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3x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas

Miss padalecki
princess lyly
Supernatural Girl
| Wendigo |
dean le tombeur
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513x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas - Page 3 Empty Re: 3x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Jeu 27 Sep 2007 - 10:24



yahoo je crois que je vais adorée cet épisode.

523x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas - Page 3 Empty Re: 3x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Jeu 27 Sep 2007 - 16:38



A Very Supernatural X-Mas

Random Scene:

Sam and Dean are talking, and Dean states that it’s a Christmas miracle, he pauses, then goes on to say that since they are on the topic he’s been thinking that they should do it right this year. Sam asks what ‘it’ is, and Dean replies simply that ‘it’ means Christmas.

Sam ponders the notion for a bit, clearly he can’t imagine anything worse and tells Dean he doesn’t think so. Dean rambles on saying it could be awesome. They could get a tree—some Boston Market (amen, brother), presents—just like when they were little.

Little brother shoots back that those childhood memories aren’t really Hallmark quality for him and when Dean still persists, Sam bluntly tells him no thanks. There’s a beat, then Dean calls Sammy a grinch.

As they walk, Sam fixes his gaze on a plastic reindeer—as they move past it, the camera pushes in on the reindeer.

Int. Motel Room—Christmas Eve—1991--**Flashback**

They are in Broken Bow, Nebraska stuck in a motel room. A cartoon reindeer is dancing in the snow on TV, Little Dean, twelve, is anxiously looking out the motel room window. Behind him, Little Sam, eight, is eagerly and messily wrapping an unseen present with newspaper.

Dean asks what the present is, and Sam replies that it’s for Dad. Dean scoffs a yeah, right, and asks where Sam got the money, or did he steal it. Sam tells him no and informs Dean that Uncle Bobby *awww—sorry, I love that* and that he said it was really special.

Dean asks again what is he wrapping and Sam deadpans that it’s a pony---and none of Dean’s business. Dean shrugs him off, picks up a classic car magazine and starts turning through the pages.

There’s a little bit of silence that is soon interrupted by Sam asking if Dad’s gonna be there. And Dean tersely tells Sam to quite asking because yes, Dad will be there. Sam responds that its Christmas and where is Dad anyways. Dean tells him Dad is on business and when Sam asks what kind of business, Dean answers that Sam knows that already—Dad sells stuff.

Sam presses, asking what kind of stuff, and Dean clearly annoyed tells him that he’s reading. Sam pouts that no one ever tells him anything and Dean suggests he quit asking then. There’s a moment pause while Sam picks at the wrapping of his father’s present and then asks his brother if their father is a spy.

Dean answers yes, Dad is James Bond. Sam tells him to shut up, and Dean snaps back for Sam to shut up. Sam then proceeds not to shut up lol, but ask his brother why they move around so much. Big brother replies that everywhere they move people get sick of Sam’s face.

Sam informs his brother that he is old enough that Dean can tell him the truth. Dean tells him to believe him when he says Sam doesn’t want to know the truth. There’s a long pause as little Sam carefully chooses his next words.

The younger brother asks if that’s why they don’t ever talk about mom. Dean orders Sam to shut up, and tells Sam not to ever talk about mom—ever, before grabbing his jacket and heading for the door. Sam tells his brother to wait, and asks where he’s going.

Dean tells him plain and simply—out. Sam asks what about Christmas and Dean tells Sam about that—little brother can eat him. Dean leaves, slamming the door shut behind him. Sam sits on the bed, alone, wondering what just happened.

Ext. Santa’s Village—Day—Present Day

We get a close on Sam—still in thought, and Dean takes in the brown, muddy surroundings. Dean states that for the ten bucks it cost them to get in there you’d think Santa could conjure up a little snow. Its enough to snap Sam out it, and he asks Dean to repeat himself.

Dean tells him nevermind and asks what exactly they are looking for. Sam informs his brother that lore states the Anti-Clause walks with a limp and smells like sweets. Dean states that they chasing a pimp Santa and asks why sweets. Sam explains that if he smells like candy, the kids come close. Dean gives his brother a long, kind of emotional look—Sam doesn’t have anything else to say.—close on Sam again.

Int. Motel Room—Christmas Eve—1991—**Flashback**

Young Sam is watching TV as Dean enters with a bag of food. Sam says that he thought Dean was going out, and Dean tosses him some Beef Jerky. Dean states that somebody has to make Sam dinner, tosses Sam some FunYuns and tells him not to forget his vegetables.

