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News Jensen

survi speedy gimli
dean le tombeur
Lexa Winchester
| Wendigo |
oO Julie Oo
- Jacey -
38 participants

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51News Jensen - Page 3 Empty Re: News Jensen Mar 24 Juil 2007 - 18:18



Oui ça me rassure et ça me fait super plaisir que tu me répondes si vite. oui j'ai mis les liens dans saison 3/les épisodes/tournage, je me suis dit que ça avait un rapport, par contre si tu veux que je fasse un copier-coller, je peux le faire, la trad là par contre, ça risque de prendre bcp plus de tps, quoique tu me diras, elles racontent toutes les 3 la même chose.

52News Jensen - Page 3 Empty Re: News Jensen Mar 24 Juil 2007 - 18:30



jez vais lire un peu ca ce soir . Quand je ne peux te repondre c'est que je recherche info et photos et que je trouve baeucoup . Je t'enverrais photos pour le forom demain

Est ceque vous voulez qu'on fasse un copi coller , un resumé . traduire tout trop de boulot .


53News Jensen - Page 3 Empty Re: News Jensen Mar 24 Juil 2007 - 20:18

oO Julie Oo

oO Julie Oo
Jensen's Girlfriend

tu as une formidable attachée de presse Deanvica ! Nous avons de la chance de t'avoir !!!

54News Jensen - Page 3 Empty Re: News Jensen Mer 25 Juil 2007 - 17:11



merci c'est gentil. Mais j'ai la chance de vous avoir aussi . C'est un tres bon forom , convivial et nous commencons beaucoup a etre amies toutes c'ets super .
pour l'amour de supernatural, de dean et sam et surtout de jensen et jared .


55News Jensen - Page 3 Empty Re: News Jensen Jeu 26 Juil 2007 - 3:12



Ca fait plaisir, ce que tu dis, Deanvica. C super Wink Smile Wink

56News Jensen - Page 3 Empty Re: News Jensen Jeu 26 Juil 2007 - 16:07

oO Julie Oo

oO Julie Oo
Jensen's Girlfriend

ouais tu as tout a fait raison, c'est super !!!!

57News Jensen - Page 3 Empty Re: News Jensen Jeu 26 Juil 2007 - 16:58



merci je le pense c'est pour ca que je le dis .
Sur d'autres foroms anglais c'est pareil pour eux ils font des rencontres , deviennent amis .Supernatural rassemblent bbeaucoup de mond e je l'ai vu a la convention et surtout de tous le spays .
je m'implique vraiment que sur celui la mais grace a la serie j'ai des contacts en grece, australie, floride , usa .


58News Jensen - Page 3 Empty Re: News Jensen Jeu 26 Juil 2007 - 17:45



C'est super ça tu arrives à connaître des gens dans le monde entier.

59News Jensen - Page 3 Empty Re: News Jensen Sam 28 Juil 2007 - 16:07



donc jensen et jared , eric sont au comic con aujourd'hui a san diego. je pense que demain ou lundi il ya ura des photos des fans , peut etre des videos qui sait !

bon week end deanvica.

60News Jensen - Page 3 Empty Re: News Jensen Sam 28 Juil 2007 - 17:36

oO Julie Oo

oO Julie Oo
Jensen's Girlfriend

ouaiiiiis génial !!!!

61News Jensen - Page 3 Empty Re: News Jensen Sam 28 Juil 2007 - 21:47



Ah oui, j'ai hâte de les voir !!!!!!!!

62News Jensen - Page 3 Empty jensen au lscorpion le 5 aout Mer 8 Aoû 2007 - 16:07



here's the latest Jensen news. It's EXCLUSIVE y'all, no one else is reporting this yet!

So, for those of you who keep tabs with Jason Manns via his myspace, you may have heard something special about his yesterday gig at LScorpian. For those not in the know, Jason plays every Sunday at that bar in Hollywood. Last night, Steve Carlson of 'SteveCarlsonBand' and 'Kane' fame was due to join him. ANYHOW. Guess who decides to turn up and show his friends some support? None other than Jensen with Daneel in tow!

And if that wasn't enough... Jensen SANG!


And everyone sang HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Steve at midnight.

Jensen sang Your Love lead vocals and back up with Correy (also a regular at LScorpian) on Sweet Home Alabama while Steve took the lead on that one.

jensen est venu rejoindre ses amis jason manns et steve Au lscorpion a los angeles c'etait l'anniversaire de steve . Jensen a chanté une chanson your love . Et jensen est venu avec danneel .

