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3x03, Bad Day at Black Rock

dean le tombeur
| Wendigo |
29 participants

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1013x03, Bad Day at Black Rock - Page 5 Empty Re: 3x03, Bad Day at Black Rock Dim 21 Oct 2007 - 12:08



oh merci beaucoup Visitatrice
c génial
merci beaucoup

1023x03, Bad Day at Black Rock - Page 5 Empty Re: 3x03, Bad Day at Black Rock Dim 21 Oct 2007 - 12:10



merçi beaucoup pour le lien Visitatrice! J'irai voir plus tard^^

1033x03, Bad Day at Black Rock - Page 5 Empty Re: 3x03, Bad Day at Black Rock Dim 21 Oct 2007 - 12:40



de rien^^
je m'adresse aux bilingues lol. Dans l'appartement de Bela, Dean et elle disent un truc du genre: "thif" ou "thith" ou "cif" enfin bref, lol je ne sais pas ce que ça veut dire. En plus, ils insistent sur ce mot. QUelqu'un peut m'éclairer svp? merci.


fausse alerte (double post dsl) c'est bon j'ai compris grace à l'accent de Dean! lol Je ne sais pas pour vous, mais j'ai du mal à tout comprendre avec l'accent british!
bref: thief: voleur.

1043x03, Bad Day at Black Rock - Page 5 Empty Re: 3x03, Bad Day at Black Rock Dim 21 Oct 2007 - 23:00



ben ca va alors ! Laughing

1053x03, Bad Day at Black Rock - Page 5 Empty Re: 3x03, Bad Day at Black Rock Lun 22 Oct 2007 - 19:22



ça y est je l'ai enfin vu! Very Happy j'ai adoré cet épisode! il y a beaucoup de scène ou c'était vraiment hilarant !!^^
Par contre pour Bela, j'aime pas ce personnage (enfin faut voir après mais pour l'instant...loool)
en tout cas super épisode!

1063x03, Bad Day at Black Rock - Page 5 Empty Re: 3x03, Bad Day at Black Rock Lun 22 Oct 2007 - 20:31



Excellent, j'adore quand Sam perd sa chaussure, on dirait un enfant quand il le dit à Dean c'est trop mignon. Quand il attend Dean aussi d'ailleurs, c'est trop mimi ce côté enfantin.

Quant à Dean, le crayon dans le flingue et la télécommande qui assome le gars c'est quelque chose et sont : "Je suis Batman" avec la tête que tire Sam c'est illarant.

La réaction de Dean quand cette pu** de Bela tire sur Sam est pas mal non plus.

1073x03, Bad Day at Black Rock - Page 5 Empty Re: 3x03, Bad Day at Black Rock Lun 22 Oct 2007 - 21:15



Enfin vu l'épisode.... et j'ai adoré.
J'ai été plié de rire du début à la fin Very Happy
J'ai adoré la scène ou Dean et Sam vont chez les mecs qui ont volé l'entrepot de Daddy Winchester ... et que ils ne leurs arrive que des tuiles jusqu'à ce que Sam récupère la patte de lapin.
Et toutes ce qui leurs arrive après qu'il l'ai eut. Dean qui utilise la chance de son frère pour gagner aux jeux de grattage. Ensuite quand ils vont au resto et que 'bella' déguisait en serveuse sexy vient leur voler la patte ... comment les deux frères regardent la nana Very Happy. Puis toutes les malchances qui ont suivit pour le pauvre Sammy ... il se revense du café, heurte un serveur, se casse la figure, marche dans du chewing gum, perd sa chaussure... trop drôle la tête qu'il fait.
Puis quand Dean l'installe dans la chambre et lui dit de ne pas bouger et de ne pas même se gratter le nez ... ce qu'il fait d'ailleurs et qu'ensuite la fumée commence a entré dans la pièce et qu'il fait une tête genre "pourtant je n'ai pas bougé " ... et quand il essaye d'éteindre l'incendie et qu'il finit par s'auto-assome (ce qui fait bien rire ses deux agresseurs Very Happy)
Ensuite, quand Dean va voir Bella pour récuperer la patte de lapin et qu'elle se fait avoir (bravo mon tit Dean ... cheers).
La scène ou il délivre son frère est super aussi ... le stylo directe dans le flingue puis le mec qu'il évite et qui s'assome et enfin la télécomande dans la tête de l'autre type qui tombe directe ... ça c'est ce qu'on appelle de la chance. Et le "I'm batman" - "you're batman" super marrant surtout avec la tête que faisait dean et sam.
Pour finir il profite encore de sa chance pour gagner au grattage (46000 $ c'est beaucoup tout de même) avant de se débarasser de la patte et que pour être sur de s'en débarasser il la lance à bella qui est à son tour ensorceler. et quand dean se rend compte que bella lui a volé ses tickets gagnant et son tant attendu 'son of the bitch'.

Bref... super épisode, très hilarant ... vivement le prochain.

