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3x02, The Kids Are Alright

* Fandedean *
| Wendigo |
oO Julie Oo
dean le tombeur
Lexa Winchester
Supernatural Girl
38 participants

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1513x02, The Kids Are Alright - Page 7 Empty Re: 3x02, The Kids Are Alright Lun 15 Oct 2007 - 14:18



épisode super bien : la relation de dean et de ben. je me demande ce que la suite réserve à sam apparamment on en a pas fini avec ce que lui réserver le démon. aurait-il encore des capacités spéciales ? et tous les proches de sa mère qui sont mort c'est plutôt bizarre non ?

1523x02, The Kids Are Alright - Page 7 Empty Re: 3x02, The Kids Are Alright Lun 15 Oct 2007 - 16:51


Chasseurs de monstres

Oui je veux tout savoir sur Sam c'est intrigant la fin

1533x02, The Kids Are Alright - Page 7 Empty Re: 3x02, The Kids Are Alright Lun 15 Oct 2007 - 23:50



Je crois que les scénaristes adorent nous faire attendre sur ce point!

1543x02, The Kids Are Alright - Page 7 Empty Re: 3x02, The Kids Are Alright Mar 16 Oct 2007 - 2:09


Hook man

J'ai vu le zod et franchement, je suis plus que ravit de ce début de saison!

J'étais écroulé de rire devant la copie conforme de Dean en version miniature 3x02, The Kids Are Alright - Page 7 Evanouie-26dc!
Un vrai p’tit Dean en puissance!

L'acteur qui joue le rôle de l'enfant, est vraiment doué, parce que c'est du boulot que de paraitre aussi crédible, le rôle n'est pas si aisé!
Chapeau bas au petit!

Sinon l'épisode est vraiment magnifique, les effets somptueux, assez flippant même lors des passages où on voit le véritable visage des enfants!

L'histoire est plus qu'intéressante, des enfants disparaissent, où du moins au départ, on ne le remarque pas, on sait juste qu'ils sont différents!
On croit à une possession, mais bien sur faut pas rêver 3x02, The Kids Are Alright - Page 7 Evanouie-26dc, c'est très bien fichu!
C'est la mort plus que bizarre qui attire l'attention de dan pour cette affaire, ou devrais-je dire 3x02, The Kids Are Alright - Page 7 Evanouie-26dc, l'envie soudaine de revoir une ancienne petite amie 3x02, The Kids Are Alright - Page 7 Evanouie-26dc!

Bien sur pour être sur que Sam accepte, il joue la carte de sa dernière volonté, il en joue pas mal, la crapule, c'est trop drôle comme moment!

M'enfin arrivé sur les lieux, Sam bosse comme à son habitude et Dan, ben lui part à la conquête de son ex 3x02, The Kids Are Alright - Page 7 Evanouie-26dc, mais apprend qu'elle est plus la même femme qu'il a laissé 8 ans auparavant 3x02, The Kids Are Alright - Page 7 Evanouie-26dc, tu m'étonnes, elle a un fils, qui a pile poil 8 ans !
Dean va alors se demander si ce n’est pas son fils et le prendre son aile si je puis dire!

Tous les passages avec l'enfant sont juste magnifiques, drôle et pleins de complicités!

Au fur et à mesure on apprend un peu plus sur l'affaire, et donc sur les Changelis, des enfants démoniaques qui prennent l’apparence de leurs proies et qui se nourrice du sang des parents pour vivre! C'est super bien fait, niveau effets, c'est vraiment réaliste!

De l'autre coté, la fameuse tueuse, dévoile son identité à Sam, pas sans le guider sur son histoire, et notamment son lien avec le démon aux yeux jaunes!

On apprend aussi que toutes les personnes qui ont eut de pres ou de loin affaire à sa mère sont morts à un an d'intervalles, ce qui bien évidement intrigue grandement Sam, sachant que tout est lié à lui!

M'enfin, on apprend aussi que peut-être il y aurait une solution pour sauvé Dean, mais bon, je me méfie de l'eau qui dort 3x02, The Kids Are Alright - Page 7 Evanouie-26dc!

Excellent zod, vraiment excellent!

Le jeu des acteurs est superbe sans exception!
Les effets impressionnant, et l'intrigue très haletante

1553x02, The Kids Are Alright - Page 7 Empty Re: 3x02, The Kids Are Alright Mar 16 Oct 2007 - 11:03



la solution pour sauver dean tu veux dire la proposition de ruby a sam pour l'aider a sauve r dean ?

1563x02, The Kids Are Alright - Page 7 Empty Re: 3x02, The Kids Are Alright Mar 16 Oct 2007 - 12:27


Chasseurs de monstres

je pense oui, Sam serra obliger de colaborer avec les démons pour sauver dean et en aprendre plus sur lui même et son lien avec le YED

1573x02, The Kids Are Alright - Page 7 Empty Re: 3x02, The Kids Are Alright Mar 16 Oct 2007 - 12:33



pour l'instant ruby ne lui a rien proposé d eprecis ?