Depuis asylum jensen chante souvent avec se s amis en public il commence a s'y faire notre jensen . S'il pouvait nous faire un disque un de ce sjours se serait super .pour l'instant il est trop timide .


63News Jensen - Page 3 Empty Re: News Jensen Mer 8 Aoû 2007 - 16:19



Super ! Merci pour l'info. J'espère qu'on pourra avoir des photos de ce petit événement.

64News Jensen - Page 3 Empty Re: News Jensen Mer 8 Aoû 2007 - 17:02



oh oui merci bcp pour l'info, vivement les photos !!

65News Jensen - Page 3 Empty Re: News Jensen Mer 8 Aoû 2007 - 17:32


Chasseurs de monstres

Merci pour l'info, et comme mes voisines du dessus j'ai hate de pouvoir voir des photos

66News Jensen - Page 3 Empty Re: News Jensen Jeu 9 Aoû 2007 - 15:30



Everyone loves a singalong! We had a monster of a singalong session at the end of that night. It was definitely one for the books. The obvious highlights would have to be the Dobie Gray's "Drift Away" at the end of which, I stopped playing the guitar, and I think every person in the bar was clapping and singing, "gimme the beat boys and free my soul, I wanna get lost in your rock and roll and drift away..." It was awesome.

There was also the classic outfield song "your love" sung very well by my buddy Jensen, after much deliberation. I can usually tell when he says he doesn't want to sing and really means yes, and I was pretty sure that night wasn't one of those times. I was content to let him chill, but Correy wasn't having it! He refused to let it go, and pretty much made Jensen get up and sing, and I'm glad he did! J sounded great as always, although, when I sing it I do a different version, one i arranged a bit differently, and Jensen sang it in the regular key, which I failed to realize until half way through the song that I forgot the original way to play the bridge... sorry J! (we made due and had a good time anyway.) I think my person favorite part of the night was when I had a special guest by the name of Chris Ransom some up and rap! yes, you read right, there was rapping, and some amazing rhyming at that! I played a cover of Smokey Robinson, and went into Curtis Mayfield, left off Sam Cooke for that one, and I played the guitar and beatboxed for Ransom and he KILLED it! It was an interesting dynamic for sure, I don't think most people were expecting to see a big black guy with dreads down past his shoulders get up on stage with me, but they loved it! I don't think I've heard it get that loud ever in there! Ransom is an amazingly talented artist, and i'm really looking forward to working with him some more. There was also a special guest by the name of Bad News Brown... and that man could play the harmonica. I mean play... At the end of Visions, he got up and played the harp like you wouldn't believe. I suppose the fact that he just got off tour with Aerosmith, and has played with Kanye West, and Outkast, and everyone else would mean that he kinda has to be amazing... and he was. That guest wasn't planned, he came with another buddy of ours, T-lo, and T-lo suggested that he jam out with us, and he just came up, watched what i was playing, said, "that's in E, right?" I said yes, and he just went with it. WOW. It was a spectacular night. everything was fun, and just seemed to work out perfectly, my parents were in town this weekend, so they got to see one of the best nights I think we've had there since we started, so i was very thankful for that. Correy always sounds great, but I think he played even better than usual, we all play better for a bigger crowd, so i'm sure that had alot to do with it. Steve... well he was Steve! Killed it like he always does. I could definitely tell he has been playing solo shows, because he filled the void of the band well. the show wasn't lacking anything. It was obviously a little different without the band, but I didnt' feel like it was any less enjoyable, it was just a different show. His band is so good i think it would be easy to rely on them to make the music interesting, but he definitley still had a dynamic performance, and everyone loved it! He also got up and finished the singalong at the end of the night with some classics like Sweet Home Alabama.

I could ramble on forever about that night. It was that fun. Unfortunately it may have to have been good enough to hold us for a while, cause in two weeks, the regularly scheduled next show, i'm going to be out of town, so i'll find out what we are gonna do about the schedule and let eveyone know soon.

wow. that was a long one! sorry for babbling. hope eveyone is well, look forward to playing for all of you soon!

God Bless,


message de jason concernant la soiree et le jeu de jensen .

Si val ou dalia veulent traduire le passage ou jason parlent de jensen se serait super .


