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3x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas

Miss padalecki
princess lyly
Supernatural Girl
| Wendigo |
dean le tombeur
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13x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Empty 3x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Lun 24 Sep 2007 - 15:45



en principe dans le 8 jeffrey dean morgan fera une apparition je pense quand les boys sont petits .


23x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Empty Re: 3x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Lun 24 Sep 2007 - 23:07



Je ne sais pas si c'est le résumé du 3x08. Je ne comprend rien, juste que les frères vont chanter! A moins que je ne prenne mes rêves pour des réalités!3x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Invisio3

Sam appears not to like Christmas, or at least he doesn't seem so keen on celebrating it.
Madge pins Dean head down, sticks pliers into his mouth and clams down on a molar.
Sam and Dean sing a Christmas carol 'Silent Night' and they don't know the words. They do it horrible. In present time, they are hunting the Anti Claus and they think this guy is it, so they go to his house, but when they get there they realize they were wrong. The guy is all freaked out about them being there, so Dean starts singing and makes Sam sing with him so the guy thinks they're just carolers
The pagan gods, Madge and Edward, try to pull out Wee!Dean's tooth.

33x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Empty Re: 3x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Lun 24 Sep 2007 - 23:22


Admin Traductrice

La traduction :

Sam semble ne pas aimer Noel, ou du moins ne pas vraiment tenir à célébrer Noel. (Une histoire de tentative d'arrachage de dents pour Dean mais je n'arrive pas à traduire exactement). Sam et Dean chantent un chant de Noel, "Silent Night" mais ils ne connaissent pas les paroles et chantent mal.

Dans le présent : ils chassent un anti-Père Noel, et ils pensent savoir qui c'est, ils se rendent donc chez lui, mais une fois sur place ils se rendent compte qu'ils se sont trompés. Le type est affolé en les voyant, et Dean commence à chanter et entraîne Sam pour que l'homme les prennent pour des chanteurs de Noel.

Les dieux païens, Madge et Edward tentent d'arracher les dents de Dean enfant.

43x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Empty 3x8 "S'natural Xmas" Lun 24 Sep 2007 - 23:27



L'épisode 3X8 s'intitule "S'natural Xmas" et met en scène S&D en pleine période de Noël, tout en intégrant des flashbacks à l'époque où les deux garçons avaient 9 & 13 ans.

On y apprend que Sam n'aime pas cette période de fête, alors que Dean semble plutôt aimer Noël : à un moment, Dean oblige Sam, tout à fait réticent, à chanter un chant de Noël : "Silent Night"... Et il ne rate pas une occasion pour se comporter comme un enfant fasciné.
De même, l'épisode fera intervenir un "bad Santa", un père Noël en négatif, ainsi que des dieux païens.
S&D, déguisés en agents du FBI, chercheront à combattre ces personnages nuisibles.

SIDES pour l'épisode 3.08: S’natural Xmas.

(PART I, pages 1 and 2)

EXT. CARSON HOUSE -- NIGHT. A picture-perfect house smothered in glorious Christmas Technicolor. SUPER: Seattle, Washington. Christmas Eve. One year ago.

INT. CARSON HOUSE -- NIGHT. The house is decked out. TREE alight, FIRE roaring, STOCKINGS over the hearth, etc. The DOORBELL rings and EDDIE CARSON, 7, tears into the foyer to answer the door. It’s his grandfather, GRANDPA CARSON. Eddie bearhugs him.

EDDIE: Merry Christmas, Grandpa!

GRANDPA: Hey! Merry Christmas, Eddie.

EDDIE: Did you bring me any presents?

GRANDPA: (feigning confusion) Now why would I do that?

EDDIE: Cause it’s Christmas!

GRANDPA: I thought Santa Claus brought the presents on Christmas. (Eddie shrugs) You have been a good boy this year, haven’t you?

EDDIE: I have! I swear it!

GRANDPA: Then who knows? Maybe he’ll come. Those chocolate chip cookies I smell?

