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News Jensen

survi speedy gimli
dean le tombeur
Lexa Winchester
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oO Julie Oo
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151News Jensen - Page 7 Empty Re: News Jensen Mar 19 Fév 2008 - 16:36



De nada! Si tu as un soucis niveau traduction, je peux essayer de t'aider si tu veux

152News Jensen - Page 7 Empty Re: News Jensen Mar 19 Fév 2008 - 17:13



Ok thanks, pour le moment ca va. merci beaucoup

153News Jensen - Page 7 Empty Re: News Jensen Mar 19 Fév 2008 - 19:28



Di rien!

154News Jensen - Page 7 Empty Re: News Jensen Mer 27 Fév 2008 - 17:32



Jensen’s Audio Interview with Tim Lee and Biggzy


Jensen: Hello, hello, hello…

Biggzy: The one question I want to ask you because no doubt people have asked,“Huh, do you believe in ghosts?”“Have you got a psychic power?”I want to know, Jensen…

Jensen: Yes…

Biggzy: If the ghosts of Anna Nicole Smith or Marilyn Monroe visit you…

Jensen: Yes…

Biggzy: While you’re sleeping… who would you sleep with?

Jensen: Marilyn. Hands down. No question asked.

Tim Lee: What if the ghost of Marilyn was getting progressively older, being a ghost and the ghost of Marilyn would be like, eighty or ninety and the ghost of Anna Nicole Smith being just about thirty?

Jensen: Marilyn.

(everyone laughs)

Biggzy: Aren’t you a Texan? Wouldn’t you get to go with…

Jensen: No. Did you see that Anna Nicole show that she did...

Biggzy: Uhuh!

Jensen: I mean, come on.

Biggzy: Off her face at the end.

Jensen: How embarrassing is that?

Biggzy: Poor girl…

Jensen: I would shoot myself before I did anything--anyway…

Tim Lee: You’ve got to choose someone else other than Marilyn. So anyway, an eighty-year old Marilyn…

Jensen: An eighty-year old Marilyn…

Tim Lee: Or…

Biggzy: The ghost of…

Tim Lee: I’m trying to think without being insensitive because there’s obviously someone listening who would…

Jensen: Of course. Yeah…

Tim Lee: Not that we haven’t been insensitive so far…

Jensen: And I’m going to be written up as an ass.

(Biggzy laughs)

Biggzy: The whole concept of sleeping with a ghost is pretty weird.

Jensen: It is a little bit morbid, yeah.

Tim Lee: The ghost of Marilyn Monroe…

Jensen: Mmmm, um…

Tim Lee: Or Angelina Jolie and she’s got burns to ninety-percent of her body.

And she’s alive.

Jensen: And she’s alive?

Well there’s going to be a difference in feel, isn’t there?

Biggzy: Texture…

Jensen: There’s gonna be a little difference in texture, warmth, cool… I don’t know that one is going to be a toss up.

How did we get into this discussion anyway?

Biggzy: Well you were talking about filming…

Jensen: I didn’t bring it up!

(everyone laughs)

Tim Lee: Have you had any fanatics come up to you and go,

“Mate, that is not the way you exercise this particular element. What you are meant to do is you is draw a pentagram on the ground…”

Jensen: No. No but if I did I’d run.

And I don’t think that we will because that sort of stuff is methodically researched by our writing staff…

Tim Lee: Bullshit.

Jensen: I swear. I swear we have like assistants and people just delegated to researching exactly the Latin exorcism rites…

Biggzy: Woah!

Jensen: And the certain signs, which is freaky because I’m surprised we haven’t conjured a demon just in making the show…

Biggzy: Yeah…

Jensen: Because we’re using all--what is essentially legitimate stuff.

Tim Lee: Do you not particularly--now wait until I finish this sentence.

I hate you in Smallville because me and my girlfriend always used to watch the show…

Jensen: Uhuh…

Biggzy: Clark was a big enough reason for me to get jealous and then you came along and then you’re bedding Lana and it was just like,

“Mate, what are you doing to me?”

Like I was watching the show and then I brought my girlfriend in…

Jensen: Simply because of Lana…

(everyone laughs)

Tim Lee: And then two of the guys of the guys…

Jensen: You know to be honest, I hated me on that show too.