Sam leaves the food untouched, but Dean tears into his own. Sam states that he knows why Dean keeps a gun under his pillow. Dean shoots back that no he doesn’t, and issues a warning for little brother to stay out of his stuff. Sam goes on to say that he knows why they lay salt down everywhere they go.

Dean argues that he doesn’t so just shut up. Sam pulls something out behind his back, dropping it on the bed between them—its their father’s journal. Dean demands to know where Sam got that from, telling his little brother that Dad is gonna kick Sam’s ass for reading that.

Sam, however, doesn’t flinch, he merely asks Dean if monsters are real. Dean tells his brother that he’s crazy and Sam demands for his brother to just tell him the truth. There’s a long moment—the jig is up and Dean tells Sam that if he ever tells Dad that big brother told him the truth—Dean’s gonna end little bro for good.

Sam promises to keep quiet, and Dean begins to tell Sam that the first thing he has to know is that they have the coolest dad in the world—he’s a superhero. Sam blinks, hovering between suspicion and hopefully asks if he really is.

Dean says yes and that monsters are real and their dad fights them. In fact, he’s fighting them right now. Sam argues that Dad told him monsters under his bed weren’t real, and Dean returns by telling his brother that Dad had already checked under there—so yeah, everything Sam thought couldn’t be real---well, its real.

Sam takes a second to digest the info then asks rather pointedly if Santa is real. Dean simply replies no, and Sam goes quiet again, processing everything his brother has told him. He’s scared out his mind and tells his brother that if monsters are real they can get to us—they can get him.

Dean quickly interjects that’s not going to happen because Dad’s not going to let it, and Sam asks what if the monsters get to Dad. Dean tells Sam that’s their Dad is the best—nothing is going to get their Dad. Sam counters his statement by revealing that in Dad’s book it says they got Mom.

Dean’s clearly floored for a second and tells his brother that its complicated. Sam continues to press anyways, going on to say that if they got Mom, then those things can get their Dad and if they can get Dad, then they can get them.

Dean tries to calm his brother and states that its not like that at all—Dad’s fine—they are fine…and tells Sam to trust him. It’s too late though, Sam’s mind is already reeling with all the horrible things that could happen to their Dad and them…his eyes well up with tears and he turns away to hide it from Dean.

Dean asks if Sam is okay and little brother replies quite inconvincibly that he is. Dean questions if Sam really knows that Dad is okay, and that he’s going to bring them Christmas just like he always does.

Sam gives a uh huh in response and tells his brother that he just wants to go to sleep. Sam lays his head on his pillow, turning away from Dean, tears streaming down his cheeks. Dean feels awful for the terrible weight he’s unloaded on his brother and softly comforts Sam by telling him that it’ll be all better when he wakes up—he’ll see.

533x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas - Page 3 Empty Re: 3x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Jeu 27 Sep 2007 - 16:38



Int. Motel Room—Christmas Eve—1991--**Flashback**

We get a close on young Sam as he sleeps, a hand touches his shoulder to wake him up its Dean and he’s quite excited to wake Sam up. Sam just rolls over sleepily, and suddenly his eyes pop open and he bolts from the bed. The room is completely decked out for Christmas—theres a tree, lights, and presents.

Dean exclaims that Dad was here and look at all the stuff he brought. Sam asks again if Dad was there and Dean says yeah, and look at everything they got! They made a killing. Sam asks why Dad didn’t wake him up and Dean tells him that Dad tried like a thousand times, didn’t he tell Sam that Dad would give them a Christmas or what?

With all the presents, Sam can’t really argue and Dean tells him to dive in. Sam goes for the pile, greedily unwrapping a present only to stare at it in confusion. Dean asks what it is and Sam says it’s a Malibu Barbie.

Dean shrugs, and tells Sam that Dad probably thinks he’s a girl. Sam tells him to shut up and Dean tells him to open another one. Sam opens it, only to find a twirling baton complete with colored tassels. He’s beginning to catch onto whats up and knowingly asks Dean that Dad never showed up.

Dean swears again that he did, and Sam just goes on to ask where Dean got all this stuff. After everything, its hard to keep up the lie and Dean reveals that he snagged it from the nice house up the block, but he swears he didn’t know they were chick presents. Sam nods and looks at the baton.

Dean says that he’s sure their Dad would be here if he could and Sam points out –if he’s alive. Dean tells Sam not to say stuff like that and Dad’s alive ‘cause well he’s Dad. Sam thanks Dean for trying and Dean nods a welcome.

