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3X12 : Jus In Bello

Jensev La Sadique
dean le tombeur
26 participants

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13X12 : Jus In Bello Empty 3X12 : Jus In Bello Mer 31 Oct 2007 - 1:27



L'épisode 3X12 s'intitule "Jus In Bello" :

C'est l'épisode dans lequel l'agent Hendriksen du FBI apparaîtra. Ce sera sa troisième apparition dans la série. Son but est de capturer les deux frères qu'il croit investis d'une mission destructrice...

Voilà mon compte-rendu d'après les sides que j'ai lus :

S&D vont dans un village retiré, Monument dans le Colorado, pour enquêter sur une activité démoniaque très importante.

Plus tard, ils sont emprisonnés par le shérif local et par l'agent Hendriksen qui est enchanté d'avoir enfin les deux frères derrière des barreaux. Dean est blessé à l'épaule pendant la capture...

Pendant ce temps, la ville est en train d'être envahie par des démons et les habitants sont possédés. Le co-équipier de Hendriksen est tué et Hendriksen en veut beaucoup à S&D car il pense que l'assassinat a été perpétré par des amis des deux frères, venus pour les délivrer. Il ne croit pas à la thèse des démons.

S&D se retrouvent enchaînés l'un à l'autre dans une cellule du poste de police et doivent trouver une solution pour s'échapper et sauver les habitants. Sam parvient à subtiliser à une secrétaire nommée Nancy -une fervente croyante- un petit rosaire dont il va se servir pour bénir l'eau des toilettes.

A l'extérieur du poste, rien ne va plus : les démons ont envahi la ville... S&D pensent que tout le monde a été possédé...

Lorsque le shérif vient pour libérer S&D, les deux frères le croient aussi possédé et refusent de sortir de la cellule ; Hendriksen apparaît alors et assomme le shérif. Durant le processus, S&D réussissent à neutraliser l'agent du FBI ; Sam plonge la tête d'Hendriksen dans les toilettes "bénites" pour l'occasion, et découvre qu'un démon l'a possédé : il l'exorcise.

Après cela, les deux frères sont libérés... Sam, Dean, le shérif, Hendriksen, ainsi que Nancy et un jeune député local se retrouvent dans un huis-clos, barricadés dans le poste de police : ils sont en état de siège. S&D donnent leurs directives et précisent à chacun ce qu'il doit faire pour empêcher les démons de pénétrer ce lieu sauf. Lorsque Dean sort du poste pour chercher des munitions dans le coffre de sa chère Impala, il voit s'approcher un grand nuage noir de démons...

Les démons parviennent alors à pénétrer l'endroit et une bataille générale s'engage contre trente démons ...

Ruby intègre le petit groupe de "résistants" et suggère deux solutions pour sauver les habitants possédés :

La première, c'est de mener un exorcisme général qui tuerait tous les démons sans blesser les corps humains qu'ils ont possédés. Cependant, cette solution la tuerait aussi puisqu'elle est elle-même un démon : celle-ci n'est guère enchantée par cette idée, mais Dean est très emballé par cette perspective de nettoyage général tout en se débarrassant de Ruby par la même occasion (Je le comprends...) ...

La seconde solution, c'est Nancy qui en est la clé car elle est vierge (ce qui subjugue Dean qui pensait jusque-là que plus personne, dans ce monde corrompu dans lequel il évolue, n'était encore pourvu de sa vertu et d'une certaine pureté originelle) : selon Ruby, Nancy doit offrir son coeur pur et vierge afin de libérer les habitants des démons qui les possèdent.

Bien sûr, Dean et Hendriksen sont outragés par cette solution et refusent catégoriquement que Nancy se sacrifie : pour eux, ça serait purement et simplement un meurtre.

Nancy accepte malgré elle car elle veut sauver ses amis ; elle veut s'offrir en sacrifice...

Au milieu de ces avis divergents, Sam semble hésiter : je pense qu'il ne veut pas de la première solution car elle tuerait Ruby qui est la seule à pouvoir sauver Dean d'après ce qu'elle ne cesse d'avancer. Sam ne veut pas prendre le risque de perdre la seule chance qu'il croit avoir de sauver Dean...

Dean est surpris par l'hésitation de son frère et le prend à part pour en discuter.

Fin de mon résumé... Quel suspence !