1083x03, Bad Day at Black Rock - Page 5 Empty Re: 3x03, Bad Day at Black Rock Lun 22 Oct 2007 - 21:23



Je pense que si on doit dire la phrase que Dean dit le plus dans la série, je pense que c'est "Son of Bitch"

1093x03, Bad Day at Black Rock - Page 5 Empty Re: 3x03, Bad Day at Black Rock Lun 22 Oct 2007 - 21:45



~°~Ar Gwrac'h Kerez~°~ a écrit:Je pense que si on doit dire la phrase que Dean dit le plus dans la série, je pense que c'est "Son of Bitch"

Je pense aussi ... mais j'ador e trop quand il la dit Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

1103x03, Bad Day at Black Rock - Page 5 Empty Re: 3x03, Bad Day at Black Rock Mar 23 Oct 2007 - 0:15



Y'a pas que toi!

1113x03, Bad Day at Black Rock - Page 5 Empty Re: 3x03, Bad Day at Black Rock Mar 23 Oct 2007 - 15:39



3x03 Bad Day At Black RockKubrick visits Gordon Walker in prison.

Kubrick: It's true. The devil's gate was opened in Wyoming. Big... St. Helens big. There's no solid fix on how many demons got out, but it's in the hundreds... an army.

Gordon: Sam Winchester was there, wasn't he?

Kubrick: Talked to a guy who knows guy who knows Bobby Singer, and, yeah, looks like the Winchesters were at ground zero when the gate was popped. But Singer said they went in there to stop it.

Gordon: mnh-mnh. Bobby's edge ain't what it used to be. Sam could have him believing anything by now.

Scene 1:

Kubrick: Listen, Gordon. As far as talk goes, Sam Winchester checks out. He's a hunter. That's all.

Gordon: That's all? Kubrick... I'm not even sure he's human. Think I'm crazy? I told you there was a war coming six months ago. Take a look around. It's here. Now I'm telling you this boy

is a part of it. Track him down, Kubrick. You'll come to see it, too. Sam Winchester must die.

Scene 2:

Dean: Because demon, that’s why. I mean, the second you find out this Ruby chick is a demon, you go for the holy water, you don’t chat.

Sam: No one was chatting, Dean.

Dean: Oh, yeah? Then why didn’t you send her ass back to hell?

Sam: Because . . . because she said that she might be able to help us out.

Dean: How? No, really, Sam, how? How could she possibly help us?

Sam: She told me she could help you, okay? Help you out of the crossroads deal.

Dean: What’s wrong with you, huh? She’s lying. You’ve got to know that, don’t you? She knows what your weakness is. It’s me. What else did she say?

Sam: [silence]

Dean: Dude.

Sam: Nothing.

Dean: [turns and looks at him]

Sam: Nothing, okay? Look, I’m not an idiot, Dean. I’m not talking about trusting her, I’m talking about using her. I mean, we’re at war, right? And we don’t know jack [meaning ‘anything’] about the enemy. We don’t know where they are. We don’t know what they’re doing. I mean, hell, we don’t even know what they want. Now, this Ruby girl knows more than we will ever find out on our own. Now, yes, it’s a risk, I know that. But we need to take it.

Dean: You’re okay, right? I mean, you’re feeling okay?

Sam: Yes, I’m fine! Why are you always asking me that?! [cell phone rings. Sam checks his.] It's not mine.

Dean: [Checks his cell] Nope. [idea occurs to him] Check the glove compartment. It's dad's.

Sam: Dad's?

Dean: Yes. I keep it charged in case any of his old contacts call.

Sam: [gets the phone out of the glove box and answers it]Yes, this is Edgar Casey. No, no, no, no. Don't... don't call the police. I'll handle this myself. Thanks. You know, can you just... can you just lock it back up for me? Great. Uh, I... I don't have my... my book in front of me. Do you... do you have the address so I can... Sure. Okay. Go ahead. Right. Thanks a lot. Dad ever tell you he kept a container at a storage place?

Dean: What?

Sam: Outside of Buffalo.

Dean: No way.

Sam: Yeah. And someone just broke into it.

Scene 3:

Creedy: So, you've got no hard evidence on this Winchester guy? You're just working off

Gordon's instincts.

Kubrick: You ever hunt with Gordon?

Creedy: No. I heard he's good.

Kubrick: Good? He's the best. Saved my ass more times than I can count. So, if he says Sam Winchester's dangerous, I believe him.

Creedy: He's gonna be covering his tracks. Won't be easy to find.

Kubrick: Last I got puts him in Nebraska three weeks back.

Creedy: Not exactly a fresh lead.

Kubrick: He ain't invisible, Creedy. Some hunter out there knows something. So we start calling our contacts. All we need is one break. Don't play with my Jesus.

Scene 4:

Dean: [laughs to himself] Man.

Sam: What?

Dean: Just dad. You know, him and his secrets. We spent all this time with this guy, and it's like we barely even know the man.

Sam: Well, we're about to learn something. [opens door, notices symbols painted on floor] No demons allowed.

Dean: Blood. Check this out. [points out tripwire which causes a shotgun to shoot whoever triggers it]

Sam: Whoever broke in here got tagged.

Dean: Dear old dad. I’ve got two sets of boot treads. It looks like it was a two-man job. And our friend with the buckshot in him... It looks like he kept walking.

Sam: So, what's the deal? Dad would do work here or something?

Dean: Living the high life, as usual. [picks up a small trophy and reads the plaque] 1995.

Sam: No way! That's my division championship soccer trophy. I can't believe he kept this.