Young Sam gets an idea, a life changing relationship altering idea as the sides say lol. He goes get the present he wrapped for Dad and hands it to Dean. He tells Dean to take it and Dean tells him no, because its for Dad.

Sam tells Dean that Dad lied to him, and he wants Dean to have it. Dean asks if his brother is sure, and Sam says that yeah, he’s sure. Dean opens the present, it’s the amulet necklace—he thanks Sam, stating that he loves it.

Dean fastens the necklace around his neck.

Ext. Carrigan House—Day—Present

It’s the most picturesque tiny house you could ever imagine, complete with motorized Santa Clause on the front lawn that waves blankly at the passers-by and a hand painted sign with the family name on the mailbox. Sam and Dean walk up to the front door and Dean asks if this is where Mrs. Wreath lives also making the rhetorical inquiry as to whether Sam can just feel that evil Pagan vibe.

Sam knocks on the front door, and after a moment a forty year old woman, donned in a sweater set and pearls answers the door. Its Madge Carrigan and she comes across as evil as glass of milk, minus the creepy smile that’s massively huge and always plastered on her face.

Dean flashes her a big smile and asks if she’s the Madge Carrigan that makes the Meadowsweet wreaths. Madge says that yeah, that’s her and Dean shoots Sam a cocky look, muttering bingo. Sam steps in and tells Madge that they were just admiring her wreaths in Mr. Siler’s place the other day.

While Sam’s talking, Dean’s peering over Madge’s shoulder into the living room, and he staring straight at the totally over sweet holiday craziness—hummel figurines, boughs of holly, sugar cookies—the works. Madge replies that the Meadowsweet is the finest smelling thing ever. Sam agrees with her and tells her that unfortunately, all the wreaths sold out before he got a chance to buy one.

Madge gives a ‘fudge’ of disappointment and Dean asks her if maybe she had another one around that she could sell. Madge tells him that those were the only ones she made this season and Dean inquires as to why she decided to use Meadowsweet in the wreaths.

Madge replies that it’s the smell of course. She doesn’t think she’s ever smelled anything finer. Sam looks to Dean, cause that’s kind of a Stepford moment on replay, and mutters that yeah, Madge mentioned that.

A voice from inside calls out asking what’s going on. It’s Edward Carrigan, who soon appears at his wife’s side, he’s wearing a cardigan sweater, wood pipe in hand. Again, he looks all kind of Cleaver, but that unnatural smile is plastered on his face as well.

Madge tells her husband that its just some nice boys asking about her wreaths. Edward replies that the wreaths are fine, very fine wreaths, and then brings out a tin full of Christmas candy. He asks the boys if they want some peanut brittle, and Sam and Dean stand their exchanging weirded out looks.

Sam tells the man that they are good, and Edward gives a Merry Christmas in return, which Sam echoes.

Int. Motel Room—Day

Dean’s sitting on his bed, sharpening a pile of evergreen stakes with his hunting knife. Sam’s typing away at the laptop, only to break their workful silence by telling Dean he knew something was way off with the Carrigans. Dean asks what Sam found out and little brother tells him that the Carrigans lived in Seattle last year where two abductions took place around Christmas time. Also, the couple moved into town in January and all the Christmas stuff at their house wasn’t boughs of holly---it was Vervain and Mint.

Dean instantly recognizes the names as Pagan stuff and Sam chimes in that its serious Pagan stuff to boot. Dean half-jokes that Ozzy and Harriet are keeping the Pagan god under the plastic covered couch and Sam states that all he knows is they have to really start checking the couple out, then double checks his facts with Dean over Bobby’s advice to use Evergreen stakes to kill the thing.

Int. Carrigan House—Kitchen—Night

Sam and Dean stir awake to the tune of Bing Crosby on the radio. They are bound to chairs at the farm table of the Carrigan’s. The table is decorated with a mash of pagan ritual objects, along side numerous Christmas goodies. Pagan alter meets religious holiday….nice.

Angry whispers can be heard from the other room as Dean raises his head. Sam asks if his brother is okay, and Dean states that he thinks he is. Sam shoots back that he guesses it must be Mr and Mrs God, and ain’t that good to know.

The whispers stop and footsteps approach, until suddenly Madge and Edward are looming over the boys. Madge has on her pearls and blinking Rudolf pin while Edward is sporting his snowflake sweater and smoking his beloved pipe, both have on their strained smiles.

