of how to open them. The wait kind of helped to break the tension for me, it was amusing and reassuring to know that even big stars have trouble with things like that!

Then they came out! I stepped forward a little and his publicist turned towards me and asked me what I wanted! (um…a kilo of tomatoes lady! What did she think I wanted!) I asked if I could say hello to Jensen and maybe get a photo, she said okay.

I looked at Jensen who was opposite me by now, OMG! I don’t know how I managed to say anything other than….uh..err..uhhh. He is so gorgeous, even more handsome than he is onscreen (if that’s possible!!!) Don’t worry, iheartdean his hair is perfect! It was kind of surreal, here he was in front of me, instead of on my television screen. I looked into his eyes and whoa! I tried to remember what I’d planned to say and do. As Starla said in Tall Tales ‘it’s like looking into the sun!’mmmmmyummmm……..oops lost my train of thought.

I had earlier resolved to shake his hand (after all it is the most universally accepted and least intrusive way to have an excuse to touch him, I could think of!) So I stuck out my hand and he stepped forward and shook my hand (no, I will never wash that hand again!lol!) He looked straight into my eyes as I introduced myself ‘My name is Raelynne’ he said ‘its nice to meet you’ than I said ‘I’d like to welcome you to Australia and thank you so much for coming down here’ then I said ‘I’d like to thank you for your work on Supernatural as well’, “I love Dean, he is such a great character” and Jensen replied “Yeah, he is a lot of fun to play” then I said something like “ I love the care and integrity you show portraying him” (sorry I remember everything but it comes back to me through a haze of severe Jensen hotness!lol!) this comment seemed to surprise him a little, hopefully it will be one that he will remember? And he said “thanks I appreciate that” with a gorgeous look on his face.

All throughout this short conversation Jensen kept eye contact with me, (no looking away, as if he wanted to be somewhere else! Even though he probably did!) he was attentive and seemed interested in what I was saying (even if he was only feigning interest, it just goes to show how courteous and respectful and generous he is with his time & fans) I was very impressed with his attitude, even though he must have been tired and probably hungry if he hadn’t had dinner yet, after a very long day.

Then the publicist asked if I wanted that photo, so I got my camera out of my bag, while I was searching for it I looked at Jensen and said “I’m sorry to bother you” and he replied “That’s okay” (that deep sexy voice of his was aaaaawesome!!! Mmmmyum!)

So she grabbed the camera (she obviously was in a hurry!) I put my arm around Jensens waist and said ‘You’ve made my day mate!’ (how Aussie is that!) and he laughed a little, just before she took the photo though, I remembered that I wanted to take off my glasses, so that the flash wouldn’t flare on the lenses. So when she took the photo I’ve moved away a little from Jensen and have my arm up in the air!aaargh!

Luckily she understood and let me take off my glasses and get another photo, this time I put me arm around Jensen again and said something stupid like ‘at least I get another hug!’ eek how lame, anyhoo the publicist still took the photo too quickly or maybe I was just in a state of shock and couldn’t get my sh**t together quick enough to smile!

But I’m not complaining, Jensen looks incredible in both photos and I am so lucky, I still can’t believe I had the guts to go through with everything. The looong wait, sore legs, strained finances (taxis to and from the city to Chester Hill aren’t exactly cheap!) and slight embarrassment (I’m too old to really care too much what people think!) were all totally worth it!

After the photos, I thanked Jensen and told him how much I appreciated his time. He said it was nice to meet me and then they all got in the car. I wish I had of thought to greet his friends as well and tell him I hope he enjoys the rest of his stay, but they were gone pretty quick. Anyway I have added that to the Channel 10 ‘Birthday Greetings for Jensen’ thread. As they drove off, my smile grew wider and wider and a small squeal escaped my mouth! Eeeeeeeee!!!!!! I'm still floating around with a dopey grin on my face! I am so glad I met him and I think I treated him gently so that he will return one day and meet all you guys too.

At the moment there are a few days left of his visit so I’m sure there will be other opportunities to see him up close, just keep an eye on C10 forum for info. I wish I knew which flight home he was taking so that we could arrange a nice sendoff for him. So he could see how many fans are actually out there who appreciate him and his role in the best show on TV!

Okay that’s it, hope I remembered it all, and hope you all don’t hate me too much!lol! Remember No guts, no glory! And I’ve got heaps of guts (hell of a muffin top too!lol!)

Now we just have to wait for the Convention! We can all have a ball there, hopefully with Jensen, Jared, Jeff, Jim, the genius that is Eric Kripke, Kim, Sera etc. etc. can’t wait!

Take care everyone

Luv Raelynne x

134News Jensen - Page 6 Empty Re: News Jensen Mer 13 Fév 2008 - 12:40



j'ai oublié le sfilles jensen a fait deux emissions de radio en australie . on a plus attendre que els photos shoots . please jensen fais toi le plus beau sexy en diable , diabolique,irresistible pour que nous puissions t'admirer devant nos ordis et notre bonheur sera perfect baby .

a plus les girls

135News Jensen - Page 6 Empty Re: News Jensen Mer 13 Fév 2008 - 20:36


Modératrice En route avec Métallicar

voilà le lien de l'émission radio avec jensen de ce matin SmileSmile

136News Jensen - Page 6 Empty Re: News Jensen Mer 13 Fév 2008 - 20:37



Mortel moi je vous le dit

137News Jensen - Page 6 Empty Re: News Jensen Mer 13 Fév 2008 - 22:29


Le démon

je kiff vraiment sa voix

138News Jensen - Page 6 Empty Re: News Jensen Jeu 14 Fév 2008 - 18:53



jensen est rentré au usa .j'ai une photo de lui avec un fan a l'aeroport de sidney .

love. il est resté une semaine .