Dean: It was the probably the closest you ever came to being a boy. Oh, wow! It's my first sawed-off. I made it myself. Sixth grade. Holy crap. Look at this. He had land mines... Which they didn't take. Or the guns. Guess they knew what they were after ?

Sam: Hey, Dean, check this out. See these symbols? That’s binding magic. These are curse boxes.

Dean: Curse boxes? They're supposed to keep the evil mojo in, right? Kind of like the Pandora deal.

Sam: Yeah, yeah they're built to contain the power of the cursed object.

Dean: Dad's journal did mention a whole bunch of stuff. You know, dangerous,

hexed items, fetishes. He never did say where they ended up.

Sam: Yeah. This must be his toxic-waste dump. One box is missing. Great.

1123x03, Bad Day at Black Rock - Page 5 Empty Re: 3x03, Bad Day at Black Rock Mar 23 Oct 2007 - 15:39



Dean: Well, maybe they didn't open it.

Scene 5:

Grossman: Come on, man. Let's open it.

Wayne: Shut up about the damn box! Do you see what's happening here? I'm literally bleeding to death.

Grossman: I'm gonna open it.

Wayne: Grossman...

Grossman: Look, what if this is really worth something? What, we should just hand it over to her? We took all the risk. Hell, Wayne, you got shot, and all for a lousy few hundred bucks. Now, we could make more selling whatever it is ourselves. [opens the box to find a rabbit’s foot inside] Huh?

Wayne: you kidding me? Are you kidding me?! It's a rabbit's foot. It's a rabbit's foot, Grossman! I'm gonna die for a damn rabbit's foot.

Grossman: Oh. [knock on door, answers it] Hi, Foster.

Foster: Hey, listen, guys, not to be a drag or nothing, but it's 6:00 in the morning.

Grossman: Right.

Foster: Can't you guys keep it down?

Grossman: No, we just got a situation here is all. Sorry.

Foster: [notices Wayne] What the hell happened to you?

Wayne: A shotgun happened to me.

Foster: Hey, Grossman,

Grossman: Yeah?

Foster: Under my sink, there's a medical kit. And get some water boiling. I used to be an army medic, you know, in ‘nam [short for Vietnam]. So, I guess this is your lucky day.

Scene 6:

Dean: Connecticut. Last three digits 8-8-0.

Sam: Yep. That's it.

Dean: Should have blacked out their plates before they parked in front of

the security camera.

Scene 7:

Wayne: Four kings. You see that?

Grossman: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Wayne: Deal it up again. Royal flush. Grossman, that's the second

royal flush in eight hands. I can't lose. I mean, really, I... I can't lose. I think this thing really works. You know what I'm saying? I'll tell you one thing... there's no way in hell we are handing it over to that stuck-up bitch.

Dean: Freeze!

Sam: Freeze!

Dean: Nobody move!

Sam: Don't move.

Dean: Don't move!

Grossman: What is it?

Sam: Stop!

Dean: All right. Give us the box. And please tell me that you didn’t...

Sam: Oh, they did.

Dean: You opened it?!

Wayne: Are you guys cops?

Dean: Huh?

Wayne: Are you guys cops?!

Dean: What was in the box? Oh, was that it, huh? It was, wasn't it? What is that thing?

Sam: Sorry. Dean... I got it.

Wayne: No, you don't. Damn! Whoa!

Dean: Sam! That was lucky break. Is that a rabbit's foot?

Sam: I think it is.

Dean: Huh.

Scene 8:

Sam: I'm not finding anything on it in dad's journal. Dean, come on.

Dean: What? Hey, that was my gun he was aiming at your head. and my gun don't jam, so that was a lucky break. Not to mention them taking themselves out... also a lucky break. Here. Scratch one. Come on, Sam. Scratch and win.

Sam: Look, Dean, it's got to be cursed somehow. Otherwise, dad wouldn't

have locked it up.

Dean: $1,200. You just won $1,200. Whoo! I don't know, man. It doesn't seem that cursed to me.

Scene 9:

Dean: Oh, man.

Sam: Now, look, Bobby, we didn't know.

Bobby: You touched it? Damn it, Sam.

Sam: Well, dad never told us about this thing. I mean, you knew about his storage place in Black Rock?

Bobby: His lockup? Yeah, I knew. Hell, I built those curse boxes for him. Listen, you have got a serious problem. That rabbit's foot ain't no dime-store notion. It's real hoodoo... old-world stuff. Made by a Baton Rouge conjure woman about 100 years ago.

Sam: It's a hell of a luck charm.

Bobby It's not a luck charm. It's a curse. She made it to kill people, Sam. See, you touch it, you own it. You own it, sure, you get a run of good luck to beat the devil. But... you lose it, that luck turns. It turns so bad that you're dead inside a week.

Sam: So, I won't lose it, Bobby.

Bobby: Everybody loses it!

Sam: Well, then, how do we break the curse?

Bobby: I don't know if you can. Let me look through my library and make some calls. Just sit tight.

Dean: Dude, we're up 15 grand.

Dean: Don't worry. Bobby will find a way to break it. Till then, I say we hit Vegas, pull a little "Rain Man." You can be Rain Man.

Sam: We just lay low until Bobby calls back, okay? [they’ve entered a restaurant] Hi. Uh, table for two, please.

Host: Congratulations!

Dean: Say that again?

Host: You are the one millionth guest of the Biggerson's restaurant family.