(everyone laughs)

Jensen: It was really, it was really cool to be a part of that show because early, I guess when the show first came to fruition I was going up for the role of Clark. Three years later they came up to me and they pulled me into their office and they said,

“Hey listen, we’ve got a role what do you think?”

And they pitched me the idea and I was like,

“Wait a minute, so I get to make out with Kristen?”

Tim Lee: Yeah. Yeah, what does she taste like? For people listening…

Jensen: She tasted like candy.

(everyone laughs)

Tim Lee: Now the big thing that’s recently come out and we have to ask, we also want to know what another woman tastes like.

Jensen: Uh, oh!

Tim Lee: We heard on the Kyle and Jackie O show…

Jensen: Uh, oh!

Biggzy: You can’t avoid it now, it’s out there. You said it. Jessica Simpson…

Jensen: Oh, no. No. No. No.

Tim Lee: What does she taste like?

Jensen: No. No. That’s, that’s…

(everyone laughs)

Jensen: I think that was a bit of a joke.

Biggzy: Usually, like when you speak to American actors--and we’ve spoken to singers and everyone and like they don’t really get the sarcasm and everything…

Jensen: Oh, no. I’m sickly sarcastic so yeah, I figured you guys of everybody would pick up on that.

Tim Lee: Listen we don’t want a whole load of calls to the station because we recorded that before okay?

And we also took a photo were me and him (Jensen) look like cousins.

Biggzy: You don’t look like cousins. We (Biggzy and Jensen) look more like a couple than you do cousins….

Tim Lee: Jensen Ackles form Supernatural. It’s alright Biggs, I’m not going to play the song that you sang to him. Even though it was hilarious.

Biggzy: It was very, very embarrassing but I do think that him and I make a better couple than you look like cousins and the only reason you think you look the same is because you’re wearing similar shirts.

Tim Lee: Oh.My.God. We totally should have SMS’ed before we caught up…

“So embarrassing, like totally.”

Biggzy: Have you finished?

Tim Lee: Anyway, people have been voting online at Hot, thank you so much. I’m just going to put one last vote in…

Biggzy: Stop voting for yourself, that’s not fair.

Tim Lee: Oh.My.God How long have you been voting for Biggzy?

Biggzy: I haven’t been voting at all.

Tim Lee: You and Gus the Buster…

Biggzy: I haven’t been voting at all.

Gus the Buster: I have nothing to do with this. Do not drag me in to this parent squabble.

Tim Lee: I can pull the text and I can get a log of both of your computers…

Biggzy: Do it!

Tim Lee: To see if you’ve been voting.

Biggzy: Bring it on.

Gus the Buster: Do it man, do it.

Biggzy: Yeah!

Tim Lee: So of a…

Biggzy: You hate it that you’ve been beaten and that they think he looks like my boyfriend…

Tim Lee: 28% say my cousin. 39% say Biggzy’s boyfriend.

Biggzy: Yes.

Tim Lee: Obviously, I don’t know. You looking like an Oompa Lumpa got you the sympathy vote so you know what,

“Whatever gets you across the line Biggs.”

Biggzy: Whatever.

Tim Lee: Whatever. So listen we have the definitive word the Biggs from Jensen Ackles himself so…

(Biggzy laughs)

Tim Lee: So picture this.

We’ve finished our chat with him, we’re sitting down honing into our steak sandwiches--delicious--you see him go to the toilet…

Biggzy: You saw him going to the toilet.

You spied him go into the toilet and you’re like,

“Oh, he’s such a handsome man. Look he’s gone into the toilet and I’m like,

“Who the hell are you talking about?”

And you’re,


And I’m like,

“Okay, I guess he is in the toilet, I don’t know I didn’t see him.”

And then that’s when we got into the conversation.

“And then you accosted him when he came out of the toilet to ask him the question.”

(Audio replay of event)

Tim Lee: Don’t be looking at the toilet because when he walks out…

Biggzy: You’re the one who is going to look like a freak…

Tim Lee: Jensen?

“Jensen, just very quickly man, we’ve been having an argument. In this photo…”

Biggzy: Oh, (laughs)

Tim Lee: Do we look more like we could be related or does it look like you and Biggzy could be boyfriend and girlfriend.