67News Jensen - Page 3 Empty Re: News Jensen Jeu 9 Aoû 2007 - 16:18

oO Julie Oo

oO Julie Oo
Jensen's Girlfriend

c'est génial merci pour l'info ! c'est vrai qu'un album serait grandiose ^^

68News Jensen - Page 3 Empty Re: News Jensen Jeu 9 Aoû 2007 - 16:20



Je me propose de faire une traduction très approximative de la partie dans laquelle Jason parle de Jensen, mais ça serait bien que Val corrige les erreurs... Merci :

There was also the classic outfield song "your love" sung very well by my buddy Jensen, after much deliberation. I can usually tell when he says he doesn't want to sing and really means yes, and I was pretty sure that night wasn't one of those times. I was content to let him chill, but Correy wasn't having it! He refused to let it go, and pretty much made Jensen get up and sing, and I'm glad he did! J sounded great as always, although, when I sing it I do a different version, one i arranged a bit differently, and Jensen sang it in the regular key, which I failed to realize until half way through the song that I forgot the original way to play the bridge... sorry J! (we made due and had a good time anyway.)

Il y eut aussi la chanson classique des "grands champs" "Your Love" très bien chantée par mon copain Jensen , après longue délibération. Je peux habituellement dire à quel moment il annonce qu'il ne veut pas chanter et en fait il veut vraiment le faire, et j'étais vraiment sûre que ce soir-là n'était pas l'un de ces moments. Je ne demandais pas mieux que de le laisser tranquille, mais Correy n'était pas de cet avis ! Il refusa de laisser tomber, et poussa pratiquement Jensen à se lever et à chanter, et je suis content qu'il l'ait fait ! Jensen chanta super bien comme toujours, bien que, quand j'ai chanté cette chanson, je l'ai fait dans une version différente, une version que j'ai arrangée différemment, mais Jensen la chanta sur la note habituelle, ce dont je ne me suis pas rendu compte, jusqu'à ce qu'à la moitié de la chanson, j'oublie la manière originale de jouer "le pont"... Désolé, Jensen ! (Je reconnus mon erreur auprès de lui et nous passâmes tout de même un très bon moment).

69News Jensen - Page 3 Empty Re: News Jensen Ven 10 Aoû 2007 - 15:25



à première vue, je trouve ta trad tt à fait correcte, je pense qu'il y a un voc spécifique à la musique mais je n'ai malheureusement pas mon dico avec moi, du coup, je suis comme toi, certains sens m'échappent...

70News Jensen - Page 3 Empty Re: News Jensen Mer 15 Aoû 2007 - 23:15

| Wendigo |

| Wendigo |

super les filles merci !!!!

je suis épaté car jensen est super timide pour chanter alors qu'il joue la comédie devant des centaines de personnes (cameraman, production, réalisateurs ...)

71News Jensen - Page 3 Empty jensen with steve at los angeles Mer 12 Sep 2007 - 17:03



My husband and I just returned from a weekend in Hollywood celebrating our anniversary. Why should you care? I'll tell you!
One of my joys is listening to singer/songwriters live. I have followed quite a few of them. A favorite is Gabriel Mann. He was having a CD release party Saturday night at The Hotel Cafe at 9:00pm. I'm the kind of person who doesn't think 2 hours is enough time to be at the airport as recommended - 4 is better. I had never been to this venue and expected a crowd. My guy and I arrived at 6:45. The place was almost empty so we were able to sit at a table. I found out later we were lucky to have one since the 8 or so tables available are usually reserved (for family and agents I suppose) Everyone else stands. The crowd size changed all night as people came and went for different singers. The acts before Mann were great so we decided to stay the rest of the night.

When Josh Kelley came on at 11 a very beautiful girl came over and asked if she could snag one of the chairs. After she took it and left I blinked. I turned to MrPip and said, "I think that was Katherine Heigl" Well, Duh! I remembered she was engaged to a singer named Josh Kelley. I only knew that because I had read a copy of People at my dentist's office the week prior. By the way, what is happening with Lindsey Lohan? Last I knew she was the cute 12 year old in Parent Trap. Katherine was sitting with friends at the table next to ours. Josh was great- very engaging with the audience and her. She would shout out the lyrics if he forgot them. I don't watch Grey's Anatomy so I couldn't tell you who else was sitting with her. I guess celebrities were out that night. It must have been on everybody's brain. My guy came up to me after he took a trip to the bar and said, "3 people stopped to ask me if I'm the plumber on Desperate Housewives!" "Who are they talking about?"

