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Let’s help each others !

Samoht le Magnifique
Jensev La Sadique
princess lyly
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126Let’s help each others ! - Page 6 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Mer 12 Mar 2008 - 6:42


Modératrice En route avec Métallicar

faithnorton a écrit:Hey why do you say that? I'm sure you don't need to force anybody to be with you!

Well.. loll! It's been four since the other one, so maybe I have to think about this little alternative and forced someone loll!

127Let’s help each others ! - Page 6 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Mer 12 Mar 2008 - 11:00



4 what? Years? Months? Weeks? Anyway, if you want some help....I'd be please to force Jared and Jensen!

128Let’s help each others ! - Page 6 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Mer 12 Mar 2008 - 21:24


Modératrice En route avec Métallicar


129Let’s help each others ! - Page 6 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Jeu 13 Mar 2008 - 12:43



Oh ok it's not that long!....well at least for me ^_^

130Let’s help each others ! - Page 6 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Jeu 13 Mar 2008 - 19:55


Modératrice En route avec Métallicar

I agread with you.. it's not that long! But we live so many thing together that it look like a year for each other.

131Let’s help each others ! - Page 6 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Ven 14 Mar 2008 - 12:30



Yeaj I know what you mean, that is why it's so hard for you to forget, but don't worry, there are planty of other men who can make you happy and even if it's over with your ex, your good memories will last

132Let’s help each others ! - Page 6 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Sam 15 Mar 2008 - 13:23


Modératrice En route avec Métallicar


133Let’s help each others ! - Page 6 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Sam 15 Mar 2008 - 13:31



hey how are you girl?

134Let’s help each others ! - Page 6 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Dim 16 Mar 2008 - 14:01


Modératrice En route avec Métallicar

If you are talking to me .. I am great, I just begin my new job for the week end! I am now a receptionist in a spa! That's awesome! And you?

135Let’s help each others ! - Page 6 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Lun 17 Mar 2008 - 12:44



Yes I was talking to you girl. Working in a spa? It must be awesome! do you have prices or access to the spa for free for you?
I'm fine too, an other week is beginning and I'm fed up of my job, I'm looking for an other one.

136Let’s help each others ! - Page 6 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Mar 18 Mar 2008 - 6:22


Modératrice En route avec Métallicar

Yes my dear. I have a 30% off, of 145.00$ service like, spa, massage... And a 50% off, of 300.00$ for a week end at the spa!!!!!

137Let’s help each others ! - Page 6 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Mar 18 Mar 2008 - 14:08



wow! I'm so jealous Julie, I'd love to go a spa one day, it must be so relaxing and cool! I hope you'll enjoy it

138Let’s help each others ! - Page 6 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Mar 18 Mar 2008 - 16:54

princess lyly

princess lyly

YES it's very relaxing and sweet
I've been in a spa few days before my weeding to relax and to be beautifull for the weeding day .....
it's a nice experience maybe expensive but very nice and it's a chance for you julie to have some reductions

139Let’s help each others ! - Page 6 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Mer 19 Mar 2008 - 0:45


Modératrice En route avec Métallicar

Yeah Very Happy

140Let’s help each others ! - Page 6 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Mer 19 Mar 2008 - 13:20



I envy you girls! I'd love to go to a spa too, but like you said princess, it's really expensive....and the problem is that I just can't relax in a calm and smooth place, I need to do something like sport to relax. I tried ygo once and 5 minutes later I get bored....I know I'm not normal lol

141Let’s help each others ! - Page 6 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Mer 19 Mar 2008 - 15:54

princess lyly

princess lyly

no you're not like you said " not normal"
it's just that you need to move yourself and to exert by playing some sport to feel relax and it's a really less expensive way to feel good so why not

142Let’s help each others ! - Page 6 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Jeu 20 Mar 2008 - 12:55



Thank you Lili for your
Anyway, hw are thnigs going in Beziers?

143Let’s help each others ! - Page 6 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Jeu 20 Mar 2008 - 14:40

princess lyly

princess lyly

oh not badely those days thanks
I'm back from saumur , I've been there to visit isa (deanvica) it was a nice trip but the weather was horrible ( just one day with sunshine) so I have to admit that in beziers and south of france we have a lot of sun and that's better than rain and grey sky especially when you whant to visit the town!!!!
so yes i'm fine thanks
so and what about you ? you have a new job ?

144Let’s help each others ! - Page 6 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Jeu 20 Mar 2008 - 14:46



Oh crap! But even if you didn't had the weather with you, you spent some times with Isa and that's the most important.

Everything is ok here in Toulouse. I'm a new aunt since last week and I'm so excited and happy! I have a little nephew named Hugo.
About my job, I didn't apply yet, I'm going to stay where I am for the moment and see that for the end of the year

145Let’s help each others ! - Page 6 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Jeu 20 Mar 2008 - 15:17


The reaper

Congratulation!! It's awesome to have a nephew! Is it your first? I've got 2 nephews and 1 niece and I dote on them! I can't imagine how I'm going to live without them next year when I'll go to the university...

146Let’s help each others ! - Page 6 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Jeu 20 Mar 2008 - 15:52



Thx RanEl! Yes he is my first one but my best friend who is like my sister is going to have her baby in may, so I'm going to have 2 nephews (only boys). That's so weird just to imagine my brother being a dad!
2 nephews and 1 niece? Wow what a familly! I know it will be hard for you at the begining, but then you'll more and more happy to be with them

147Let’s help each others ! - Page 6 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Jeu 20 Mar 2008 - 17:21

princess lyly

princess lyly

congratulations faithnorthon
I have one niece 5 years this july and one nephew 4 this august so I an aunt too
yes the weather was bad but as you said we spent a lot of good time together with isa
maybe we should one day organise a meeting for all the fans in the south of france
or maybe one day we could meet you and me and others who live near us it could be fun and nice don't you think so ?
could you explain what's your job ?

148Let’s help each others ! - Page 6 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Ven 21 Mar 2008 - 16:26



It could be so great to meet you and other fans! I really hope we could do it one day.
I'm assistant in an Estate agency (I'm not sure it's the right word...."agence immobilière"). It was fun at the beginning because it was all new for me, but I'm someone who need to meet poeple and staying in front of my computer all day long is really not for me! What is yours Lynda?

149Let’s help each others ! - Page 6 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Ven 21 Mar 2008 - 17:17

princess lyly

princess lyly

Yes I'm sure that we can organise a meeting for fans from south if we want it will be great
maybe in april why not ?
I understand you it must be booring to be on the computer all day
I'm a education consellor in fact and I use to work in a college but now I 'm studiing to pass some competitive examination in administration or education

150Let’s help each others ! - Page 6 Empty Re: Let’s help each others ! Mar 25 Mar 2008 - 14:06



April yeah it could be great!
Considering your job, you are used to deal with problems and your allways in move, it must be exciting but hard, when I see the teenagers now I'm kind of scared.....and I feel really old saying that ^_^

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