Eddie pulls Grandpa towards the kitchen.

EDDIE: Mom! Grandpa’s here!

INT. CARSON HOUSE -- LATER THAT NIGHT. The Christmas tree is dark, the house is quiet. Suddenly, the twinkle lights on the tree turn on. The room is suddenly bathed in a warm glow, revealing Grandpa, wearing a full-on Santa suit and affixing the beard to his chin with a smile. He holds a sack full of presents. Grandpa looks mischievously to the bedrooms above as he rings a sleigh bell in his hand and begins laying presents around the tree. Sure enough, seconds later, Eddie appears at the top of the stairs in reindeer jimmies. Eddie sees Santa/Grandpa and his eye go wide as saucers.

EDDIE: (whispered awe) Santa!

Grandpa smiles to himself, lays more presents round the tree. Then THUMP, a sound on the roof. Eddie looks toward the ceiling, even more excited.

EDDIE: Reindeer!

Grandpa, however, isn’t so sure. What was that... the wind? He shrugs it off, pulls another present from his sack... and then sees something. He freezes. Soot drizzles from the chimney into the fireplace. Okay... now he’s weirded out. What is that?

Grandpa warily approaches the chimney. He gets down on all fours... pokes his head beneath the flue for a better look... we draw this out for maximum suspense... when suddenly two gnarled hands dart from the chimney, grab his head and yank him upwards!

Grandpa screams!! He disappears, howling in pain, up the chimney.

EDDIE: Santa...?


(PART II, pages 3 and 4)

INT. WALSH HOUSE -- DAY: A model “Christmas” train winds its way merrily through this obscenely-decorated home. Melinda Walsh, 30s, cradles cup of tea with trembling hands. SUPER: One year later. December 22. Ypsilanti, Michigan.

MELINDA: I was already in bed, Mike was downstairs decorating the tree. There was this thunk on the roof... and then I heard Mike scream... (just unbelievable) And now I’m talking to the FBI.

Reveal Sam and Dean in jacket and ties. Dean tries to pay attention... but keeps sneaking peeks at the train.

SAM: And you didn’t see any of it?

MELINDA: No. He was just... gone.

Sam writes it all down... and nudges Dean.

DEAN: (snapping to it) The police say there were no signs of forced entry. Does anyone else have a key?

MELINDA: My parents.

DEAN: Where do they live?

MELINDA: (dry) Florida.

SAM: Would it be okay if we took a look around, Mrs. Walsh?

Mrs. Walsh nods yes. As the boys stand...

MELINDA: The police said this could be a kidnapping.

DEAN: Could be.

MELINDA: Then why haven’t the kidnappers called? Or demanded a ransom? (choking up) It’s three days to Christmas. What am I supposed to tell our son?

Sam and Dean aren’t sure how to respond. It’s a damn good question.

INT. WALSH HOUSE -- MOMENTS LATER: Dean stands in front of a window in the living room, happily playing with a wind-up Santa... while Sam actually investigates. (NOTE: we clock a distinctive wreath in the background that the boys pay no attention to.)

SAM: Having fun?

Dean clamps a hand over the jitter-bugging Santa.

DEAN: (covering) All clear here. (re: the window) Didn’t get in this way.

SAM: Yeah. Thanks. Come look at this.

Dean crosses to the fireplace where Sam kneels. Sam points to a tiny spot of blood on the back side of a log in the hearth, very easy to miss.

DEAN: Blood?

SAM: Looks like.

Sam scooches into the fireplace, reaches as far up the flue as he can reach and feels around.

(end of sides)

Dernière édition par le Lun 24 Sep 2007 - 23:38, édité 1 fois

53x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Empty Re: 3x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Lun 24 Sep 2007 - 23:29



Pauvre Dean, il lui arrive de ces trucs !

Attention, les Winchesters s'essayent au chant xD Je sens qu'on va rire ! Il n'y a qu'eux pour se mettre dans des situations pareils !