Madge quips that she thought the lazy boys were going to sleep through the fun stuff, and Dean replies that they are partiers and wouldn’t miss all this. Edward shoots back that the boys are hunters to which Dean states that Edward is a pagan god, so its kind of a draw and they should just go their separate ways.

Edward says he doesn’t think so, they’d just bring back more hunters to kill them. Sam points out that Edward really should’ve thought about that before they went snacking on people to which Edward snaps that its his right.

Madge chimes in to inform the boys that they used to take in hundreds of tributes a year and now they only get two. Edward states that ‘hardy boys’ makes four and Madge repeats that really isn’t so bad. Dean tells them that if they insist on putting it that way—then the Carrigans are the Cunninghams.

Edward picks up a knife, tilting it toward Dean and tells the young man that he should show some respect. Sam taunts that all Edward could do was eat ‘em, and the Pagan god tells Sam not so fast, because there are rituals to be followed first.

Edward takes the knife and carves a line across Sam’s arm, catching the blood in a wooden bowl as Sam shouts out in pain. Dean yells his brother’s name, and calls Edward a sonofabitch commanding him to leave Sammy alone. Edward is not amused and asks his wife is she hears how these humans speak to them…to gods.

He turns to Dean and tells the hunter that they used to be worshipped by millions to which Dean replies that times change and calls the god a has been. Edward admits Dean is right about that, because all of a sudden they became monsters and altars were burned and they became the hunted by people like the Winchesters.

Madge interjects that they never once complained. They assimilated, kept a low profile—got some bills, a mortgage, learned to play bridge. She takes the knife from her husband, cheerily stating that now, they are just like everybody else.

Madge grabs Dean’s arm, telling him that it might pinch a bit, before carving into Dean’s arm with the knife and catching the dripping blood into the same wooden bowl. Dean calls her a bitch and Madge tells him he owes a nickel to the swear jar because of it. She leans in close to Dean’s ear, like a mom offering a kid advice as she tells him that when she feels like swearing she chooses to say Fudge. Dean snipes that he’s gonna try to remember that.

Edward pulls a pair of nasty looking pliers from his pocket and states that the boys have no idea how lucky they are. Back in the day kids would line up to be sitting where they are now. He inspects Sam’s fingers one by one while Sam eyes those pliers and asks what exactly is good old Pagan Ed going to do with those.

Dean would probably chew Edward out, if it weren’t for Madge taking hold of his other arm. Dean threatens her saying he swears to ‘his’ god that if she fudging touches him again he will fudging kill her dead. Madge gives him a praise for not out right cussing---right before she digs the knife deep into Dean’s other arm.

Big brother rips out a scream, riveling Sam’s own as Edward rips off one of his fingernails with a savage pull.

Edward studies the fingernail appreciatively before dumping it into the bowl. Madge asks what else they need and Edward reiterates the list…fingernails, blood….then can’t believe they forgot about the tooth.

Sam and Dean look at each other like are you F-ing kidding me here? And Madge takes the pliers, and narrows her eyes at Dean. Big brother turns to Sam and damn they are both in pain—bad. Dean grimly asks his bro if he’s having a good Christmas.

Sam weakly shrugs as Madge pins Dean’s head down, and sticks the pliers in his mouth, clamping down on a molar when…the doorbell rings *and can I just say thank the saints, because really just the idea of them messing up that gorgeous smile is WRONG! You hear me Kripke! WRONG! Okays I digress….*

Madge and Edward freeze at the sound and Dean looks wildly at the front door, asking with a mouth full of pliers if somebody is gonna get that. The Carrigans exchange glances—the person will go away but the doorbell rings again.

543x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas - Page 3 Empty Re: 3x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Jeu 27 Sep 2007 - 16:39



Int./Ext. Carrigan House—Moments Later

The front door swings open and the Carrigans are standing there, all sweet holiday cheer as their neighbor Molly Johnson, clad in reindeer sweater and holding a fruit cake *god where the hell do these people live???* greets them with a merry Christmas.

Edward declares that he thought he smelled fruitcake and Madge exclaims that Molly really shouldn’t have. Molly tells her to bite her tongue, it’s a total pleasure and Edward gleefully states that it looks sca-rumptious. *Excuse me while I go hurl….*

Molly tells the couple that her husband and herself were getting ready to go caroling—and asks if the Carrigans would like to join them. Madge tells her that Molly just knows that they would. Edward interrupts saying that his back has been acting up and Molly juts out her lower lip like she feels his pain.