Dernière édition par le Mer 31 Oct 2007 - 12:24, édité 3 fois

23X12 : Jus In Bello Empty Re: 3X12 : Jus In Bello Mer 31 Oct 2007 - 2:34



A propos du titre :

Il s'agit d'une expression latine qui signifie "Justice en période de guerre". Elle est utilisée aujourd'hui dans le domaine des droits de l'homme, notamment en période de guerre : c'est une loi faisant partie du droit humanitaire international et qui stipule que toute dignité humaine doit être protégée durant des hostilités et des conflits.

Il est clair que ce prochain épisode aura pour thème le traitement et la considération de la dignité humaine individuelle dans un conflit impliquant toute une population : peut-on sacrifier un individu pour sauver la "masse" ?

33X12 : Jus In Bello Empty Re: 3X12 : Jus In Bello Mer 31 Oct 2007 - 2:46



Voici les sides :

Act One


Agent Henriksen bursts through the doors. He's met by SHERRIF TODD (40s, capable) and DEPUTY AMICI (20s, untested.)

SHERIFF DODD: So'd you get 'em?

Henriksen nods, all business. He SCANS the station: a COUNTER, behind which sits secretary NANCY, (20, wholesome, modest, cute). Her Desk is decorated with RELIGIOUS HUMMEL-TYPE FIGURINES. Behind Nancy, the BULLPEN. Several desks, all empty.

Henriksen walks through. Not happy with what he sees.

HENRIKSEN: Where is everyone? I asked for all your men.

SHERIFF DODD: And you got 'em. They came with you on the raid.

HENRIKSEN: ("You're kidding me?") That's it? Six men?

SHERIFF DODD: (Tightly) Everyone I could drum up in an hour's notice. We're a small town, Agent Henriksen.

Henriksen shakes his head, dissatisfied. They walk down the hall, past a sign pointing to the HOLDING CELL AREA.


A couple of cells enclosed by BARS. Each with a COT and TOLIET. There's one DRUNK GUY in custody, sleeping it off.

Henriksen narrows his eyes on the drunk guy.

HENRIKSEN: What's he in for?

DEPUTY AMICI: Drunk and disorderly.

HENRIKSEN: (Holding out his hand) Keys.

Amici holds the keys. Throws a questioning look at DODD.


SHERIFF DODD: Agent-- What are you doing--

Henriksen is through with asking. He takes the keys out of Amici's hand.
Henriksen unlocks the cell, marches over to the Drunk, and YANKS him up by the arm.

HENRIKSEN: It's your lucky night. You're free to go.

Drunk gives Henriksen a look, like "for real?"

SHERIFF DODD: What the hell are you doing?

HENRIKSEN: (To the drunk) Go.

Drunk doesn't need to be told twice. He walks away.

SHERIFF DODD: Agent Henriksen--you can't just release prisoners--

Henrikson ignores him; spins on his heel and marches back to--

Sheriff Dodd trails behind Henriksen.

SHERIFF DODD: Agent Henriksen--

Henriksen spins to face Dodd. Patience Lost.

HENRIKSEN: Look, I get it. You're Mayberry P.D. You don't know how to handle something like this.

SHERIFF DODD: Excuse me--

HENRIKSEN: And this isn't how I'd do it if I had my choice, but a tip's a tip, we had to move fast.

SHERIFF DODD: Look, Agent, this ain't my first rodeo.

HENRIKSEN: You've never been to a Rodeo like this. Do you have any idea who we're about to bring in here?

SHERIFF DODD: Yeah, couplea of fugitives.

HENRIKSEN: The most dangerous criminals you've ever laid eyeballs on. Think Hannibal Lector and his brainwashed, half wit-little brother.

Sheriff Dodd stares at Henriksen, sobered.

HENRIKSEN: You know what these guys do for kicks? Dig up graves and mutilate the corpses. They're not just killers, Sheriff, they're Satan worshipping nutbag killers.

NANCY, at her desk. Overhearing. Uneasy

HENRIKSEN: (Friendly, Condesending) So work with me here, and I'll get 'em out of your hair and off to superman, and you'll be home in time to catch Jimmy Kimmel.

SHERIFF DODD: (Stony) However we can help.

HENRIKSEN: Those me of yours-- post two at every door.

SHERIFF DODD: ("Fine, you dick") Yes, sir.

Henriksen takes one last look around. Sighs.

HENRIKSEN: Guess we're ready as we're gonna be.

He picks up his walkie talkie.


AGENT REIDY (O.S.): (Through Walkie Talkie) Right here.


A Police Van is parked at the entrance. Two Cops (from the raid) posted at the Station's Entrance. Reidy stands at the van, talking on his walkie. Two more armed cops flank the van doors.

HENRIKSEN (O.S): (Through Walkie) Bring 'em in.