Scene 10:

Kubrick: Right. If you hear anything, give me a call. Well, that clears my book. The word's out. Now we wait.

Creedy: Now we eat.

Kubrick: Good idea. What do you like? I got canned everything.

Creedy: No, no, man. Not eating in the r.v. Look, I know a good place. Wide menu, good service, homey atmosphere... Garlic knots. The menu's on their website.

Scene 11:

Sam: Bobby's right. This lore goes way back. Pure hoodoo. You can't just cut one off any rabbit. It has to be in a cemetery under a full moon on a friday the 13th.

Dean: I think from now on, we only go to places with Biggerson's.

Waitress: Can I freshen you up?

Sam: Yeah. Yeah, sure. Thanks. [waitress spills some coffee onto the table] Oh.

Waitress: Oh.

Sam: Oh, I... No, don't worry. That's okay. That's... I got it.

Waitress: It's no trouble, really. [wiping it up with a rag]

Sam: Okay.

Waitress: Sorry about that.

Sam: It's all right.

[waitress walks away, Sam and Dean lean over the table towards each other to better watch her leave]

Dean: Dude, if you were ever gonna get lucky...

Sam: Shut up. [spills his coffee into his lap] Oh! Oh, jeez! [gets up quickly and knock’s a waiter’s platter from his hands] Sorry.

Dean: How was that good? Son of a bitch. Come on.

Sam: Whoa! [trips and falls in the parking lot]

Dean: Wow. You suck. So, what, now your luck turns bad?

Sam: I guess.

Dean: I wonder how bad.

Scene 12:

Kubrick: Looks good. I like that when they drop the whole onion in the fryer.

Creely: Nearest location... You seeing that?

Kubrick: Yes, I am.

Sam and Dean in a booth at the restaurant. Kubrick and Creedy in the RVSam, standing outside the Impala, talking on the phone with Bobby. Dean, in the background, adding up the scratch tickets. Dean joins Sam in the Impala after buying scratch tickets. Dean and Sam pull up beside a car parked outside the apartment. Grossman and Wayne in their apartment. Wayne has been shot in the shoulder. Dean and Sam at storage place. Kubrick and Creedy in Kubrick’s RV/mobile home/trailer Dean and Sam in the Impala

transcript premiere partie

1133x03, Bad Day at Black Rock - Page 5 Empty Re: 3x03, Bad Day at Black Rock Mar 23 Oct 2007 - 15:41



Here's the rest!!

Scene 13: Grossman in his apartment, drinking to a picture of him and Wayne.

Grossman: Adios compadre. Oh, man. What do you want?

Dean: Heard about your friend. It's bad luck.

Grossman: Piss off.

Dean: We know someone hired you

to steal the rabbit's foot... A woman.

Grossman: Yeah? How do you know that?

Dean: Because she just stole it back from us.

Sam; Listen, man, this is...

Dean: Sam, you okay?

Sam: Yeah. I'm good.

Dean: I want you to tell us her name.

Grossman: Screw you.

Dean: It wasn't a freak accident that killed your partner.

Grossman: What?

Dean: It was the rabbit's foot.

Grossman: You're crazy, man.

Dean: You know I'm not. You saw what happened, what it did... All the flukes, all the luck. When you lose the foot, that luck goes sour. That's what killed your friend. And my brother here is next, and who knows how many more innocent people after that. Now, if you don't help us stop this thing, then that puts those deaths on your head. Now, I can read people... and I get it. You're a thief and a scumbag. That's fine. But you're not a killer . . . are you?

Scene 14:

Creely: No one saw which way they went, and their meal was free, so there's no credit-card trail.

Kubrick: Don't worry. We'll find them.

Creely: What makes you so sure?

Kubrick: 'cause there's a higher power at work here. I know it now.

Scene 15:

Dean: Hello.

Bobby: Dean, great news. Wasn't easy, but I found a heavyweight cleansing ritual that should do the trick.

Dean: Bobby, that's, uh, great, except Sam, uh...Sam lost the foot.

Bobby: He what?

Dean: Bobby, listen, listen. This hot chick stole it from him. I'm serious. In her mid-20s, and she was sharp, you know? Good enough of a con to play us. And she only gave the guys she hired a name... Probably an alias or something. Luigi or something.

Sam: Lugosi.

Dean: Lugosi?

Bobby: Lugosi. Oh, crap. It's probably Bela.

Dean; Bela Lugosi? That's cute.

Bobby: Bela Talbot's her real name. Crossed paths with her once or twice.

Dean: She knew about the rabbit's foot. Is she a hunter?

Bobby: Pretty friggin' far from a hunter, but she knows her way

around the territory. She's been out of the country. Last I heard, she was in the middle east someplace.

Dean: I guess she's back.

Bobby: Which means seriously bad luck for you.

Dean: Great.

Bobby: But if it is Bela, at least I might know some folks who know where to find her.

Dean: Thanks, Bobby, again.

Bobby: Just look out for your brother, you idiot.

Dean: [notices Sam standing there with the most adorably pathetic facial expression] What?

Sam: I lost my shoe.

Scene 16:

Dean: All right, Bobby, thanks. Hey, we owe you...another one. All right, Bobby's got it on pretty good authority that this Bela chick lives in Queens. So it will take me about two hours

to get there.