1583x02, The Kids Are Alright - Page 7 Empty Re: 3x02, The Kids Are Alright Mar 16 Oct 2007 - 13:32


Hook man

Oui, en tout cas c'est ce qu'elle lui fait comprendre!

Voilà les répliques:

Rubis: Tu ne comprends pas, Sam ? Tout est lié à toi. Ce qui est arrivé à ta mère, à ses amis, ils essayent de couvrir ce qu'il t'a fait. Et je veux t'aider à découvrir quoi.
Sam : Pourquoi tu voudrais m'aider ?
Rubis : J'ai mes raisons. Tous les démons sont différents, Sam. Aucun d'eux ne veut la même chose.

Rubis : Moi ? Je veux t'aider de temps en temps.
Sam : C'est tout.

Rubis : Et si tu me laisses t'aider, J'ai quelque chose en retour pour toi.

Sam : Que pourrais-tu éventuellement...
Rubis : Je pourrais t'aider à sauver ton frère.

Sous-titré par la Supernatural Team ~

Après, vu l'offre, je ne crois pas que Sam refuse, la vie de son frêre vaut plus que tout!

Après de l'autre côté, quel va être le vrai prix à payer, parce que juste la laisser l'aider de temps à autre parce qu'il sert à ses plans futurs, j'en doute, elle a l'air de savoir ce qu'elle veut!

On verra bien, mais ce début de saison est vraiment magnifique

1593x02, The Kids Are Alright - Page 7 Empty Re: 3x02, The Kids Are Alright Mar 16 Oct 2007 - 16:49



Okay, so here's another transcript from me. It's not entirely complete because I have a lot of homework and I really can't keep putting it off, so, here's what I've got. Only a couple scenes are missing and the ones I left out I kind of summarized. I thought about translating it into French for practice, but I would probably do a horrible job of it because I've never lived somewhere and spoken the language, I'm just studying it in univeristy. So, here it is in English:

3x02 The Kids Are Alright

Scene 1: It’s dark out. Dad drives up and lets daughter out of the van, Mom comes out to meet them.

Mom: Hey, sweetie. Hey.

Dad: Hi

Mom: Thanks for driving her back here.

Dad: Well It’s not like I had a choice. She pitched a fit.

Mom: Hey, sweetie. What’s wrong?

Katie: Nothing. I missed you.

Mom: Okay, but tonight’s your dad’s night.

Katie: No. I don’t like dad’s night. I don’t want dad to have a night anymore.

Mom: Since when? You used to love going to your dad’s house. And, you know, he loves you and he misses you a lot.

Katie: But I hate it there.

Mom: You don’t hate it.

Katie. Yes I do. He’s mean and there are monsters there. I don’t want to go back. Please don’t let the monsters get me.

Mom: Okay, sweetie.

Scene 2:

Dad, back in own garage is killed in awful supernatural way – he is pushed onto his power saw by some unseen force.

Scene 3: Sam is sitting inside a restaurant with his laptop open, talking on the phone.

Sam: What do you mean you don’t think it’ll work, Bobby? It’s a demon-dispelling ritual. Well, maybe we got the translation wrong. Look, we can’t just let Dean fry in hell while we . . . . Well, there’s go to be something. Yeah. No. I gotta go. Okay nevermind.

Dean: [enters the restaurant with a newspaper] Hey. Who was that?

Sam: I was just ordering pizza.

Dean: Dude, you do realize that you’re in a restaurant?

Sam: Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I just felt like pizza, you know?

Dean: Okay, Weirdy McWeirderton [what Dean’s trying to say here is that Sam’s weird/strange] So, I think I’ve got something.

Sam: Yeah?

Dean: Cicero, Indiana. Falls on his own power saw.

Sam: And? That, that’s it? One power saw?

Dean: Well, . . . yeah.

Sam: And you think that this is a case?

Dean: Well, I don’t know. Could be.

Sam: I don’t know, Dean.

Dean: Alright, there’s something better in Cicero than just a case.

Sam: And that is?

Dean: Lisa Braeden.

Sam: Should I even ask?

Dean: Remember that road trip I took, uh, gosh, about 8 years ago now? You were in Orlando with dad wrapping up that banshee thing.

Sam: Yeah, yeah, the 5 states 5 day thing

Dean: Well, kind of. Although I spent most of my time in Lisa Braeden’s loft.

Sam: So let me get this straight. You want, you want to drive all the way to Cicero just to hook up with some random chick.

Dean: She was a yoga teacher. It was the bendiest weekend of my life. Come on. Havea heart, huh? It’s my dying wish.

Sam: Yeah, well how many dying wishes are you going to get?