63x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Empty Re: 3x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Lun 24 Sep 2007 - 23:44



Suite des "sides" :

Part III, pages 12, 13, 14, 15

SAM: Lore says the anti-Clause walks with a limp and smells like sweets.

DEAN: We chasing Pimp Santa? Why sweets?

SAM: Smell like candy, the kids come close.

DEAN: Okay. That’s creepy. (pause) How’s this thing know who’s been naughty and who’s been nice?

SAM: Don’t know yet.

DEAN: (looking ahead) Actually. Maybe we do.

The boys have arrived at Santa’s Court. A line of kids wait eagerly to sit on Santa’s lap. Santa, in this case, is a dodgy-looking guy we’ll call GRIMY SANTA. Grimy Santa sits on a throne surrounded by more bored teenage elves. A little boy, RONNIE, sits on his lap. Grimy Santa creepily strokes Ronnie’s back and looks deep into his eyes.

GS (GRIMY SANTA): So, Ronnie…have you been a good little boy?

Ronnie nods yes. GS cracks a creepy smile.

GS (cont’d): Oh, I’ve got a special present for you.

Dean and Sam exchange looks. Could be our guy. Just as a cheery female elf, 17, steps in front of them.

CHEERY ELF: Welcome to Santa’s Court! Can I escort your child to Santa?

DEAN: Oh, no. My brother. Sorta been a lifelong dream of his.

CHEERY ELF: (to Sam): Aw, I’m sorry…no kids older than twelve.

SAM: That’s okay…he’s joking. We just want to watch.

The teenaged elf shoots a questioning look at Dean, who just shrugs – “don’t look at me”. She looks at Sam in disgust.


Cheery elf takes off. Dean loves it.

SAM: (calling after her): Not what I meant! (to Dean): Thanks for that.

Dean: Check it out.

GS has stepped off his throne and now walks past them. He moves with a distinctive limp.

DEAN (cont’d): You seeing this?

SAM: Lots of people limp…right?

DEAN: Tell me you didn’t smell that. That was candy, man.

SAM: Dude. That was ripple. (unsure) Had to be.

DEAN: Maybe. We gotta take that chance?

Off Sam, wondering: is there really an anti-Clause?

EXTERIOR GRIMY SANTA’S HOUSE/SANTA’S VILLAGE -- NIGHT: Santa’s Village is long-closed for the night and the farm is still. The boys take out the old farmhouse where GS lives on the farm. Dean stifles a yawn. Sam passes him a thermos.

SAM: Caffeinate.

DEAN: What time is it?

SAM: Same as the last time you asked. Late.

Dean tries to pour himself some coffee…it’s empty.

DEAN: Wonderful (after a moment) Man, you know how to hold a grudge.

SAM: Huh? Because of Christmas?

DEAN: Yeah. Celebrate with me.

SAM: Nobody said you can’t celebrate. Just leave me out of it.

DEAN: That’ll be fun. Me and myself can make cranberry molds.

SAM: (shrugs) Knock yourself out.

ANGLE ON: Grimy Santa’s house. A light turns on. GS appears at a window, peers warily outside, then draws the curtain tight. ANGLE ON: The boys, who throw each other a look. A scream sounds from inside the house. The boys draw guns and move to the front door where Sam begins to pick the look. Just as Sam is about to open the door, he looks at Dean, wry smile on his face.

DEAN: (whispering): Something funny?

SAM: Sort of. Mr. Gung-Ho Christmas is about to blow away Santa Claus.

Dean shoots Sam a fake smile – “Ha, ha, not funny, a$$hole.”

INTERIOR GRIMY SANTA’S HOUSE -- CONTINUOUS: The door swings open and the boys, guns up, step in to see: GS sits on a sofa, in wife-beater and Santa pants, sucking mightily on a 3 foot bong…while watching a Christmas themed porno movie playing on the TV. Which was obviously the source of the scream. The guy’s a pig, but not evil. Dean and Sam quickly tuck their guns behind their backs…just as GS notices them and freaks.