She tells Edward that’s a shame and then Merry Christmas. Madge returns the sentiment. Molly Johnson walks away and asks if she’ll see them tomorrow for bridge and Edward states they’ll have bells on.

The Carrigans shut the door, and alone in their living room, the smiles disappear. The fruitcake is unceremoniously dropped onto a side table with a thunk as they return to the kitchen.

Int. Carrigan House---Kitchen—Continuous

The Carrigans enter—but Sam and Dean are gone! All that remains is the Christmas goodies, a tangle of rope, and the pliers resting on the top of the rope pile.

Int. Carrigan House---Living Room—Night

Sam and Dean are frantic as they barricade the door to the kitchen, seconds before the Carrigans slam against it from the other side—the door holds, but barely.

Dean asks Sam what are they going to do, and Sam states that they need evergreen. Dean points out that the stakes are in the basement. Sam looks around the room, searching for anything that could be useful, soon declaring he thinks he’s found something.

Dean follows his brother’s look at the Christmas tree—of course. They slide a dresser in front of the pounding kitchen door and rush to the decorated tree, and feverishly rip off the branches. The kitchen door strains against the hinges as the boys continue to work.

Now armed with half ornamented crude branches, Sam and Dean turn back to the kitchen door, ready for the onslaught. The door continues to pound then suddenly, the noise stops.

The boys exchange a look for a beat, when Edward charges through the door behind the boys, decks Dean to the floor and the branch slides out of Dean’s reach.

Madge is all kinds of pissed—she loved that tree. She lunges, but Sam suddenly twists and swings the heavy branch at her knees. She tumbles to the floor and Sam’s on top of her—lucky lucky bitch---she grasps for his throat but he’s already swinging his branch for the kill—right into her heart, and yeah, she dies.

Edward screams out to his wife, he’s on top of Dean but his outburst gives Dean the distraction he needs and Dean reaches for the branch, gets it and swings it across Edwards face like a bat.

Edward reels back, and Dean’s over his in a heartbeat, shoving the branch into Edward’s chest. The branch juts out of Edward’s corpse, a single ornament hanging from the tip jingling slightly.

The boys are victorious---but bruised, bloody, and panting—as they start down at the dead gods.

Int. Motel Room—Night—Present

Close up shot of Dean’s amulet necklace as he swings open the door to the motel room, carrying a case of beer. He stops, surprised because the room has been magically transformed Winchester style into a slice of Christmas. A wobbly tree stands in the corner, strings with microwave popcorn garland and twinkle lights are hung from it, and air freshener ornaments.

Sam shakes a plastic container of eggnog, and Dean is amazed---Sam asks him if he got the beer and Dean asks what all this is. Sam asks what does Dean think it is---it’s Christmas.

553x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas - Page 3 Empty Re: 3x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Jeu 27 Sep 2007 - 16:52




563x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas - Page 3 Empty Re: 3x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Jeu 27 Sep 2007 - 19:38


Hook man

merci beaucoup !

573x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas - Page 3 Empty Re: 3x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Sam 29 Sep 2007 - 16:20


Chasseurs de monstres

et bien enfin on en sait un peu plus sur leurs enfances et notament comment sam a tout découvert, cette épisode est vraiment riche en révélation sur leurs passé qui influent directement sur ce qu'ils sont maintenant.

J'ai vraiment hâte de le découvrir


Admin Traductrice

J'ai modifié le titre, car l'épisode s'intitule désormais : "A Very Supernatural Christmas".

593x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas - Page 3 Empty Re: 3x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Mer 3 Oct 2007 - 10:47

dean le tombeur

John Winchester

merci gibi !!!

603x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas - Page 3 Empty Re: 3x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Mer 3 Oct 2007 - 15:50



merçi gibi!
j'aime bien le titre^^

613x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas - Page 3 Empty Re: 3x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Mer 3 Oct 2007 - 17:57



merci gibi, je trouve qu'il sonne mieux

623x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas - Page 3 Empty Re: 3x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Jeu 4 Oct 2007 - 13:19


Hook man

Cet épisode à l'air cool , j'ai hate de voir les flashbacks de quand ils sont enfants. Quand au chant de noel, je sens qu'on va se marrer.

633x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas - Page 3 Empty Re: 3x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Jeu 4 Oct 2007 - 14:57


Admin Traductrice

cw83 a écrit:merci gibi, je trouve qu'il sonne mieux

Voui, c'est pour ça qu'Eric l'a gardé... il a adoré mon idée lors de notre dernier repas icon-27

J'y suis pour rien moi dans le titre des épisodes !