Agent Reidy opens the van doors, Revealing Sam and Dean. SHACKLED TOGETHER AT THE HANDS AND FEET.

AGENT REIDY: Nice and Easy.

Under the careful watch of the cops, Reidy leads the boys out of the van and into the building.

Sheriff Dodd, Amici, and Henriksen stand waiting as Sam and Dean are led inside.

On their stony faces as they stare at the Satanic Killers.
On Dean. He gives them a big fat grin.

DEAN: Why the sour pusses, guys?

Unsurprisingly, no one dignifies that with a response

43X12 : Jus In Bello Empty Re: 3X12 : Jus In Bello Mer 31 Oct 2007 - 2:51





Sheriff Dodd loads a shotgun. Nancy Frantically works the phones. Amici paces, near panic. It's CHAOS--everyone FREAKED by what they just heard. Only Henriksen remains silent.

SHERIFF DODD: My men--Agent Henriksen--

DEPUTY AMICI: What the hell's happening out there?!

We begin a slow push in on Henriksen's Face.

NANCY: I can't get a line, phones are out--

SHERIFF DODD: Six of my men--

NANCY: --and the internet--my cell--it's all dead! How can they be dead?!


The backup generator kicks in. Harsh emergency lights BLINK TO LIFE.

NANCY: Oh my God. Oh my God--

DEPUTY AMICI: We gotta get outta here!

Suddenly, Henriksen barks--

They do.

ON HENRIKSEN. For a second, we see the rage and grief. Then he gets a tight lid on it. He's tough and this is a crisis.

HENRIKSEN: No one's going anywhere.

SHERIFF DODD: That's your partner out there!

HENRIKSEN: I know. (Then) We go outside, we're asking to die too. Don't you get it?


HENRIKSEN: They're out there, and they're coming for us. This is a siege.

Everyone reacts. Holy crap.

HENRIKSEN: So it might be a good time to lock the doors and windows, take a breath, maybe deal with this like trained professionals with some sense in their heads. (To Nancy, gentle) You okay?

Nancy shakes her head no. Henriksen is sympathetic.

HENRIKSEN: I wouldn't think so. But I'll get you through this. You have my word. Got that? (Nancy nods) I'm gonna find out who's out there.


Sam's managed to rip off his T-shirt (don't get excited, it's one of his layers.) He holds it to Dean's Bloody shoulder.

Henriksen enters. Beelines for the bars. All quiet focus.

HENRIKSEN: So what's the plan--kill everyone in the station, bust you two out?

DEAN: What the hell are you talking about?

..................................... ....................................................

SHERIFF DODD: (To Reidy) I'll show you to the cell.

Reidy shoves the boys onward-- Dean winces as his arm is twisted by the motion.

DEAN: Hey, watch the merchandise.

Dean clocks Nancy, fingering a Rosary, staring nervously at them. He sees her NAMEPLATE on the desk: Nancy Fitzgerald.

DEAN: We're not the ones you should be scared of, Nancy.

Nancy quickly averts her gaze.


Sam and Dean are locked in the slammer.
Dean steps to the bars, Sam moves for the cot-- and the Shackles snap tight, stopping them.

Realizing they have to move together, Sam moves toward the bars-- but Dean moves toward the bed, and they're nearly knocked off balance by the shackles.

SAM: Ow. Do you mind?

Dean gives their arm chains a frustrated yank.

DEAN: This is great. (Then) Sit?

Sam nods, and they move together to the cot.

DEAN: How we gonna Houdini ourselves outta this one?

SAM: Good question.

Off Sam and Dean sitting there, thinking "this sucks"...

Page skip to when the others figure out their is an attack on the Police Station and HENRIKSEN comes back to the boys..

HENRIKSEN: I'm talking about those psycho friends of yours out there--that just killed my partner and half a dozen cops!!

Sam and Dean share the briefest look.

DEAN: I can promise you, whoever's out there ain't here to help us.

SAM: You gotta believe us: everyone here is in terrible danger.

HENRIKSEN: Ya think?

DEAN: Let us outta here and we can save your asses.

HENRIKSEN: From what?

Sam and Dean exchange a look; say nothing.

HENRIKSEN: I don't believe it. You're gonna say demons. Don't you dare say demons. (Quiet, chilling) Let me tell you something. You should be a lot more scared of me. Because I am this close to killing you right now.

And with that, Henriksen stalks away.
Sam and Dean lock eyes. This is bad. Very Bad.

SAM: How's the shoulder?