GS: The hella re you doing here!

Well…this is awkward. Neither brother knows what to say. And then, haltingly, Dean begins to sing.

DEAN: Silent night, Holy night…

Sam looks at Dean like he’s crazy. Dean shoots a look back – “Start singing, crapwad”. And Sam does.

SAM AND DEAN: All is well, all is bright…

They’re horrible, they don’t know the words, Dean keeps sneaking peeks at the porn… but GS buys it. He lounges back, expels an enormous cloud of smoke and enjoys.

INTERIOR CALDWELL HOUSE -- NIGHT: As “Silent Night” (a good, haunting version) continues to play, the camera fixes on the ceiling of the second floor hallway…when a loud thump sounds on the roof. The camera tilts down to pick up JIMMY CALDWELL, 8 years old, emerging from his bedroom and staring up at the ceiling, hoping against hope…

[color:add4=green:add4]INTERIOR CALDWELL HOUSE – LIVING ROOM -- MOMENTS LATER: Jimmy pitter-patters into the living room, wipes the sleep from his eyes. He stops in the middle of the room, looks around. The tree is dark, all is quiet. Dang must have been a false alarm. He turns to head back upstairs…when something catches his eye.

Part IV, page 17


INT. CALDWELL HOUSE -- NIGHT: Dean, again pretexting as an FBI agent, interviews Cindy Caldwell, while Sam looks around the house. Cindy is the wife of the man taken the night before and she’s hurting.

CINDY: I guess there was a thump on the roof or something, that’s what my son says. All I know is I was asleep... and suddenly Al’s being dragged out of bed.

DEAN: Did you see the attacker.

CINDY: (no) It happened so fast...

Dean nods sympathetically, notices her son, JIMMY, drawing quietly in another room.

DEAN: How’s your son hanging in there?

CINDY: Besides thinking Santa Claus dragged his daddy up the chimney. Swell.

DEAN: I’m sorry. I know this is hard.

CINDY: (softening) It’s not your fault. It’s just, all you boys coming through here with all your questions, be nice if just one of you had an answer. Like, where my husband is?

Sam enters.

SAM: Excuse me, Mrs. Caldwell? Where’d you get the wreath that’s hanging over the fireplace?

Mrs. Caldwell returns Sam’s question with a disbelieving glare. Sam looks to Dean -- “what’d I say?”

Part V, pages 20, 21, 22

SAM: Right. Guess what a Mithras brings?

DEAN: Lapdances... hopefully?

SAM: Mild weather.

DEAN: Like no snow in the middle of December... in the middle of Michigan?

SAM: Yeah.

And that pretty much settles it.

DEAN: We know how to kill this thing yet?

SAM: Bobby’s working on it. But I found the one place in town that sells these wreaths. Might be worth hearing what they have to say.

Off Dean -- you're goddam right it is...

INT. CRAFT STORE -- DAY: If evil lurks here... it’s hiding behind a reindeer tea cozy. This place is all Christmas ornaments and dried flowers. Sam and Dean enter. A no-nonsense man, Mr. Siler, 40’s, stands at the counter.

MR. SILER: Help you, boys?

DEAN: Hope so. We were playing Celebrity over at the Walshes the other night, and he hasn’t shut up since about this Christmas wreath they had. (to Sam) What’d you call it?

Sam has no choice but to play along.

SAM: Fabulous?

DEAN: No...

Sam narrows his eyes. Dean’s just screwing with him now...

SAM: (through gritted teeth) ... Yummy?

DEAN: That’s it! (to Mr. Siler) We’ll take the yummy one.

Mr. Siler eyes the boys for a beat.

MR. SILER: ‘Fraid I’m all out. Walshes bought the last one.

DEAN: Man! Hey, you wouldn’t know what those things were made of, would you? Maybe make our own?

MR. SILER: No idea. I just sell ‘em.

SAM: I think it’s Meadowsweet... isn’t it?