139News Jensen - Page 6 Empty Re: News Jensen Jeu 14 Fév 2008 - 18:58



Ok thanks pour l'info.

140News Jensen - Page 6 Empty Re: News Jensen Jeu 14 Fév 2008 - 19:24



jensen émission en australie

141News Jensen - Page 6 Empty Re: News Jensen Ven 15 Fév 2008 - 17:41



merci pour toutes ses photos et interview

142News Jensen - Page 6 Empty Re: News Jensen Ven 15 Fév 2008 - 17:44



Merci pour toutes ces infos les filles, vous avez bien bossé!

143News Jensen - Page 6 Empty Re: News Jensen Mar 19 Fév 2008 - 1:26



j'ai trouver une interview de jensen qui veut la traduire

144News Jensen - Page 6 Empty Re: News Jensen Mar 19 Fév 2008 - 9:41



Je m'en occupe Kate, je vais essayer de faire de mon mieux pour que ca soit bien fait

145News Jensen - Page 6 Empty Re: News Jensen Mar 19 Fév 2008 - 11:16



La derniere question, je ne comprends pas trop. Desolée.

Jensen Ackles de Supernatural donne un scoop sur la saison 3

La saison 3 de Supernatural revient dans les programmes australiens en tant que « doit voir la TV ». Plus que juste un show au sujet des démons, imagination et le paradis et l’enfer, cette série remplie d'action examine la vie de deux frères - Sam et Dean Winchester - avec un but – garder le monde en sécurité du mal. Un des plus chaud d’Hollywood âgé de 30 ans , Jensen Ackles (Dean Winchester) a parlé en direct avec AOL :

AOL : Cela a été un long voyage et une grande transition d'Eric Brady des jours et des vies et trois Emmys que vous avez gagné pour ce rôle dans supernatural, ce caractère que les fans adorent. Dites-nous en davantage au sujet de ce processus.

JA : Cela a été une grande transition. Depuis que j’ai quitter la série il y a sept ans j’ai été très chanceux pour avoir pu travailler sur de grands projets comprenant Smallville, Dark Angel et Dawson. Supernatural a juste été un tel succès !

AOL : Vous tournez trente années en deux semaines. Estimez-vous que votre caractère Dean mûrit au même taux que vous êtes ?

JA : Certainement pas. Il est toujours la même personne qu'il était quand la série a commencé.

AOL : Qu’est-ce que les fans peuvent attendre de la saison 3 ?

JA : Comme vous savez la grève des scénaristes à vraiment ralenti le déroulement de la ligne d'histoire, en fait, il ne sont pas allés n'importe où. Nous pouvions heureusement obtenir environ douze épisodes faits - au sujet de la moitié de la saison - donc je ne sais pas moi-même vraiment. Maintenant que la grève est fini nous allons revenir dans quelques semaines. Je regarde en avant pour me venger sur le set et moi même obtenant quelques réponses. J'attends patiemment et attends impatiemment et anxieusement aussi bien pour voir ce qui va se produire avec les gars. Votre intuition est aussi bonne que la mienne !

AOL : Et Ruby, sur l’écran, comment la dynamique de Dean va avec ce nouveau caractère.

JA : En fait Katie et moi seulement avons travaillé ensemble sur un épisode. Elle tend à travailler plus étroitement avec le caractère de Sam. Katie est grand en tant que personne. Elle est une belle fille, très professionnel et confiante. Je suis intéressé de voir ce qui se produit comme son caractère évolue et se développe.

AOL : Les frères, Sam et Dean, semblent être tout à fait différents dans la personnalité. Comment vous sentez-vous les caractères jouer entre l'un et l'autre – Saison après saison ?

JA : Je pense que la chimie et le dynamique se prêtent aux deux caractères fonctionne bien. Le fait que nous sommes deux individus différents - il serait moins intéressant si nous étions les mêmes. Souvent Jared (Sam) là est très droit fait face et là je fais l’idiot . Il semble établir le joli puit. C'est un équilibre gentil.

AOL : What do you think is the one reason Australians should make SUPERNATUAL appointment viewing?

JA : Vous devriez tourner dedans et voir mon frère plus âgé/plus jeune maladroit. Les filles l'aiment !

Dernière édition par le Mar 19 Fév 2008 - 12:20, édité 2 fois

146News Jensen - Page 6 Empty Re: News Jensen Mar 19 Fév 2008 - 12:14


Le démon dernière ne veut pas dire grand

147News Jensen - Page 6 Empty Re: News Jensen Mar 19 Fév 2008 - 12:19



Ben oui je sais, mais je n'arrives pas à la comprendre en VO

148News Jensen - Page 6 Empty Re: News Jensen Mar 19 Fév 2008 - 13:08


Le démon

je tenterai de voir ca ce soir...mais c'est pas gagné

149News Jensen - Page 6 Empty Re: News Jensen Mar 19 Fév 2008 - 13:35



Je n'ai pas pu regarder la vidéo pour vous aider, mais la dernière question veut dire en gros : Pourquoi les Australiens devraient regarder Supernatural?

150News Jensen - Page 6 Empty Re: News Jensen Mar 19 Fév 2008 - 13:37



Ah OK thank you very much Faithnorton

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