Jensen: I think…

Time Lee: Do we look like we could be related?

Jensen: We look like cousins and you’re hanging out with me and my girlfriend.

(everyone laughs)

Tim Lee: Oh, the diplomat.

Jensen: I like it.

Biggzy: Yes.

Tim Lee: Let’s paraphrase that and say that I win.

Biggzy: What? You can’t share he said that we both look like we could possibly be…

Jensen Ackles: Oh, I’m sickly sarcastic

155News Jensen - Page 7 Empty Re: News Jensen Mer 27 Fév 2008 - 18:31



J'ai écouté cette interview et j'ai adoré, beaucoup rie! Merci , ca m'a permis de mieux comprendre certaines choses que j'avais pas saisies

156News Jensen - Page 7 Empty jensen hotel café Lun 3 Mar 2008 - 18:24



Description from my friend Lisa's point of view

*sigh* ok.

I was kidnapped. They stole me to go to the show.

*insert serious shit here* I have the absolute best friends a person could ask for!!!!! *end serious shit*

Yeah, so we barely made it down in time but the show was great as usual. Yes, we saw Riley & his funky hair. We talked to Steve & Dress too. Mom & Dad Carlson were also there - WE LOVE YOU GUYS! - John somebodyorother from the Philadelphia Eagles & his cohorts.

Mr. Dress may be putting in random appearances here now so I hope you enjoy!

The Jensen THAT was fuckin hilarious.

The gals spot The Jensen and all you see is Crash go...ermm....well...speechless, zombied, somethin like that. Her eyes were big, her jaw on the floor. Kind of a new look for her.

So we're like, Chickie go get Jensen. She's like why me??? Basically Chickie was on strike! LOL Anyhow, I'm like fine. I'll do it. *snaps fingers in front of Crash's face without response*

I walk up behind him & he's yakking away with his buddies, so I just stand there waiting patiently. His buddy John notices me & looks over - at which point I give a little wave & say "cute girl waiting for Jensen, don't mind me" and he laughs. I'm like, "he's just a guy with a cool job to me, but my friends would really like to meet him" and he goes, Yeah! He's totally just a guy! yeah! (can you tell John was a wee bit drunk?)

So, he taps him on the arm, pointing to me. At this point, I'm like here we go: Don't make a complete ass of yourself Wick!

I say, 'hi Jensen. I was wondering if you wouldn't mind saying hello to my friends - they're a little nervous about meeting you so I'm the designated fool tonight. *puts out hand to shake* So HI! My name is Lisa."

He chuckles a little and says oh sure. Walk him over to intro him to the gals & Sage.

Crash's first words out after I intro him? I'm having a little bit of a stroke right now...


So all in all the 4 girls had a blast!!!

ce post de fan est relié a la photo de la fan avec jensen qu'on a mis dernierement

157News Jensen - Page 7 Empty jensen co ecrit deux chansons avec steve Mar 29 Avr 2008 - 16:46



pour le nouveau album de steve carlson qui va bientot sortir vous pouvez trouver ca sur son site officiel jensen a co ecrit deux chansons avec lui sur l'album . j'ai envoyé les photos de sparoles pour que mad vous els mette ici. c'est que du bonheur jensen est vraiment merveilleux encore que dutalent a ses qualités . j'espere un jour qu'il sera pret un jour a nous pondre un album entier et a nous le chanter . Ila vraiment du talent en tant que chanteur mais je sais que pour le moment il n'est aps pret a chanter sur scene . ca a était tres dur pour lui quand il a fallu chanter l'annee derniere avec jason sur scene a asylum .