Dean: As many as I can squeeze out. Come on, smile, Sam. God knows I’m gonna be smiling after 24 hours with Gumby girl. [laughs, Sam laughs at Dean] Gumby girl. [thinks for a minute] Does that make me Pokey?

Scene 4:

Dean: [lets Sam out at a motel in Cicero] Don’t wait up for me, Sammy.

Scene 5: Dean arrives at Lisa’s house and she answers the door.

Lisa: Dean!

Dean: Lisa. How’s it going?

Lisa: Wow. So, how long has it been?

Dean: Eight, going on nine years now. Crazy, right?

Lisa: So, what are you doing here?

Dean: Oh, I was just passing through. And I couldn’t resist. I remember that you love surprises.

Lisa: Yeah. Dean Winchester. Wow. Just . . . wow. I’m – I’m sorry. You kind of came at a bad time. We’re having a party.

Dean: A party? Well, I love parties.

Scene 6: Lisa’s backyard. Lots of little kids are running around.

Dean: So, uh, who’s the party for?

Lisa: Ben, my son.

Dean: Oh, you have a –

Lisa: Yep. That’s him [points]

Ben: [unwrapping presents, opens a CD] Yes! AC/DC rules!!

1603x02, The Kids Are Alright - Page 7 Empty Re: 3x02, The Kids Are Alright Mar 16 Oct 2007 - 16:50



Dean: How old?

Lisa: 8. Oh, Dean, could you excuse me for a minute?

[two women at the party watching Dean and talking about him]

Mom: Did you hear Lisa call him “Dean”?

Realtor: Yeah, why?

Mom: You don’t know about Dean? The Dean. Best-night-of-my-life Dean.

Realtor: No, tell me.

Mom: Oh my God. So, they had this crazy, semi-illegal –

[Dean turns around to face them and they shut up]

Dean: Hi.

Mom: Hi.

Realtor: Hello.

[they’re looking at him seductively like they want to eat him up, so Dean awkwardly walks away . . . and ends up with Ben. Both Dean and Ben are eating cake]

Ben: What’s up?

Dean: What’s up with you?

[A mom and her daughter walk by. Dean checks out the mom, while Ben checks out the daughter.]

Dean: So, it’s your birthday.

Ben: Guilty.

Dean: It’s a cool party.

Ben: Dude, it’s so freaking sweet. And this moon bounce – it’s epic.

Dean: Yeah, it’s pretty awesome.

Ben: You know who else thinks they’re awesome? Chicks. It’s like hot chick city out there. [hits Dean on the arm to emphasize his point. Dean is in shock. Ben puts down his cake and runs over to the moon bounce. Dean just watches, you can tell he’s thinking what we’re thinking. Then he runs back towards the house.]

Scene 7: Inside Lisa’s kitchen during the party.

Lisa: So, how’re you holding up?

Katie’s mom: Fine.

Lisa: Really?

Katie’s mom: Oh, you know. I just . . . . Never mind.

Lisa: What?

Katie’s mom: It’s just . . . I’m worried about Katie. I think there might be something . . . wrong with her.

Lisa: Of course there is. The poor girl just lost her dad. She’s devastated.

Katie’s mom: No. that’s not what I’m talking about. There is something really wrong with her. I’m not sure that Katie is . . . Katie.

Lisa: What?

Katie’s mom: I’m not sure that’s my daughter.

Lisa: I know you’re grieving, but you can’t talk like that. Katie needs you.

Katie’s mom: No, you don’t understand.

Lisa: Seriously, we’re going to get you help. It’ll be okay.

Katie’s mom: [puts down her glass and walks away] Katie? Come on, we’re leaving.

[Dean walks in as Katie’s mom is leaving]

Dean: Hey. So, I, uh, met Ben. Cool kid.

Lisa: Yeah.

Dean: You know, I couldn’t help but notice that, uh, he’s turning 8.

Lisa: [still clueless]

Dean: You and me . . . you know.

Lisa: [catches on, laughs semi-akwardly] You’re not trying to ask me if he’s yours?

Dean: No. No, of course not. He’s not, is he?

Lisa: What? No.

Dean: Right. [watches Ben, still disturbed by the similarities, not sure he believes Lisa. Then he notices Katie and her mom leaving.] Something wrong with your friend?

Lisa: She’s been through a lot. Her ex just died in this horrible accident.

Dean: Oh, yeah, didn’t I just read about that? The, uh, the power saw.

Lisa: Yeah. Guess there’s been a lot of bad luck in the neighbourhood lately.

Dean: What kind of bad luck?

Scene 8: Motel diner. Sam is doing research on his laptop. Ruby enters and sits down across the table from him in the booth.

Ruby: Hello, Sam.

Sam: You’ve been following me since Lincoln.

Ruby: [pushes his laptop closed and grabs one of his potato wedges of his untouched plate] Not much gets by you, huh? These are amazing. [referring to the wedges] It’s like deep-fried crack. Try some.

Sam: That knife you had. You can kill demons with that thing?