MR. SILER: Sure. Whatever you say, Will. (pointed) Or is it Grace?

Sam smiles... but he wants to deck the guy.

SAM: Actually, it’s --- it’s Sam. My brother, Dean...

MR. SILER: (not buying it) Uh huh. Look, you want to be asking Madge Carrigan. She’s the one who brought me the wreaths in the first place.

DEAN: Fantastic. Who’s she?

MR. SILER: Local lady. Said the wreaths were so special she’d give ‘em to me for free.

The boys exchange looks. That odd.

SAM: She didn’t charge you for the wreaths?

MR. SILER: Nope.

DEAN: Did you sell them for free?

MR. SILER: Hell, no. It’s Christmas. People’ll pay a bu++load for this crap.

DEAN: (takes a beat) That’s the spirit.

INT. MOTEL ROOM -- NIGHT. Sam and Dean walk in the door.

DEAN: So, waddya think? Some woman giving away thousand dollar wreaths for free?

SAM: I think it’s suspicious, that’s what I think.

As Sam moves past him to sit at the laptop, Dean decides to make another go. He puts on a smile.

DEAN: Hey, remember that Christmas when Dad brought home that dumpy-a$$ed tree he stole from the liquor store? He bought three ham dinners from Boston Market... remember that?

SAM: Yeah. Ain’t happening.

DEAN: Come on.



Merci beaucoup pr les sides ! Very Happy


Admin Traductrice

En résumé :

Dean veut à tout prix fêter Noel comme lorsqu'ils étaient enfants (avec un sapin), mais Sam semble légèrement rétissant, surtout qu'il n'a pas vraiment le souvenir que leur famille fêtait Noel comme tout le monde.

1991, le soir de Noel :

Dean attend, inquiet, que son père rentre d'une chasse, pendant que Sam emballe ses cadeaux avec du papier journal (c'est drôle, mon frère aussi il m'emballe souvent mes cadeaux de Noel avec du papier journal Laughing ). Dean veut savoir où son frère a le cadeau, et Sam lui répond que c'est Oncle Bobby qui lui a donné. Puis le petit garçon demande quand leur père doit rentrer. Sam veut alors savoir si leur père est un espion et pourquoi ils n'arrêtent pas de déménager, mais Dean refuse de lui dire la vérité. Sam veut alors en savoir plus sur sa mère, ce qui provoque une dispute, et Dean s'en va, laissant Sam tout seul.

Lorsque Dean revient, Sam lui dit qu'il sait pour les monstres. Il a trouvé le journal de leur père et Dean est obligé de lui dire la vérité, tout en ajoutant qu'ils ont le meilleur père du monde, ce dont à l'air de aguement douté Sam, tout en espérant. Sam poursuit son interrogatoire pour savoir si les monstres ont pris leur mère, et face au silence de Dean, il lit ce que son père a écrit, et apprend ainsi la vérité !

Un peu plus tard, Dean reveille Sam. La chambre est complétement décorée. Mais il semble que le Père Noel est pris Sam pour une fille. Sam donne alors le cadeau qu'il avait prévu pour son père à Dean, car son père lui a mentit.
Et le cadeau est :

Dans le présent, les garçons enquêtent sur les Carrigan. Sam soupçonne quelques choses. Dean se fait attraper par le couple qui lui apprend qu'ils sont des dieux païens (là il arrive plein de truc à Dean, dont une séance chez le dentitste que je sens que je vais détester). S'ensuit une bagarre entre les deux chasseurs et le couple.

Clap de fin sur les deux frères dans leur chambre décorée façon Winchester, au grand étonnement de Dean !

Comme d'hab, source : Wink

Dernière édition par le Mar 25 Sep 2007 - 14:14, édité 3 fois

93x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Empty Re: 3x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Mar 25 Sep 2007 - 11:35


Hook man

merci gibi il va etre net cet épisode !Smile

103x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Empty Re: 3x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Mar 25 Sep 2007 - 12:55


Admin Traductrice

Rectifiation, Sam aussi est prisonnier du couple. Et les deux frères se font torturer.