158News Jensen - Page 7 Empty Re: News Jensen Mar 29 Avr 2008 - 17:20


Modératrice En route avec Métallicar

News Jensen - Page 7 Fstevetrack1m5de3ea0lb9

News Jensen - Page 7 Fstevetrack6m0a79b8brh8

159News Jensen - Page 7 Empty Re: News Jensen Mar 29 Avr 2008 - 17:22


Modératrice En route avec Métallicar

co écrire c'est extra j'aimerais trop écouter la chanson car les paroles sont superbes SmileSmile

je réve que notre jensen nous fasse un album car il serait exellent SmileSmile mais sa timidité il ne peut l'oublier que devant les caméra studio mais pas sur scéne..mais en studio il nous a donné la preuve avec jason qu'il se lache et c'est que du bonheur SmileSmile

160News Jensen - Page 7 Empty Re: News Jensen Mar 29 Avr 2008 - 17:26



j'aimerais bien que steve chante ses deux chansons a sylum en mai. tu trouves que la version crasy love a asylum 2007 et celle en studio qu'ils viennent d efaire avec jason c'est different dans la voix de jensen

161News Jensen - Page 7 Empty Re: News Jensen Mer 30 Avr 2008 - 17:19


Hook man

mais c'est super cool ça

162News Jensen - Page 7 Empty Re: News Jensen Mer 30 Avr 2008 - 23:22



Regarding the new album...

Hey everyone,

Just wanted to say thank you for all the kind words and feedback about the album. It has been brought to my attention that a lot of people have ripped the music off the site and are bootlegging it. I hope that people who do that sort of thing understand that it is not only illegal, it's very uncool and it's really disappointing... especially from anyone that considers themselves a fan of an artist and their music. It's not something I'm gonna get mad about because in all honesty, people could wait till the album comes out and do the same thing but we thought it would be nice to give everyone a preview. If taking advantage of that gesture feels okay to some people, that's their cross to bear.

I don't steal from the artists that I like and I encourage everyone else not to as well. Sorry to be preachy Smile

Thank you,
Steve Carlson

j'ai mis au cas ou avoir les chansons de son nouveau album vous interesserait. son nouveau album sort la semaine prochaine en principe .

163News Jensen - Page 7 Empty Re: News Jensen Ven 2 Mai 2008 - 20:16



Cool j'ai hâte

164News Jensen - Page 7 Empty Re: News Jensen Mer 18 Juin 2008 - 23:10


Blonde en détresse

domage. ke c pas ècrie en français scratch

165News Jensen - Page 7 Empty Re: News Jensen Jeu 19 Juin 2008 - 14:31



la source deanvica !!!

166News Jensen - Page 7 Empty Re: News Jensen Jeu 19 Juin 2008 - 20:41



je sais pas si ce post ne date pas de mars de l'annee derniere . on mettait pas vraiment les liens . je crois que j'avais eu çà sur le forom de supernatural tv .

167News Jensen - Page 7 Empty Re: News Jensen Ven 20 Juin 2008 - 22:49



euh !!! on a toujours demander les sources, les règles existent depuis la création du forum, là on devient plus sévère, car je ne veux aucun problème avec certains sites voilà !

168News Jensen - Page 7 Empty jensen est à nouveau oncle Jeu 24 Juil 2008 - 17:25



je viens a peine d'avoir la new je sais juste que jensen vient d'etre à nouveau oncle pour la seconde fois à quelques semaines d'intervalles de jared . ca va les rapprocher aussi encore plus ces deux baby dans leur famille au texas . je sais que c'est à nouvau un petit garçon au contraire de la niece de jared . dans la famille de jensne deux petits garçons pas de fille .

des que j'en sais plus ces jours ci le nom du baby je vous mets la new . jensne va peut etre en parler au comic con ce wee kend il doit etre super heureux . et va surement aller le voir avant le comic s'il a l etemps . les dedicaces comencent que à 17h samedi . si'l part de vancouver vendredi soir i peut aller au texas et apres le comic con a san diego . tout depend des heures d'avion entre els deux . a part qu'eric leur donne un jour apres le comic .

son nom lincoln evan
je sais juste que c'est du coté du frere de jensen josh . the fils de son frere je sais pas .

169News Jensen - Page 7 Empty Re: News Jensen Jeu 24 Juil 2008 - 17:28

survi speedy gimli

survi speedy gimli
Co admin designer

ah c'est cool pour lui!!

170News Jensen - Page 7 Empty Re: News Jensen Jeu 24 Juil 2008 - 19:37



félicitation a lui!