Sam: So, what are we doing then?

Dean: You, my brother, are staying here, 'cause I don't want your bad luck getting us killed.

Scene 17:

Sam: What am I even supposed to do, Dean?

Dean: Nothing. Nothing. Come here. I don't want you doing anything. I want you to sit right here and don't move, okay? Don't turn on the light. Don't turn off the light. Don't even scratch your nose.

Scene 18:

Bela: Because you shook on 1.5. Well, maybe I should just take it

somewhere else. Don't threaten me, Luke. Despite your reputation,

you don't scare me. Well, I'm glad you see it that way. I'll see you at the airstrip in an hour.

Dean: You left without your tip.

Scene 19:

Sam: Oh, come on. I... I didn't...

[The air conditioner catches on fire. Sam uses the sheets from on of the beds to put out, then notices the sleeve of his jacket has caught fire. He puts it out with the curtain, but falls over backwards in the process, taking the curtain down with him and knocking himself out. Kubrick and Creely just happen to be standing right outside the window to witness this.]

Scene 20:

Dean: You're gonna give it back.

Bela: Sweetie, no, I'm not.

Dean: Yeah? We'll see. Bela, right?

Bela: That's right... Dean.

Dean: You know the thing's cursed, don't you?

1143x03, Bad Day at Black Rock - Page 5 Empty Re: 3x03, Bad Day at Black Rock Mar 23 Oct 2007 - 15:42



Bela: You'd be surprised what some people would pay for something like that.

Dean: Really?

Bela: There's a lucrative market out there. A lot of money to be made. You hunters, with all those amulets and talismans you use to stop those big, bad monsters... Any one of them could put your children's children through college.

Dean: So, you know the truth about what's really going on out there, and this is what you decide

to do with it? You become a thief.

Bela: I procure unique items for a select clientele.

Dean: Yeah. A thief.

Bela: No. A great thief.

Scene 21:

Creedy: Oh, he's awake.

Kubrick: Back with us, eh?

Creedy: We didn't even have to touch you. You just went all spastic and knocked yourself out. It was like watching Jerry Lewis trying to stack chairs.

Sam: Who are you? What do you want...

Kubrick: I used to think your friend Gordon sent me...

Sam: Gordon? Oh, come on.

Kubrick: ...because he asked me to track you down and put a bullet in your brain.

Sam; Great. That sounds like him.

Kubruck: But as it turns out... I'm on a mission from God.

Scene 21:

Dean: Look, Bela. My brother, he... touched the foot. And when you took it from him, his luck went from...

Bela: Oh, I know how it works.

Dean: So, then you know he's gonna die unless we can destroy it.

Bela: Oh. You can have the foot... For $1.5 million.

Dean: Nice. Yeah. I'll just call my banker. How'd you even find the damn thing, stuck in the back of some storage place, middle of nowhere?

Bela: I just asked a few of the ghosts of the people it had killed. They were very tuned in to its location.

Dean: So you're only after yourself, huh? It's all about number one.

Bela: Being a hunter is so much more noble? A bunch of obsessed, revenge-driven sociopaths trying to save a world that can't be saved.

Dean: Well, aren't you a glass half full.

Bela: We're all going to hell, Dean. Might as well enjoy the ride.

Dean: I actually agree with you there. Anyhoo, this has been charming, but, uh, look at the time. Oh, and... [holds up rabbit’s foot] This. You're not the only one with sticky fingers. If it's any consolation, I think you're a truly awful person.

Scene 22:

Kubrick: You were a part of that demon plan to open the gate, weren't you?

Sam: We did everything we could to stop it.

Kubrick: Lie, lie, lie! You were in on it. You know what they're next move is, too, don't you?

Sam: No, I don't, okay? You're wrong about all of this.

Kubrick: Where are they gonna hit us next? Where?! Gordon told me about you, Sam, about your powers. You're some kind of weirdo psychic freak.

Sam: No, not anymore. I have no powers, no visions... nothing. It just...

Kubrick: Lie! Now no more lies. There's an army of demons out there, pushing at a world already on the brink. We're on deck for the end game here, right? So maybe, just maybe you can understand why we can't take chances. [puts gun up to Sam’s head]

Sam: Whoa! Okay, okay. Now, hold on a minute.

Creedy: Kubrick, get...

Kubrick: No! You saw what happened, Creedy. Ask yourself... Why are we here? Because you saw a picture on the web? Because we chose this motel instead of another? Luck like that doesn't just happen.

Sam: Look, I can explain all of that.

Kubrick: Shut up. It's God, Creedy. He led us here for one reason... To do his work. This is destiny. [points his gun at Sam’s face again.]

Sam: Whoa.

Dean: No. No destiny. [Has his gun aimed at Kubrick] Just a rabbit's foot.

Kubrick: Put the gun down, son, or you're gonna be scraping brain off the wall.

Dean: Oh, this thing?

Kubrick: Yeah, that thing.

Dean: Okay. But, you see, there's something about me that you don't know. [puts his gun down on a table, but picks up a pen]

Kubrick: Yeah? What would that be?

Dean: It's my lucky day. [tosses the pen into the barrel of Kubrick’s gun] Oh, my God! Did you see that shot?! [Creedy runs at Dean, misses, hits the wall, falls back and loses consciousness] I'm amazing. [Kubrick removes the pen from his gun barrel, but Dean picks up the television remote from the table and throws it at Kubrick’s forehead, knocking him unconscious] I'm Batman.