113x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Empty Re: 3x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Mar 25 Sep 2007 - 13:51



merci pour les sides et les résumés !

123x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Empty Re: 3x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Mar 25 Sep 2007 - 13:54



le voilà l'épisode sur Noël et l'enfance des Winchesters boys !!!!

133x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Empty Re: 3x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Mar 25 Sep 2007 - 14:09

dean le tombeur

John Winchester

trop merci les filles ^^

je sens qu'il va être super interessant (comme tous les autres épsiodes ^^ ) on va enfin savoir quelques trucs sur leur enfance

143x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Empty Re: 3x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Mar 25 Sep 2007 - 14:14

dean le tombeur

John Winchester

Gibi a écrit:La traduction :

Sam semble ne pas aimer Noel, ou du moins ne pas vraiment tenir à célébrer Noel. (Une histoire de tentative d'arrachage de dents pour Dean mais je n'arrive pas à traduire exactement). Sam et Dean chantent un chant de Noel, "Silent Night" mais ils ne connaissent pas les paroles et chantent mal.

Dans le présent : ils chassent un anti-Père Noel, et ils pensent savoir qui c'est, ils se rendent donc chez lui, mais une fois sur place ils se rendent compte qu'ils se sont trompés. Le type est affolé en les voyant, et Dean commence à chanter et entraîne Sam pour que l'homme les prennent pour des chanteurs de Noel.

Les dieux païens, Madge et Edward tentent d'arracher les dents de Dean enfant.

ils chantent ^^ je veux entendre cela !

153x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Empty Re: 3x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Mar 25 Sep 2007 - 14:21



on va bien marrer !!!

voilà l'histoire de l'amulette !

163x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Empty Re: 3x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Mar 25 Sep 2007 - 14:22

dean le tombeur

John Winchester

donc c'est Sam qui lui en fait cadeau !!!!

173x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Empty Re: 3x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Mar 25 Sep 2007 - 14:24



A vrai dire j'ai pas tout lu à cause du manque de temps !!! Mais comment sam a pu l'avoir ?????

183x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Empty Re: 3x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Mar 25 Sep 2007 - 14:25

dean le tombeur

John Winchester

bonne question !!! C'est Bobby qui lui a donné il dit même oncle bobby ^^ Wink Cool

193x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Empty Re: 3x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Mar 25 Sep 2007 - 14:26



merci dean !!!!!

C'est pas parcequ'il a dit oncle que c'est vraiment son oncle !

203x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Empty Re: 3x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Mar 25 Sep 2007 - 14:26


Admin Traductrice

Charline a écrit:A vrai dire j'ai pas tout lu à cause du manque de temps !!! Mais comment sam a pu l'avoir ?????

C'est Bobby qui lui a donné Wink

Oups, on c'est croisé. Non, je pense que John a du lui présenté Bobby comme un oncle. Mais je ne pense pas qu'il y ait vraiment de liens.

213x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Empty Re: 3x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Mar 25 Sep 2007 - 14:30



perso non plus, c'est un très bon ami chasseur !!!

merci à vous deux !!! j'y vais ca me donne super envie de le voir celui-là, bah il va falloir attendre, il y en a 7 avant Razz

223x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Empty Re: 3x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Mar 25 Sep 2007 - 15:41