DEAN: (Grimacing) Awesome. (Then) I'll live. You know, if we get outta here alive. So--got a plan?

As Dean speaks, Sam clocks something in the doorway.
Sam's POV. Nancy. Peeking around the corner at them.

SAM: Hey!

Nancy Startled. Busted!

SAM: Please, we need some help!

Nancy stares, wide-eyed.

SAM: Nancy, right? Look, my brother's been shot. He's bleeding. Please, could you get us something? A clean towel?

Nancy hovers, unsure of what to do. Sam turns the earnest dial to eleven.

SAM: Please. Just one towel.

Close on Nancy. Conflicted.

SAM: Loot at us-- we're not bad guys. I swear. Now, please-- we need your help.

Nancy stares. Moved by Sam's plea. But scared of him. Finally, she turns and disappears around the corner.

DEAN: Nice try.

Sam sighs, shrugs. Out of ideas. But then--

Nancy reappears, holding a towel. She walks to the bars, hesitant, still wary.
Sam and Dean go to the bars.

SAM: Thank you...

Sam holds his hands up, like "not gonna try anything, trust me."

Nancy holds out the towel.

Sam reaches for it-- and suddenly GRABS NANCY by the waist. Pulls her right up to the bars--she screams!

Deputy Amici races in, gun drawn--
DEPUTY AMICI: Let her go!

Sam abruptly lets Nancy go. He steps back from the bars.
Nancy stares at him in horror and betrayal. Backs up quick.

DEPUTY AMICI: You okay, Nance?

Nancy nods, shaken.

DEPUTY AMICI: Try something again, get shot. And not in the arm.

Amici leads the freaked out secretary away...

Sam and Dean watch them walk away.

Close in on Sam's clenched Hand. He's stolen Nancy's Rosary.
Dissolve to:

Sam and Dean stand at the bars, antsy and frustrated. Sam cranes his neck. But he can't see around the corner. Dean leans against the bars.

SAM: We're sitting ducks in here.

DEAN: I know. And would it kill those cops to bring us a snack?

Sam throws Dean a look, then sighs.

SAM: How many out there, you think?

DEAN: Dunno.

SAM: However many it is, they could be possessing anyone. Anyone could walk in...

Dean takes a Beat. Musing over this...

DEAN: Still--kinda wild, right? It's almostl ike.. they're coming right for us. They've never done that before--direct hit attempt. (Then) You think maybe it's 'cause we're awesome?

Just then--SHERIFF DODD appears. Beelines across the room. Head Down. not talking.

Sam and Dean lock eyes. Take a step back from the bars.

DEAN: Howdy there, Sheriff...

Dodd says nothing. Keeps his eyes on the floor. Acting all, you know, demony.

SAM: Ah, Sheriff?

Dodd pulls out his keys. Sam and Dean throw eachother a look--Alarmed. Is he possessed?! As he unlocks the cell--

SHERIFF DODD: Time to go.

Sam and Dean back away...

DEAN: You know what? No thanks. We're comfy right here...

Dodd grabs their chains, He pivots to lead them out--
--and comes face to face with Henriksen.

HENRIKSEN: What do you think you're doing?

The sheriffe meets Henriksen's eyes, defiant.

SHERIFF DODD: I'm not sitting around waiting to die. We gotta make a run for it.

HENRIKSEN: It's safer here--

SHERIFF DODD: They got a SWAT facility in Boulder--

HENRIKSEN: We're not going anywhere.

SHERIFF DODD: The hell we're not--

Without warning--Henriksen lifts his arm and BAM! Shoots the Sheriff in the head!!
The Sheriff drops--
In a flash, Sam and Dean rush Henriksen--
KNOCK HIM irght off his feet-- Dean grabs his gun--

They drag him to the toliet, and DUNK HIS HEAD IN! (We clock the floating Rosary-- they've made jail cell HOLY WATER)

Sam lifts HENRIKSEN's head out. He's screaming, his skin steaming. Eyes Demon black. Holy ****--He's possessed!

SAM: Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas....
Sam dunks him again, still chanting the latin, as--

Deputy Amici, gun drawn, races in, Nancy right behind him--

Dean points the gun at Amici--

DEAN: Stay back!

Henriksen yowls in unholy pain as Sam dunks him again and again. Steam rises from the demon's burning flesh--

SAM: ...omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio, et secta diabolica! (MORE)

Dernière édition par le Mer 31 Oct 2007 - 3:03, édité 1 fois

53X12 : Jus In Bello Empty Re: 3X12 : Jus In Bello Mer 31 Oct 2007 - 2:52



Page skip.