Sam: [sarcastically] Yeah. You're Batman.

Scene 23:

Sam: All right. Bone ash, cayenne pepper. That should do it.

Dean: One second.

Sam: Dean...

Dean: Hey, back off, jinx. I'm bringing home the bacon. All right. [holds rabbit’s foot over coals] Say goodbye to "Wascawy Wabbit."

Bela: I think you'll find that belongs to me. Or, you know... Whatever. Put the foot down, honey.

Dean: No. You're not gonna shoot anybody. See, I happen to be able to read people. Okay, you're a thief. fine. But you're not...

[Bela shoots Sam in the shoulder.]

Sam: Oh!

Dean: [makes a move towards Bela] Son of a...

Bela: Back off, tiger. Back off. You make one more move, and I'll pull the trigger. You've got the luck, Dean. You I can't hit. But your brother . . . him I can't miss.

Dean: What the hell is wrong with you?! You don't just do around shooting people like that!

Bela: Relax. It's a shoulder hit. I can aim. Besides, who here hasn't shot a few people? Put the rabbit's foot on the ground now.

Dean: All right! All right. Take it easy. [leans forward to put it on the ground] Think fast. [Dean tosses the rabbit’s foot at Bela, who catches it reflexively]

Bela: Damn.

Dean: Now, what do you say we destroy that ugly-ass piece of dead thing?

Scene 24:

Bela: Thanks very much. I'm out $1.5 million and on the bad side of a very powerful, fairly psychotic buyer.

Dean: Wow. I really don't feel bad about that. Sam?

Sam: Nope. Not even a little.

Bela: Maybe next time, I'll hang you out to dry.

Dean: Oh, don't go away angry. Just go away.

Bela: Have a nice night, boys.

Scene 25:

Dean: You good?

Sam; I'll live.

Dean: I guess we're back to normal now, huh? No good luck. No bad luck. Oh, I forgot. We're at $46,000. I almost forgot about the... scratch tickets.

[cut to Bela in her car, where she has the scratch tickets she stole from Dean’s jacket]

Dean: Son of a bitch!

Scene 26:

Kubrick: You were right about everything. Sam Winchester is more than a monster. He's the adversary.

Gordon: And what was it that convinced you?

Kubrick: God led me to him... And his will is clear.

Gordon: Okay. That's great. I'm glad to have you on board. But, uh, first things first. We got to get me the hell out of here. 'Cause like I told you before, Sam Winchester must die.


Kubrick visits Gordon at the prison Dean and Sam are walking from the graveyard. Bela drops the rabbit’s foot into the coals. Graveyard at night. Sam is just finishing preparing a fire. Dean is playing scratch cards. Motel room. Kubrick is interrogating Sam and punching him a lot when he doesn’t like what he hears. Bela’s house Creedy is duct-taping Sam to a chair. Sam regains consciousness. Bela’s house. Dean and Bela have each other at gunpoint. Sam is still sitting in the chair when suddenly the air conditioner starts smoking. inside Bela’s very nice-looking house. Bela is on the phone. Dean leads Sam into the motel room. Dean and Sam pull up outside a motelDean and Sam, outside. Sam steps in gum and as Dean is talking, he tries to scrape it off on a gutter drain, but he loses his shoe through a hole in the grate.

fin du transcript

1153x03, Bad Day at Black Rock - Page 5 Empty Re: 3x03, Bad Day at Black Rock Mar 23 Oct 2007 - 18:44


Chasseurs de monstres

merci deanvica

Alors encore une fois un episode extra:

- Voir Sam chanceux puis avoir la poisse grave, par moment son visage ressemble à celui d'un chiot triste c'est sympa Smile
- Dean qui se la pète et se prend pour Batman
- J'adore le personnage de Bela très bien intégré mieux même que Ruby
- On découvre les plans de Gordon
- On aprend que Sam a parlé à Dean de Ruby, c'est bien, même si bien sur il n'a rien dit sur son lien avec le YED ou encore toutes les morts autour de leurs mère.
- Enfin la stucture même de l'épisode est vraiment bonne et ceux depuis le début de la saison 3 ce qui n'était pas forcément toujours le cas dans la 1 et 2, donc c'est très bien Smile

1163x03, Bad Day at Black Rock - Page 5 Empty Re: 3x03, Bad Day at Black Rock Mar 23 Oct 2007 - 18:58



moi aussi je prefere bella par rapport a ruby . le perso est different mais par rapport a dean je trouve que c'ets extra. bella ., C'est exactement le pesro qu'il faut pour dean . Perso tres fort qui peut l'affronter , lemettre hors de lui et le seduire . j'adore l'appart de bela .
Ruby est juste qu'un demon et les demons on connait .
j'aurais aimé voir quand sam aparlé de ruby a dean . dommage . bien sur il lui raconte pas tout .