Ruby: Sure comes in handy when I have to swoop in and save the damsel in distress.

Sam: Where did you get it?

Ruby: Skymall.

Sam: Why are you following me?

Ruby: I’m interested in you.

Sam: Why?

Ruby: Because you’re tall. I love a tall man. And then there’s the whole antichrist thing.

Sam: Excuse me?

Ruby: Generation of psychic kids, yellow-eyed-demon rounds you up, celebrity death match ensues. You’re the sole survivor.

Sam: How do you know about that?

Ruby: I’m a good hunter. So, yellow eyes had some pretty big plans for you, Sam.

Sam: “Had” being the key word.

Ruby: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, that’s right. Ding-dong the demon’s dead. Good job with that. It doesn’t change the fact that you’re special . . . and that Anthony Michael Hall e.s.p. visions come into play.

Sam: No, that stuff’s not happening anymore. Not since yellow eyes died.

Ruby: Well, I’m thinking you’re still a pretty big deal. I mean, after all that business with your mom.

Sam: What about my mom?

Ruby: You know, what happened to her friends. You . . . don’t know. You’ve got a little bit of catching up to do my friend. So, [reaches for Sam’s hand, pulls it towards her, and takes the pen out of it] why don’t you look into your mom’s pals [uses the pen to write her phone number on his palm] and then give me a call and we’ll talk again? [puts the pen back in his hand and leaves the table, then turns back] And, by the way, you do know there’s a job in this town, right? [leaves the diner]

[Sam’s cell phone rings, he answers it]

Sam: Hello.

Dean: [in the impala outside Lisa’s house] Dude, there is a job here.

Sam: Really?

Dean: Yeah, you know that one freak accident we read about in the paper? It turns out there’s four more that never even made the paper, all in this Morning Hill gated community. People falling off ladders and drowning in their Jacuzzis all over the neighbourhood.

Sam: That is weird.

Dean: Yeah, something’s up . . . something these nice, big gates can’t protect them from.

premiere partie du transcript de l'episode par une fan

1613x02, The Kids Are Alright - Page 7 Empty Re: 3x02, The Kids Are Alright Mar 16 Oct 2007 - 16:52



Scene 9: Katie’s mom’s house. Mom is sleeping on the couch. She is startled when she wakes up to find Katie sitting beside her, staring at her.

Mom: Katie. What are you doing?

Katie: Play with me mommy.

Mom: Sure, yeah. [gets up off couch and starts walking towards the kitchen] Let’s, um, let’s play.

Katie: Oh, good. [jumps up off couch and hugs her mom from behind.] I love you mommy.

Mom: [turns around and hugs Katie back.] I love you too, sweetie. [notices her daughter’s reflection in a mirror – Katie’s skin is all gross and grayish pushes he daughter away from herself to look at her better, and sees she is normal]

Katie: I’m hungry, mommy.

Mom: Yeah. Yeah.

Scene 10: Home of victim who fell off ladder. Sam and his widow enter the backyard.

Sam: So, once again, I’m very sorry to disturb you. We just really want to expedite that life insurance policy.

Widow: Of course.

Sam: Okay.

Widow: This is, um, where he fell.

Sam: Now, how exactly did he --

Widow: He was just inside changing a light bulb. He must have lost his balance.

Sam: Were you here when this happened?

Widow: No, I was out. The only one here was our daughter, Dakota.

Sam: Okay. [notices Dakota in the window, she just stares at him. He also notices something red on the window sill and the fence] Okay. Well, uh, I think that’s all I need. I’ll get out of your way now.

Widow: Thank you

Sam: [notices an odd sore on the back of the widow’s neck as she leads him to the door]

Scene 11: Katie’s mom’s house. Kitchen. Mom is making a grilled cheese sandwich for Katie. Her hair is down, but she holds the back of her neck for a second as though it hurts. She puts the sandwich on a plate and sets it in front of Katie.

Katie: Thank you, mommy.

Mom: You eat. Mommy will be right back. [leaves, still holding the back of her neck. She goes to the bathroom, locks the door, and uses a handheld mirror and the bathroom mirror to see the sore on the back of her neck, which is identical to that of the widow Sam was talking to. ]

Katie: Mommy? [rattles to door handle]

Mom: Just – just give mommy a second.

Katie: Let me in. Mommy. Let me in. [rattle the door] Mommy! Let me in! What are you doing?! Let me in!! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in!

Mom: Give mommy a minute. [freaking out about the sore and Katie’s behaviour. Katie’s getting more violent with the door]

[doorbell rings. The door stops rattling. Katie answers the door. The realtor from Ben’s party is holding a gift basket.]

Realtor: Aren’t you just the cutest thing?

Mom: [comes to door and takes gift basket] Oh, thank you. Uh, Katie, could you put these in the kitchen please? [Katie takes the basket and leaves]

Realtor: Katie seems okay, considering.