HENRIKSEN: Little much for you?

Amici nods dumbly. Henriksen continues, just as softly.

HENRIKSEN: Too bad. You're on duty, Deputy. Get yourself together.

Amici hands over the keys.

Henriksen strides to the boys. Reaches for their shakles... and unlocks them. This is the BIG FAT MOMENT: Sam and Dean's nemesis freeing them. So let's make a nice meal of it.

The chains fall to the floor. Sam and Dean rub their wrists. Face Henriksen. For the first time, all on the same side.

HENRIKSEN: All right. How do we survive the night?


On Nancy's desk. Blueprints of the station. THREE EXISTS are clearly marked.
Dean sits at Nancy's desk, looking over the blueprints, WINCING as Nancy BANDAGES his shoulder.

Sam sits across from Dean, sketching something on a police pad. (We don't see what)

Henriksen and Amici enter. Arms full of firearms.

DEAN: Nice. But they won't help.

DEPUTY AMICI: Won't help? We got an arsenal here...

DEAN: Which is just gonna make 'em mad.

Henriksen takes this in. Dosen't miss a beat--

HENRIKSEN: What do you need?

DEAN: Salt. Lots and lots of salt.


DEAN: We got an echo in here.

NANCY: There's road salt in the store room...

SAM: Perfect. We need to salt every window and door. (Then) Got any permanent markers?

Nancy Nods. Sam holds up a rough but detailed sket of a Devil's Trap.

SAM: We're gonna draw one of these behind the salt lines. Sort of a second line of defense.

Nancy continues bandaging Dean's shoulder. She asks him--

NANCY: What is it?

DEAN: It's called a devil's trap. Demon flypaper, basically.

Nancy nods. Hint of a sad smile on her lips. Dean reacts, sympathetic.

DEAN: How you holding up there, Nancy?

NANCY: When I was little, I'd come home after church and talk about the devil, and my parents would tell me to stop being so literal. (Then) Guess I showed them.

She finishes with Dean's bandage.

NANCY: That should hold.

DEAN: Thanks

Dean stands. Looks at the others, thoughtful. Then--
DEAN: Where's my car?

DEPUTY AMICI: You mean the Chevy? Impound lot out back. Wait-- you're not going out there...

DEAN: I Gotta get something out of the trunk.


A small fenced in lot. A few beat up cars and the IMPALA. It's dark, shadowy. Eerily quiet.
Dean appears at the gate. Unlocks it. Gives a quick look around-- area seems deserted. He enters the lot.

Dean moves quickly through the lot. When he hears--a rustle.

Dean freezes. listening hard. Eyes darting.

NEW ANGLE. Unknown POV. Dean starts to walk again, quickly.

Dean goes to the Impala. Pops the trunk. Pockets a few holy water cannisters. But, curiously, bypasses all the weapons. Instaead, he reaches for a small pouch. He grips it, and --
Suddenly the wind picks up.

Dean slams shut the trunk. The wind Blows harder and harder. and underneath, we can hear a low ominous rumble..
Close on Dean. What the hell? He turns--

And sees, on the horizon-- a Massive Rolling cloud of black demon smoke. Headded right for the station!! HOLY ****!!

Of Dean's Oh **** look--
END of Act two

63X12 : Jus In Bello Empty Re: 3X12 : Jus In Bello Mer 31 Oct 2007 - 2:53



RUBY: Fantastic. Just--peachy.

Ruby stops walking. She goes still. Considering something.

SAM: Ruby--

RUBY: Shut up. (Then, bitterly) Fine. I don't see any other option, so.. there's one other way I know to get you outta here alive.

DEAN: Let's hear it.

RUBY: I know a spell. It'll vaporize every demon in a one-mile radius.

On Sam and Dean. Impressed.

RUBY: Myselt included. You let the Colt out of your sight, and now I have to die. So next time? Be more careful. How's that for a dying wish?

On Sam. Surprised and conflicted.

DEAN: (Brightly) I'm loving this plan. How can I help?

Ruby gives Dean an acid look.

RUBY: You're the last one who can help. This spell is very specific. It calls for a person of pure virtue.

DEAN: I got virtue.

RUBY: Nice try. You're not a virgin.

Dean stares at Ruby. Then he Busts up laughing.

DEAN: No one's a virgin!

But Dean's laughter dies, as one by one, all eyes turn to--
NANCY. Who stands uncomfortably, cheeks reddening.

DEAN: No. No way.

Nancy clears her throat, embarressed.

DEAN: You're kidding me-- you're...