171News Jensen - Page 7 Empty Re: News Jensen Jeu 24 Juil 2008 - 21:50



Pour aller avec la news lol

News Jensen - Page 7 Th_24856_f_00038751uv9m_c46ebd9_122_111lo

News Jensen - Page 7 Th_24857_f_album213m_21f16ec_122_398lo


Dernière édition par Sévy le Sam 6 Sep 2008 - 14:30, édité 1 fois

172News Jensen - Page 7 Empty Re: News Jensen Ven 25 Juil 2008 - 12:18


Le démon

Je suis heureuse pour lui il est tellement mignon sur ces tofs !!

173News Jensen - Page 7 Empty Re: News Jensen Ven 25 Juil 2008 - 15:33


Hook man

Cool pour lui !!! Vivement de le voir avec ses propres enfants !!!

174News Jensen - Page 7 Empty Re: News Jensen Mar 29 Juil 2008 - 16:29


Modératrice En route avec Métallicar

trop heureuse que jensen soit une 2ème fois tonton :)j'en connais qui von etre gaté en tonton lol:)

il a déjà pas mal de points communs et de coincidences avec jared et mtn encore un noouveau Smile

trop heureuse Smile

175News Jensen - Page 7 Empty Re: News Jensen Sam 6 Sep 2008 - 3:03



Une fan aurait rencontré Jensen en avril dernier lors de son retour de vacances. Sympa non ? lol

Kristhetvgirl2 a écrit:This was the best vacation I've taken...and honestly the experience had nothing to do with the cruise, visiting Mexico or any of the fun stuff I did during the week. The best part was the flight home. To make a long story short my friend and I got bumped from our 12:20pm flight and had to take a later flight from Los Angeles, CA to Vancouver, B.C. For taking the later flight (4pm) the airline gave us a FREE round-trip ticket for the airline, each, good for one year. We can fly ANYWHERE the airline goes. Wicked. But even better, if we had not had that problem and gotten bumped to the later flight I would never have met the 2 actors who were on our flight.

My friend saw the first one in the airport terminal when she went to get us some water (while I waited with our stuff). I saw her come speedwalking back to me about 3 min after she left with the most excited look on her face. She tells me she just bumped into (insert actor name here) and as she was describing to me what he was wearing, I spotted him too and said "oh like that guy?" and there he was! A few seconds later it dawned on me, "omg, he works in Vancouver right now and is probably heading back and will be on our flight!!!" Then a bit later my friend once again spotted another actor and said "isn't that that guy from Veronica Mars?". I saw him and went yup that's him!

We got bumped up to first class as well for all our trouble and when we got on the plane we discovered that the two actors were right next to us in the next aisle. We spent almost 3 hours with them right there. My friend Corrine and I finally managed to get up the courage to speak to them and got autographs and photos. The two actors are Ken Marino and *drum roll please*... Jensen Ackles. Ken Marino is most known as being Vinnie, the sleazy private eye on Veronica Mars (a recurring role) and right now he's playing demon neighbor Tony on Reaper. Jensen of course is most known for Supernatural, and previously Dark Angel and Smallville. Both guys were amazing, very kind and funny. Very amused by us goofy fangirls.

Ken was even more amazing, came over to chat with us during the flight, let us take a photo of him and my friend Corrine, and even hanging out with us in the terminal AFTER the flight. We chatted a bit and he only wanted to talk about us. What a sweetheart. Now that's not to say Jensen wasn't a total sweetheart too, we just didn't want to bug him as much, plus I was totally freaked out and nervous (as you'll be able to see by the photo below - it's kinda blurry cuz I was shaking!). He was very gracious and kind even though he seemed very tired. Now I must comment that he is even more gorgeous in person, beautiful even. Just as tall as you'd think and his eyes practically sparkle. No joke. Wow. That made my day, and definitely made the vacation a million times better. Oh and yeah Mexico was awesome too!

News Jensen - Page 7 Mexico10

Source : TV.Com

Elle raconte qu'elle est tombée sur Jensen pendant le vol, ainsi que sur un acteur de Veronica Mars. Ce dernier est carrément venu la voir pendant le vol elle est sa copine pour parler avec elles lol
Jensen a également été super sympa mais elles étaient tellement intimidées par lui qu'elles n'ont pas trop osé aller vers lui (on peut le constater par la photo un peu floue car elle tremblait lol)
Elles disent que Jensen était super sympa, doux et gentil, et encore plus craquant en personne lol

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