Mom: She’s fine. Yeah. Um, look, I’m –

Realtor: And you -- how are you doing really?

Mom: I’m fine. Look, we’re fine. Um, this isn’t a good time.

Realtor: I just wasn’t sure if you were planning on keeping the house or selling. We at Cicero would really like –

Mom: Look, I told you it’s not a good time! [closes the door on her, locks it, and turns around with her eyes closed]

Katie: I want ice cream. Mommy, ice cream, please.

1623x02, The Kids Are Alright - Page 7 Empty Re: 3x02, The Kids Are Alright Mar 16 Oct 2007 - 16:53



Scene 12: Dean is walking back to his car, which is parked beside a park, when he notices Ben sitting on a bench looking sad. He almost gets into his car anyways, but then changes his mind and goes over to him.

Dean: Hey, Ben.

Ben: Hey. You were at my party.

Dean: Yeah. Yeah, I’m Dean. [sits down on the bench beside him] Everything okay? Something wrong?

Ben: [shrugs]

Dean: [notices some boys nearby playing with a handheld game and that Ben is holding an empty case] Is that your game they’re playing with?

Ben: Ryan Humphrey borrowed it, and now he won’t give it back.

Dean: Well, do you want me to – [starts to get up]

Ben: [throws out an arm to stop him] No! Don’t go over there! Only bitches send a grown-up

Dean: [impressed] You’re not wrong.

Ben: And I’m not a bitch.

Dean: Is that Humphrey? The one that needs to lay off the burgers?

Ben: [nods]


Ben walks up to the guys, Ryan had his back to him. He clears his throat, but Ryan ignores him. He turns back to Dean, who gives him a thumbs up. He turns back to Ryan

Ben: Ryan.

Ryan: [stops playing, he and the other boys turn to face Ben]

Ben: I’d like my game back, please.

Ryan: Fine. Take it back. [daring Ben to take it by force. Ben looks at all the boys staring him down, then starts to turn away] See? Told you guys he was a –

[Ben turns back fast and knees Ryan where it hurts – twice. Dean, watching from the bench, cringes, then looks around, checking to make sure no parents are looking, and laughs. Ben takes the game from Ryan’s hand while he’s lying in pain on the grass.]

Ben: Thanks. [runs back over to Dean in triumph] Dude, that was awesome! [Dean hold up his hand and gives him a high-five]

Lisa: Benjamin Isaac Braeden. What’s gotten into you?

Ben: He stole my game.

Lisa: So you kick him? Since when is – [notices Dean] Did you tell my son to beat up that kid?

Dean: What? Somebody had to teach him how to kick a bully in the nads.

Lisa: Who asked you to teach him anything?

Dean: Well just relax.

Lisa: [grabs Dean by the arm so he stands up, and pulls him aside] What are you even still doing here? We had one weekend together a million years ago. You don’t know me. And you have no business with my son.

Dean: Lisa.

Lisa: [goes back over to Ben, takes his hand and starts to lead him away] Just leave us alone.

Ben: [pulls his hand out of his mom’s]

Lisa: Ben!

Ben: [runs back to Dean and gives him a hug] Thanks. [he goes back and takes his mom’s hand again and they leave]

Scene 13: Katie’s mom puts her in the car, supposedly to go get ice cream, but drives the car to a body of water, locks the doors, turns off the emergency brake and gets out. She watches Katie, in the car, roll into the water. She goes home, crying, to find Katie sitting at the table, dripping water onto the floor.

Katie: Hi mommy. Can I have that ice cream now?

Scene 14: Motel room. Sam is researching Changelings. Dean enters.

Dean: There’s something wrong with the kids in this town.

Sam: Yeah, tell me about it. So, what do you know about Changelings.

Dean: Evil monster babies?

1633x02, The Kids Are Alright - Page 7 Empty Re: 3x02, The Kids Are Alright Mar 16 Oct 2007 - 16:54



Sam: No, not necessarily babies.

Dean: The kids . . . creepy, stare-at-you-like-you’re-lunch kids.

Sam: Yeah. There’s one at every victim’s house. So, changelings can perfectly mimic children. According to lore, they climb in the window, snatch the kid. Now, there were marks on the window sill at one of the kid’s houses. Looked to me like blood.

Dean: So the Changeling grabs a kid, assumes its form, joins the happy family just for kicks?

Sam: Not quite. Changelings feed on the mom. Synovial fluid. The moms have these odd bruises on the back of their necks. Changelings can drain them for a few weeks before mom finally croaks.

Dean: And then there’s dad and the babysitter.

Sam: Yeah. Seems like anyone that gets between the Changeling and its food source ends up dead.

Dean: And fire’s the only way to waste them?

Sam: Yep.

Dean: Great. We’ll just bust in, drag the kids out, torch ‘em on the front lawn. That’ll play great with the neighbours. What about the real ones? What happens to them?