NANCY: What? It's a choice, okay?

DEAN: So you've never-- not even once? (Nancy shakes her head no) Not even-- wow.

NANCY: (To Ruby) So this spell. What can I do?

RUBY: You can hold still. (Then) While I cut your heart out of your chest.

Nancy's eyes go wide.

HENRIKSEN: (Quickly) No way.

DEAN: Are you crazy?!

Ruby levelly meets the group's disgusted looks.

RUBY: I'm offering a solution.

DEAN: What--murder?!

RUBY: What do you think's gonna happen to this girl once the demons get in?

NANCY: (Quietly) Excuse me...

No one listens to Nancy. They continue to argue--

HENRIKSEN: We're gonna protect her, is what--

RUBY: Very noble-- she's gonna die, you're all gonna die.

NANCY: Excuse me....

RUBY: (Ignoring Nancy) This is the only way. Trust me.

DEAN: No friggin way--


That worked. Nancy addresses Ruby.

NANCY: All the people out there. Will it save them?

RUBY: It'll blow the demons outta their bodies. So as long as the bodies are okay, they'll be fine.

NANCY: (Beat; then) I'll do it.

DEAN/HENRIKSEN: Hell no!/No, you won't.

NANCY: My friends are out there.

HENRIKSEN: We don't sacrifice people. Period. (Pointed at Ruby) We do that, we're no better than them.

RUBY: We don't have a choice.

DEAN: Well, your choice ain't a choice.

RUBY: Sam. You know I'm right.

On Sam. Standing in the middle--Ruby on his left, Dean and Henriksen on his right. Torn between them. He hesitates.

DEAN: Sam--you gotta be kidding me-- tell her--

ALL look to Nancy. She looks scared, small. But resolved.

NANCY: It's my decision.

RUBY: Damn straight.

HENRIKSEN: Now hold on--

Dean takes control of the conversation. Loud, firmly.

DEAN: Stop! (Then) No one kill any virgins for a second, okay? (To Sam: "Let's talk alone") You. Now.


Sam and Dean speak in low, urgent tones.

DEAN: Don't tell me we're considering this.

Sam just looks at Dean. He's just as disturbed.

DEAN: We're talking about holding a girl down and cutting out her heart.

73X12 : Jus In Bello Empty Re: 3X12 : Jus In Bello Mer 31 Oct 2007 - 2:56



Page Skip.


Dean is Knocked off his feet by the incoming Demons... there's so many of them (think 28 Weeks Later when zombies flood into the enclosed area, overwhelming the people)...


We find Nancy and Amici on the edge of the roof. Sacks of road salt piled beside them. Watching as the demons stream into the station. When most of the demons are in--

NANCY: When this is over I am going to have so much sex. (Then) But not with you. (Then) We better move.

Amici nods. Tosses the sacks over the edge of the roof, as Nancy climbs onto the Fire Escape and makes her way down...


Fights off demons. Bleeding, battered. BAM! A demon slams him against the wall. And comes after him--with a letter opener grabbed off a desk (Or shelp; whatever's closest)

On Henriksen. He reaches inot his pocket---

HENRKISEN: Dear God let this work--
---and Splatters holy water in the demon's face.

The Demon screeches, reels back in pain, skin smoking. (Other demons nearby also back off at the sight of the Holy H2O)

On Henriksen. Whew.

Henriksen scrams, racing down the hall... toward the Equipment room...


MAYHEM. Lots of close-quarters fighting. Quick cuts of our boys, fighting. Taking a hell of a beating. All 30 Demons are inside now... and they've got SUPERNATURAL STRENGTH on their side (So let's do a rachetted shove or two)

83X12 : Jus In Bello Empty Re: 3X12 : Jus In Bello Mer 31 Oct 2007 - 3:12


Sam's girfriend

Merci beaucoup Dal! donc Hendrikson va être forcé de croire en Sam et Dean,et cette ville infestée de démons...ça promet d'être génial!

93X12 : Jus In Bello Empty Re: 3X12 : Jus In Bello Mer 31 Oct 2007 - 11:18



ca va être un épisode très intéressant l'agent hendrikson va enfin croire aux histoires des deux frères et d'un autre côté dean va encore douté de son frère puisque celui ci hésite entre tuer ruby qui est un démon et un être humain. sacré cas de conscience pour notre sam

103X12 : Jus In Bello Empty Re: 3X12 : Jus In Bello Mer 31 Oct 2007 - 11:57



Oui, grand cas de conscience... Mais en fait, c'est pas vraiment la mort de Ruby qui le dérange : il hésite entre tuer son frère (même si ce n'est pas immédiat, car tuer le démon Ruby reviendrait à abolir toute chance de sauver Dean) et tuer Nancy.