Dean is excited to celebrate Christmas, get a tree and presents like when he was little as he says to Sam who disagrees.
In a flashback, we go back to 1991 - Christmas eve - Broken Bow, Nebraska.
8 years old Sam wraps a present with a newspaper. He says to young Dean that it"s a present for dad that uncle Bobby gave him. Sam waits for him but he"s not coming. Dean tells him that dad is busy selling stuff. Sam asks him if he"s a spy and Dean says he"s James Bond. Sam keep insting about mom and Dean is irritated.
Later, Sammy watches cartoons and Dean arrives with a bag of food. Sam cries because Dean keeps a gun under his pillow. But Sam finds dad"s journal and asks Dean if the monsters are real. Dean tells him that dad is a superhero and monsters are real. Sam asks if Santa is real and Dean says "no". Sam read how "they" took mom and worries.
Sam lies in his bed, crying and Dean promises him that everything will be ok, sobbing quietly.
Later, Dean wakes him up that dad brought them a Christmas tree and presents. Sam"s present was a Malibu Barbie and Dean mocks him that he"s a girl. Sam suspects that Dean brought all these and Dean admits that he stole them from a chick"s house.
Dean opens the present that Sam gave him. It"s an amulet necklace. Dean loves it.
That was the present for dad.
In Madge"s sides, we see her at her 40"s and Sam and Dean goes to her house. Dean smiles and asks her if she"s the one who makes the Meadowsweet wreaths. She says yes and the boys wanted to buy one. The house is an old style just like her and her husband and the radio plays Bing Crosby. The boys feel weird from a smell and they woke up, staring at the sweets in the table, they see a small pagan altar. Her husband Edward and she tells that they are hunters and Dean says that they are pagan gods. The couple says that people used to worship them but now they keep low profile. She takes the knife from her husband and grabs Dean"s arm. She takes blood as Edward did the same with Sam. Dean says that he swears to his god that if he fudging touch him again, he will fudging kill her. Edward tortures Sam"s fingernails. The boys look at each other both hurt.
Madge pins Dean"s head and sticks pliers into his mouth when suddenly the couple is freezing, looking at the front door. The boys try to escape and there"s a fight between Dean and Edward. Dean kills him with a branch from the Christmas tree. Sam kills Madge with a branch in her heart.
Bruised, bloody, panting, the boys stare at the dead gods.

233x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Empty Re: 3x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Mar 25 Sep 2007 - 16:05



cet épisode va etre genial . On va revoir jensen chanter un delice . Cet episode va etre diffusé avant le hiatus de noel ?
ON voit que dean a toujours tout fait pour que sam soit comme els autres , fetant noel , se forçant meme souvent par moment .Dean devait aimer noel mai s il a du toujours en faire plus pour sam . On voit bien que dean a été vraiment un pere pour sam en toute circonstante .
Dean a toujours su pour els monstres et s amere puisqu'il etait l'ainé et que son pere avait besoin de lui , qu'il avait tout vu pour l'incendie . Sammy n'etait qu'un bébé . Mais meme petit entre 5 et 8 ans sam a bien du comprendre que la situation n'etait aps normale son pere n'etant jamais la , dean s'occupant toujours d elui . en fait dean lui a tout apppris .
Je comprends que sam en veuille a son pere petit . Ca a du bouleversé dean que sam lui offre le cadeau d enoel de son pere .

et pour la question du dentiste c'est dans le passé ou le présent ? Nos boys vont se faire torturer . Et eric montre nous le torse de dean encore !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Et ne touchez pas aux dents de dean elles sont parfaites comme le reste .

Et je pense que dean va s'en donner à coeur joie de feter noel au temps present surtout avec le deal il veut profiter au maximum , peut etre que bobby sera la .Je vois bien dean en pere noel offrant ses cadeaux a son sammy .

Charline pourquoi parles tu du medaillon ? Tu penses que c'est le cadeau que sam offre a dean a noel quand ils sont petits ?


243x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Empty Re: 3x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Mar 25 Sep 2007 - 19:59



il a l'air génial cet épisode (enfin comme d'habitude!^^) J'ai hate de voir les deux chanter, ça va être a mourire de rire c'est certain!

Contente aussi de savoir d'ou provient l'amulette Very Happy
Merçi pour toute ces infos!

253x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Empty Re: 3x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Mar 25 Sep 2007 - 21:26

| Wendigo |

| Wendigo |

Géantissime cet épisode !!!!!!!

On va avoir du Noel dans supernatural !

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