Sam: According to lore, they stash them underground somewhere. I don’t know why, but if it’s true, the real kids might be out there somewhere.

Dean: We’d better start looking. So, any kid in the neighbourhood is vulnerable?

Sam: Yep.

Dean: We’ve got to make a stop. I want to check on someone.

Sam: Well, Dean, if the real kids are still alive we don’t have time to --

Dean: We have to.

Scene 15: Lisa’s front door. Dean knocks and she answers.

Lisa: Dean.

Dean: Hey, I was thinking . . . Ben’s birthday. I didn’t even bring him a present.

Lisa: That’s okay.

Dean: No, no. No, I feel terrible. [fishes out a credit card and hold it out to her] So, uh, here. Take a long weekend, just the two of you, on me.

Lisa: What?

Dean: Yeah, in fact I hear six flags is great this time of year. Go now. Avoid the traffic.

Lisa: [reads the credit card] “Siegfried Houdini.” Whose card is this?

Dean: Mine. Never mind. It’ll work. I promise.

Lisa: [hands the card back to him] You should leave.

Dean: Lisa . . .

Ben: [appears in background inside the house] Mommy, what’s wrong?

Dean: Nothing, Ben, it’s cool.

Ben: Make him go away, mommy.

Lisa: You heard him. Get out.

Dean: [in shock, scared] Lisa . . .I don’t think this is a good idea.

Lisa: Get out! [shuts door in his face]

Scene 16: Dean and Sam go to a house being built and find the kid locked up inside. They also find the Changeling mother (disguised as the Realtor), who attacks them. Ben helps Dean get the other children out while Sam and Dean fight off the mom. They set her on fire, she disappears, and all the other Changeling children (Changeling Katie and Ben) also disappear in a burst of flame wherever they are.

Scene 17: Sam and Dean bring Ben back to Lisa. She runs out to meet them, then Dean goes inside with her to explain things while Sam leaves to give them some time.

Lisa: Changelings?

Dean: You know how I never mentioned my job? This is my job.

Lisa: I so didn’t want to know that. Do you think he’ll be okay?

Dean: Yeah, I think he’ll be fine. Okay, seriously, I mean, you’re 100% sure that he is not mine, right?

Lisa: You’re off the hook. I did a blood test when he was a baby. There was this guy. Some bar back in a biker joint. What? I had a type. Leather jacket, couple of scars, no mailing address I was there. Guess I was a little wild back then. Before I became a mom. So, yeah, you can relax.

Dean: Good.

Lisa: I swear you look disappointed.

Dean: Yeah, I don’t know. It’s weird, you know, your life. I mean, this house and kid. It’s not my life. Never will be. Some stuff happened to me recently, and, uh, anyway, a guy in my situation, you start to think, you know. I’m going to be gone one day and what am I leaving behind besides a car?

Lisa: I don’t know. Ben may not be your kid, but he wouldn’t be alive if it wasn’t for you. That’s a lot if you ask me.

Dean: You know, just for the record, you’ve got a great kid. I would have been proud to be his dad.

Lisa: [kisses Dean on the lips] Look, if, um, if you want to stick around for a while, you’re welcome to stay.

Dean: I can’t. I’ve got a lot of work to do, and it’s not my life.

Scene18: A montage of scenes of Sam alone in the hotel room on the phone trying to track down what happened to his mom’s friends.

Sam: No, that’s all I needed. Thank you very much. [hangs up] Oh my god.

Scene 19:

Sam: They’re dead. All of them. All of my mom’s friends. Our doctor, our uncle, everyone who ever knew her systematically wiped of the map one at a time. Someone went through a hell of a lot of trouble trying to cover their tracks.

Ruby: Yep. The yellow-eyed demon.

Sam: So, what’s your deal? You show up wherever I am. You know all about me. You know all about my mom.

Ruby: I already told you. I’m --

Sam: Oh, right, right. Yeah, yeah, just a hunter. Just some hunter who happens to know more about my own family than I do. Just tell me who you are.

Ruby: Sam, it --

Sam: Just . . . [walks closer to her] tell me who you are.

Ruby: It doesn’t matter --

Sam: [leans in and gets right in her face] Just tell me . . . who you are!

Ruby: Fine. [closes eyes and opens them again to show they are black – she’s a demon]

Sam: [Sam backs up quickly and reaches for his bag, where it’s laying on the bed]

Ruby: Think twice before going for that holy water.

Sam: Just give me one reason I should.

Ruby: I’m here to help you, Sam.

Sam: Is that some kind of joke?

Ruby: God’s honest truth. Or, whatever.

Sam: You’re a demon

Ruby: Don’t be such a racist. I’m here because I want to help you. And I can. If you trust me.

Sam: Trust you? [holds out a flask of holly water, ready to hit her with it]

Ruby: Sam, calm down.

Sam: Start talking. All those murders . . . what was the demon trying to cover up?

Ruby: I don’t know.