Dean ne va sûrement pas le voir de cet angle...

113X12 : Jus In Bello Empty Re: 3X12 : Jus In Bello Mer 31 Oct 2007 - 12:19



Voici le résumé en anglais :


Monument, Colorado.
We see a police station in the night and agent Henriksen goes in. He talks with Sheriff Amici and asked him why he didn"t put all his men for the raid. Amici says they are only six men on duty there. Henriksen tells to Sheriff Dodd that they can"t handle this situation. He tells them about the two most dangerous criminals.
In an erased page, Henriksen walks in the station" parking lot and a policeman opens the door of a van revealing Sam and Dean shackled together, hands and feet. They led them inside the station and everyone looks at them with fear.
They put them in the slammer as they are and they can"t move separately. They think a way to escape.
Moments later, there is a chaos in there where the lights and everything don"t work. Henriksen believes that it"s a siege.
In the cell, Sam rips his favorite t-shirt and holds it to Dean"s blooded shoulder. Henriksen gets in and accuses them that their partners outside intend to kill everyone there. Sam and Dean ask him to save their asses because everyone is in danger. Henrksen asks them from what but no answer and he leaves them there.
Sam asks Dean if he"s alright. Then he asks from a policewoman called Nancy to help them. Nancy gives them a towel for the blood but Sam reaches her wrist. She screams and Amici run in and "saves" her.
After frustrating moments in the cell, Henriksen frees them and asks them for their help. (In Dodd"s sides we see that the boys think he"s possessed when he shoots Sheriff Dodd in his head. The boys drag Henriksen to the toilet with his head in. The boys hold a rozary to his skin and he screams. Sam starts the exorcism. Steam rises from the demon"s skin).
Henriksen and Amici carry firearms. Dean sits in Nancy;s desk and tells them that these won"t help. Amici says that they deal with an arsenal here but Dean says he needs lots of salt.
They go to the store room while Nancy handles Dean"s bandage who explains to her the Devil"s trap. Dean ask them where"s his car because he needs some stuff.
Dean goes out fast and he hears a rustle. Then, a strong wind blows harder. Dean sees a huge black demon smoke.
In a later scene, we see Ruby there who tries to help. Ruby asks help from Nancy for a spell. Henriksen says they have to protect her.
*Nancy said that she"s a virgin and somehow "they" want her*.
Ruby wants to cut her heart out and everyone disagrees.
In the next scene, Dean is knocked off his feet by the incoming demons. Nancy and Amici carry the salt while Henriksen holds a bottle of Holy Water and attack the demons who seem defeated.
There is a mayhem where everyone"s fighting.
Thirty demons are inside now.

123X12 : Jus In Bello Empty Re: 3X12 : Jus In Bello Mer 31 Oct 2007 - 15:26

dean le tombeur

John Winchester

merci beaucoup Dal pour ces info !!!!

Henrickon en fin des nouvelles de lui, et apprement bonne car ce dernier va être au pied du mur avec nos deux héros !!!!

par contre, Sam ne s'arrange pas !

133X12 : Jus In Bello Empty Re: 3X12 : Jus In Bello Mer 31 Oct 2007 - 19:30


Chasseurs de monstres

Oui mecri pour les infos dal
ensuite le retour Henrickon est sympa surtout dans ces conditions

143X12 : Jus In Bello Empty Re: 3X12 : Jus In Bello Mer 31 Oct 2007 - 22:05


Hook man

J'ai hate de le voir celui là ! Encore un cas de conscience pour notre Sam adoré, mais je me demande ce qu'on ferait nous, dans ce genre de situation. Je vais attendre un peu avant de lui jetter la pierre peut-etre qu'il ne deviendra pas mauvais finalement ? Je serai sacrément dégouté si il le devenait.

153X12 : Jus In Bello Empty Re: 3X12 : Jus In Bello Mer 31 Oct 2007 - 23:54



j'ai aussi hate de voir cet épisode, enfin l'agent henrickon va connaitre la vérité!
L'épisode a l'air d'être prenant comme d'habitude! ça promet!
Espérons que Sam reussira a faire un choix même si il est un peu au pied d'un mur entre deux solutions vraiment pas facile!
Merçi Dal^^

163X12 : Jus In Bello Empty Re: 3X12 : Jus In Bello Jeu 1 Nov 2007 - 0:01



Enfin, Hendricksen va croire les frères!
Par contre, la décision que les Winchester vont devoir prendre ne va pas être facile!
J'ai hâte de le voir celui-là!