1173x03, Bad Day at Black Rock - Page 5 Empty Re: 3x03, Bad Day at Black Rock Mar 23 Oct 2007 - 21:57



Letty a écrit:Enfin vu l'épisode.... et j'ai adoré.
J'ai été plié de rire du début à la fin Very Happy
J'ai adoré la scène ou Dean et Sam vont chez les mecs qui ont volé l'entrepot de Daddy Winchester ... et que ils ne leurs arrive que des tuiles jusqu'à ce que Sam récupère la patte de lapin.
Et toutes ce qui leurs arrive après qu'il l'ai eut. Dean qui utilise la chance de son frère pour gagner aux jeux de grattage. Ensuite quand ils vont au resto et que 'bella' déguisait en serveuse sexy vient leur voler la patte ... comment les deux frères regardent la nana Very Happy. Puis toutes les malchances qui ont suivit pour le pauvre Sammy ... il se revense du café, heurte un serveur, se casse la figure, marche dans du chewing gum, perd sa chaussure... trop drôle la tête qu'il fait.
Puis quand Dean l'installe dans la chambre et lui dit de ne pas bouger et de ne pas même se gratter le nez ... ce qu'il fait d'ailleurs et qu'ensuite la fumée commence a entré dans la pièce et qu'il fait une tête genre "pourtant je n'ai pas bougé " ... et quand il essaye d'éteindre l'incendie et qu'il finit par s'auto-assome (ce qui fait bien rire ses deux agresseurs Very Happy)
Ensuite, quand Dean va voir Bella pour récuperer la patte de lapin et qu'elle se fait avoir (bravo mon tit Dean ... cheers).
La scène ou il délivre son frère est super aussi ... le stylo directe dans le flingue puis le mec qu'il évite et qui s'assome et enfin la télécomande dans la tête de l'autre type qui tombe directe ... ça c'est ce qu'on appelle de la chance. Et le "I'm batman" - "you're batman" super marrant surtout avec la tête que faisait dean et sam.
Pour finir il profite encore de sa chance pour gagner au grattage (46000 $ c'est beaucoup tout de même) avant de se débarasser de la patte et que pour être sur de s'en débarasser il la lance à bella qui est à son tour ensorceler. et quand dean se rend compte que bella lui a volé ses tickets gagnant et son tant attendu 'son of the bitch'.

Bref... super épisode, très hilarant ... vivement le prochain.

oui alors Letty trop excellent !!!

1183x03, Bad Day at Black Rock - Page 5 Empty Re: 3x03, Bad Day at Black Rock Mar 23 Oct 2007 - 23:15



J'ai l'impression que y'a que moi qui préfère Ruby...^^ Very Happy !

1193x03, Bad Day at Black Rock - Page 5 Empty Re: 3x03, Bad Day at Black Rock Mar 23 Oct 2007 - 23:55


Hook man

Je n'ai pas pu le voir correctement encore, à tete reposée ... Mais la fille c'est la soeur de Ruby? Enfin la deuxieme actrice?

1203x03, Bad Day at Black Rock - Page 5 Empty Re: 3x03, Bad Day at Black Rock Mar 23 Oct 2007 - 23:57


Hook man

Letty a écrit:Enfin vu l'épisode.... et j'ai adoré.
J'ai été plié de rire du début à la fin Very Happy
J'ai adoré la scène ou Dean et Sam vont chez les mecs qui ont volé l'entrepot de Daddy Winchester ... et que ils ne leurs arrive que des tuiles jusqu'à ce que Sam récupère la patte de lapin.
Et toutes ce qui leurs arrive après qu'il l'ai eut. Dean qui utilise la chance de son frère pour gagner aux jeux de grattage. Ensuite quand ils vont au resto et que 'bella' déguisait en serveuse sexy vient leur voler la patte ... comment les deux frères regardent la nana Very Happy. Puis toutes les malchances qui ont suivit pour le pauvre Sammy ... il se revense du café, heurte un serveur, se casse la figure, marche dans du chewing gum, perd sa chaussure... trop drôle la tête qu'il fait.
Puis quand Dean l'installe dans la chambre et lui dit de ne pas bouger et de ne pas même se gratter le nez ... ce qu'il fait d'ailleurs et qu'ensuite la fumée commence a entré dans la pièce et qu'il fait une tête genre "pourtant je n'ai pas bougé " ... et quand il essaye d'éteindre l'incendie et qu'il finit par s'auto-assome (ce qui fait bien rire ses deux agresseurs Very Happy)
Ensuite, quand Dean va voir Bella pour récuperer la patte de lapin et qu'elle se fait avoir (bravo mon tit Dean ... cheers).
La scène ou il délivre son frère est super aussi ... le stylo directe dans le flingue puis le mec qu'il évite et qui s'assome et enfin la télécomande dans la tête de l'autre type qui tombe directe ... ça c'est ce qu'on appelle de la chance. Et le "I'm batman" - "you're batman" super marrant surtout avec la tête que faisait dean et sam.
Pour finir il profite encore de sa chance pour gagner au grattage (46000 $ c'est beaucoup tout de même) avant de se débarasser de la patte et que pour être sur de s'en débarasser il la lance à bella qui est à son tour ensorceler. et quand dean se rend compte que bella lui a volé ses tickets gagnant et son tant attendu 'son of the bitch'.

Bref... super épisode, très hilarant ... vivement le prochain.


Franchement ... je cours le regarder directos car là ça donne envie!

1213x03, Bad Day at Black Rock - Page 5 Empty Re: 3x03, Bad Day at Black Rock Mer 24 Oct 2007 - 0:11



Moi aussi, j'ai vraiment adoré !!!