Sam: What happened to my mother?

Ruby: I honestly don’t know. That’s what I’m trying to find out. All I know is that it’s about you.

Sam: What?

Ruby: don’t you get it, Sam. It’s all about you. What happened to your mom, what happened to her friends. They’re trying to cover up what he did to you. And I want ot help you figure it out.

Sam: Why would you want to help me?

Ruby: I have my reasons. Not all demons are the same, Sam. Not all of us want the same thing. Me? I want to help you from time to time. That’s all. And if you let me, there’s something in it for you.

Sam: What could you possibly –

Ruby: I could help you save your brother.


derniere partie

1643x02, The Kids Are Alright - Page 7 Empty Re: 3x02, The Kids Are Alright Mar 16 Oct 2007 - 16:59



Supernatural 3.2: "The Kids Are Alright"

By John Keegan

As always, the success or failure of an episode of “Supernatural” comes down to the exploration of the brothers’ psychology. When the writers use the familiar horror staples as a means of delving into Dean’s search for meaning in life or Sam’s fears about his demonic heritage, the show is at the top of its game.

Those moments, largely at the end of the episode, save this installment from being an early season flop. As a general rule, any story involving children being “cute” is likely to annoy me and leave me cold, which means that MiniDean was amusing for about five seconds. In the end, the purpose of MiniDean was perfectly clear, but getting through the silliness was a chore. Presentation is very important, and that gag was too self-aware for my tastes.

It’s also a general rule that I find the “case” each week to be less interesting than the brothers themselves. I enjoy the exploration of folklore and the creative retooling of myths and legends, but if the characters don’t change and grow as a result, it might as well be an anthology series. Taking that thought further, we are seeing the myths and legends interpreted through the eyes of the Brothers Winchester, and that filter can be equally revealing.

So two things made this episode work for me, and both of them pertain to character exploration (hence the emphasis on that aspect of the show in this review). First and foremost, we get to see what is hiding beneath the tough veneer of Dean’s bravado. He’s presenting a front to Sam and everybody else regarding his delayed death sentence, but underneath, he’s making a list of his regrets and trying to reconcile them. He wants to live for the day, but like a healthy man suddenly diagnosed with a terminal disease, he considers what might have been.

This is interesting on a number of levels, because it confirms that Dean is not simply a stereotype. Fans of “Supernatural” know that already, but this episode should be revealing to new viewers as well. Dean could go in a few different directions, and not all of them are good. It’s certain that he wants to avoid imprisonment, so any run-in with the FBI would likely be more frantic than ever. The stakes are higher, and they could escalate even more if Sam starts showing signs of walking the wrong path.

Sam’s interaction with Ruby (still unnamed in the episode, but named in public sources) has the potential to go wrong in some spectacular ways. Ruby’s true nature was a jaw-dropping reveal, and should quickly calm any fears about her role on the show. Previous female demons have all been seductive in their own way, and Ruby is certainly attractive. Giving Sam a reason to play “strange bedfellows” with a demon is a very nice touch.

Ruby was probably released during the opening of the hellgate, and in the eyes of many, that will make her their responsibility. If it gets out that Sam is working with a demon that he supposedly helped release, it will only damage their reputation even more. It strikes at the heart of the possibility that Sam is still meant for some evil purpose as some kind of anti-Christ (never a good title). Yet this is also the perfect way to explore some of the background behind the yellow-eyed demon’s activities and plans, particularly why Mary Winchester was meant to bear such a child.

In the end, while the exploration of Dean’s psychology made up for the focus on MiniDean, it was the revelations surrounding Sam and Ruby that saved the episode from complete mediocrity. Not everyone will be happy about Ruby’s presence on the show, but if this was a network-mandated addition, it has been handled very well, providing an organic means of exploring the back story for the Winchesters while logically complicating their status quo. Sometimes it’s worth embracing change.

1653x02, The Kids Are Alright - Page 7 Empty Re: 3x02, The Kids Are Alright Mar 16 Oct 2007 - 18:26


Chasseurs de monstres

merci deanvica Smile

1663x02, The Kids Are Alright - Page 7 Empty Re: 3x02, The Kids Are Alright Mer 17 Oct 2007 - 12:56



perlnoir a écrit:Oui, en tout cas c'est ce qu'elle lui fait comprendre!

Voilà les répliques:

Rubis: Tu ne comprends pas, Sam ? Tout est lié à toi. Ce qui est arrivé à ta mère, à ses amis, ils essayent de couvrir ce qu'il t'a fait. Et je veux t'aider à découvrir quoi.
Sam : Pourquoi tu voudrais m'aider ?
Rubis : J'ai mes raisons. Tous les démons sont différents, Sam. Aucun d'eux ne veut la même chose.

Rubis : Moi ? Je veux t'aider de temps en temps.
Sam : C'est tout.

Rubis : Et si tu me laisses t'aider, J'ai quelque chose en retour pour toi.