173X12 : Jus In Bello Empty Re: 3X12 : Jus In Bello Jeu 1 Nov 2007 - 12:38



ca donne l'eau à la bouche tout ca !

Un des vilains qui revient ^ ^ lol pour Dean surtout ca va être dur !

183X12 : Jus In Bello Empty Re: 3X12 : Jus In Bello Jeu 1 Nov 2007 - 12:51



Merci bcp Dal!!

Oula la saison va devenir de plus en plus palpitante je le sens !

J'ai hâte de voir la discussion entre nos deux frères en tout cas!

193X12 : Jus In Bello Empty Re: 3X12 : Jus In Bello Jeu 1 Nov 2007 - 15:15



Merci beaucoup Dal !!

Il promet cet épisode ! Hendricksen va être bien obligé de croire les deux frères maintenant !

Et Ruby qui propose un choix plus que difficile. Elle lui facilite pas la vie à notre pauvre Sam ! Je me demande ce qu'ils vont décider...

Moi aussi j'ai hâte de voir la discussion entre les deux ! Je crois que Dean va pas être content du tout...

Ca donne l'eau à la bouche, c'est clair !

203X12 : Jus In Bello Empty Re: 3X12 : Jus In Bello Jeu 1 Nov 2007 - 18:53



Oui, d'accord avec vous : ça va être un super épisode. Mais je pense que je vais surtout adorer le moment où Sam déchire sa chemise ou son T-shirt pour bander la blessure de Dean. Mais dans les sides, il est précisé de ne pas trop s'enthousiasmer, car il ne s'agit que d'un "sur" vêtement... Il serait vraiment temps qu'on ait une vision plus claire de ce que Sam cache sous les différentes couches de vêtements qu'il porte sans arrêt Wink

213X12 : Jus In Bello Empty Re: 3X12 : Jus In Bello Jeu 1 Nov 2007 - 19:29



Voilà la citation dont je parlais, extraite des sides :

"Sam's managed to rip off his T-shirt (don't get excited, it's one of his layers.) He holds it to Dean's Bloody shoulder."

Sam parvient à déchirer son T-shirt (Ne vous emballez pas, il ne s'agit que de l'un de ses sur-vêtements) et l'applique sur l'épaule ensanglantée de Dean.


223X12 : Jus In Bello Empty Re: 3X12 : Jus In Bello Jeu 1 Nov 2007 - 20:49


Chasseurs de monstres

en tout cas la vision d'un frère aidant l'autre comme ça peut être sympa à mettre en scène.

Mais d'aprés les infos vous ne verraient rien les filles lol

233X12 : Jus In Bello Empty Re: 3X12 : Jus In Bello Jeu 1 Nov 2007 - 21:20



Hendricksen va devoir coopérer avec les frères, je pense qu'il ne va pas avoir trop le choix non plu Laughing
Par contre Ruby les aide mais je n'ai pas bien saisi, c'est en échange ou juste deux propositions : exorciser les gens ou faire un sacrifice donner le coeur d'une vierge !!! c'est pour sauver les personnes possédées ???

243X12 : Jus In Bello Empty Re: 3X12 : Jus In Bello Jeu 1 Nov 2007 - 21:46



En fait, d'après les sides, elle le fait parce qu'elle veut sauver Sam et Dean, (plus Sam que Dean) et bien sûr, pour cela, elle doit aussi sauver les autres personnes que protègent S&D. Or, pour sauver Sam et Dean, elle doit tuer les démons qui les menacent... Pour les aider, elle propose deux solutions : la première, c'est de "vaporiser" toutes les personnes possédées dans le village et de faire un exorcisme général, mais là, elle risque de mourir étant elle-aussi un démon. Ruby avoue qu'elle n'est guère pour cette solution et elle en propose une seconde qui est de se servir du coeur vierge de Nancy. Elle propose donc aux autres de choisir entre ces deux solutions, tout en les influençant vers la seconde...

Bien sûr, en laissant le choix à Nancy et aux frères, Ruby risque elle-même sa vie, mais elle compte sur le "bon sens" de Sam (elle sait qu'il doit la "sauvegarder" pour sauver son frère du deal) pour rester en vie.

253X12 : Jus In Bello Empty Re: 3X12 : Jus In Bello Ven 2 Nov 2007 - 0:10



Elle est rusée parce qu'en mème temps, Ruby enfonce de plus en plus Sam vers le côté obscur!

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