643x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas - Page 3 Empty Re: 3x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Jeu 4 Oct 2007 - 21:21



3x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas - Page 3 Mdr Gibi !

Si seulement ... ^^

653x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas - Page 3 Empty Re: 3x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Jeu 4 Oct 2007 - 21:54

| Wendigo |

| Wendigo |

3x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas - Page 3 362807

comme dit miss502, si seulement ...

663x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas - Page 3 Empty Re: 3x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Mar 9 Oct 2007 - 21:51

dean le tombeur

John Winchester

trouvez sur spoilerfix

3x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas - Page 3 New 10/09 - Dean tries to convince Sam to get a tree, presents and a special dinner to celebrate Christmas right, like they did when they were kids. We see flashbacks of a young Sam and Dean in Nebraska on Christmas Eve in 1991. Sam begs Dean to tell him why they move so much and what their father does and when Sam brings up their mother, Dean yells and storms out. That is when Sam reads their father's journal for the first time and learns of the monsters he hunts. When their father doesn't show for Chistmas, Sam is convinced the monsters got him and gives Dean the gift he got from Uncle Bobby, the amulet necklace, to give their dad. In the present time, Sam and Dean investigate an evil Pagan couple and end up tied to chairs in the couple's kitchen. The couple tell them they are Pagan gods and that killing and eating the people they do is their right. Source:

la traduc arrive !

673x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas - Page 3 Empty Re: 3x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Mar 9 Oct 2007 - 21:58

dean le tombeur

John Winchester

Dean essaie de convaincre Sam d'acheter un sapin, des cadeaux et un repas spécial pour célébrer noël comme quand ils étaient enfants. On voit des flashbacks Sam et Dean enfants dans le Nebraska la veille de Noël en 1991. Sam supplie Dean de lui dire pourquoi ils déménagent souvent et ce que fait leur père, et lorsque Sam se met à parler de Mary, Dean hurle et s'en va. C'est à ce moment là que Sam lit le journal de leur père pour la première fois et apprend l'existence des monstres qu'il chasse. Lorsque leur père ne revient pas pour Noël, Sam est convaincu que les monstres l'ont tué et donne à Dean le cadeau que lui avait offert l'oncle Bobby, l'amulette, pour la donner à leur papa ( ???). Dans le présent, Sam et Dean enquêtent sur un couple païen et finissent attachés sur des chaises dans leur cuisine du couple. Le couple leur dit qu'ils sont des Dieux païens et que tuer et manger des gens est leur droit (je sais pas si c'est bien francais...)

683x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas - Page 3 Empty Re: 3x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Mar 9 Oct 2007 - 23:22



Merci pour la traduction!

693x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas - Page 3 Empty Re: 3x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Mer 10 Oct 2007 - 9:32



merci pour la traduc. j'ai hâte de voir l'épisode, il va y avoir beaucoup d'émotion à mon avis

703x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas - Page 3 Empty Re: 3x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Mer 10 Oct 2007 - 18:13



merçi pour la traduction! Je suis d'accord avec toi Sand, C'est pas l'émotion qui va manquer!

713x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas - Page 3 Empty Re: 3x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Mer 10 Oct 2007 - 19:59



Je suis d'accord pour l'émotion!de toute façon les flash back ça fait toujours de l'émotion!

723x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas - Page 3 Empty Re: 3x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Jeu 11 Oct 2007 - 0:28


Chasseurs de monstres

oui on en serra plus sur l'enfance des frères et c'est tant mieux

733x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas - Page 3 Empty Re: 3x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Jeu 11 Oct 2007 - 14:06

dean le tombeur

John Winchester

mais de rien !!!!

celui-ci va être riche en émotion ! c'est clair

ce petit résumé nous explique pourquoi Dean a hérité du cadeau

743x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas - Page 3 Empty Re: 3x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Jeu 11 Oct 2007 - 14:09

| Wendigo |

| Wendigo |

c'est un peu décevant cette explication, croyant que son père est mort alors la seule personne qui compte à ses yeux c'est DEan !!!

753x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas - Page 3 Empty Re: 3x08, A Very Supernatural Christmas Jeu 11 Oct 2007 - 14:11

dean le tombeur

John Winchester

j'ai été un peu surpris masi ce n'est qu'un résumé là, il ne faut pas toujours prendre au pied de la lettre. Le contexte joue beaucoup ! je crois qu'on devra attendre l'épisode !

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