Sam : Que pourrais-tu éventuellement...
Rubis : Je pourrais t'aider à sauver ton frère.

Sous-titré par la Supernatural Team ~

Après, vu l'offre, je ne crois pas que Sam refuse, la vie de son frêre vaut plus que tout!

Après de l'autre côté, quel va être le vrai prix à payer, parce que juste la laisser l'aider de temps à autre parce qu'il sert à ses plans futurs, j'en doute, elle a l'air de savoir ce qu'elle veut!

On verra bien, mais ce début de saison est vraiment magnifique

merci perlnoir ! elle propose juste de l'aider, c'est déjà un grand pas, si je comprend il y a une solution mais laquelle ??? elle précise que tous les démons ne veulent pas la même chose !!!
le problème avec eux, c'est qu'il y a toujours un retour, un échange !

1673x02, The Kids Are Alright - Page 7 Empty Re: 3x02, The Kids Are Alright Mer 17 Oct 2007 - 15:02



C'est exact! Et, en plus, Dean n'est pas au courant que son frère cherche malgrés tout à briser le pact, alors si en plus, il apprend qu'il va aider un démon, je suis pas sûr qu'il sera ravi!

1683x02, The Kids Are Alright - Page 7 Empty Re: 3x02, The Kids Are Alright Mer 17 Oct 2007 - 15:44



je pense que c'est un piege pour attirer sam vers les demons pour qu'il en devienne un . Les demons savent tres bien le point faible de sam dean bien sur et qu'il veut le sauver . le probleme c'est que dean sait rien . Comment il va faire pour proteger son frere s'il est au courant d erien . je pense que jusqu'a s a mort dena protegera son frere jsuqu'a son dernier souffle .

1693x02, The Kids Are Alright - Page 7 Empty Re: 3x02, The Kids Are Alright Mer 17 Oct 2007 - 16:52



UN PIEGE, bien sur !!!!!

1703x02, The Kids Are Alright - Page 7 Empty Re: 3x02, The Kids Are Alright Mer 17 Oct 2007 - 17:55



deanvica a écrit:je pense que c'est un piege pour attirer sam vers les demons pour qu'il en devienne un . Les demons savent tres bien le point faible de sam dean bien sur et qu'il veut le sauver . le probleme c'est que dean sait rien . Comment il va faire pour proteger son frere s'il est au courant d erien . je pense que jusqu'a s a mort dena protegera son frere jsuqu'a son dernier souffle .

Tu as raison Deanvica, si ça se trouve c'est ça!!

1713x02, The Kids Are Alright - Page 7 Empty Re: 3x02, The Kids Are Alright Mer 17 Oct 2007 - 18:14



et peut être que c'est ça c'est un piège pour l'attirer du côté des démons, cela voudrait peut être dire qu'il y a un démon plus puissant que le démon aux yeux jaunes qui manipule tous le monde. pourquoi sam ne parle pas à dean de ce que ruby lui a dit et pourquoi ne lui a-t-il toujours rien pour le sang du démon dans ses veines ?

1723x02, The Kids Are Alright - Page 7 Empty Re: 3x02, The Kids Are Alright Mer 17 Oct 2007 - 18:17



je pense que si sam n'en parle pas a Dean c'est pour ne pas l'inquièter! Il se sent responsable du sort de Dean et prèfère l'aider plutot que lui demander encore de l'aide.

1733x02, The Kids Are Alright - Page 7 Empty Re: 3x02, The Kids Are Alright Mer 17 Oct 2007 - 21:36



deanvica a écrit:je pense que c'est un piege pour attirer sam vers les demons pour qu'il en devienne un . Les demons savent tres bien le point faible de sam dean bien sur et qu'il veut le sauver . le probleme c'est que dean sait rien . Comment il va faire pour proteger son frere s'il est au courant d erien . je pense que jusqu'a s a mort dena protegera son frere jsuqu'a son dernier souffle .

je n'aurais pas mieux résumée ma pensée!

Oui et Sam n'en parle pas à Dean parce qu'il sait très bien que Dean ne veut pas qu'il cherche un moyen de rompre le pacte!

1743x02, The Kids Are Alright - Page 7 Empty Re: 3x02, The Kids Are Alright Mer 17 Oct 2007 - 21:51



sam sait très bien que si dean rompt le deal sam meurt !Et dean ne veut pas que Sam cherche un moyen pour le sauver donc il se tait, GROSSE ERREUR, car Ruby lui propose quelque chose de très dangeureux pour la vie des deux frères !

1753x02, The Kids Are Alright - Page 7 Empty Re: 3x02, The Kids Are Alright Mer 17 Oct 2007 - 22:15



Oui, je pense aussi qu'il s'agit d'un piège. Comme on va apprendre par la suite qu'il y a plusieurs clans, Ruby doit faire parti d'un clan qui veut Sam avec eux.

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