A girl I was talking to after Kelley said we should definitely stay for the last band. The Steve Carlson Band. That we would like them. After a couple songs I turned around and thought I had celebrities on the brain. Yep, you know how this ends. I glanced back once more subtly and quickly to confirm(at least it was in my mind. I don't think I drew any undo attention to myself using my 2 empty Rum and Coke glasses as binoculars) and faced forward and watched the rest of the show. When it ended we went up to close our account. By the time we were done only some band people and Jensen were still at the bar. No one was around asking for autographs or taking pictures. I didn't want to do either. I just wanted it short and sweet. I asked my husband if he would come up with me just to say quickly say how much we both enjoyed Supernatural and we would beat a hasty retreat. MrPip said that he did not want to steal my moment. I told him I wouldn't go without him. I should have listened. A little backgound on my baby. He is not shy but is somewhat reserved. He is not a chatty cathy unless the subject interests him or it is interesting to others. He doesn't talk just to hear himself talk. We are total and complete opposites. We made our move. Jensen turned to look at us and I froze. My husband has never in his life seen me rendered speechless. He quickly stepped in and said, "My wife and I really enjoy your show" At that point I snapped out of it. Hey, that was supposed to be my line so I jump in with, "One of the reasons he enjoys it is because he is an agent on a federal SWAT team and he appreciates the fact that you handle the weapons and room sweeps correctly" Or words to that effect. Jensen said, "Oh, your'e SWAT?" Next thing I know the conversation train has left the station and I am NOT on board. I'm left standing there blowing in the wind of it's speedy departure.

I wish I could remember it all but they went around the train track quite a few times. Some quick highlights: Jensen talked about the weapons training he had on Supernatural and Dark Angel. He was describing firing one weapon and held up his arm and finger to mimic the action. The recoil of one knocked his hat off. He talked with my guy about some of his recent cases. Jensen mentioned he was from Dallas (really? I don't think I knew that!) and how he watched some Cop's type SWAT show that was filmed there and how hot it must be in all that gear. He was pretty interested in what my husband had to say. They were both geeking out. This topic went on awhile. Believe me I tried to get on board. But, the only weapons handling I have ever had was once when my husband bent over to kiss me as I was sitting on the sofa his weapon fell out of its shoulder harness and bonked me on my head. I knew if I tried to run alongside this train and jump up - there would be a THUMP - and my body parts would be spread for miles along the track. Not pretty. I just stood and watched. Not a bad place to be!

Finally, Jensen asked about why we were there. He congratulated us when I said we were celebrating our anniversary. He talked about Steve Carlson and told us how he knew him. He said Steve had been his roommate and wrote the songs in Jensen's living room. My husband said something like, "You should have sung along" Jensen answered, "I was!" He seemed very proud of his friend. He made the point at the beginning of the conversation of asking our names and shaking our hands. He introduced himself, "I'm Jensen" He shook our hands again when we left. I actually managed to get out a couple lines. "Thanks for taking the time to talk to us" and "We are looking forward to season 3"

Forum, I have let you down. I had every intention of saying THE most fascinating of fascinating things that was ever fascinated and reporting back to you. But alas my husband DID steal my moment. All I could get out was, "Buh". I wasn't going to post anything at all because I felt like a goober. I only did because I love reading other's reports of fan meetings. I am happy to verify that Jensen is everything you hear about and more.

72News Jensen - Page 3 Empty Re: News Jensen Mer 12 Sep 2007 - 17:38



merci beaucoup !!!

mais faudra une traduc ou juste un résumé please !

73News Jensen - Page 3 Empty Re: News Jensen Mer 12 Sep 2007 - 21:38

dean le tombeur

John Winchester


74News Jensen - Page 3 Empty Re: News Jensen Mer 12 Sep 2007 - 21:59


Hook man

Trop cool merci! En voilà encore une chanceuse ... Apparemment il est vraiment comme on le dit dans la presse ou dans les videos qu'on voit ... Ca me fait l'apprecier encore plus Laughing

75News Jensen - Page 3 Empty Re: News Jensen Jeu 13 Sep 2007 - 1:22



D'aprés ce que j'ai compris, (et je n'en suis pas sûre!), un couple a rencontré Jensen et le mari a monopolisé la conversation. Mais la femme dit que Jensen est une personne réservé et qu'il est comme tout le monde le dit: sympathique! Je crois que son mari et Jensen ont beaucoup parlé d'armes mais, enore une fois, mon anglais est rouillé!
Bref, encore une chanceuse! Mème si elle n'a pas pu lui parler, elle a dû le dévorer des yeux!

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