Comme toi Letty, j'étais morte de rire du début à la fin !!!

J'adore quand Sam passe son temps à se casser la figure un peu partout et sur tout et n'importe quoi !! Trop drole ! Dean qui lui demande sans arrêt : " Sam, you're ok ?? "

Une de mes scènes préférées, c'est quand Sam perd sa chaussure... Il tire une de ces têtes xD On dirait qu'il a de nouveau 8 ans et qu'il va se faire gronder par son grand frère mdr !! " I lost my shoe... " J'adooore ! Et le "I am Batman !! " C'est bien Dean ça, il en a bien profité, j'adorais son air bien sur de lui et tout content !!!

Et j'ai beaucoup aimé la façon dont Dean et Bela passe leur temps à s'avoir l'un et l'autre ! Le coup du post-it mdr ! J'aime bien Bela pour le moment, l'actrice joue bien, et le personnage ne m'agace pas comme Ruby ^^

Mais elle s'est bien vengée en lui volant ses 45 ou 46000 $ !! J'étais pliée !! " Son of the bitch !!!" Excellent !! Il était dégoûté le pauvre !

Bref, j'ai adoré, c'était un épisode bien hilarant ! Les deux hommes envoyés par Gordon étaient pas très fufut !! L'autre qui pensait que c'était un miracle de Dieu, mdr !!! "Non, juste une patte de lapin ! Laughing "

1223x03, Bad Day at Black Rock - Page 5 Empty Re: 3x03, Bad Day at Black Rock Mer 24 Oct 2007 - 0:43


Modératrice En route avec Métallicar

Noamie a écrit:Je n'ai pas pu le voir correctement encore, à tete reposée ... Mais la fille c'est la soeur de Ruby? Enfin la deuxieme actrice?

Non, il ne s'agit pas de la soeur de Ruby, dû moin ce n'est pas encore mentionner !

1233x03, Bad Day at Black Rock - Page 5 Empty Re: 3x03, Bad Day at Black Rock Mer 24 Oct 2007 - 0:44


Hook man

MDR excellent l'épisode!!!!
J'aime beaucoup Bela, très belle, très féminine et puis super maligne! Franchement j'ai hate de la revoir!
Seul passage peu ragoutant le coup de la fourche entre la gorge du mec ... beurk sinon c'était avec l'épisode 2x15 le plus drole!
Lorsque Dean demande à Sam si c'est le truc de lapin qui les a aidé avec les deux voleurs, que Sam regarde le truc (désolé je sais plus comment ça s'appelle) et dit: I think it is ... Je trouve qu'il est drole là.
Ensuite super chance, c'est plus Dean qui en profite mais bon, c'est hilarant! La chance tourne et là c'est supra hilarant! Le pauvre Sam ce qui lui arrive, j'aime surtout sa tete lorsqu'il marche sur le chewing gum ... c'est la tete qui veut dire: non je regarde pas, je sais que j'ai marché sur un truc ... Et puis bien sur sa tete lors du fameux: I lost my shoe ... Trop mignon lol
Dean est malin, tout comme Bela, ils vont bien s'entendre ces deux là. Le post-it très fort, très Dean. Et puis le risque comme toujours, il touche le truc. Mais je pense qu'il se dit qu'il a plus rien à perdre de toute façon. Super sur de lui, il pose le flingue ( à ce moment là Sam a du se dire: merde tu fou quoi????) et le coup du stylo ... mais j'étais pliée en deux tellement je rigolais parce que j'adore sa réaction: waou! Il etait super fier de son coup comme si il en revenait pas lol puis l'autre qui se prend le mur ... et après le: I'm batman ... avec son petit air coquin (trop beau) et j'adore Sam comme il lui repond: Yeah, you're batman ... Sont excellents les frangins.
Encore une fois Dean est malin, balancer le truc à Bela en prenant le risque qu'elle le rattraperait par reflexe ... très fort. Par contre lui faire le meme speech qu'à l'autre: Listen, I can see people. You're a thief but you're not a killer. Et boum elle tire sur Sam (elle plaisante pas la miss) et du coup il se dit merde. Bon au final il l'a bien eu mais elle aussi ... mdr on retrouve notre Dean avec son 'son of a bitch" universel. Et bonus: la tete de Sam lorsqu'il realise qu'elle a piqué les tickets (il se marre à l'avance de la reaction de Dean lol)

Bref bon episode ... bonne saison en perspective!

1243x03, Bad Day at Black Rock - Page 5 Empty Re: 3x03, Bad Day at Black Rock Mer 24 Oct 2007 - 11:34



non bela n'arien a voir avec ruby . ruby est un demon , beal une voleuse qui prend ce qu'elle veut pour son interet et avoir une vie plutot luxeuse .
Elles se connaissent pas pour le moment .

1253x03, Bad Day at Black Rock - Page 5 Empty Re: 3x03, Bad Day at Black Rock Mer 24 Oct 2007 - 11:38



je me rappelles paslecoup du post it c'est quand ?

Je pense quelqu'un comme bela qui va en faire voir a dean ,quia l'audace de l'arnarquer ,d'etre a sa hauteur ca ne peut que le charmer et l'attirer a un moment ou un autre .

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